ENTRY C2723 20241030 C247C272300000001 SUBENT C2723001 20241030 C247C272300100001 BIB 9 29 C272300100002 TITLE The Notre-Dame Cube: An active-target time-projection C272300100003 chamber for radioactive beam experiments and detector C272300100004 development C272300100005 AUTHOR (T.Ahn,J.S.Randhawa,S.Aguilar,D.Blankstein,L.Delgado, C272300100006 N.Dixneuf,S.L.Henderson,W.Jackson,L.Jensen,S.Jin, C272300100007 J.Koci,J.J.Kolata,J.Lai,J.Levano,X.Li,A.Mubarak, C272300100008 P.D.O'Malley,S.Ramirez Martin,M.Renaud,M.Z.Serikow, C272300100009 A.Tollefson,J.Wilson,L.Yan) C272300100010 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,1025,166180,2022) C272300100011 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.166180 C272300100012 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,2BLGLEU) C272300100013 (1USAUSA) Physics and Astronomy Department, Vassar C272300100014 College, 124 Raymond Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604,USAC272300100015 (1USAUSA) Physics and Astronomy Department, University C272300100016 of Minnesota Duluth, 1049 University Drive, Duluth, C272300100017 MN 55812, USA C272300100018 (1USAUSA) Department of Physics, Transylvania C272300100019 University, 300 North Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508,USAC272300100020 (1USAUSA) Department of Physics and Engineering, C272300100021 Bethel University, 3900 Bethel Drive, St., Paul, C272300100022 MN 55112, USA C272300100023 FACILITY (VDGT,1USANOT) The TwinSol facility at Notre Dame. C272300100024 DETECTOR (SI,TELES,TPC) The Notre Dame Cube (ND-Cube) active C272300100025 target time-projection chamber (TPC). C272300100026 SAMPLE P10 (Ar:CH4 (90:10)) gas as a target. C272300100027 METHOD (EDE) A dE-E Si telescope was mounted upstream of the C272300100028 NDCube entrance window to independently measure the C272300100029 beam properties. C272300100030 HISTORY (20241030C) BP C272300100031 ENDBIB 29 0 C272300100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272300100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C272300199999 SUBENT C2723002 20241030 C247C272300200001 BIB 3 6 C272300200002 REACTION (18-AR-40(3-LI-7,FUS),,SIG,ER) C272300200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Vertical error bars represent statistical C272300200004 and systematic uncertainties and horizontal error bars C272300200005 represent the range in energy for a 1.5 cm bin size C272300200006 over which counts are integrated. C272300200007 STATUS (CURVE,,T.Ahn+,J,NIM/A,1025,166180,2022) Fig. 9. C272300200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C272300200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272300200010 DATA 4 9 C272300200011 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR C272300200012 MEV MEV MB MB C272300200013 7.200 0.580 9.886E+00 7.541E+00 C272300200014 8.373 0.580 4.519E+01 1.948E+01 C272300200015 9.474 0.508 1.585E+02 3.260E+01 C272300200016 10.574 0.508 3.981E+02 4.735E+01 C272300200017 11.565 0.484 6.998E+02 7.611E+01 C272300200018 12.545 0.447 9.120E+02 1.085E+02 C272300200019 13.428 0.423 7.499E+02 8.155E+01 C272300200020 14.286 0.411 7.586E+02 9.023E+01 C272300200021 15.181 0.411 9.550E+02 1.039E+02 C272300200022 ENDDATA 11 0 C272300200023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C272300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C272399999999