ENTRY C2722 20220401 C219C272200000001 SUBENT C2722001 20220401 C219C272200100001 BIB 9 12 C272200100002 TITLE Cross sections for the 42Ca(p,gamma)43Sc, C272200100003 42Ca(alpha,n)45Ti and 44Ca(p,n)44Sc reactions C272200100004 AUTHOR (C.W.Cheng, J.D.King) C272200100005 REFERENCE (J,JP/G,5,1261,1979) C272200100006 INSTITUTE (1CANTOR) C272200100007 FACILITY (VDG,1CANMCM) C272200100008 DETECTOR (COIN,NAICR,NAICR) C272200100009 The efficiency of the counting system was determined C272200100010 by comparison with a calibrated 68Ge source. C272200100011 METHOD (EXTB,SITA,BCINT) C272200100012 ADD-RES (COMP) Compared with a statistical model calculation. C272200100013 HISTORY (20220401C) OG C272200100014 ENDBIB 12 0 C272200100015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272200100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C272200199999 SUBENT C2722002 20220401 C219C272200200001 BIB 5 12 C272200200002 REACTION (20-CA-42(P,G)21-SC-43,,SIG) C272200200003 SAMPLE Targets of 250 and 375 mu-g/cm2 manufactured by C272200200004 Micromatter Corporation were used. They were in the C272200200005 form of CaO on 0.50mm tantalum backings and had an C272200200006 uncertainty of +/-20% in thickness. C272200200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty in cross section values is C272200200008 due primarily to target thickness uncertainty and is C272200200009 +/-21% for energies below 3.0 MeV, rising to +/-25% at C272200200010 the highest energies, due to subtraction of background C272200200011 activity. C272200200012 REL-REF (A,B0140002,A.E.Vlieks+,J,NP/A,309,506,1978) C272200200013 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.1264) in J,JP/G,5,1261,1979 C272200200014 ENDBIB 12 0 C272200200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272200200016 DATA 4 35 C272200200017 EN-CM EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C272200200018 MEV MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B C272200200019 0.66 1.06 0.22 C272200200020 0.74 9.9 2.1 C272200200021 0.81 17.4 3.7 C272200200022 0.88 19.4 4.1 C272200200023 0.95 17.4 3.7 C272200200024 1.02 0.05 27.6 5.8 C272200200025 1.09 37.5 7.5 C272200200026 1.19 0.05 51.1 10.7 C272200200027 1.30 73.5 15.4 C272200200028 1.39 0.05 51.1 10.7 C272200200029 1.49 70.5 14.8 C272200200030 1.59 49.0 10.3 C272200200031 1.69 59.2 12.4 C272200200032 1.82 96.0 20.2 C272200200033 1.91 111. 23. C272200200034 2.01 256. 54. C272200200035 2.11 108. 23. C272200200036 2.21 355. 75. C272200200037 2.31 147. 31. C272200200038 2.41 218. 46. C272200200039 2.51 207. 43. C272200200040 2.60 245. 51. C272200200041 2.70 388. 81. C272200200042 2.80 368. 77. C272200200043 2.90 255. 54. C272200200044 3.16 241. 53. C272200200045 3.41 132. 29. C272200200046 3.66 159. 37. C272200200047 3.90 360. 83. C272200200048 4.15 215. 52. C272200200049 4.40 415. 100. C272200200050 4.65 220. 55. C272200200051 4.89 220. 55. C272200200052 5.14 215. 54. C272200200053 5.39 460. 115. C272200200054 ENDDATA 37 0 C272200200055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C272200299999 SUBENT C2722003 20220401 C219C272200300001 BIB 4 12 C272200300002 REACTION (20-CA-42(A,N)22-TI-45,,SIG) C272200300003 SAMPLE Targets of 250 and 375 mu-g/cm2 manufactured by C272200300004 Micromatter Corporation were used. They were in the C272200300005 form of CaO on 0.50mm tantalum backings and had an C272200300006 uncertainty of +/-20% in thickness. C272200300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty in cross section is due C272200300008 primarily to target thickness uncertainty (+/-20%) and C272200300009 only secondarily to corrections for contributions to C272200300010 the yield from 43Sc decay resulting from the C272200300011 40Ca(alpha,p) reaction (+/-1.3 to +/-2.9%). The overallC272200300012 uncertainty is +/-21% at all energies. C272200300013 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.1264) in J,JP/G,5,1261,1979 C272200300014 ENDBIB 12 0 C272200300015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272200300016 DATA 3 14 C272200300017 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C272200300018 MEV MB MB C272200300019 5.20 0.46 0.10 C272200300020 5.40 3.24 0.68 C272200300021 5.87 11.9 2.5 C272200300022 6.33 37.4 7.9 C272200300023 6.79 52.6 11.1 C272200300024 7.22 103. 22. C272200300025 7.71 118. 25. C272200300026 8.14 166. 35. C272200300027 8.61 147. 31. C272200300028 9.06 201. 42. C272200300029 9.53 208. 44. C272200300030 9.98 250. 53. C272200300031 10.46 202. 42. C272200300032 10.95 285. 60. C272200300033 ENDDATA 16 0 C272200300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C272200399999 SUBENT C2722004 20220401 C219C272200400001 BIB 4 16 C272200400002 REACTION (20-CA-44(P,N)21-SC-44,,SIG) C272200400003 SAMPLE Targets of 44Ca were prepared by mixing 44Ca0 enriched C272200400004 to 98.55% 44Ca with thorium, pressing into pellets, andC272200400005 evaporating onto 0.50 mm tantalum backings. A C272200400006 20 mu-g/cm2 layer of gold was deposited on each target C272200400007 to protect it from exposure during handling and to C272200400008 better distribute the heat during irradiation. Target C272200400009 thickness was measured by the crystal oscillator methodC272200400010 with an uncertainty of +/-20% and equal 300 mu-g/cm2 C272200400011 for each from two targets. C272200400012 (20-CA-44,ENR=0.9855) C272200400013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The uncertainty in cross section values is C272200400014 due primarily to target thickness uncertainty (+/- 20%)C272200400015 resulting in an overall uncertainty of +/-21% at all C272200400016 energies. C272200400017 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.1264) in J,JP/G,5,1261,1979 C272200400018 ENDBIB 16 0 C272200400019 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272200400020 DATA 3 14 C272200400021 EN-CM DATA DATA-ERR C272200400022 MEV MB MB C272200400023 4.49 33.3 7.0 C272200400024 4.64 62.8 13.2 C272200400025 4.88 91.1 19.1 C272200400026 5.13 154. 32. C272200400027 5.37 196. 41. C272200400028 5.61 220. 46. C272200400029 5.86 230. 48. C272200400030 6.10 243. 51. C272200400031 6.35 260. 55. C272200400032 6.59 294. 61. C272200400033 6.84 296. 62. C272200400034 7.08 308. 65. C272200400035 7.33 313. 66. C272200400036 7.57 328. 69. C272200400037 ENDDATA 16 0 C272200400038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 C272200499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C272299999999