ENTRY C2738 20221010 C220C273800000001 SUBENT C2738001 20221010 C220C273800100001 BIB 8 14 C273800100002 TITLE 10B(alpha,6Li)8Be reaction at 46 MeV and the C273800100003 configuration of the 10B ground state C273800100004 AUTHOR (B.Zeidman,H.T.Fortune,A.Richter) C273800100005 INSTITUTE (1USAANL) C273800100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,2,1612,1970) C273800100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.2.1612 C273800100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) The Argonne 60-in. cyclotron. C273800100009 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR,SIBAR) The detector telescope consisted C273800100010 of a series of totally depleted Si surface-barrier C273800100011 detectors of thickness 34 mu-m for the deltaE C273800100012 detector, 300 mu-m for the E detector, 500 mu-m for C273800100013 the anticoincidence detectors. C273800100014 METHOD (EXTB) C273800100015 HISTORY (20220504C) OG C273800100016 ENDBIB 14 0 C273800100017 COMMON 1 3 C273800100018 EN C273800100019 MEV C273800100020 46. C273800100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273800100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C273800199999 SUBENT C2738002 20221010 C220C273800200001 BIB 6 12 C273800200002 REACTION (5-B-10(A,3-LI-6)4-BE-8,PAR,DA) C273800200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL1,3-LI-6) C273800200004 (E-LVL2,4-BE-8) C273800200005 LEVEL-PROP (4-BE-8,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) C273800200006 (4-BE-8,E-LVL=2.9,SPIN=2.,PARITY=+1.) C273800200007 SAMPLE A self supporting 10B target, an approximate thickness C273800200008 of 75 mu-g/cm2. C273800200009 (5-B-10,ENR=0.96) C273800200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error include the errors due to C273800200011 statistics and background subtraction. C273800200012 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 in J,PR/C,2,1612,1970 was digitized by C273800200013 GSYS2.4.7. C273800200014 ENDBIB 12 0 C273800200015 COMMON 1 3 C273800200016 E-LVL1 C273800200017 MEV C273800200018 0. C273800200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C273800200020 DATA 4 31 C273800200021 E-LVL2 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C273800200022 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C273800200023 0. 14.392 9.181E-02 1.253E-02 C273800200024 0. 16.669 7.057E-02 7.387E-03 C273800200025 0. 18.172 6.559E-02 7.068E-03 C273800200026 0. 19.702 5.734E-02 6.279E-03 C273800200027 0. 21.054 5.497E-02 4.730E-03 C273800200028 0. 22.497 5.449E-02 5.003E-03 C273800200029 0. 24.190 5.133E-02 5.371E-03 C273800200030 0. 25.932 4.767E-02 4.355E-03 C273800200031 0. 27.276 4.052E-02 3.433E-03 C273800200032 0. 28.769 2.366E-02 2.162E-03 C273800200033 0. 30.429 1.967E-02 1.796E-03 C273800200034 0. 31.769 1.443E-02 1.699E-03 C273800200035 0. 33.355 1.508E-02 1.478E-03 C273800200036 0. 34.629 2.024E-02 2.251E-03 C273800200037 0. 36.454 2.178E-02 2.135E-03 C273800200038 0. 39.949 3.123E-02 3.677E-03 C273800200039 2.9 16.861 2.970E-01 3.964E-02 C273800200040 2.9 18.912 2.024E-01 2.901E-02 C273800200041 2.9 20.500 2.276E-01 3.037E-02 C273800200042 2.9 22.163 2.193E-01 2.865E-02 C273800200043 2.9 23.666 1.949E-01 1.650E-02 C273800200044 2.9 25.325 1.550E-01 1.926E-02 C273800200045 2.9 26.667 1.215E-01 1.271E-02 C273800200046 2.9 28.328 1.064E-01 9.720E-03 C273800200047 2.9 29.593 9.593E-02 1.005E-02 C273800200048 2.9 31.492 8.215E-02 7.507E-03 C273800200049 2.9 33.072 6.583E-02 6.012E-03 C273800200050 2.9 34.255 5.315E-02 5.912E-03 C273800200051 2.9 35.843 6.112E-02 5.992E-03 C273800200052 2.9 37.438 9.300E-02 9.118E-03 C273800200053 2.9 40.368 8.322E-02 1.193E-02 C273800200054 ENDDATA 33 0 C273800200055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C273800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C273899999999