ENTRY C2728 20241030 C247C272800000001 SUBENT C2728001 20241030 C247C272800100001 BIB 10 33 C272800100002 TITLE Nuclear structure beyond the neutron drip line: The C272800100003 lowest energy states in 9He via their T =5/2 isobaric C272800100004 analogs in 9Li C272800100005 AUTHOR (E.Ubersedera,G.V.Rogachev,V.Z.Goldberg,E.Koshchiy, C272800100006 B.T.Roeder,M.Alcorta,G.Chubarian, B.Davids,C.Fu, C272800100007 J.Hooker,H.Jayatissa,D.Melconian,R.E.Tribble) C272800100008 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,754,323,2016) C272800100009 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2016.01.014 C272800100010 INSTITUTE (1USATAM,1CANTMF) C272800100011 (3CPRCPR) Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, C272800100012 China C272800100013 DETECTOR (SI,PPAC,IOCH) Three quadrant Si detectors (Micron C272800100014 Semiconductors MSQ25 type) were positioned C272800100015 symmetrically with respect to the beam axis at the C272800100016 distance of 513 mm from the entrance window, and C272800100017 provided information on the total energy of the C272800100018 recoil protons. A custom multi-anode position- C272800100019 sensitive proportional counter (MPPC) was installed C272800100020 in front of Si detectors to provide identification of C272800100021 the reaction products. A windowless ionization C272800100022 chamber (IC) was installed close to the entrance C272800100023 window to count (for normalization) and identify the C272800100024 incoming ions. C272800100025 SAMPLE A scattering chamber filled with 990 Torr of methane C272800100026 gas, entering the chamber through a thin (4microm) C272800100027 Havar film. C272800100028 METHOD (EDE) By virtue of the experimental technique, any C272800100029 protons detected in the forward Si array are expected C272800100030 to arise from elastic scattering, (the dE-E technique).C272800100031 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars indicate the statistical C272800100032 uncertainty. C272800100033 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by G.V.Rogachev on January 27, 2025. C272800100034 HISTORY (20241030C) BP C272800100035 ENDBIB 33 0 C272800100036 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272800100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C272800199999 SUBENT C2728002 20241030 C247C272800200001 BIB 3 8 C272800200002 REACTION (1-H-1(2-HE-8,EL)1-H-1,,DA) C272800200003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1CANTMF) The TRIUMF Isotope Separator and C272800200004 Accelerator (ISAC) facility. C272800200005 STATUS (TABLE,,E.Ubersedera+,J,PL/B,754,323,2016) Similar C272800200006 data to presented in Fig.3, but all values in the C272800200007 laboratory frame, region of angles replaced by C272800200008 separate angles, mb/sr replaced by b/sr. Numerical C272800200009 data received from G.Rogachev February 4, 2025. C272800200010 ENDBIB 8 0 C272800200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C272800200012 DATA 4 96 C272800200013 EN ANG DATA ERR-S C272800200014 MEV ADEG B/SR B/SR C272800200015 0.879750 150.661738 0.019111 0.000650 C272800200016 0.956250 152.342831 0.017202 0.000511 C272800200017 1.032750 153.926912 0.013717 0.000454 C272800200018 1.109250 121.805242 0.011735 0.000650 C272800200019 1.109250 155.451068 0.011317 0.000419 C272800200020 1.185750 122.606963 0.010335 0.000517 C272800200021 1.185750 156.863316 0.010035 0.000403 C272800200022 1.262250 125.314108 0.010762 0.000495 C272800200023 1.262250 158.152977 0.009102 0.000387 C272800200024 1.338750 111.747156 0.010818 0.000773 C272800200025 1.338750 128.016454 0.010266 0.000488 C272800200026 1.338750 159.376659 0.009278 0.000403 C272800200027 1.415250 112.328830 0.010442 0.000630 C272800200028 1.415250 130.619113 0.010577 0.000496 C272800200029 1.415250 160.533086 0.009629 0.000418 C272800200030 1.491750 114.618713 0.013729 0.000676 C272800200031 1.491750 133.051010 0.011184 0.000520 C272800200032 1.491750 161.595302 0.009450 0.000426 C272800200033 1.568250 117.535153 0.010935 0.000603 C272800200034 1.568250 135.381023 0.011111 0.000532 C272800200035 1.568250 162.597501 0.010293 0.000459 C272800200036 1.644750 120.291997 0.010363 0.000586 C272800200037 1.644750 137.553270 0.009960 0.000510 C272800200038 1.644750 163.519012 0.010368 0.000469 C272800200039 1.721250 122.957724 0.010433 0.000595 C272800200040 1.721250 139.627085 0.010777 0.000543 C272800200041 1.721250 164.387903 0.011139 0.000502 C272800200042 1.797750 125.469522 0.009763 0.000578 C272800200043 1.797750 141.558330 0.011206 0.000560 C272800200044 1.797750 165.188120 0.010065 0.000487 C272800200045 1.874250 127.836300 0.009956 0.000595 C272800200046 1.874250 143.358817 0.010434 0.000551 C272800200047 1.874250 165.926796 0.010671 0.000520 C272800200048 1.950750 130.161763 0.010084 0.000604 C272800200049 1.950750 145.110502 0.009908 0.000544 C272800200050 1.950750 166.639042 0.010546 0.000529 C272800200051 2.027250 132.300670 0.009289 0.000591 C272800200052 2.027250 146.707173 0.009985 0.000563 C272800200053 2.027250 167.283050 0.009990 0.000529 C272800200054 2.103750 134.353804 0.008809 0.000586 C272800200055 2.103750 148.227356 0.009684 0.000571 C272800200056 2.103750 167.891835 0.010442 0.000557 C272800200057 2.180250 136.283157 0.009414 0.000619 C272800200058 2.180250 149.645286 0.010083 0.000597 C272800200059 2.180250 168.456032 0.011869 0.000613 C272800200060 2.256750 138.131668 0.008799 0.000609 C272800200061 2.256750 150.994582 0.008950 0.000569 C272800200062 2.256750 168.989808 0.011021 0.000606 C272800200063 2.333250 139.868111 0.008715 0.000619 C272800200064 2.333250 152.254244 0.011076 0.000649 C272800200065 2.333250 169.485530 0.010164 0.000599 C272800200066 2.409750 141.500803 0.009751 0.000664 C272800200067 2.409750 153.431983 0.009395 0.000612 C272800200068 2.409750 169.946854 0.010940 0.000632 C272800200069 2.486250 143.064229 0.009997 0.000687 C272800200070 2.486250 154.553993 0.011708 0.000707 C272800200071 2.486250 170.384496 0.010871 0.000646 C272800200072 2.562750 144.559344 0.010126 0.000697 C272800200073 2.562750 155.621933 0.009953 0.000658 C272800200074 2.562750 170.799465 0.011327 0.000681 C272800200075 2.639250 145.964635 0.008904 0.000667 C272800200076 2.639250 156.621404 0.012165 0.000744 C272800200077 2.639250 171.186454 0.012309 0.000732 C272800200078 2.715750 147.287038 0.011768 0.000786 C272800200079 2.715750 157.558240 0.010351 0.000704 C272800200080 2.715750 171.548077 0.014127 0.000805 C272800200081 2.792250 148.552494 0.010168 0.000754 C272800200082 2.792250 158.451529 0.012751 0.000794 C272800200083 2.792250 171.891916 0.012870 0.000791 C272800200084 2.868750 149.744209 0.009967 0.000756 C272800200085 2.868750 159.290058 0.012741 0.000811 C272800200086 2.868750 172.213834 0.012947 0.000806 C272800200087 2.945250 150.867840 0.011818 0.000840 C272800200088 2.945250 160.078301 0.011774 0.000807 C272800200089 2.945250 172.515738 0.012844 0.000824 C272800200090 3.021750 151.928428 0.011952 0.000872 C272800200091 3.021750 160.820340 0.012111 0.000842 C272800200092 3.021750 172.799364 0.013005 0.000858 C272800200093 3.098250 152.945305 0.014006 0.000971 C272800200094 3.098250 161.530013 0.012193 0.000869 C272800200095 3.098250 173.070089 0.014472 0.000930 C272800200096 3.174750 153.906007 0.013020 0.000952 C272800200097 3.174750 162.198988 0.012305 0.000890 C272800200098 3.174750 173.324841 0.015453 0.000981 C272800200099 3.251250 154.827395 0.013383 0.000979 C272800200100 3.251250 162.839234 0.014887 0.001004 C272800200101 3.251250 173.568252 0.017088 0.001064 C272800200102 3.327750 155.698798 0.015003 0.001069 C272800200103 3.327750 163.443575 0.014413 0.001017 C272800200104 3.327750 173.797688 0.016819 0.001079 C272800200105 3.404250 156.523835 0.015964 0.001135 C272800200106 3.404250 164.014765 0.015897 0.001097 C272800200107 3.404250 174.014243 0.016879 0.001106 C272800200108 3.480750 157.305801 0.014696 0.001098 C272800200109 3.480750 164.555256 0.016649 0.001138 C272800200110 3.480750 174.218908 0.017251 0.001140 C272800200111 ENDDATA 98 0 C272800200112 ENDSUBENT 111 0 C272800299999 SUBENT C2728003 20241030 C247C272800300001 BIB 3 4 C272800300002 REACTION (1-H-1(6-C-12,EL)1-H-1,,DA) C272800300003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1CANTMF) The TRIUMF Isotope Separator and C272800300004 Accelerator (ISAC) facility. C272800300005 STATUS (CURVE,,E.Ubersedera+,J,PL/B,754,323,2016) Figure 2. C272800300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C272800300007 COMMON 2 3 C272800300008 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX C272800300009 ADEG ADEG C272800300010 124.0 175.0 C272800300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C272800300012 DATA 3 40 C272800300013 EN-CM DATA ERR-S C272800300014 MEV MB/SR MB/SR C272800300015 0.408 573.684 14.941 C272800300016 0.433 540.781 16.442 C272800300017 0.461 479.475 14.948 C272800300018 0.485 409.202 14.944 C272800300019 0.514 391.244 14.944 C272800300020 0.538 368.804 16.442 C272800300021 0.567 353.835 11.958 C272800300022 0.593 320.931 14.944 C272800300023 0.619 296.994 13.448 C272800300024 0.646 286.511 13.451 C272800300025 0.670 298.451 11.961 C272800300026 0.696 283.484 11.958 C272800300027 0.725 253.567 11.952 C272800300028 0.747 243.087 11.960 C272800300029 0.774 237.089 11.958 C272800300030 0.802 244.541 13.455 C272800300031 0.829 241.532 10.463 C272800300032 0.855 211.617 11.955 C272800300033 0.879 225.051 14.948 C272800300034 0.906 208.589 11.958 C272800300035 0.930 207.076 11.961 C272800300036 0.963 193.599 11.955 C272800300037 0.985 186.108 10.462 C272800300038 1.007 186.092 13.450 C272800300039 1.038 224.933 10.467 C272800300040 1.064 184.554 10.470 C272800300041 1.091 153.145 11.958 C272800300042 1.115 190.496 10.468 C272800300043 1.143 183.000 10.465 C272800300044 1.170 172.517 13.453 C272800300045 1.201 184.452 14.948 C272800300046 1.223 173.972 13.455 C272800300047 1.249 193.385 11.956 C272800300048 1.273 163.471 10.465 C272800300049 1.300 161.957 8.967 C272800300050 1.328 161.935 10.467 C272800300051 1.353 187.328 11.956 C272800300052 1.379 149.939 8.969 C272800300053 1.408 160.381 8.970 C272800300054 1.434 181.288 11.958 C272800300055 ENDDATA 42 0 C272800300056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 C272800399999 SUBENT C2728004 20241030 C247C272800400001 BIB 3 3 C272800400002 REACTION (1-H-1(6-C-12,EL)1-H-1,,DA) C272800400003 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USATAM) C272800400004 STATUS (CURVE,,E.Ubersedera+,J,PL/B,754,323,2016) Figure 2. C272800400005 ENDBIB 3 0 C272800400006 COMMON 2 3 C272800400007 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX C272800400008 ADEG ADEG C272800400009 124.0 175.0 C272800400010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C272800400011 DATA 3 44 C272800400012 EN-CM DATA ERR-S C272800400013 MEV MB/SR MB/SR C272800400014 1.469 176.778 11.956 C272800400015 1.474 155.848 14.948 C272800400016 1.489 133.415 14.946 C272800400017 1.500 110.985 7.475 C272800400018 1.513 78.090 8.970 C272800400019 1.520 109.475 8.972 C272800400020 1.529 133.385 10.465 C272800400021 1.533 191.678 11.956 C272800400022 1.538 229.043 11.958 C272800400023 1.542 353.106 16.446 C272800400024 1.549 441.292 17.941 C272800400025 1.556 545.921 20.925 C272800400026 1.560 620.656 13.451 C272800400027 1.565 656.527 23.916 C272800400028 1.565 707.349 26.904 C272800400029 1.574 773.112 25.414 C272800400030 1.585 696.871 19.434 C272800400031 1.587 625.121 25.411 C272800400032 1.591 533.937 17.944 C272800400033 1.600 456.202 16.444 C272800400034 1.602 359.040 14.949 C272800400035 1.608 279.813 14.948 C272800400036 1.613 205.071 10.468 C272800400037 1.615 163.216 11.958 C272800400038 1.624 109.398 10.463 C272800400039 1.634 78.000 7.475 C272800400040 1.641 58.563 13.455 C272800400041 1.654 43.605 11.958 C272800400042 1.667 43.595 10.465 C272800400043 1.690 46.568 11.958 C272800400044 1.712 51.036 10.467 C272800400045 1.734 55.504 14.946 C272800400046 1.762 61.462 14.946 C272800400047 1.784 67.424 11.958 C272800400048 1.804 74.883 14.948 C272800400049 1.820 76.366 14.948 C272800400050 1.846 79.336 13.451 C272800400051 1.875 82.304 16.442 C272800400052 1.894 82.290 19.432 C272800400053 1.919 83.766 17.934 C272800400054 1.943 83.748 20.928 C272800400055 1.960 82.240 16.442 C272800400056 1.985 86.706 16.439 C272800400057 2.000 82.211 8.972 C272800400058 ENDDATA 46 0 C272800400059 ENDSUBENT 58 0 C272800499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C272899999999