ENTRY C2733 20220425 C219C273300000001 SUBENT C2733001 20220425 C219C273300100001 BIB 8 10 C273300100002 TITLE The doubly odd nucleus 144Pm (I). Energy levels C273300100003 AUTHOR (M.R.Macphail,R.G.Summers-Gill) C273300100004 INSTITUTE (1CANMCM) C273300100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,237,285,1975) C273300100006 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(75)90426-1 C273300100007 FACILITY (VDGT,1CANMCM) The McMaster model FN tandem Van de C273300100008 Graaff accelerator C273300100009 METHOD (EXTB) C273300100010 ADD-RES (STRUC) The level structure C273300100011 HISTORY (20220422C) OG C273300100012 ENDBIB 10 0 C273300100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C273300100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 C273300199999 SUBENT C2733002 20220425 C219C273300200001 BIB 5 12 C273300200002 REACTION (60-ND-143(HE3,D)61-PM-144,PAR,DA) C273300200003 SAMPLE The targets (~50 mu-g/cm2) were prepared on carbon C273300200004 backings (30 mu-g/cm2) by vacuum evaporation of C273300200005 isotopically enriched 143Nd203 in the presence of a C273300200006 thorium reducing agent. C273300200007 (60-ND-143,ENR=0.91) C273300200008 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Enge-type split-pole magnetic spectrograp. C273300200009 The deuterons were detected with 50 mu-m thick Kodak C273300200010 NTB nuclear emulsions with a resolution of 17 keV C273300200011 full-width at half maximum. C273300200012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are indicated. C273300200013 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.288) in J,NP/A,237,285,1975 C273300200014 ENDBIB 12 0 C273300200015 COMMON 2 3 C273300200016 ANG-CM EN C273300200017 ADEG MEV C273300200018 43.2 27. C273300200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273300200020 DATA 4 33 C273300200021 E-EXC E-EXC-ERR DATA ERR-S C273300200022 KEV KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C273300200023 0. 123. 4. C273300200024 64. 2. 150. 8. C273300200025 81. 3. 38. 5. C273300200026 172. 2. 90. 5. C273300200027 191. 5. 16. 4. C273300200028 206. 3. 22. 3. C273300200029 234. 3. 24. 3. C273300200030 254. 4. 8.4 1.8 C273300200031 280. 3. 17. 2. C273300200032 364. 3. 7.4 0.9 C273300200033 517. 2. 9.6 1.0 C273300200034 842. 3. 51. 5. C273300200035 878. 3. 58. 6. C273300200036 899. 3. 34. 4. C273300200037 950. 3. 15. 1. C273300200038 982. 3. 31. 2. C273300200039 1025. 3. 16. 2. C273300200040 1084. 3. 453. 24. C273300200041 1108. 8. 19. 10. C273300200042 1129. 3. 42. 4. C273300200043 1184. 3. 263. 12. C273300200044 1215. 4. 22. 2. C273300200045 1244. 3. 30. 2. C273300200046 1278. 5. 5.8 1.1 C273300200047 1376. 3. 218. 6. C273300200048 1426. 4. 38. 2. C273300200049 1450. 5. 34. 3. C273300200050 1468. 5. 20. 3. C273300200051 1501. 3. 70. 3. C273300200052 1543. 6. 4.2 1.4 C273300200053 1607. 3. 62. 3. C273300200054 1640. 5. 71. 15. C273300200055 1654. 5. 76. 10. C273300200056 ENDDATA 35 0 C273300200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 C273300299999 SUBENT C2733003 20220425 C219C273300300001 BIB 5 12 C273300300002 REACTION (60-ND-143(A,T)61-PM-144,PAR,DA) C273300300003 SAMPLE The targets (~50 mu-g/cm2) were prepared on carbon C273300300004 backings (30 mu-g/cm2) by vacuum evaporation of C273300300005 isotopically enriched 143Nd203 in the presence of a C273300300006 thorium reducing agent. C273300300007 (60-ND-143,ENR=0.91) C273300300008 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Enge-type split-pole magnetic spectrograp. C273300300009 The tritons were detected with 50 mu-m thick Kodak NTB C273300300010 nuclear emulsions with a resolution of 10 keV C273300300011 full-width at half maximum. C273300300012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors are indicated. C273300300013 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.1 (p.288) in J,NP/A,237,285,1975 C273300300014 ENDBIB 12 0 C273300300015 COMMON 2 3 C273300300016 ANG-CM EN C273300300017 ADEG MEV C273300300018 51.6 27. C273300300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273300300020 DATA 4 27 C273300300021 E-EXC E-EXC-ERR DATA ERR-S C273300300022 KEV KEV MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C273300300023 0. 27. 1. C273300300024 60. 2. 13. 5. C273300300025 67. 2. 22. 6. C273300300026 84. 3. 7.1 1.0 C273300300027 172. 1. 20. 1. C273300300028 195. 1. 12. 1. C273300300029 209. 2. 7.2 1.3 C273300300030 233. 1. 12. 1. C273300300031 254. 3. 2.6 0.4 C273300300032 280. 1. 7.1 0.6 C273300300033 364. 1. 2.7 0.4 C273300300034 513. 1. 4.8 0.7 C273300300035 841. 2. 39. 2. C273300300036 877. 2. 4.8 0.5 C273300300037 896. 2. 18. 1. C273300300038 947. 2. 10.4 0.8 C273300300039 979. 3. 2.6 0.3 C273300300040 1021. 2. 12. 1. C273300300041 1080. 2. 44. 2. C273300300042 1104. 2. 10.4 0.8 C273300300043 1127. 2. 16. 1. C273300300044 1184. 2. 13. 1. C273300300045 1214. 2. 13. 1. C273300300046 1243. 3. 2.2 0.3 C273300300047 1377. 2. 13. 2. C273300300048 1451. 3. 19. 3. C273300300049 1609. 3. 2.8 0.4 C273300300050 ENDDATA 29 0 C273300300051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C273300399999 SUBENT C2733004 20220425 C219C273300400001 BIB 6 10 C273300400002 REACTION (59-PR-141(A,N)61-PM-144,PAR,SIG,G,REL) C273300400003 FLAG (1.) Broad. C273300400004 SAMPLE A thick target (~ 1 mm) of praseodymium metal (chemicalC273300400005 purity >99.5%). C273300400006 DETECTOR (GELI) Both small (0.9 cm3) and large (50 cm3) Ge(Li) C273300400007 detectors were used. The resolution of the small C273300400008 detector was 650 eV at 122 keV and that of the larger C273300400009 one was 3.0 keV at 1332 keV. C273300400010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties C273300400011 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.292-293) in J,NP/A,237,285,1975 C273300400012 ENDBIB 10 0 C273300400013 COMMON 1 3 C273300400014 EN C273300400015 MEV C273300400016 16.5 C273300400017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273300400018 DATA 6 87 C273300400019 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX FLAG C273300400020 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM C273300400021 55.47 0.05 1.10 0.25 C273300400022 60.74 0.02 52.4 4.3 C273300400023 71.96 0.03 4.21 0.36 C273300400024 78.84 0.06 0.86 0.10 C273300400025 83.99 0.03 4.62 0.26 C273300400026 90.37 0.09 0.57 0.13 C273300400027 105.94 0.05 1.15 0.10 C273300400028 107.06 0.04 1.40 0.12 C273300400029 108.57 0.04 1.36 0.11 C273300400030 113.35 0.02 1.89 0.10 C273300400031 130.19 0.09 0.75 0.10 C273300400032 134.71 0.01 39.0 1.6 C273300400033 140.73 0.01 20.5 0.9 C273300400034 151.52 0.10 0.90 0.12 C273300400035 158.00 0.08 0.5 C273300400036 169.88 0.01 24.8 1.1 C273300400037 171.80 0.01 100.0 4.2 C273300400038 184.27 0.03 4.48 0.26 C273300400039 195.42 0.02 8.74 0.41 C273300400040 199.25 0.01 8.49 0.41 C273300400041 212.62 0.05 1.69 0.19 C273300400042 218.56 0.02 23.1 0.9 C273300400043 223.72 0.07 1.92 0.23 C273300400044 232.41 0.02 72.9 3.0 C273300400045 281.94 0.05 28.3 1.2 C273300400046 283.16 0.09 4.03 0.33 C273300400047 296.54 0.04 7.21 0.46 C273300400048 326.54 0.05 15.3 0.9 C273300400049 342.38 0.03 18.9 10.9 C273300400050 432.87 0.12 4.06 0.31 C273300400051 446.30 0.50 1. C273300400052 453.46 0.31 1.61 0.27 C273300400053 456.80 0.50 1. C273300400054 535.20 0.30 1.56 0.45 C273300400055 553.67 0.17 4.15 0.34 C273300400056 563.67 0.34 2.36 0.34 C273300400057 578.80 0.70 2.09 0.90 C273300400058 608.66 0.12 3.57 0.37 C273300400059 669.07 0.12 16.0 0.9 C273300400060 675.30 0.50 1.78 0.32 C273300400061 707.97 0.41 2. C273300400062 718.60 0.20 2. C273300400063 731.20 0.30 2. C273300400064 733.60 0.30 2. C273300400065 741.69 0.21 4.85 .48 C273300400066 756.17 0.45 2.80 0.46 C273300400067 759.03 0.10 20.7 1.1 C273300400068 769.10 0.10 17.1 0.8 C273300400069 775.8 1.0 1.90 0.40 C273300400070 780.0 1.0 2.30 0.40 C273300400071 791.03 0.21 5.67 0.38 C273300400072 809.10 0.10 11.4 0.7 C273300400073 815.0 1.0 2. C273300400074 819.21 0.15 6.31 0.51 C273300400075 862.89 0.23 5.56 0.42 C273300400076 876.40 0.17 5.79 0.57 C273300400077 887.23 0.47 2.68 0.59 C273300400078 896.0 1.0 2. C273300400079 908.42 0.17 12.2 0.8 C273300400080 910.93 0.20 10.6 0.8 C273300400081 926.42 0.26 4.38 0.48 C273300400082 931.17 0.50 2.25 0.45 C273300400083 936.90 0.40 1.60 0.55 C273300400084 941.58 0.18 6.34 0.54 C273300400085 948.15 0.23 5.06 0.53 C273300400086 962.23 0.21 4.35 0.78 C273300400087 1019.02 0.23 4.09 0.53 C273300400088 1048.46 0.18 5.0 1.1 C273300400089 1058.12 0.35 4.25 0.71 C273300400090 1071.32 0.29 4.85 0.49 C273300400091 1079.95 0.73 2.65 0.63 C273300400092 1083.08 0.23 5.80 0.67 C273300400093 1114.50 0.40 2.67 0.68 C273300400094 1128.00 0.30 2. C273300400095 1144.60 0.74 6.1 1.2 C273300400096 1157.57 0.30 4.47 0.75 C273300400097 1214.56 0.21 5.05 0.88 C273300400098 1220.63 0.47 4.8 1.0 C273300400099 1230.05 0.23 5.14 0.84 C273300400100 1309.0 1.0 12.7 1.4 1. C273300400101 1331.2 1.0 3. C273300400102 1335.0 2.0 21.0 2.0 1.C273300400103 1342.0 1.0 3. C273300400104 1421.38 0.47 4.15 0.70 C273300400105 1448.00 0.80 1.46 0.65 C273300400106 1514.40 0.50 3. C273300400107 1545.0 1.0 3. C273300400108 ENDDATA 89 0 C273300400109 ENDSUBENT 108 0 C273300499999 SUBENT C2733005 20220425 C219C273300500001 BIB 6 13 C273300500002 REACTION (60-ND-144(P,N)61-PM-144,PAR,SIG,G,REL) C273300500003 FLAG (1.) On rapidly varying Compton background. C273300500004 (2.) Broad. C273300500005 SAMPLE The targets consisted of enriched 144Nd2O3 powder C273300500006 mounted on a thick carbon backing with a glue prepared C273300500007 from benzene and polystyrene. C273300500008 (60-ND-144,ENR=0.975) C273300500009 DETECTOR (GELI) Both small (0.9 cm3) and large (50 cm3) Ge(Li) C273300500010 detectors were used. The resolution of the small C273300500011 detector was 650 eV at 122 keV and that of the larger C273300500012 one was 3.0 keV at 1332 keV. C273300500013 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on sources of uncertainties C273300500014 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.2 (p.292-293) in J,NP/A,237,285,1975 C273300500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C273300500016 COMMON 1 3 C273300500017 EN C273300500018 MEV C273300500019 10. C273300500020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273300500021 DATA 6 87 C273300500022 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX FLAG C273300500023 KEV KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS NO-DIM C273300500024 55.47 0.05 3. C273300500025 60.74 0.02 152. 18. C273300500026 71.96 0.03 13.0 1.8 C273300500027 78.84 0.06 1.88 0.29 C273300500028 83.99 0.03 17.8 2.2 C273300500029 90.37 0.09 0.5 C273300500030 105.94 0.05 0.5 C273300500031 107.06 0.04 2.28 0.18 C273300500032 108.57 0.04 1.14 0.13 C273300500033 113.35 0.02 8.10 0.48 C273300500034 130.19 0.09 0.5 C273300500035 134.71 0.01 67.9 3.9 C273300500036 140.73 0.01 50.9 2.9 C273300500037 151.52 0.10 0.5 C273300500038 158.00 0.08 1.63 0.21 C273300500039 169.88 0.01 132.6 7.5 C273300500040 171.80 0.01 100.0 5.7 C273300500041 184.27 0.03 3.06 0.40 C273300500042 195.42 0.02 14.1 0.9 C273300500043 199.25 0.01 30.0 1.7 C273300500044 212.62 0.05 6.49 0.44 C273300500045 218.56 0.02 82.6 3.5 C273300500046 223.72 0.07 1. C273300500047 232.41 0.02 47.0 2.1 C273300500048 281.94 0.05 9.4 0.7 C273300500049 283.16 0.09 16.8 1.0 C273300500050 296.54 0.04 34.5 1.6 C273300500051 326.54 0.05 3.17 0.73 C273300500052 342.38 0.03 7. 1.C273300500053 432.87 0.12 1. C273300500054 446.30 0.50 2.19 0.52 C273300500055 453.46 0.31 1. C273300500056 456.80 0.50 1.46 0.46 C273300500057 535.20 0.30 11.5 1.0 C273300500058 553.67 0.17 2.88 0.70 C273300500059 563.67 0.34 1. C273300500060 578.80 0.70 2.18 0.65 C273300500061 608.66 0.12 2.68 0.62 C273300500062 669.07 0.12 4.18 0.77 C273300500063 675.30 0.50 2. C273300500064 707.97 0.41 8.52 0.90 C273300500065 718.60 0.20 9.6 1.0 C273300500066 731.20 0.30 8.22 0.95 C273300500067 733.60 0.30 9.9 1.1 C273300500068 741.69 0.21 2. C273300500069 756.17 0.45 3.4 1.1 C273300500070 759.03 0.10 61.9 3.3 C273300500071 769.10 0.10 35.2 1.6 C273300500072 775.8 1.0 3.80 0.70 C273300500073 780.0 1.0 6.4 0.9 C273300500074 791.03 0.21 5.0 1.0 C273300500075 809.10 0.10 43.5 2.0 C273300500076 815.0 1.0 5.40 0.63 C273300500077 819.21 0.15 32.4 1.6 C273300500078 862.89 0.23 17.9 0.9 C273300500079 876.40 0.17 20.5 1.1 C273300500080 887.23 0.47 2. C273300500081 896.0 1.0 3.74 0.90 C273300500082 908.42 0.17 8.6 1.0 C273300500083 910.93 0.20 37.2 1.8 C273300500084 926.42 0.26 12.8 0.8 C273300500085 931.17 0.50 2. C273300500086 936.90 0.40 7.31 0.85 C273300500087 941.58 0.18 13.5 0.8 C273300500088 948.15 0.23 2. C273300500089 962.23 0.21 7.8 1.1 C273300500090 1019.02 0.23 10.0 1.6 C273300500091 1048.46 0.18 2. C273300500092 1058.12 0.35 17.0 1.1 C273300500093 1071.32 0.29 7.2 1.3 C273300500094 1079.95 0.73 2.49 0.74 C273300500095 1083.08 0.23 16.1 0.9 C273300500096 1114.50 0.40 4.90 0.96 C273300500097 1128.00 0.30 9.5 1.0 C273300500098 1144.60 0.74 3.8 1.0 C273300500099 1157.57 0.30 12.0 1.2 C273300500100 1214.56 0.21 3. C273300500101 1220.63 0.47 7.3 1.1 C273300500102 1230.05 0.23 4.2 0.9 C273300500103 1309.0 1.0 14.3 1.5 1. C273300500104 1331.2 1.0 8.6 1.3 C273300500105 1335.0 2.0 3. 2. C273300500106 1342.0 1.0 15.4 1.6 C273300500107 1421.38 0.47 14.0 1.6 C273300500108 1448.00 0.80 10.0 1.4 C273300500109 1514.40 0.50 11.6 1.6 C273300500110 1545.0 1.0 11.3 1.5 C273300500111 ENDDATA 89 0 C273300500112 ENDSUBENT 111 0 C273300599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C273399999999