ENTRY C2632 20250130 C247C263200000001 SUBENT C2632001 20250130 C247C263200100001 BIB 8 22 C263200100002 TITLE Decay of the key 92-keV resonance in the C263200100003 25Mg(p,gamma) reaction to the ground and isomeric C263200100004 states of the cosmic gamma-ray emitter 26Al C263200100005 AUTHOR (A.Kankainen,P.J.Woods,D.T.Doherty,H.M.Albers,M.Albers,C263200100006 A.D.Ayangeakaa,M.P.Carpenter,C.J.Chiara,J.L.Harker, C263200100007 R.V.F.Janssens,C.Lederer-woods,D.Seweryniak, C263200100008 F.Strieder,S.Zhu) C263200100009 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,813,136033,2021) C263200100010 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2020.136033 C263200100011 INSTITUTE (2UK EDG,2SF JYV,2UK SUR,1USAANL,1USANCA,1USADKE, C263200100012 1USAMRY,1USABNL) C263200100013 (1USAUSA) South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, C263200100014 Department of Physics, Rapid City, SD57701, USA C263200100015 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAANL) Experiment performed using the atlas C263200100016 accelerator at Argonne National Laboratory. C263200100017 SAMPLE 24Mg target with thickness of 840 mu-g/cm2 C263200100018 DETECTOR (HPGE) Gamma rays were detected using gammasphere C263200100019 array, consisting of 110 Compton-suppressed HPGe C263200100020 detectors, which cover almost 4pi solid angle. C263200100021 HISTORY (20210617C) Compiled by S.H. C263200100022 (20250130A) BP: Updated entry to new STATUS, added C263200100023 Legendre polynomials. C263200100024 ENDBIB 22 0 C263200100025 COMMON 1 3 C263200100026 EN C263200100027 MEV C263200100028 10. C263200100029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C263200100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C263200199999 SUBENT C2632002 20250130 C247C263200200001 BIB 3 4 C263200200002 REACTION (12-MG-24(HE3,P)13-AL-26,PAR,DA,G,REL) C263200200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described C263200200004 STATUS (CURVE),,A.Kankainen+,J,PL/B,813,136033,2021) Fig. 4. C263200200005 Waiting for data from author C263200200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C263200200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C263200200008 DATA 5 32 C263200200009 E ANG DATA DATA-ERR LVL-INI C263200200010 KEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS KEV C263200200011 2361. 17. 1755. 41. 6399. C263200200012 2361. 32. 1701. 23. 6399. C263200200013 2361. 37. 1654. 21. 6399. C263200200014 2361. 50. 1604. 14. 6399. C263200200015 2361. 58. 1596. 39. 6399. C263200200016 2361. 70. 1481. 12. 6399. C263200200017 2361. 80. 1456. 12. 6399. C263200200018 2361. 90. 1459. 17. 6399. C263200200019 2986. 17. 39.0 1.1 3402. C263200200020 2986. 32. 37.6 0.6 3402. C263200200021 2986. 37. 37.8 0.5 3402. C263200200022 2986. 50. 35.2 0.3 3402. C263200200023 2986. 58. 31.9 0.4 3402. C263200200024 2986. 70. 29.5 0.2 3402. C263200200025 2986. 80. 26.5 0.3 3402. C263200200026 2986. 90. 25.7 0.4 3402. C263200200027 3239. 17. 103.1 4.6 6369. C263200200028 3239. 32. 100.0 2.0 6369. C263200200029 3239. 37. 97.2 1.7 6369. C263200200030 3239. 50. 91.3 1.1 6369. C263200200031 3239. 58. 93.8 3.2 6369. C263200200032 3239. 70. 87.2 1.0 6369. C263200200033 3239. 80. 85.7 1.1 6369. C263200200034 3239. 90. 86.5 1.5 6369. C263200200035 4327. 17. 298.7 11.3 6369. C263200200036 4327. 32. 292.5 4.7 6369. C263200200037 4327. 37. 282.6 4.4 6369. C263200200038 4327. 50. 275.5 2.0 6369. C263200200039 4327. 58. 267.2 7.9 6369. C263200200040 4327. 70. 248.4 2.3 6369. C263200200041 4327. 80. 248.6 2.2 6369. C263200200042 4327. 90. 238.5 3.6 6369. C263200200043 ENDDATA 34 0 C263200200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C263200299999 SUBENT C2632003 20241028 C247C263200300001 BIB 5 11 C263200300002 REACTION (12-MG-25(HE3,D)13-AL-26,PAR,DA,G,LEG/RS) C263200300003 ANALYSIS Fits to the measured (arbitrary units) yields at each C263200300004 angle were then performed. The standard angular C263200300005 distribution function W(theta) = a0[1 + a2P2(cos theta)C263200300006 + a4P4(cos theta) ], where P2 and P4 are Legendre C263200300007 polynomials, was fitted to the data. The extracted C263200300008 coefficients, a2 and a4, contain information on the C263200300009 multipolarity of the transitions. C263200300010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. C263200300011 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Kankainen+,J,PL/B,813,136033,2021) Fig.4, p.3C263200300012 HISTORY (20250130A) BP C263200300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C263200300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C263200300015 DATA 4 8 C263200300016 E NUMBER DATA DATA-ERR C263200300017 KEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM C263200300018 2361.0 2. 0.15 0.02 C263200300019 2361.0 4. 0.01 0.02 C263200300020 2986.0 2. 0.29 0.01 C263200300021 2986.0 4. -0.12 0.02 C263200300022 3239.0 2. 0.12 0.04 C263200300023 3239.0 4. -0.03 0.03 C263200300024 4327.0 2. 0.15 0.04 C263200300025 4327.0 4. -0.04 0.03 C263200300026 ENDDATA 10 0 C263200300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C263200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C263299999999