ENTRY C2747 20241014 C241C274700000001 SUBENT C2747001 20241014 C241C274700100001 BIB 9 29 C274700100002 TITLE First direct measurement of the 13N(alpha,p)16-O C274700100003 reaction relevant for core-collapse supernovae C274700100004 nucleosynthesis C274700100005 AUTHOR (H.Jayatissa,M.L.Avila,K.E.Rehm,R.Talwar,P.Mohr, C274700100006 K.Auranen,J.Chen,D.A.Gorelov,C.R.Hoffman,C.L.Jiang, C274700100007 B.P.Kay,S.A.Kuvin,D.Santiago-Gonzalez) C274700100008 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,3HUNDEB,1CANMNA) C274700100009 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,105,L042802,2022) C274700100010 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.105.L042802 C274700100011 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAANL) Experiment was carried out at the C274700100012 Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System at Argonne C274700100013 National Laboratory C274700100014 INC-SOURCE (KINDT) A radioactive 13N7+ beam was created with a C274700100015 50 MeV 12C5+ primary beam using the 12C(d,n)13N C274700100016 reaction via the in-flight technique. A magnet is used C274700100017 for separating the 13N beam from the primary 12C beam C274700100018 The beam energy of the secondary 13N was 34.6*-0.7 MeV C274700100019 SAMPLE Active target - the filling of MUSIC chamber was used C274700100020 as the sample. Detector was filled with He-Kr mixture C274700100021 with 95%-5% by volume. The pressure inside detector wasC274700100022 measured to be 402 torr. C274700100023 DETECTOR (IOCH) The cross section was measured using the multi- C274700100024 sampling ionization chamber.The anode is segmented C274700100025 in 18 strips, each with a width of 15.78 mm. The 16 C274700100026 center strips are subdivided in asymmetric left and C274700100027 right sections. Each strip corresponds to a different C274700100028 incident energy. C274700100029 HISTORY (20220518C) Compiled by S.H C274700100030 (20241005A) OS.RAECTION in sub.3 corrected C274700100031 ENDBIB 29 0 C274700100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274700100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C274700199999 SUBENT C2747002 20220530 C221C274700200001 BIB 3 4 C274700200002 REACTION ((2-HE-4(7-N-13,P)8-O-16,,SIG)= C274700200003 (7-N-13(A,P)8-O-16,,SIG)) C274700200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty C274700200005 STATUS (TABLE) Data shown in fig.5 sent by author H.J. C274700200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C274700200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274700200008 DATA 4 9 C274700200009 EN-CM EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR C274700200010 MEV MEV MB MB C274700200011 6.01518 0.153873 341.821 22.329 C274700200012 5.70378 0.157589 279.672 19.806 C274700200013 5.38467 0.161584 257.804 18.882 C274700200014 5.05727 0.165896 301.539 20.709 C274700200015 4.72085 0.170654 301.539 21.364 C274700200016 4.37433 0.176014 307.293 20.944 C274700200017 4.0165 0.181915 299.237 21.123 C274700200018 3.64652 0.188102 206.013 33.214 C274700200019 3.26394 0.194575 232.484 100.338 C274700200020 ENDDATA 11 0 C274700200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C274700299999 SUBENT C2747003 20241014 C241C274700300001 BIB 5 7 C274700300002 REACTION (7-N-13(A,P)8-O-16,,SIG,,SFC) C274700300003 ANALYSIS (DTBAL) S-factor calculated from cross sections C274700300004 measured in this work C274700300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties C274700300006 STATUS (TABLE) Data shown in fig.4 sent by author H.J. C274700300007 (DEP,C2747002) C274700300008 HISTORY (20241005A) REACTION SF1,2,3,4 corrected C274700300009 ENDBIB 7 0 C274700300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C274700300011 DATA 4 9 C274700300012 EN-CM EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR C274700300013 MEV MEV B*MEV B*MEV C274700300014 3.26395 0.19455 548870. 470680. C274700300015 3.6465 0.1881 257530. 83039.2 C274700300016 4.0165 0.1819 223090. 31283.2 C274700300017 4.3743 0.176 149275. 20348.7 C274700300018 4.7208 0.1707 107322. 14436.5 C274700300019 5.05725 0.16585 74531.5 10237.7 C274700300020 5.3846 0.1616 48507. 7105.76 C274700300021 5.70375 0.15755 41360.5 5858.26 C274700300022 6.0152 0.1539 40793.5 5329.55 C274700300023 ENDDATA 11 0 C274700300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C274700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C274799999999