ENTRY            C2624   20210912                             C209C262400000001 
SUBENT        C2624001   20210912                             C209C262400100001 
BIB                  7         11                                 C262400100002 
TITLE      Comparison of the 12C(p,n)12N and 12C(p,p') reactions  C262400100003 
           at Ep = 62 and 120 MeV                                 C262400100004 
AUTHOR     (C.A.Goulding,M.B.Greenfield,C.C.Foster,T.E.Ward,      C262400100005 
           J.Rapaport,D.E.Bainum,C.D.Goodman)                     C262400100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USAFSU,1USAINU,1USAOHO,1USAORL)                      C262400100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,331,29,1979)                                   C262400100008 
           #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(79)90298-7                      C262400100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAINU)                                        C262400100010 
METHOD     (TOF) The proton beam flux was measured using a        C262400100011 
           Faraday cup.                                           C262400100012 
HISTORY    (20210912C) OG                                         C262400100013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 C262400100014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C262400100015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 C262400199999 
SUBENT        C2624002   20210913                             C209C262400200001 
BIB                  5          9                                 C262400200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,PAR,DA) These measurements were doneC262400200003 
           for determination of the absolute efficiency of the    C262400200004 
           neutron detector. The efficiency was determined using  C262400200005 
           a method similar to that described by Schery et al.    C262400200006 
REL-REF    (M,B0127003,S.D.Schery+,J,NIM,147,399,1977)            C262400200007 
SAMPLE     A target 93 +/- 5 mg/cm2 thick of natural Li was used. C262400200008 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties.  C262400200009 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 (p.32) in Nucl.Phys.A,331,29,1979 was    C262400200010 
           digitized by GSYS2.4.7.                                C262400200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 C262400200012 
COMMON               3          3                                 C262400200013 
EN         E-LVL      E-LVL                                       C262400200014 
MEV        MEV        MEV                                         C262400200015 
119.8      0.0        0.43                                        C262400200016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C262400200017 
DATA                 3          5                                 C262400200018 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C262400200019 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       C262400200020 
      0.932  3.079E+01                                            C262400200021 
      6.708  2.293E+01                                            C262400200022 
     12.792  1.044E+01                                            C262400200023 
     18.491  4.527E+00                                            C262400200024 
     24.112  1.932E+00  1.869E-01                                 C262400200025 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 C262400200026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 C262400299999 
SUBENT        C2624003   20210913                             C209C262400300001 
BIB                  6          7                                 C262400300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-7(P,N)4-BE-7,,SIG)                               C262400300003 
DECAY-DATA (4-BE-7,53.4D,DG,478.)                                 C262400300004 
SAMPLE     A target 93 +/- 5 mg/cm2 thick of natural Li was used. C262400300005 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                C262400300006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)No information on source of uncertainties.   C262400300007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Text on p.32 in Nucl.Phys.A,331,29,1979.       C262400300008 
           (DEP,C2624002)                                         C262400300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C262400300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C262400300011 
DATA                 3          1                                 C262400300012 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    C262400300013 
MEV        MB         MB                                          C262400300014 
119.8      5.40       0.17                                        C262400300015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 C262400300016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 C262400399999 
SUBENT        C2624004   20210913                             C209C262400400001 
BIB                  7         24                                 C262400400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           C262400400003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         C262400400004 
LEVEL-PROP (6-C-12,E-LVL=15.11,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.)                C262400400005 
           (6-C-12,E-LVL=16.11,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.)                C262400400006 
DETECTOR   (MAGSP,SCIN) Quadrupole-dipole-dipole-multipole        C262400400007 
           magnetic spectrograph.                                 C262400400008 
           The focal plane detection system was composed of       C262400400009 
           an intrinsic delay-line helical gas counter for        C262400400010 
           position measurement followed by one 1.27 cm thick and C262400400011 
           another 0.635 cm thick pilot B plastic scintillator.   C262400400012 
           Threefold coincidences from these detectors were       C262400400013 
           required.                                              C262400400014 
SAMPLE     A 37.6 mg/cm2 thick polystyrene target was used.       C262400400015 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,4.) The relative uncertainties are +/-4% or    C262400400016 
           less for all points in each angular distribution.      C262400400017 
           Statistical and fitting uncertainties were the largest C262400400018 
           of the relative uncertainties.                         C262400400019 
           (ERR-2) A +/-5% uncertainty in the thickness of the    C262400400020 
           2.08 mg/cm2 natural carbon target is the major factor  C262400400021 
           in a +/-7% uncertainty in the absolute normalization.  C262400400022 
           (ERR-3) Uncertainty in the absolute normalization of   C262400400023 
           each cross section angular distribution.               C262400400024 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 (p.36) in Nucl.Phys.A,331,29,1979 was    C262400400025 
           digitized by GSYS2.4.7.                                C262400400026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C262400400027 
COMMON               3          3                                 C262400400028 
EN         ERR-2      ERR-3                                       C262400400029 
MEV        PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                    C262400400030 
61.8       5.         7.                                          C262400400031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C262400400032 
DATA                 3         38                                 C262400400033 
E-LVL      ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                     C262400400034 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR                                       C262400400035 
      15.11      5.932  1.374E+00                                 C262400400036 
      15.11      8.271  1.278E+00                                 C262400400037 
      15.11     10.891  1.153E+00                                 C262400400038 
      15.11     12.791  1.024E+00                                 C262400400039 
      15.11     15.018  9.594E-01                                 C262400400040 
      15.11     17.252  8.421E-01                                 C262400400041 
      15.11     19.319  7.448E-01                                 C262400400042 
      15.11     21.721  6.413E-01                                 C262400400043 
      15.11     23.900  5.628E-01                                 C262400400044 
      15.11     25.966  5.017E-01                                 C262400400045 
      15.11     28.090  4.335E-01                                 C262400400046 
      15.11     30.268  3.835E-01                                 C262400400047 
      15.11     32.400  3.067E-01                                 C262400400048 
      15.11     34.908  2.777E-01                                 C262400400049 
      15.11     37.086  2.466E-01                                 C262400400050 
      15.11     39.491  2.058E-01                                 C262400400051 
      15.11     41.283  1.772E-01                                 C262400400052 
      15.11     43.356  1.462E-01                                 C262400400053 
      15.11     45.430  1.210E-01                                 C262400400054 
      16.11      6.026  1.755E-01                                 C262400400055 
      16.11      8.403  1.943E-01                                 C262400400056 
      16.11     10.913  1.746E-01                                 C262400400057 
      16.11     13.056  2.170E-01                                 C262400400058 
      16.11     15.213  2.366E-01                                 C262400400059 
      16.11     17.253  2.732E-01                                 C262400400060 
      16.11     19.316  2.512E-01                                 C262400400061 
      16.11     21.857  2.868E-01                                 C262400400062 
      16.11     24.010  3.237E-01                                 C262400400063 
      16.11     25.848  3.069E-01                                 C262400400064 
      16.11     27.960  3.014E-01                                 C262400400065 
      16.11     30.180  3.029E-01                                 C262400400066 
      16.11     32.294  2.917E-01                                 C262400400067 
      16.11     34.959  2.909E-01                                 C262400400068 
      16.11     37.026  2.573E-01                                 C262400400069 
      16.11     39.365  2.393E-01                                 C262400400070 
      16.11     41.494  1.974E-01                                 C262400400071 
      16.11     43.338  1.767E-01                                 C262400400072 
      16.11     45.742  1.486E-01                                 C262400400073 
ENDDATA             40          0                                 C262400400074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 C262400499999 
SUBENT        C2624005   20210913                             C209C262400500001 
BIB                  5          8                                 C262400500002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,N)7-N-12,PAR,DA)                             C262400500003 
DETECTOR   The large volume neutron detector (15 cm x 15 cm and   C262400500004 
           100 cm long).                                          C262400500005 
SAMPLE     A 37.6 mg/cm2 thick polystyrene target was used at 62  C262400500006 
           MeV and a 475 mg/cmZ carbon target was used at 120 MeV.C262400500007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR)No information on source of uncertainties.   C262400500008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Figs.5-6 (p.36-37) in Nucl.Phys.A,331,29,1979  C262400500009 
           was digitized by GSYS2.4.7.                            C262400500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C262400500011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C262400500012 
DATA                 6         12                                 C262400500013 
EN         E-LVL      E-LVL      ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR   C262400500014 
MEV        MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      C262400500015 
       61.8        0.0                 1.168  3.368E+00           C262400500016 
       61.8        0.0                 6.285  3.051E+00           C262400500017 
       61.8        0.0                12.112  2.116E+00  1.256E-01C262400500018 
       61.8        0.0                23.155  1.164E+00  7.899E-02C262400500019 
       61.8        1.0                 0.782  3.117E-01  3.331E-02C262400500020 
       61.8        1.0                 5.987  3.365E-01  3.596E-02C262400500021 
       61.8        1.0                11.450  3.465E-01  4.964E-02C262400500022 
       61.8        1.0                22.996  5.737E-01  7.631E-02C262400500023 
      119.8        0.0        1.0      6.631  5.082E+00           C262400500024 
      119.8        0.0        1.0      8.730  4.180E+00           C262400500025 
      119.8        0.0        1.0     15.624  1.634E+00  1.607E-01C262400500026 
      119.8        0.0        1.0     21.737  7.763E-01  1.014E-01C262400500027 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 C262400500028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 C262400599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 C262499999999