ENTRY C2709 20220403 C219C270900000001 SUBENT C2709001 20220403 C219C270900100001 BIB 7 25 C270900100002 TITLE Proton capture on 28Si and its astrophysical C270900100003 implications C270900100004 AUTHOR (S.Graff,J.Gorres,M.Wiescher,R.E.Azuma,J.King,J.Vise, C270900100005 G.Hardie,T.R.Wang) C270900100006 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,1CANTOR,1USAWMU,1USACAL) C270900100007 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,510,346,1990) C270900100008 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(90)90244-G C270900100009 FACILITY (VDG,1CANTOR) The 1 MV JN Van de Graaff accelerator at C270900100010 the University of Toronto supplied proton beams in the C270900100011 energy range of Ep = 350-950 keV. Energy resolution andC270900100012 calibration were better than 1 and 2 keV. C270900100013 (VDGT,1USACAL) The 3 MV Pelletron tandem accelerator C270900100014 at the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory at the California C270900100015 Institute of Technology supplied proton beams in the C270900100016 energy range of Ep = 700-2950 keV. Energy resolution C270900100017 was 2 keV, measured using the 27Al(p,gamma)28Si C270900100018 resonance at ER = 991.88+/-0.04 keV. The proton energy C270900100019 was calibrated with this resonance and the C270900100020 28Si(p,gamma)29P resonance at ER = 1380.2+/-0.8 keV C270900100021 to better than l.0 keV. C270900100022 SAMPLE SiO targets were produced by evaporation of SiO2 on to C270900100023 a thick Ta backing. The target thicknesses were C270900100024 50 and 100 mu-g/cm2. C270900100025 (14-SI-28,ENR=0.993) C270900100026 HISTORY (20220403C) OG C270900100027 ENDBIB 25 0 C270900100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 C270900100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C270900199999 SUBENT C2709002 20220403 C219C270900200001 BIB 5 9 C270900200002 REACTION (14-SI-28(P,G)15-P-29,PAR,SIG,,REL) C270900200003 LEVEL-PROP (15-P-29,E-LVL=0.0,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) C270900200004 DETECTOR (GELI) The gamma-radiation was observed with a 35% Ge C270900200005 detector in close geometry at 55 degrees with respect C270900200006 to the beam and was shielded by 5 cm of lead to reduce C270900200007 the gamma-ray room background. C270900200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C270900200009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 (p.351) in J,NP/A,510,346,1990 was C270900200010 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C270900200011 ENDBIB 9 0 C270900200012 COMMON 1 3 C270900200013 E-LVL C270900200014 MEV C270900200015 0.0 C270900200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C270900200017 DATA 3 55 C270900200018 EN DATA DATA-ERR C270900200019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C270900200020 0.598 2.226E-03 1.041E-03 C270900200021 0.650 2.362E-03 9.538E-04 C270900200022 0.765 7.372E-03 9.837E-04 C270900200023 0.803 1.283E-02 1.245E-03 C270900200024 0.854 1.896E-02 1.493E-03 C270900200025 0.893 3.469E-02 5.465E-03 C270900200026 0.958 3.996E-02 3.145E-03 C270900200027 1.051 8.356E-02 4.837E-03 C270900200028 1.153 1.646E-01 1.409E-02 C270900200029 1.251 3.709E-01 C270900200030 1.353 5.843E-01 C270900200031 1.455 1.326E+00 5.797E-02 C270900200032 1.500 2.235E+00 C270900200033 1.552 4.503E+00 C270900200034 1.572 7.419E+00 3.771E-01 C270900200035 1.596 1.357E+01 1.160E+00 C270900200036 1.622 3.058E+01 C270900200037 1.635 4.964E+01 C270900200038 1.646 7.707E+01 C270900200039 1.657 8.365E+01 C270900200040 1.668 7.260E+01 C270900200041 1.672 6.301E+01 C270900200042 1.681 5.114E+01 C270900200043 1.700 2.355E+01 1.363E+00 C270900200044 1.719 1.085E+01 7.038E-01 C270900200045 1.747 6.294E+00 C270900200046 1.771 3.819E+00 C270900200047 1.792 2.670E+00 C270900200048 1.844 1.657E+00 1.304E-01 C270900200049 1.894 1.133E+00 6.556E-02 C270900200050 1.944 1.083E+00 7.778E-02 C270900200051 1.996 1.266E+00 9.094E-02 C270900200052 2.039 2.590E+00 C270900200053 2.061 4.299E+00 3.088E-01 C270900200054 2.072 6.382E+00 5.455E-01 C270900200055 2.074 1.258E+01 9.900E-01 C270900200056 2.087 2.942E+01 C270900200057 2.103 2.553E+01 C270900200058 2.109 1.013E+01 7.277E-01 C270900200059 2.124 3.463E+00 3.241E-01 C270900200060 2.143 1.559E+00 1.207E-01 C270900200061 2.245 9.820E-01 1.039E-01 C270900200062 2.305 1.294E+00 1.195E-01 C270900200063 2.333 1.011E+00 1.002E-01 C270900200064 2.385 1.479E+00 8.560E-02 C270900200065 2.431 1.850E+00 1.456E-01 C270900200066 2.485 2.163E+00 1.851E-01 C270900200067 2.535 2.454E+00 2.100E-01 C270900200068 2.682 4.134E+00 2.970E-01 C270900200069 2.732 4.657E+00 4.301E-01 C270900200070 2.780 5.286E+00 4.523E-01 C270900200071 2.803 5.246E+00 4.490E-01 C270900200072 2.832 5.130E+00 4.738E-01 C270900200073 2.879 4.796E+00 4.753E-01 C270900200074 2.931 2.846E+00 3.573E-01 C270900200075 ENDDATA 57 0 C270900200076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 C270900299999 SUBENT C2709003 20220403 C219C270900300001 BIB 5 9 C270900300002 REACTION (14-SI-28(P,G)15-P-29,PAR,SIG,,REL) C270900300003 LEVEL-PROP (15-P-29,E-LVL=1.38,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) C270900300004 DETECTOR (GELI) The gamma-radiation was observed with a 35% Ge C270900300005 detector in close geometry at 55 degrees with respect C270900300006 to the beam and was shielded by 5 cm of lead to reduce C270900300007 the gamma-ray room background. C270900300008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C270900300009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 (p.352) in J,NP/A,510,346,1990 was C270900300010 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C270900300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C270900300012 COMMON 1 3 C270900300013 E-LVL C270900300014 MEV C270900300015 1.38 C270900300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C270900300017 DATA 3 50 C270900300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR C270900300019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C270900300020 0.870 2.100E-03 9.158E-04 C270900300021 0.954 3.887E-03 1.133E-03 C270900300022 1.049 1.711E-02 1.621E-03 C270900300023 1.150 1.997E-02 1.891E-03 C270900300024 1.251 3.602E-02 1.962E-03 C270900300025 1.354 5.329E-02 5.236E-03 C270900300026 1.449 1.172E-01 5.906E-03 C270900300027 1.502 1.795E-01 1.411E-02 C270900300028 1.559 3.156E-01 2.480E-02 C270900300029 1.582 5.794E-01 3.155E-02 C270900300030 1.599 9.228E-01 7.443E-02 C270900300031 1.631 2.301E+00 1.430E-01 C270900300032 1.639 3.875E+00 2.766E-01 C270900300033 1.655 5.284E+00 5.192E-01 C270900300034 1.664 6.278E+00 5.359E-01 C270900300035 1.677 4.334E+00 3.578E-01 C270900300036 1.679 5.171E+00 3.454E-01 C270900300037 1.700 2.572E+00 2.316E-01 C270900300038 1.728 1.226E+00 1.103E-01 C270900300039 1.748 8.033E-01 7.606E-02 C270900300040 1.775 5.043E-01 4.065E-02 C270900300041 1.794 3.827E-01 2.908E-02 C270900300042 1.847 3.510E-01 2.339E-02 C270900300043 1.898 2.663E-01 2.522E-02 C270900300044 1.948 2.708E-01 2.694E-02 C270900300045 1.996 3.176E-01 3.367E-02 C270900300046 2.039 3.094E-01 4.729E-02 C270900300047 2.062 4.007E-01 6.523E-02 C270900300048 2.075 5.631E-01 1.117E-01 C270900300049 2.091 1.957E+00 1.460E-01 C270900300050 2.112 1.266E+00 1.998E-01 C270900300051 2.113 8.738E-01 1.126E-01 C270900300052 2.145 8.155E-01 5.103E-02 C270900300053 2.193 6.187E-01 5.108E-02 C270900300054 2.245 5.849E-01 4.829E-02 C270900300055 2.306 5.673E-01 5.131E-02 C270900300056 2.329 6.682E-01 6.825E-02 C270900300057 2.383 7.281E-01 6.585E-02 C270900300058 2.430 7.833E-01 5.846E-02 C270900300059 2.482 1.010E+00 7.133E-02 C270900300060 2.534 1.189E+00 1.168E-01 C270900300061 2.585 1.449E+00 1.254E-01 C270900300062 2.624 1.614E+00 1.896E-01 C270900300063 2.688 2.317E+00 1.914E-01 C270900300064 2.735 2.636E+00 2.281E-01 C270900300065 2.781 2.910E+00 3.967E-01 C270900300066 2.802 3.025E+00 1.893E-01 C270900300067 2.832 3.255E+00 2.944E-01 C270900300068 2.884 3.157E+00 2.979E-01 C270900300069 2.936 2.324E+00 2.907E-01 C270900300070 ENDDATA 52 0 C270900300071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 C270900399999 SUBENT C2709004 20220403 C219C270900400001 BIB 4 9 C270900400002 REACTION (14-SI-28(P,G)15-P-29,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS) C270900400003 DETECTOR (GELI) For the angular distribution measurements Ge(Li)C270900400004 detector was placed at 0, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 105 C270900400005 degrees at a distance of 4 cm from the target. C270900400006 A second detector, placed at -90 degrees, served as C270900400007 monitor to normalize the data. C270900400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C270900400009 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 (p.353) in J,NP/A,510,346,1990 was C270900400010 digitized by GSYS2.4.7. C270900400011 ENDBIB 9 0 C270900400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C270900400013 DATA 5 26 C270900400014 E-LVL NUMBER EN DATA DATA-ERR C270900400015 MEV NO-DIM MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C270900400016 0.0 1. 1.106 -0.271 0.250 C270900400017 0.0 1. 1.303 -0.018 0.204 C270900400018 0.0 1. 1.505 0.088 0.102 C270900400019 0.0 1. 1.654 -0.064 0.120 C270900400020 0.0 1. 1.804 -0.096 0.083 C270900400021 0.0 1. 1.943 0.381 0.194 C270900400022 0.0 1. 2.092 0.183 0.139 C270900400023 0.0 2. 1.098 -0.495 0.239 C270900400024 0.0 2. 1.300 -0.899 0.138 C270900400025 0.0 2. 1.496 -0.697 0.101 C270900400026 0.0 2. 1.645 -0.431 0.119 C270900400027 0.0 2. 1.796 0.229 0.083 C270900400028 0.0 2. 1.935 0.128 0.193 C270900400029 0.0 2. 2.084 -0.083 0.138 C270900400030 1.38 1. 1.289 -0.055 0.074 C270900400031 1.38 1. 1.487 0.112 0.176 C270900400032 1.38 1. 1.637 0.219 0.120 C270900400033 1.38 1. 1.786 -0.230 0.157 C270900400034 1.38 1. 1.926 -0.171 0.371 C270900400035 1.38 1. 2.075 -0.212 0.139 C270900400036 1.38 2. 1.304 0.046 0.073 C270900400037 1.38 2. 1.502 0.183 0.174 C270900400038 1.38 2. 1.653 0.413 0.119 C270900400039 1.38 2. 1.802 0.083 0.156 C270900400040 1.38 2. 1.949 0.165 0.275 C270900400041 1.38 2. 2.091 0.009 0.138 C270900400042 ENDDATA 28 0 C270900400043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C270900499999 SUBENT C2709005 20220403 C219C270900500001 BIB 4 8 C270900500002 REACTION (14-SI-28(P,G),,WID/STR) C270900500003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The errors include: C270900500004 the uncertainty of the reference values, C270900500005 (ERR-1) the errors of the stopping power (l0%), C270900500006 (ERR-2) the relative gamma-efficiency (5%), C270900500007 (ERR-3) the charge measurement (5%). C270900500008 REL-REF (R,,P.M.Endt+,J,NP/A,310,1,1978) Resonance energies C270900500009 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.350) in J,NP/A,510,346,1990 C270900500010 ENDBIB 8 0 C270900500011 COMMON 3 3 C270900500012 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 C270900500013 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT C270900500014 10. 5. 5. C270900500015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C270900500016 DATA 3 6 C270900500017 EN-RES DATA ERR-T C270900500018 MEV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV C270900500019 0.371 1.8 0.4 C270900500020 0.724 0.16 0.03 C270900500021 1.380 30. 5. C270900500022 1.652 2600. 400. C270900500023 2.083 510. 100. C270900500024 2.880 2600. 400. C270900500025 ENDDATA 8 0 C270900500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C270900599999 SUBENT C2709006 20220403 C219C270900600001 BIB 3 3 C270900600002 REACTION (14-SI-28(P,G),PAR,WID/STR) C270900600003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C270900600004 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.353) in J,NP/A,510,346,1990 C270900600005 ENDBIB 3 0 C270900600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C270900600007 DATA 5 6 C270900600008 E-LVL EN-RES EN-RES-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C270900600009 MEV MEV EV EV EV C270900600010 0. 1.652 0.001 2.4 0.4 C270900600011 0. 2.082 0.002 0.47 0.07 C270900600012 0. 2.877 0.020 1.6 0.3 C270900600013 1.38 1.652 0.001 0.19 0.03 C270900600014 1.38 2.082 0.002 0.033 0.005 C270900600015 1.38 2.877 0.020 0.99 0.15 C270900600016 ENDDATA 8 0 C270900600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C270900699999 SUBENT C2709007 20220403 C219C270900700001 BIB 3 3 C270900700002 REACTION (14-SI-28(P,TOT),,WID) C270900700003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties. C270900700004 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.353) in J,NP/A,510,346,1990 C270900700005 ENDBIB 3 0 C270900700006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C270900700007 DATA 4 3 C270900700008 EN-RES EN-RES-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C270900700009 MEV EV KEV KEV C270900700010 1.652 0.001 50. 2. C270900700011 2.082 0.002 19. 2. C270900700012 2.877 0.020 425. 25. C270900700013 ENDDATA 5 0 C270900700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 C270900799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C270999999999