ENTRY C2732 20220415 C219C273200000001 SUBENT C2732001 20220415 C219C273200100001 BIB 10 17 C273200100002 TITLE Nuclear reaction studies of 168Tm C273200100003 AUTHOR (Z.Preibisz, D.G.Burke, R.A.O'Neil) C273200100004 INSTITUTE (1CANMCM) C273200100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,201,486,1973) C273200100006 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(73)90316-3 C273200100007 FACILITY (VDGT,1CANMCM) The McMaster model FN tandem Van de C273200100008 Graaff accelerator C273200100009 METHOD (EXTB) C273200100010 ANALYSIS Absolute cross sections were determined by comparing C273200100011 the intensities of the peaks on the plates with the C273200100012 numbers of elastically scattered particles measured C273200100013 with a solid state detector placed at angle 30 C273200100014 degrees in the scattering chamber. C273200100015 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The estimated accuracy of the comparing C273200100016 procedure. C273200100017 ADD-RES (STRUC) The level structure of 168Tm. C273200100018 HISTORY (20220415C) OG C273200100019 ENDBIB 17 0 C273200100020 COMMON 1 3 C273200100021 DATA-ERR C273200100022 PER-CENT C273200100023 25. C273200100024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273200100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C273200199999 SUBENT C2732002 20220415 C219C273200200001 BIB 6 13 C273200200002 REACTION (69-TM-169(D,T)69-TM-168,PAR,DA) C273200200003 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by evaporating thulium C273200200004 metal by electron bombardment. C273200200005 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Enge-type split-pole magnetic spectrograp. C273200200006 The tritons were detected with 50 mu-m thick Kodak NTB C273200200007 nuclear emulsions with a resolution of 6 keV full-widthC273200200008 at half maximum. C273200200009 METHOD Excitation energies were obtained for the (d,t) C273200200010 reaction relative to the highest-intensity peak in C273200200011 the spectrum, which was assumed to have an energy of C273200200012 3.0 keV. C273200200013 FLAG (1.) Approximate E-EXC value C273200200014 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.490-491) in J,NP/A,201,486,1973 C273200200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C273200200016 COMMON 2 3 C273200200017 ANG EN C273200200018 ADEG MEV C273200200019 60. 12. C273200200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273200200021 DATA 4 85 C273200200022 E-EXC DATA DATA-APRX FLAG C273200200023 KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR NO-DIM C273200200024 3. 115. C273200200025 41. 14. C273200200026 64. 7.2 C273200200027 113. 9.8 C273200200028 150. 0.8 1. C273200200029 168. 57.8 C273200200030 179. 21.4 C273200200031 230. 71.7 C273200200032 235. 17.7 C273200200033 243. 5.6 C273200200034 325. 15.4 C273200200035 348. 18.2 C273200200036 353. 3.4 C273200200037 385. 16.7 C273200200038 439. 1.8 C273200200039 447. 9.3 C273200200040 499. 1.8 1. C273200200041 594. 12.8 C273200200042 616. 17.2 C273200200043 642. 4.4 C273200200044 666. 3.5 C273200200045 702. 27.7 C273200200046 708. 10.2 C273200200047 717. 4.6 C273200200048 726. 9.7 C273200200049 734. 5.6 C273200200050 770. 5.8 C273200200051 780. 7.7 C273200200052 790. 12.8 C273200200053 794. 11.2 C273200200054 798. 9.8 C273200200055 834. 3.9 C273200200056 853. 13.7 C273200200057 859. 6.3 C273200200058 866. 9.3 C273200200059 887. 38.5 C273200200060 897. 12.1 C273200200061 905. 24.7 C273200200062 915. 3.7 C273200200063 921. 9.5 C273200200064 937. 6.2 C273200200065 945. 4.6 C273200200066 953. 7.4 C273200200067 968. 3.7 C273200200068 984. 1.8 C273200200069 991. 2.7 C273200200070 1041. 10.9 C273200200071 1052. 3. C273200200072 1057. 16.7 C273200200073 1063. 2. C273200200074 1076. 4.4 C273200200075 1100. 7.9 C273200200076 1116. 44.3 C273200200077 1127. 42.7 C273200200078 1133. 14.2 C273200200079 1183. 7.5 C273200200080 1193. 3. C273200200081 1239. 7.9 C273200200082 1243. 9.3 C273200200083 1260. 15.6 C273200200084 1268. 6.5 C273200200085 1276. 9.1 C273200200086 1281. 5.1 C273200200087 1304. 4.2 C273200200088 1313. 6.3 C273200200089 1333. 5.7 C273200200090 1348. 27.2 C273200200091 1356. 5.5 C273200200092 1366. 2.8 C273200200093 1382. 4.9 C273200200094 1427. 22.8 C273200200095 1436. 4.1 C273200200096 1448. 4.1 C273200200097 1466. 17.7 C273200200098 1472. 8.1 C273200200099 1507. 5.3 C273200200100 1520. 2.3 C273200200101 1554. 0.9 C273200200102 1568. 2.1 C273200200103 1604. 1.8 C273200200104 1621. 1.8 C273200200105 1637. 2.8 C273200200106 1662. 7.6 C273200200107 1690. 3.2 C273200200108 1742. 1.6 C273200200109 ENDDATA 87 0 C273200200110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 C273200299999 SUBENT C2732003 20220415 C219C273200300001 BIB 5 9 C273200300002 REACTION (69-TM-169(HE3,A)69-TM-168,PAR,DA) C273200300003 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by evaporating thulium C273200300004 metal by electron bombardment. C273200300005 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Enge-type split-pole magnetic spectrograp. C273200300006 The alpha-particles were recorded with 50 mu-m thick C273200300007 Ilford K minus 1 plates with a resolution of 26 keV C273200300008 full-width at half maximum. C273200300009 FLAG (1.) Approximate E-EXC value C273200300010 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.490-491) in J,NP/A,201,486,1973 C273200300011 ENDBIB 9 0 C273200300012 COMMON 2 3 C273200300013 ANG EN C273200300014 ADEG MEV C273200300015 41. 24. C273200300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273200300017 DATA 4 37 C273200300018 E-EXC DATA DATA-APRX FLAG C273200300019 KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR NO-DIM C273200300020 47. 2.3 1. C273200300021 111. 1.4 C273200300022 141. 1.6 C273200300023 179. 2.8 C273200300024 243. 40.7 C273200300025 328. 6.3 C273200300026 352. 8.9 C273200300027 383. 3.5 C273200300028 447. 50.4 C273200300029 482. 3.5 C273200300030 591. 1.9 C273200300031 699. 2.2 C273200300032 719. 1.9 C273200300033 744. 1.5 C273200300034 778. 8.1 C273200300035 797. 3.7 C273200300036 850. 8.1 C273200300037 892. 7.0 C273200300038 914. 21.8 C273200300039 925. 8.6 C273200300040 957. 30.4 C273200300041 974. 9.9 C273200300042 1045. 9.8 C273200300043 1059. 24.2 C273200300044 1096. 25.8 C273200300045 1129. 19.1 C273200300046 1170. 6.8 C273200300047 1187. 2.8 C273200300048 1262. 3.6 C273200300049 1346. 1.6 C273200300050 1415. 2.9 C273200300051 1433. 7.8 C273200300052 1454. 3.1 C273200300053 1566. 2.4 C273200300054 1693. 1.0 C273200300055 1802. 3.4 C273200300056 1905. 2.8 C273200300057 ENDDATA 39 0 C273200300058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 C273200399999 SUBENT C2732004 20220415 C219C273200400001 BIB 5 18 C273200400002 REACTION (68-ER-167(HE3,D)69-TM-168,PAR,DA) C273200400003 SAMPLE Metallic samples of the separated isotope 167Er were C273200400004 obtained by reduction of the oxide with thorium metal C273200400005 at 2150 C degrees and subsequent distillation of the C273200400006 metal). The targets, evaporated on 50 mu-g/cm2 carbon C273200400007 foils, were 40-80 mu-g/cm2 thick. C273200400008 (68-ER-167,ENR=0.911) C273200400009 (68-ER-168,ENR=0.0489) C273200400010 (68-ER-166,ENR=0.0350) C273200400011 (68-ER-170,ENR=0.0057) C273200400012 (68-ER-164,ENR=0.0005) C273200400013 (68-ER-162,ENR=0.0001) C273200400014 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Enge-type split-pole magnetic spectrograp. C273200400015 The deuterons were detected with 50 mu-m thick Kodak C273200400016 NTB nuclear emulsions with a resolution of 16 keV C273200400017 full-width at half maximum. C273200400018 FLAG (1.) Approximate E-EXC value C273200400019 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.493) in J,NP/A,201,486,1973 C273200400020 ENDBIB 18 0 C273200400021 COMMON 2 3 C273200400022 ANG EN C273200400023 ADEG MEV C273200400024 39. 24. C273200400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273200400026 DATA 4 49 C273200400027 E-EXC DATA DATA-APRX FLAG C273200400028 KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR NO-DIM C273200400029 0. 11.8 C273200400030 46. 1.2 1. C273200400031 64. 12.3 C273200400032 85. 2.7 1. C273200400033 149. 20. C273200400034 176. 2.7 C273200400035 201. 28.5 C273200400036 204. 7.4 C273200400037 231. 16.6 C273200400038 245. 10.9 C273200400039 313. 12.4 C273200400040 338. 19.7 C273200400041 368. 1.3 C273200400042 389. 1.4 C273200400043 447. 7.4 C273200400044 492. 2.1 C273200400045 520. 10.4 C273200400046 564. 4.8 C273200400047 580. 2.9 C273200400048 609. 6. C273200400049 631. 6.5 C273200400050 674. 2.5 C273200400051 698. 2.4 C273200400052 730. 35.6 C273200400053 760. 6.1 C273200400054 815. 16.6 C273200400055 848. 14.6 C273200400056 892. 6.9 C273200400057 934. 2.5 C273200400058 995. 2.3 C273200400059 1009. 2.3 C273200400060 1123. 4.8 C273200400061 1161. 6. C273200400062 1202. 2.4 1. C273200400063 1225. 3. 1. C273200400064 1252. 2.8 1. C273200400065 1273. 2.7 1. C273200400066 1322. 7.6 C273200400067 1343. 3.0 C273200400068 1389. 40.6 C273200400069 1413. 23.8 C273200400070 1438. 27.6 C273200400071 1460. 8.0 1. C273200400072 1482. 26.8 C273200400073 1500. 8.0 1. C273200400074 1540. 5.8 1. C273200400075 1562. 2.0 1. C273200400076 1590. 10.4 C273200400077 1628. 4.8 C273200400078 ENDDATA 51 0 C273200400079 ENDSUBENT 78 0 C273200499999 SUBENT C2732005 20220415 C219C273200500001 BIB 5 18 C273200500002 REACTION (68-ER-167(A,T)69-TM-168,PAR,DA) C273200500003 SAMPLE Metallic samples of the separated isotope 167Er were C273200500004 obtained by reduction of the oxide with thorium metal C273200500005 at 2150 C degrees and subsequent distillation of the C273200500006 metal). The targets, evaporated on 50 mu-g/cm2 carbon C273200500007 foils, were 40-80 mu-g/cm2 thick. C273200500008 (68-ER-167,ENR=0.911) C273200500009 (68-ER-168,ENR=0.0489) C273200500010 (68-ER-166,ENR=0.0350) C273200500011 (68-ER-170,ENR=0.0057) C273200500012 (68-ER-164,ENR=0.0005) C273200500013 (68-ER-162,ENR=0.0001) C273200500014 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Enge-type split-pole magnetic spectrograp. C273200500015 The tritons were detected with 50 mu-m thick Kodak NTB C273200500016 nuclear emulsions with a resolution of 20 keV C273200500017 full-width at half maximum. C273200500018 FLAG (1.) Approximate E-EXC value C273200500019 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.493) in J,NP/A,201,486,1973 C273200500020 ENDBIB 18 0 C273200500021 COMMON 2 3 C273200500022 ANG EN C273200500023 ADEG MEV C273200500024 90. 25. C273200500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273200500026 DATA 4 42 C273200500027 E-EXC DATA DATA-APRX FLAG C273200500028 KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR NO-DIM C273200500029 0. 9.2 C273200500030 49. 1.0 1. C273200500031 64. 7.0 C273200500032 74. 1.2 1. C273200500033 146. 13.2 C273200500034 185. 4.1 1. C273200500035 200. 11.6 C273200500036 230. 9. 1. C273200500037 246. 10. 1. C273200500038 311. 18.6 C273200500039 333. 8.7 C273200500040 364. 0.7 C273200500041 390. 2.4 C273200500042 449. 3.1 C273200500043 494. 2.0 C273200500044 519. 3.8 C273200500045 564. 2.9 C273200500046 609. 3.7 C273200500047 631. 3.8 C273200500048 675. 1.3 C273200500049 699. 1.8 C273200500050 731. 15.4 C273200500051 759. 2.4 C273200500052 815. 5.1 C273200500053 846. 4.4 C273200500054 888. 2.5 C273200500055 938. 0.9 C273200500056 966. 1.2 C273200500057 1001. 2.7 C273200500058 1130. 0.8 C273200500059 1161. 3.8 C273200500060 1322. 1.1 C273200500061 1343. 1.0 C273200500062 1390. 2.5 C273200500063 1414. 1.2 C273200500064 1440. 2. C273200500065 1461. 1.9 C273200500066 1482. 1.7 C273200500067 1501. 0.9 C273200500068 1540. 0.7 C273200500069 1563. 1.1 C273200500070 1590. 1. C273200500071 ENDDATA 44 0 C273200500072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 C273200599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C273299999999