ENTRY            C2713   20220305                             C214C271300000001 
SUBENT        C2713001   20220305                             C214C271300100001 
BIB                 11         15                                 C271300100002 
TITLE      Spin and parity of the 6.699 MeV level in 17F          C271300100003 
AUTHOR     (S.Sen)                                                C271300100004 
INSTITUTE  (1USAWIS)                                              C271300100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,25,1054,1982)                                  C271300100006 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.25.1054                          C271300100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USAWIS)                                         C271300100008 
INC-SOURCE (POLIS) Beams of polarized protons from the Wisconsin  C271300100009 
           colliding beam ion source                              C271300100010 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR) 14 surface barrier detectors                   C271300100011 
SAMPLE     O2 gas target in a differentially pumped scattering    C271300100012 
           chamber. The gas pressure (about of 3 Torr) provided a C271300100013 
           target <1 keV thick for Ep=6.5 MeV.                    C271300100014 
METHOD     (SITA)                                                 C271300100015 
ADD-RES    (STRUC) Parameters for the 6.699 MeV level in 17F      C271300100016 
HISTORY    (20220303C) OG                                         C271300100017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 C271300100018 
COMMON               1          3                                 C271300100019 
POL-BM                                                            C271300100020 
NO-DIM                                                            C271300100021 
0.86                                                              C271300100022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C271300100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 C271300199999 
SUBENT        C2713002   20220305                             C214C271300200001 
BIB                  3         10                                 C271300200002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(P,EL)8-O-16,,DA)                               C271300200003 
ERR-ANALYS The errors (shown in the graphs if larger than point   C271300200004 
           size - if larger than 2% as estimated by compiler)     C271300200005 
           include statistical, beam polarization, and absolute   C271300200006 
           normalization factors.                                 C271300200007 
           (ERR-SYS) Additional systematic errors.                C271300200008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 (p.1055) in Phys.Rev.C,25,1054,1982      C271300200009 
           (COREL,C2713004) Angular distribution of cross sectionsC271300200010 
           on resonance (Ep=6.482 MeV) and                        C271300200011 
           off resonance (Ep=6.488 MeV).                          C271300200012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 C271300200013 
COMMON               1          3                                 C271300200014 
ERR-SYS                                                           C271300200015 
PER-CENT                                                          C271300200016 
5.                                                                C271300200017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C271300200018 
DATA                 3         69                                 C271300200019 
ANG-CM     EN         DATA-CM                                     C271300200020 
ADEG       MEV        MB/SR                                       C271300200021 
       93.6      6.462     51.770                                 C271300200022 
       93.6      6.463     51.776                                 C271300200023 
       93.6      6.464     51.692                                 C271300200024 
       93.6      6.465     51.697                                 C271300200025 
       93.6      6.466     51.161                                 C271300200026 
       93.6      6.467     51.529                                 C271300200027 
       93.6      6.468     51.172                                 C271300200028 
       93.6      6.469     51.088                                 C271300200029 
       93.6      6.470     51.004                                 C271300200030 
       93.6      6.471     50.557                                 C271300200031 
       93.6      6.472     50.111                                 C271300200032 
       93.6      6.473     49.573                                 C271300200033 
       93.6      6.474     49.036                                 C271300200034 
       93.6      6.475     48.589                                 C271300200035 
       93.6      6.476     48.324                                 C271300200036 
       93.6      6.477     47.787                                 C271300200037 
       93.6      6.478     46.797                                 C271300200038 
       93.6      6.479     43.908                                 C271300200039 
       93.6      6.480     39.298                                 C271300200040 
       93.6      6.481     31.612                                 C271300200041 
       93.6      6.482     50.713                                 C271300200042 
       93.6      6.483     71.715                                 C271300200043 
       93.6      6.484     72.806                                 C271300200044 
       93.6      6.485     67.113                                 C271300200045 
       93.6      6.486     65.670                                 C271300200046 
       93.6      6.487     63.956                                 C271300200047 
       93.6      6.488     62.242                                 C271300200048 
       93.6      6.489     60.710                                 C271300200049 
       93.6      6.490     59.268                                 C271300200050 
       93.6      6.491     58.188                                 C271300200051 
       93.6      6.492     57.107                                 C271300200052 
       93.6      6.493     56.752                                 C271300200053 
       93.6      6.494     56.668                                 C271300200054 
       93.6      6.495     56.584                                 C271300200055 
      142.6      6.461      5.787                                 C271300200056 
      142.6      6.462      5.793                                 C271300200057 
      142.6      6.463      5.799                                 C271300200058 
      142.6      6.464      5.806                                 C271300200059 
      142.6      6.465      5.812                                 C271300200060 
      142.6      6.466      5.726                                 C271300200061 
      142.6      6.467      5.732                                 C271300200062 
      142.6      6.468      5.738                                 C271300200063 
      142.6      6.469      5.835                                 C271300200064 
      142.6      6.470      5.841                                 C271300200065 
      142.6      6.471      5.847                                 C271300200066 
      142.6      6.472      5.853                                 C271300200067 
      142.6      6.473      5.949                                 C271300200068 
      142.6      6.474      6.047                                 C271300200069 
      142.6      6.475      6.053                                 C271300200070 
      142.6      6.476      6.241                                 C271300200071 
      142.6      6.477      6.247                                 C271300200072 
      142.6      6.478      6.709                                 C271300200073 
      142.6      6.479      8.264                                 C271300200074 
      142.6      6.480     10.913                                 C271300200075 
      142.6      6.481     36.614                                 C271300200076 
      142.6      6.482     63.680                                 C271300200077 
      142.6      6.483     48.926                                 C271300200078 
      142.6      6.484     24.149                                 C271300200079 
      142.6      6.485     14.133                                 C271300200080 
      142.6      6.486     12.315                                 C271300200081 
      142.6      6.487     10.499                                 C271300200082 
      142.6      6.488      9.138                                 C271300200083 
      142.6      6.489      8.142                                 C271300200084 
      142.6      6.490      7.693                                 C271300200085 
      142.6      6.491      7.425                                 C271300200086 
      142.6      6.492      7.158                                 C271300200087 
      142.6      6.493      7.073                                 C271300200088 
      142.6      6.494      7.079                                 C271300200089 
      142.6      6.495      7.085                                 C271300200090 
ENDDATA             71          0                                 C271300200091 
ENDSUBENT           90          0                                 C271300299999 
SUBENT        C2713003   20220305                             C214C271300300001 
BIB                  3          9                                 C271300300002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(P,EL)8-O-16,,POL/DA,,ANA)                      C271300300003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors (shown if larger than point      C271300300004 
           size) include statistical, beam polarization, and      C271300300005 
           absolute normalization factors.                        C271300300006 
           (ERR-SYS) Additional systematic errors.                C271300300007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.1 (p.1055) in Phys.Rev.C,25,1054,1982      C271300300008 
           (COREL,C2713005) Angular distribution of polarization  C271300300009 
           on resonance (Ep=6.482 MeV) and                        C271300300010 
           off resonance (Ep=6.488 MeV).                          C271300300011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 C271300300012 
COMMON               1          3                                 C271300300013 
ERR-SYS                                                           C271300300014 
PER-CENT                                                          C271300300015 
5.                                                                C271300300016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C271300300017 
DATA                 4         69                                 C271300300018 
ANG-CM     EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                         C271300300019 
ADEG       MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           C271300300020 
       93.6      6.462      0.197      0.008                      C271300300021 
       93.6      6.463      0.209                                 C271300300022 
       93.6      6.464      0.197      0.011                      C271300300023 
       93.6      6.465      0.209      0.008                      C271300300024 
       93.6      6.466      0.201      0.010                      C271300300025 
       93.6      6.467      0.207      0.009                      C271300300026 
       93.6      6.468      0.210      0.010                      C271300300027 
       93.6      6.469      0.202      0.009                      C271300300028 
       93.6      6.470      0.216      0.008                      C271300300029 
       93.6      6.471      0.206      0.009                      C271300300030 
       93.6      6.472      0.207      0.010                      C271300300031 
       93.6      6.473      0.209      0.009                      C271300300032 
       93.6      6.474      0.219      0.007                      C271300300033 
       93.6      6.475      0.216      0.009                      C271300300034 
       93.6      6.476      0.212      0.008                      C271300300035 
       93.6      6.477      0.220      0.008                      C271300300036 
       93.6      6.478      0.229      0.007                      C271300300037 
       93.6      6.479      0.239      0.010                      C271300300038 
       93.6      6.480      0.253      0.010                      C271300300039 
       93.6      6.481      0.214                                 C271300300040 
       93.6      6.482      0.133      0.010                      C271300300041 
       93.6      6.483      0.138                                 C271300300042 
       93.6      6.484      0.155                                 C271300300043 
       93.6      6.485      0.166      0.007                      C271300300044 
       93.6      6.486      0.173      0.008                      C271300300045 
       93.6      6.487      0.181      0.008                      C271300300046 
       93.6      6.488      0.198      0.009                      C271300300047 
       93.6      6.489      0.189      0.010                      C271300300048 
       93.6      6.490      0.188      0.010                      C271300300049 
       93.6      6.491      0.205      0.011                      C271300300050 
       93.6      6.492      0.215                                 C271300300051 
       93.6      6.493      0.214      0.009                      C271300300052 
       93.6      6.494      0.209      0.007                      C271300300053 
       93.6      6.495      0.206      0.011                      C271300300054 
       93.6      6.496      0.206      0.013                      C271300300055 
      142.6      6.462      0.254      0.020                      C271300300056 
      142.6      6.463      0.302      0.020                      C271300300057 
      142.6      6.464      0.284      0.021                      C271300300058 
      142.6      6.465      0.306      0.019                      C271300300059 
      142.6      6.466      0.282      0.021                      C271300300060 
      142.6      6.467      0.294      0.025                      C271300300061 
      142.6      6.468      0.275      0.021                      C271300300062 
      142.6      6.469      0.290      0.025                      C271300300063 
      142.6      6.470      0.273      0.022                      C271300300064 
      142.6      6.471      0.289      0.024                      C271300300065 
      142.6      6.472      0.305      0.022                      C271300300066 
      142.6      6.473      0.262      0.022                      C271300300067 
      142.6      6.474      0.234      0.022                      C271300300068 
      142.6      6.475      0.174      0.020                      C271300300069 
      142.6      6.476      0.194      0.018                      C271300300070 
      142.6      6.477      0.169      0.022                      C271300300071 
      142.6      6.478      0.103      0.023                      C271300300072 
      142.6      6.479      0.001      0.020                      C271300300073 
      142.6      6.480     -0.081      0.022                      C271300300074 
      142.6      6.481      0.022      0.015                      C271300300075 
      142.6      6.482      0.175      0.015                      C271300300076 
      142.6      6.483      0.294      0.015                      C271300300077 
      142.6      6.484      0.401      0.014                      C271300300078 
      142.6      6.485      0.547      0.016                      C271300300079 
      142.6      6.486      0.576      0.019                      C271300300080 
      142.6      6.487      0.611      0.021                      C271300300081 
      142.6      6.488      0.667      0.018                      C271300300082 
      142.6      6.489      0.694      0.024                      C271300300083 
      142.6      6.490      0.633      0.023                      C271300300084 
      142.6      6.491      0.639      0.020                      C271300300085 
      142.6      6.492      0.644      0.019                      C271300300086 
      142.6      6.493      0.639      0.025                      C271300300087 
      142.6      6.494      0.630      0.025                      C271300300088 
      142.6      6.495      0.610      0.025                      C271300300089 
ENDDATA             71          0                                 C271300300090 
ENDSUBENT           89          0                                 C271300399999 
SUBENT        C2713004   20220305                             C214C271300400001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C271300400002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(P,EL)8-O-16,,DA)                               C271300400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors (shown in the graphs if larger   C271300400004 
           than point size) include statistical, beam             C271300400005 
           polarization, and absolute normalization factors.      C271300400006 
           (ERR-SYS) Additional systematic errors.                C271300400007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 (p.1055) in Phys.Rev.C,25,1054,1982      C271300400008 
           (COREL,C2713002) Excitation function of cross sections C271300400009 
           at angles (c.m.) 93.6 and 142.3 degrees.               C271300400010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C271300400011 
COMMON               1          3                                 C271300400012 
ERR-SYS                                                           C271300400013 
PER-CENT                                                          C271300400014 
5.                                                                C271300400015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C271300400016 
DATA                 4         29                                 C271300400017 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                         C271300400018 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                            C271300400019 
      6.482     32.116  2.893E+02                                 C271300400020 
      6.482     52.802  4.345E+01                                 C271300400021 
      6.482     60.315  3.380E+01                                 C271300400022 
      6.482     72.923  3.668E+01                                 C271300400023 
      6.482     78.782  4.472E+01                                 C271300400024 
      6.482     87.953  5.608E+01                                 C271300400025 
      6.482     93.513  5.575E+01                                 C271300400026 
      6.482    107.274  5.706E+01                                 C271300400027 
      6.482    116.683  5.134E+01                                 C271300400028 
      6.482    122.440  5.283E+01                                 C271300400029 
      6.482    132.822  5.771E+01                                 C271300400030 
      6.482    140.925  6.823E+01                                 C271300400031 
      6.482    146.598  7.898E+01                                 C271300400032 
      6.482    154.237  9.599E+01                                 C271300400033 
      6.482    164.766  1.163E+02                                 C271300400034 
      6.488     32.617  3.033E+02  2.050E+01                      C271300400035 
      6.488     52.794  1.209E+01  5.782E-01                      C271300400036 
      6.488     73.257  3.458E+01                                 C271300400037 
      6.488     78.321  4.420E+01                                 C271300400038 
      6.488     88.029  6.318E+01                                 C271300400039 
      6.488     93.583  6.364E+01                                 C271300400040 
      6.488    106.265  5.876E+01                                 C271300400041 
      6.488    118.116  4.001E+01                                 C271300400042 
      6.488    122.602  3.232E+01                                 C271300400043 
      6.488    132.936  1.809E+01                                 C271300400044 
      6.488    142.409  8.741E+00                                 C271300400045 
      6.488    146.880  7.600E+00                                 C271300400046 
      6.488    156.580  1.137E+01                                 C271300400047 
      6.488    165.161  1.768E+01                                 C271300400048 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 C271300400049 
ENDSUBENT           48          0                                 C271300499999 
SUBENT        C2713005   20220305                             C214C271300500001 
BIB                  3          8                                 C271300500002 
REACTION   (8-O-16(P,EL)8-O-16,,POL/DA,,ANA)                      C271300500003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors (shown in the graphs if larger   C271300500004 
           than point size) include statistical, beam             C271300500005 
           polarization, and absolute normalization factors.      C271300500006 
           (ERR-SYS) Additional systematic errors.                C271300500007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.2 (p.1055) in Phys.Rev.C,25,1054,1982      C271300500008 
           (COREL,C2713003) Excitation function of polarization   C271300500009 
           at angles (c.m.) 93.6 and 142.3 degrees.               C271300500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C271300500011 
COMMON               1          3                                 C271300500012 
ERR-SYS                                                           C271300500013 
PER-CENT                                                          C271300500014 
5.                                                                C271300500015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C271300500016 
DATA                 4         28                                 C271300500017 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA       DATA-ERR                         C271300500018 
MEV        ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           C271300500019 
      6.482     32.163  2.771E-01  1.244E-02                      C271300500020 
      6.482     52.353  5.212E-01  1.357E-02                      C271300500021 
      6.482     71.370 -1.533E-01  1.132E-02                      C271300500022 
      6.482     76.700 -1.862E-01  1.357E-02                      C271300500023 
      6.482     87.524  4.669E-02  1.470E-02                      C271300500024 
      6.482     92.921  1.348E-01  1.132E-02                      C271300500025 
      6.482    108.263  4.785E-01  2.262E-02                      C271300500026 
      6.482    118.088  5.157E-01  2.262E-02                      C271300500027 
      6.482    122.786  5.484E-01  1.697E-02                      C271300500028 
      6.482    132.509  3.990E-01  1.244E-02                      C271300500029 
      6.482    141.740  1.658E-01  1.131E-02                      C271300500030 
      6.482    145.932  8.885E-02  1.244E-02                      C271300500031 
      6.482    154.781 -2.780E-02  1.244E-02                      C271300500032 
      6.482    164.570 -5.848E-02                                 C271300500033 
      6.488     32.867 -1.232E-02  1.685E-02                      C271300500034 
      6.488     52.923  2.644E-01  2.360E-02                      C271300500035 
      6.488     72.486  2.501E-01  1.797E-02                      C271300500036 
      6.488     77.860  1.828E-01  1.910E-02                      C271300500037 
      6.488     87.893  1.267E-01  2.022E-02                      C271300500038 
      6.488     93.193  1.830E-01  1.798E-02                      C271300500039 
      6.488    107.578  2.810E-01  2.022E-02                      C271300500040 
      6.488    117.560  3.103E-01  3.146E-02                      C271300500041 
      6.488    122.860  3.655E-01  2.584E-02                      C271300500042 
      6.488    132.104  5.128E-01  2.809E-02                      C271300500043 
      6.488    141.559  6.792E-01  3.259E-02                      C271300500044 
      6.488    145.864  5.422E-01  2.697E-02                      C271300500045 
      6.488    155.860  1.795E-01  2.134E-02                      C271300500046 
      6.488    165.282  3.129E-02  1.461E-02                      C271300500047 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 C271300500048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 C271300599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 C271399999999