ENTRY            C2625   20211107                             C208C262500000001 
SUBENT        C2625001   20211107                             C208C262500100001 
BIB                  9         24                                 C262500100002 
TITLE      Proton capture to bound and unbound states of 12C      C262500100003 
AUTHOR     (H.R.Weller,H.Hasan,S.Manglos,G.Mitev,N.R.Roberson,    C262500100004 
           S.L.Blatt,H.J.Hausman,R.G.Seyler,R.N.Boyd,             C262500100005 
           T.R.Donoghue,M.A.Kovash,A.D.Bacher,C.C.Foster)         C262500100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USADKE,1USAOSU,1USAMIT,1USAINU)                      C262500100007 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,25,2921,1982)                                  C262500100008 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.25.2921                          C262500100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAINU)                                        C262500100010 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) The Ohio State University large-crystal        C262500100011 
           gamma-ray detection system (OSU/IUCF): large NaI(T1)   C262500100012 
           detectors surrounded by plastic scintillator           C262500100013 
           anticoincidence shields, 25.4 x 28.5 cm crystal.       C262500100014 
           The Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL):   C262500100015 
           25.4 x 25.4 cm NaI crystal.                            C262500100016 
REL-REF    (I,,H.R.Weller+,J,RMP,52,699,1980)                     C262500100017 
           (I,,M.Kovash,T,KOVASH,1978)                            C262500100018 
SAMPLE     (5-B-11,ENR=0.99) The thick 11B targets used in the    C262500100019 
           TUNL work were prepared by pressing 99% enriched 11B   C262500100020 
           powder into the form of a thin disc. These targets wereC262500100021 
           measured to be 11.9 mg/cm thick with an uncertainty of C262500100022 
           +/-10%.                                                C262500100023 
           The targets at IUCF were prepared in a similar manner, C262500100024 
           and ranged from 20 to 30 mg/cm .                       C262500100025 
HISTORY    (20210904C) OG                                         C262500100026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 C262500100027 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C262500100028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 C262500199999 
SUBENT        C2625002   20210904                             C208C262500200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 C262500200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                             C262500200003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         C262500200004 
FLAG       (1.) OSU/IUCF data                                     C262500200005 
           (2.) TUNL data                                         C262500200006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties                      C262500200007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 (p.2926) in Phys.Rev.C,25,2921,1982      C262500200008 
           was digitized by GSYS2.4.7.                            C262500200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 C262500200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 C262500200011 
ANG                                                               C262500200012 
ADEG                                                              C262500200013 
  60.                                                             C262500200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C262500200015 
DATA                 5        101                                 C262500200016 
E-LVL      EN         DATA-CM    ERR-S      FLAG                  C262500200017 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR    NO-DIM                C262500200018 
        0.0      7.592      9.100      0.136         2.           C262500200019 
        0.0      8.086      8.393      0.126         2.           C262500200020 
        0.0      8.611      5.921      0.097         2.           C262500200021 
        0.0      9.139      3.227      0.097         2.           C262500200022 
        0.0      9.665      3.334      0.107         2.           C262500200023 
        0.0     10.153      3.364      0.116         2.           C262500200024 
        0.0     10.662      3.239      0.087         2.           C262500200025 
        0.0     11.174      2.629      0.068         2.           C262500200026 
        0.0     11.704      2.262      0.058         2.           C262500200027 
        0.0     12.175      1.962      0.087         2.           C262500200028 
        0.0     12.702      1.992      0.078         2.           C262500200029 
        0.0     13.174      1.547      0.068         2.           C262500200030 
        0.0     13.665      1.296      0.078         2.           C262500200031 
        0.0     14.173      1.199      0.068         2.           C262500200032 
        0.0     14.641      1.365      0.078         2.           C262500200033 
        0.0     15.052      1.250      0.068         2.           C262500200034 
        0.0     15.305      1.318      0.077         2.           C262500200035 
        0.0     15.481      1.260      0.078         2.           C262500200036 
        0.0     15.754      1.280      0.087         2.           C262500200037 
        0.0     16.106      1.251                    2.           C262500200038 
        0.0     16.243      1.193      0.058         2.           C262500200039 
        0.0     16.439      1.184      0.058         2.           C262500200040 
        0.0     16.635      1.058      0.058         2.           C262500200041 
        0.0     22.595      0.681                    2.           C262500200042 
        0.0     23.122      0.721                    2.           C262500200043 
        0.0     23.355      0.847                    1.           C262500200044 
        0.0     23.610      0.693                    2.           C262500200045 
        0.0     24.157      0.655                    2.           C262500200046 
        0.0     24.704      0.685                    2.           C262500200047 
        0.0     25.154      0.657                    2.           C262500200048 
        0.0     25.681      0.648                    2.           C262500200049 
        0.0     25.816      0.852                    1.           C262500200050 
        0.0     26.189      0.678                    2.           C262500200051 
        0.0     26.676      0.727                    2.           C262500200052 
        0.0     27.184      0.699                    2.           C262500200053 
        0.0     27.674      0.593                    2.           C262500200054 
        0.0     28.161      0.662                    1.           C262500200055 
        0.0     28.182      0.565                    2.           C262500200056 
        0.0     28.670      0.576                    2.           C262500200057 
        0.0     29.099      0.567                    2.           C262500200058 
        0.0     29.647      0.539                    2.           C262500200059 
        0.0     30.194      0.491                    2.           C262500200060 
        0.0     30.662      0.531                    2.           C262500200061 
        0.0     30.681      0.696                    1.           C262500200062 
        0.0     31.131      0.522                    2.           C262500200063 
        0.0     31.658      0.542                    2.           C262500200064 
        0.0     33.103      0.574                    1.           C262500200065 
        0.0     38.416      0.574                    1.           C262500200066 
        0.0     49.863      0.255                    1.           C262500200067 
        0.0     59.961      0.254                    1.           C262500200068 
       4.43      7.718      2.516      0.136         2.           C262500200069 
       4.43      8.203      2.973      0.097         2.           C262500200070 
       4.43      8.648      3.614      0.126         2.           C262500200071 
       4.43      9.155      3.721      0.097         2.           C262500200072 
       4.43      9.639      4.207      0.107         2.           C262500200073 
       4.43     10.142      4.935      0.116         2.           C262500200074 
       4.43     10.628      5.236      0.136         2.           C262500200075 
       4.43     11.120      4.685      0.097         2.           C262500200076 
       4.43     11.646      4.938      0.116         2.           C262500200077 
       4.43     12.117      4.648      0.097         2.           C262500200078 
       4.43     12.649      3.902      0.107         2.           C262500200079 
       4.43     13.141      3.389      0.116         2.           C262500200080 
       4.43     13.674      2.692      0.116         2.           C262500200081 
       4.43     14.164      2.392                    2.           C262500200082 
       4.43     14.693      2.189                    2.           C262500200083 
       4.43     15.087      1.763                    2.           C262500200084 
       4.43     15.183      1.948                    2.           C262500200085 
       4.43     15.496      1.948                    2.           C262500200086 
       4.43     15.712      1.765                    2.           C262500200087 
       4.43     15.828      1.968                    2.           C262500200088 
       4.43     16.082      1.843                    2.           C262500200089 
       4.43     16.277      1.989                    2.           C262500200090 
       4.43     16.513      1.737                    2.           C262500200091 
       4.43     16.709      1.631                    2.           C262500200092 
       4.43     22.650      1.079                    2.           C262500200093 
       4.43     23.100      0.973                    2.           C262500200094 
       4.43     23.373      1.090                    1.           C262500200095 
       4.43     23.666      1.090                    2.           C262500200096 
       4.43     24.116      0.985                    2.           C262500200097 
       4.43     24.643      0.976                    2.           C262500200098 
       4.43     25.151      0.977                    2.           C262500200099 
       4.43     25.620      0.919                    2.           C262500200100 
       4.43     25.814      1.085                    1.           C262500200101 
       4.43     26.128      0.969                    2.           C262500200102 
       4.43     26.616      0.921                    2.           C262500200103 
       4.43     27.183      0.845                    2.           C262500200104 
       4.43     27.691      0.826                    2.           C262500200105 
       4.43     28.141      0.817                    2.           C262500200106 
       4.43     28.159      0.943                    1.           C262500200107 
       4.43     28.668      0.838                    2.           C262500200108 
       4.43     29.137      0.771                    2.           C262500200109 
       4.43     29.665      0.733                    2.           C262500200110 
       4.43     30.192      0.753                    2.           C262500200111 
       4.43     30.640      0.880                    1.           C262500200112 
       4.43     30.661      0.715                    2.           C262500200113 
       4.43     31.110      0.716                    2.           C262500200114 
       4.43     31.677      0.678                    2.           C262500200115 
       4.43     33.083      0.749                    1.           C262500200116 
       4.43     38.395      0.700                    1.           C262500200117 
       4.43     49.863      0.362                    1.           C262500200118 
       4.43     59.960      0.351                    1.           C262500200119 
ENDDATA            103          0                                 C262500200120 
ENDSUBENT          119          0                                 C262500299999 
SUBENT        C2625003   20210904                             C208C262500300001 
BIB                  4          4                                 C262500300002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS)                     C262500300003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         C262500300004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty.    C262500300005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.I (p.2928) in Phys.Rev.C,25,2921,1982      C262500300006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 C262500300007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C262500300008 
DATA                 5         24                                 C262500300009 
E-LVL      EN         NUMBER     DATA       DATA-ERR              C262500300010 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                C262500300011 
        0.0       14.5         1.      0.345      0.012           C262500300012 
        0.0       14.5         2.     -0.702      0.018           C262500300013 
        0.0       14.5         3.     -0.251      0.028           C262500300014 
        0.0       14.5         4.      0.028      0.031           C262500300015 
        0.0       17.0         1.      0.436      0.014           C262500300016 
        0.0       17.0         2.     -0.657      0.022           C262500300017 
        0.0       17.0         3.     -0.285      0.030           C262500300018 
        0.0       17.0         4.      0.005      0.037           C262500300019 
        0.0       28.7         1.      0.881      0.016           C262500300020 
        0.0       28.7         2.     -0.408      0.028           C262500300021 
        0.0       28.7         3.     -0.376      0.039           C262500300022 
        0.0       28.7         4.      0.044      0.039           C262500300023 
       4.43       14.5         1.      0.291      0.009           C262500300024 
       4.43       14.5         2.     -0.256      0.014           C262500300025 
       4.43       14.5         3.     -0.141      0.019           C262500300026 
       4.43       14.5         4.     -0.022      0.023           C262500300027 
       4.43       17.0         1.      0.331      0.011           C262500300028 
       4.43       17.0         2.     -0.259      0.017           C262500300029 
       4.43       17.0         3.     -0.192      0.022           C262500300030 
       4.43       17.0         4.      0.122      0.029           C262500300031 
       4.43       28.7         1.      0.656      0.013           C262500300032 
       4.43       28.7         2.     -0.236      0.022           C262500300033 
       4.43       28.7         3.     -0.333      0.029           C262500300034 
       4.43       28.7         4.     -0.039      0.033           C262500300035 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 C262500300036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 C262500399999 
SUBENT        C2625004   20210904                             C208C262500400001 
BIB                  5         12                                 C262500400002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                             C262500400003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         C262500400004 
FLAG       (1.) OSU/IUCF data                                     C262500400005 
           (2.) TUNL data                                         C262500400006 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The errors in the TUNL data are statistical.   C262500400007 
           (DATA-ERR) The OSU/IUCF data include the estimated     C262500400008 
           error due to target thickness and stripping            C262500400009 
           uncertainties.                                         C262500400010 
           (ERR-1) The overall error on the absolute cross        C262500400011 
           section is estimated as +/-20%.                        C262500400012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4 (p.2929) in Phys.Rev.C,25,2921,1982      C262500400013 
           was digitized by GSYS2.4.7.                            C262500400014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 C262500400015 
COMMON               5          3                                 C262500400016 
ANG        E-LVL      E-LVL      E-LVL      ERR-1                 C262500400017 
ADEG       MEV        MEV        MEV        PER-CENT              C262500400018 
  60.      18.43      19.65      20.68      20.                   C262500400019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C262500400020 
DATA                 5         27                                 C262500400021 
EN         DATA-CM    ERR-S      DATA-ERR   FLAG                  C262500400022 
MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR    NO-DIM                C262500400023 
     22.824      3.193      0.079           2.                    C262500400024 
     23.317      3.348      0.085           2.                    C262500400025 
     23.824      4.072      0.071           2.                    C262500400026 
     24.295      3.403      0.076           2.                    C262500400027 
     24.870      3.206                 0.328         1.           C262500400028 
     24.877      3.705      0.065           2.                    C262500400029 
     25.334      3.585      0.094           2.                    C262500400030 
     25.803      3.948      0.073           2.                    C262500400031 
     26.364      3.447      0.082           2.                    C262500400032 
     26.539      3.719                 0.384         1.           C262500400033 
     26.894      3.936      0.085           2.                    C262500400034 
     27.353      3.916      0.082           2.                    C262500400035 
     27.890      3.575      0.076           2.                    C262500400036 
     28.393      4.144      0.091           2.                    C262500400037 
     28.623      4.023                 0.404         1.           C262500400038 
     28.869      3.672      0.082           2.                    C262500400039 
     29.385      3.622      0.076           2.                    C262500400040 
     29.901      3.578      0.085           2.                    C262500400041 
     30.389      3.554      0.079           2.                    C262500400042 
     30.882      3.733      0.067           2.                    C262500400043 
     30.927      4.029                 0.411         1.           C262500400044 
     31.486      3.794      0.079           2.                    C262500400045 
     31.886      3.692      0.082           2.                    C262500400046 
     37.046      3.514                 0.331         1.           C262500400047 
     40.025      2.710                 0.261         1.           C262500400048 
     50.124      1.089                 0.202         1.           C262500400049 
     59.968      0.348                 0.209         1.           C262500400050 
ENDDATA             29          0                                 C262500400051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 C262500499999 
SUBENT        C2625005   20210904                             C208C262500500001 
BIB                  5          6                                 C262500500002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS)                     C262500500003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         C262500500004 
FLAG       (1.) The results of the polarized measurements (a)     C262500500005 
           (2.) The results of the unpolarized measurements (b)   C262500500006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty.    C262500500007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tab.I (p.2928) in Phys.Rev.C,25,2921,1982      C262500500008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 C262500500009 
COMMON               4          3                                 C262500500010 
EN         E-LVL      E-LVL      E-LVL                            C262500500011 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV                              C262500500012 
28.7       18.43      19.65      20.68                            C262500500013 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C262500500014 
DATA                 4          6                                 C262500500015 
NUMBER     DATA       DATA-ERR   FLAG                             C262500500016 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           C262500500017 
1.          0.37       0.05      1.                               C262500500018 
1.          0.02       0.016      2.                              C262500500019 
2.         -0.50       0.09      1.                               C262500500020 
2.         -0.027      0.008      2.                              C262500500021 
3.         -0.27       0.07      1.                               C262500500022 
3.         -0.016      0.006      2.                              C262500500023 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C262500500024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 C262500599999 
SUBENT        C2625006   20210904                             C208C262500600001 
BIB                  4          5                                 C262500600002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(P,G)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                             C262500600003 
EN-SEC     (E-LVL,6-C-12)                                         C262500600004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty.    C262500600005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5 (p.2930) in Phys.Rev.C,25,2921,1982      C262500600006 
           was digitized by GSYS2.4.7.                            C262500600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 C262500600008 
COMMON               4          3                                 C262500600009 
EN         E-LVL      E-LVL      E-LVL                            C262500600010 
MEV        MEV        MEV        MEV                              C262500600011 
28.7       18.43      19.65      20.68                            C262500600012 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C262500600013 
DATA                 3          6                                 C262500600014 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    C262500600015 
ADEG       MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     C262500600016 
     51.676      3.757      0.095                                 C262500600017 
     71.705      4.130      0.079                                 C262500600018 
     91.946      3.779      0.083                                 C262500600019 
    112.073      2.527      0.054                                 C262500600020 
    131.829      1.895      0.050                                 C262500600021 
    155.593      1.300      0.041                                 C262500600022 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 C262500600023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 C262500699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 C262599999999