ENTRY C2740 20221010 C220C274000000001 SUBENT C2740001 20221010 C220C274000100001 BIB 9 19 C274000100002 TITLE Test of the independence hypothesis by angular C274000100003 distribution measurement C274000100004 AUTHOR (D.M.Montgomery,N.T.Porile) C274000100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,2,595,1970) C274000100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.2.595 C274000100007 INSTITUTE (1USAPUR) C274000100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAANL) The 60-in. cyclotron at Argonne C274000100009 National Laboratory. C274000100010 SAMPLE The targets were prepared by electrophoresis of a fine C274000100011 suspension of Ba(NO3)2, in acetone onto 0.8 mil-thick C274000100012 aluminum foil of high purity (99.999%). The target C274000100013 assembly consisted of the stacked-foil arrangement withC274000100014 6-8 targets and catchers of the same pure aluminum. C274000100015 DETECTOR (NAICR) The activity measurements were performed C274000100016 with several thin NaI(T1) detectors having beryllium C274000100017 windows. C274000100018 METHOD (CHSEP,ACTIV) After irradiation the Ce activities were C274000100019 radiochemically separated from the various samples. C274000100020 HISTORY (20220505C) OG C274000100021 ENDBIB 19 0 C274000100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C274000199999 SUBENT C2740002 20221010 C220C274000200001 BIB 7 16 C274000200002 REACTION (56-BA-137(HE3,3N)58-CE-137-G,,SIG) C274000200003 ANALYSIS (DECAY) C274000200004 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-137-G,9.0HR,XR) C274000200005 SAMPLE (56-BA-137,ENR=0.896) C274000200006 MISC-COL (MISC) The average recoil range projected in the C274000200007 direction of the beam C274000200008 ERR-ANALYS The cross section errors include the errors in target C274000200009 thickness, gravimetric yields, and the statistical C274000200010 uncertainties in the activities. C274000200011 (ERR-1,,10.) - uncertainties in the target thicknesses,C274000200012 (ERR-2,,5.) - uncertainties in chemical yields, C274000200013 (ERR-3,,15.) - the random errors from all sources for C274000200014 the cross sections. C274000200015 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.598) in J,PR/C,2,595,1970 C274000200016 (DEP,C2740003) metastable state production cross C274000200017 section C274000200018 ENDBIB 16 0 C274000200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000200020 DATA 3 12 C274000200021 EN DATA MISC C274000200022 MEV MB SEE TEXT C274000200023 14.2 4.0 41. C274000200024 16.2 37. 47. C274000200025 18.1 88. 66. C274000200026 18.2 93. 50. C274000200027 20.0 136. 53. C274000200028 21.7 164. 82. C274000200029 23.4 161. 58. C274000200030 25.0 158. 73. C274000200031 26.8 130. 76. C274000200032 28.6 94. 68. C274000200033 30.2 96. 77. C274000200034 33.4 76. 74. C274000200035 ENDDATA 14 0 C274000200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C274000299999 SUBENT C2740003 20221010 C220C274000300001 BIB 6 13 C274000300002 REACTION (56-BA-137(HE3,3N)58-CE-137-M,,SIG) C274000300003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-137-M,34.4HR,XR) C274000300004 SAMPLE (56-BA-137,ENR=0.896) C274000300005 MISC-COL (MISC) The average recoil range projected in the C274000300006 direction of the beam C274000300007 ERR-ANALYS The cross section errors include the errors in target C274000300008 thickness, gravimetric yields, and the statistical C274000300009 uncertainties in the activities. C274000300010 (ERR-1,,10.) - uncertainties in the target thicknesses,C274000300011 (ERR-2,,5.) - uncertainties in chemical yields, C274000300012 (ERR-3,,15.) - the random errors from all sources for C274000300013 the cross sections. C274000300014 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.598) in J,PR/C,2,595,1970 C274000300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C274000300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000300017 DATA 3 12 C274000300018 EN DATA MISC C274000300019 MEV MB SEE TEXT C274000300020 14.2 2.8 42. C274000300021 16.2 33. 47. C274000300022 18.1 92. 63. C274000300023 18.2 107. 51. C274000300024 20.0 204. 52. C274000300025 21.7 266. 81. C274000300026 23.4 372. 58. C274000300027 25.0 382. 74. C274000300028 26.8 373. 77. C274000300029 28.6 354. 71. C274000300030 30.2 310. 86. C274000300031 33.4 262. 83. C274000300032 ENDDATA 14 0 C274000300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C274000399999 SUBENT C2740004 20221010 C220C274000400001 BIB 5 12 C274000400002 REACTION (56-BA-137(HE3,3N)58-CE-137-M/G,,SIG/RAT) C274000400003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-137-M,34.4HR,XR) C274000400004 (58-CE-137-G,9.0HR,XR) C274000400005 SAMPLE (56-BA-137,ENR=0.896) C274000400006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The standard deviations of the isomer ratiosC274000400007 were obtained from a least-squares fit to the decay C274000400008 data. They represent the statistical uncertainty in theC274000400009 activity measurements and do not reflect possible C274000400010 systematic errors in the decay scheme. C274000400011 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.598) in J,PR/C,2,595,1970 C274000400012 (DEP,C2740002) C274000400013 (DEP,C2740003) v C274000400014 ENDBIB 12 0 C274000400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000400016 DATA 3 12 C274000400017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C274000400018 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C274000400019 14.2 0.70 0.01 C274000400020 16.2 0.89 0.01 C274000400021 18.1 1.04 0.03 C274000400022 18.2 1.15 0.01 C274000400023 20.0 1.50 0.04 C274000400024 21.7 1.63 0.02 C274000400025 23.4 2.31 0.04 C274000400026 25.0 2.42 0.04 C274000400027 26.8 2.93 0.09 C274000400028 28.6 3.75 0.15 C274000400029 30.2 3.24 0.10 C274000400030 33.4 3.43 0.13 C274000400031 ENDDATA 14 0 C274000400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C274000499999 SUBENT C2740005 20221010 C220C274000500001 BIB 7 16 C274000500002 REACTION (56-BA-136(A,3N)58-CE-137-G,,SIG) C274000500003 ANALYSIS (DECAY) C274000500004 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-137-G,9.0HR,XR) C274000500005 SAMPLE (56-BA-136,ENR=0.929) C274000500006 MISC-COL (MISC) The average recoil range projected in the C274000500007 direction of the beam C274000500008 ERR-ANALYS The cross section errors include the errors in target C274000500009 thickness, gravimetric yields, and the statistical C274000500010 uncertainties in the activities. C274000500011 (ERR-1,,10.) - uncertainties in the target thicknesses,C274000500012 (ERR-2,,5.) - uncertainties in chemical yields, C274000500013 (ERR-3,,15.) - the random errors from all sources for C274000500014 the cross sections. C274000500015 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.598) in J,PR/C,2,595,1970 C274000500016 (DEP,C2740006) metastable state production cross C274000500017 section C274000500018 ENDBIB 16 0 C274000500019 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000500020 DATA 3 8 C274000500021 EN DATA MISC C274000500022 MEV MB SEE TEXT C274000500023 27.1 42. 94. C274000500024 29.6 48. 94. C274000500025 32.8 143. 115. C274000500026 34.8 168. 115. C274000500027 36.8 203. 110. C274000500028 39.0 185. 121. C274000500029 41.4 145. 137. C274000500030 44.2 109. 131. C274000500031 ENDDATA 10 0 C274000500032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C274000599999 SUBENT C2740006 20221010 C220C274000600001 BIB 6 13 C274000600002 REACTION (56-BA-136(A,3N)58-CE-137-M,,SIG) C274000600003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-137-M,34.4HR,XR) C274000600004 SAMPLE (56-BA-136,ENR=0.929) C274000600005 MISC-COL (MISC) The average recoil range projected in the C274000600006 direction of the beam C274000600007 ERR-ANALYS The cross section errors include the errors in target C274000600008 thickness, gravimetric yields, and the statistical C274000600009 uncertainties in the activities. C274000600010 (ERR-1,,10.) - uncertainties in the target thicknesses,C274000600011 (ERR-2,,5.) - uncertainties in chemical yields, C274000600012 (ERR-3,,15.) - the random errors from all sources for C274000600013 the cross sections. C274000600014 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.598) in J,PR/C,2,595,1970 C274000600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C274000600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000600017 DATA 3 8 C274000600018 EN DATA MISC C274000600019 MEV MB SEE TEXT C274000600020 44.2 947. 134. C274000600021 41.4 1048. 144. C274000600022 39.0 1059. 127. C274000600023 36.8 965. 116. C274000600024 34.8 715. 118. C274000600025 32.8 492. 116. C274000600026 29.6 120. 90. C274000600027 27.1 11.3 95. C274000600028 ENDDATA 10 0 C274000600029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C274000699999 SUBENT C2740007 20221010 C220C274000700001 BIB 5 12 C274000700002 REACTION (56-BA-136(A,3N)58-CE-137-M/G,,SIG/RAT) C274000700003 DECAY-DATA (58-CE-137-M,34.4HR,XR) C274000700004 (58-CE-137-G,9.0HR,XR) C274000700005 SAMPLE (56-BA-136,ENR=0.929) C274000700006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The standard deviations of the isomer ratiosC274000700007 were obtained from a least-squares fit to the decay C274000700008 data. They represent the statistical uncertainty in theC274000700009 activity measurements and do not reflect possible C274000700010 systematic errors in the decay scheme. C274000700011 STATUS (TABLE) Tab.I (p.598) in J,PR/C,2,595,1970 C274000700012 (DEP,C2740005) C274000700013 (DEP,C2740006) C274000700014 ENDBIB 12 0 C274000700015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274000700016 DATA 3 8 C274000700017 EN DATA DATA-ERR C274000700018 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM C274000700019 27.1 2.66 0.13 C274000700020 29.6 2.51 0.08 C274000700021 32.8 3.43 0.08 C274000700022 34.8 4.26 0.19 C274000700023 36.8 4.76 0.37 C274000700024 39.0 5.71 0.40 C274000700025 41.4 7.25 0.30 C274000700026 44.2 8.71 0.32 C274000700027 ENDDATA 10 0 C274000700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C274000799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C274099999999