ENTRY C2628 20250131 C247C262800000001 SUBENT C2628001 20250131 C247C262800100001 BIB 9 26 C262800100002 TITLE Lifetime measurements of excited states in 15O C262800100003 AUTHOR (B.Frentz,A.Aprahamian,A.M.Clark,R.J.Deboer,C.Dulal, C262800100004 J.D.Enright,J.Gorres,S.L.Henderson,J.D.Hinnefeld, C262800100005 K.B.Howard,R.Kelmar,K.Lee,L.Morales,S.Moylan, C262800100006 Z.Rahman,W.Tan,L.E.Weghorn,M.Wiescher) C262800100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,103,045802,2021) C262800100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.103.045802 C262800100009 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,4ARMJER,1USAISB) C262800100010 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USANOT) C262800100011 DETECTOR (HPGE,SCIN) A coaxial n-type HPGe detector, of 109% C262800100012 relative efficiency. Additionally, a CeBr detector C262800100013 was fixed at a backward angle of -135 degree in order C262800100014 to provide a consistency check throughout the C262800100015 experiment and monitor for any drifting. C262800100016 SAMPLE Three different types of nitrogen implanted targets C262800100017 with backings of Mo, Ta, and W to reduce systematic C262800100018 uncertainties. The targets were produced with the 5 C262800100019 MV Sta. Ana accelerator at the University of Notre C262800100020 Dame Nuclear Science Laboratory. The Ta, Mo, and W C262800100021 targets were found to have nitrogen contents of C262800100022 21.3+-1.3, 13.1+-0.7, and 13.4+-0.5*10**17 atoms/cm2, C262800100023 respectively. C262800100024 METHOD The lifetimes have been determined with the Doppler- C262800100025 Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM) with three separate, C262800100026 nitrogen-implanted targets with Mo, Ta, and W backing. C262800100027 HISTORY (20241028C) BP C262800100028 ENDBIB 26 0 C262800100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 C262800100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C262800199999 SUBENT C2628002 20241028 C247C262800200001 BIB 5 13 C262800200002 REACTION (7-N-14(P,G),,WID) C262800200003 ANALYSIS Authors obtained lifetimes from the weighted average C262800200004 of the three measurements, allowing us to account for C262800200005 systematic differences between the backing materials. C262800200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Authors indicate possible presence of C262800200007 systematic uncertainties, however no details are given.C262800200008 COMMENT Compiler's comment: Authors provided experimentally C262800200009 determined lifetime values (in fs). The compiler C262800200010 used listed in the article (page 045802-2) formula: C262800200011 Gamma=hbar/tau and hbar value of 6.5821810**-16 eV sec C262800200012 to deduce widths. C262800200013 STATUS (TABLE,,B.Frentz+,J,PR/C,103,045802,2021) C262800200014 Table II, page 045802-7. C262800200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C262800200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C262800200017 DATA 4 3 C262800200018 EN-RES DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR C262800200019 KEV EV EV EV C262800200020 5181. 0.0878 0.0585 0.0251 C262800200021 6172. 0.9403 0.0723 0.0627 C262800200022 6793. 1.0970 2.1941 0.4388 C262800200023 ENDDATA 5 0 C262800200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C262800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C262899999999