ENTRY C2762 20220519 C220C276200000001 SUBENT C2762001 20220519 C220C276200100001 BIB 6 13 C276200100002 TITLE Neutron energy spectra of different size 239Pu- C276200100003 Be(alpha,n) sources C276200100004 AUTHOR (M.E.Anderson, R.A.Neff) C276200100005 REFERENCE (J,NIM,99,231,1972) C276200100006 #doi:10.1016/0029-554X(72)90781-1 C276200100007 INSTITUTE (1USAUSA) Monsanto Research Corporation, Miamisburg, C276200100008 Ohio 45342, U.S.A. C276200100009 ADD-RES (N-SPC) Intensity maxima near 2.0, 3.1, 4.8, 6.6, C276200100010 7.7, and 9.8 MeV were seen in all spectra and a small C276200100011 maximum near 1.4 MeV was seen in two of the C276200100012 spectra. These findings are given on page 231 of J, C276200100013 NIM,99,231,1972. C276200100014 HISTORY (20220519C) BP C276200100015 ENDBIB 13 0 C276200100016 COMMON 1 3 C276200100017 EN C276200100018 MEV C276200100019 5.156 C276200100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C276200100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C276200199999 SUBENT C2762002 20220519 C220C276200200001 BIB 5 6 C276200200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276200200003 INC-SOURCE M-591 containing 80 g of Pu and 39g of Be. C276200200004 DETECTOR (PLATE) Nuclear emulsions. C276200200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Representative error bars for the emulsion C276200200006 spectrum, due only to counting statistics. C276200200007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 233 of J,NIM,99,231,1972. C276200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C276200200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276200200010 DATA 4 22 C276200200011 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-S C276200200012 MEV MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276200200013 0.000 0.500 7.944 0.306 C276200200014 0.500 1.000 7.225 0.221 C276200200015 1.000 1.500 5.105 C276200200016 1.500 2.000 4.240 0.238 C276200200017 2.000 2.500 4.925 C276200200018 2.500 3.000 5.327 0.238 C276200200019 3.000 3.500 7.105 C276200200020 3.500 4.000 5.640 C276200200021 4.000 4.500 5.760 C276200200022 4.500 5.000 5.994 0.238 C276200200023 5.000 5.500 5.225 C276200200024 5.500 6.000 3.430 C276200200025 6.000 6.500 2.570 0.187 C276200200026 6.500 7.000 3.620 C276200200027 7.000 7.500 3.130 C276200200028 7.500 8.000 3.627 0.237 C276200200029 8.000 8.500 2.975 C276200200030 8.500 9.000 1.222 C276200200031 9.000 9.500 0.774 C276200200032 9.500 10.000 1.200 0.187 C276200200033 10.000 10.500 0.690 C276200200034 10.500 11.000 0.190 C276200200035 ENDDATA 24 0 C276200200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C276200299999 SUBENT C2762003 20220519 C220C276200300001 BIB 5 13 C276200300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276200300003 INC-SOURCE M-591 source containing 80 g of Pu and 39g of Be. C276200300004 DETECTOR (SCIN) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm diam. x 1 cm C276200300005 high), fast neutron spectrometer was used for C276200300006 determining that portion of the neutron energy C276200300007 spectrum with neutron energies greater than about 1 C276200300008 MeV. C276200300009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars for the stilbene data represent C276200300010 +- one standard deviation and are from counting C276200300011 statistics only. In case where no error bar is shown, C276200300012 the dot representing the data point is larger than C276200300013 the associated error bar would be. C276200300014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 233 of J,NIM,99,231,1972. C276200300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C276200300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276200300017 DATA 3 55 C276200300018 E DATA ERR-S C276200300019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276200300020 0.960 7.155 C276200300021 1.051 5.371 C276200300022 1.100 4.945 C276200300023 1.201 4.741 0.119 C276200300024 1.289 4.943 C276200300025 1.360 5.299 C276200300026 1.394 5.231 C276200300027 1.512 4.924 C276200300028 1.578 4.482 C276200300029 1.626 4.006 0.136 C276200300030 1.715 4.412 C276200300031 1.803 4.836 C276200300032 1.906 4.818 C276200300033 2.062 4.918 0.119 C276200300034 2.181 4.747 C276200300035 2.284 4.814 C276200300036 2.421 4.694 0.119 C276200300037 2.507 4.642 C276200300038 2.611 4.794 C276200300039 2.751 5.268 C276200300040 2.822 5.590 C276200300041 2.965 6.268 0.119 C276200300042 3.037 6.742 C276200300043 3.143 7.268 0.152 C276200300044 3.324 6.128 0.153 C276200300045 3.528 5.701 C276200300046 3.886 5.358 C276200300047 4.213 5.388 C276200300048 4.544 6.030 C276200300049 4.887 5.925 C276200300050 5.177 5.684 C276200300051 5.445 4.730 0.085 C276200300052 5.765 3.775 0.102 C276200300053 6.034 2.855 C276200300054 6.342 2.665 0.101 C276200300055 6.607 3.716 C276200300056 6.861 3.203 0.102 C276200300057 7.083 2.946 0.102 C276200300058 7.360 3.249 0.119 C276200300059 7.620 3.586 0.119 C276200300060 7.877 3.516 0.102 C276200300061 8.115 3.139 0.085 C276200300062 8.385 2.406 0.085 C276200300063 8.604 1.809 0.068 C276200300064 8.822 0.992 C276200300065 9.097 1.006 0.068 C276200300066 9.302 0.834 C276200300067 9.562 1.205 C276200300068 9.769 1.373 C276200300069 10.009 1.234 C276200300070 10.230 0.909 C276200300071 10.467 0.448 C276200300072 10.723 0.174 C276200300073 10.928 0.002 C276200300074 11.100 0.000 C276200300075 ENDDATA 57 0 C276200300076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 C276200399999 SUBENT C2762004 20220519 C220C276200400001 BIB 5 13 C276200400002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276200400003 INC-SOURCE M-99 source containing 2g of Pu and 1.1g of Be. C276200400004 DETECTOR (SCIN) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm diam. x 1 cm C276200400005 high), fast neutron spectrometer was used for C276200400006 determining that portion of the neutron energy C276200400007 spectrum with neutron energies greater than about 1 C276200400008 MeV. C276200400009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars for the stilbene data represent C276200400010 +- one standard deviation and are from counting C276200400011 statistics only. In case where no error bar is shown, C276200400012 the dot representing the data point is larger than C276200400013 the associated error bar would be. C276200400014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 233 of J,NIM,99,231,1972. C276200400015 ENDBIB 13 0 C276200400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276200400017 DATA 3 46 C276200400018 E DATA ERR-S C276200400019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276200400020 1.053 5.268 0.130 C276200400021 1.179 4.143 0.159 C276200400022 1.266 4.373 0.144 C276200400023 1.352 4.113 0.188 C276200400024 1.538 3.794 0.116 C276200400025 1.724 3.332 0.101 C276200400026 1.884 3.849 0.115 C276200400027 2.030 4.353 0.115 C276200400028 2.201 3.847 0.144 C276200400029 2.317 4.062 0.173 C276200400030 2.490 4.191 0.173 C276200400031 2.607 4.695 0.187 C276200400032 2.754 5.457 0.216 C276200400033 2.827 5.817 0.173 C276200400034 2.887 6.768 0.231 C276200400035 2.989 7.301 0.173 C276200400036 3.005 7.892 0.274 C276200400037 3.149 7.847 0.230 C276200400038 3.221 7.789 0.216 C276200400039 3.279 7.673 0.288 C276200400040 3.392 7.010 0.231 C276200400041 3.593 6.605 0.274 C276200400042 3.892 5.651 0.130 C276200400043 4.239 5.937 0.115 C276200400044 4.557 6.396 0.130 C276200400045 4.875 6.696 0.173 C276200400046 5.178 6.593 0.173 C276200400047 5.476 5.207 0.187 C276200400048 5.747 4.283 0.144 C276200400049 6.032 2.911 0.144 C276200400050 6.305 2.852 0.158 C276200400051 6.596 3.700 0.202 C276200400052 6.870 4.001 0.202 C276200400053 7.113 3.177 0.173 C276200400054 7.359 3.579 0.173 C276200400055 7.618 3.462 0.216 C276200400056 7.879 4.022 0.187 C276200400057 8.138 3.920 0.173 C276200400058 8.380 2.794 0.144 C276200400059 8.666 2.172 0.130 C276200400060 8.966 1.016 0.101 C276200400061 9.326 0.985 0.101 C276200400062 9.658 1.386 0.115 C276200400063 10.019 1.427 0.072 C276200400064 10.348 0.877 0.072 C276200400065 10.693 0.298 0.101 C276200400066 ENDDATA 48 0 C276200400067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 C276200499999 SUBENT C2762005 20220519 C220C276200500001 BIB 5 13 C276200500002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276200500003 INC-SOURCE M-977 source containing 13.5 g of Pu and 6.6g of Be. C276200500004 DETECTOR (SCIN) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm diam. x 1 cm C276200500005 high), fast neutron spectrometer was used for C276200500006 determining that portion of the neutron energy C276200500007 spectrum with neutron energies greater than about 1 C276200500008 MeV. C276200500009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars for the stilbene data represent C276200500010 +- one standard deviation and are from counting C276200500011 statistics only. In case where no error bar is shown, C276200500012 the dot representing the data point is larger than C276200500013 the associated error bar would be. C276200500014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 234 of J,NIM,99,231,1972. C276200500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C276200500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276200500017 DATA 3 51 C276200500018 E DATA ERR-S C276200500019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276200500020 1.011 5.980 C276200500021 1.105 4.982 C276200500022 1.186 4.469 C276200500023 1.294 4.713 C276200500024 1.375 4.173 0.081 C276200500025 1.469 4.093 0.067 C276200500026 1.536 3.877 0.067 C276200500027 1.631 3.675 0.081 C276200500028 1.739 3.783 0.094 C276200500029 1.792 3.999 0.081 C276200500030 1.873 4.134 0.094 C276200500031 2.035 4.418 0.067 C276200500032 2.183 4.257 0.094 C276200500033 2.345 3.961 0.108 C276200500034 2.615 4.474 0.121 C276200500035 2.763 5.567 0.094 C276200500036 2.898 6.135 0.108 C276200500037 3.032 7.713 0.108 C276200500038 3.140 7.336 0.081 C276200500039 3.342 6.905 0.122 C276200500040 3.504 6.204 0.135 C276200500041 3.868 5.571 0.121 C276200500042 4.191 5.586 0.094 C276200500043 4.488 5.897 0.067 C276200500044 4.798 6.235 0.121 C276200500045 5.108 6.236 0.135 C276200500046 5.391 5.037 0.094 C276200500047 5.633 4.269 0.122 C276200500048 5.930 3.285 0.135 C276200500049 6.226 2.854 0.135 C276200500050 6.482 3.314 0.108 C276200500051 6.725 3.490 C276200500052 7.008 3.127 0.094 C276200500053 7.264 3.060 0.149 C276200500054 7.520 3.519 0.108 C276200500055 7.776 3.628 0.135 C276200500056 8.019 3.467 0.121 C276200500057 8.248 2.780 0.081 C276200500058 8.491 2.214 0.121 C276200500059 8.760 1.446 0.122 C276200500060 8.949 1.029 C276200500061 9.178 0.787 0.081 C276200500062 9.420 1.165 C276200500063 9.636 1.557 C276200500064 9.865 1.477 C276200500065 10.081 1.275 C276200500066 10.296 0.885 C276200500067 10.553 0.508 C276200500068 10.741 0.212 C276200500069 10.943 0.091 C276200500070 11.159 0.105 C276200500071 ENDDATA 53 0 C276200500072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 C276200599999 SUBENT C2762006 20220519 C220C276200600001 BIB 5 13 C276200600002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276200600003 INC-SOURCE M-930 source containing 159.9g of Pu and 79g of Be. C276200600004 DETECTOR (SCIN) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm diam. x 1 cm C276200600005 high), fast neutron spectrometer was used for C276200600006 determining that portion of the neutron energy C276200600007 spectrum with neutron energies greater than about 1 C276200600008 MeV. C276200600009 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars for the stilbene data represent C276200600010 +- one standard deviation and are from counting C276200600011 statistics only. In case where no error bar is shown, C276200600012 the dot representing the data point is larger than C276200600013 the associated error bar would be. C276200600014 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 234 of J,NIM,99,231,1972. C276200600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C276200600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276200600017 DATA 3 51 C276200600018 E DATA ERR-S C276200600019 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276200600020 1.068 7.533 0.094 C276200600021 1.171 7.022 0.094 C276200600022 1.301 6.416 0.121 C276200600023 1.420 6.106 0.134 C276200600024 1.541 6.307 0.121 C276200600025 1.627 5.138 0.161 C276200600026 1.736 5.365 0.161 C276200600027 1.927 5.860 0.121 C276200600028 2.141 5.831 0.094 C276200600029 2.300 5.587 0.094 C276200600030 2.484 5.170 0.134 C276200600031 2.648 5.638 C276200600032 2.853 6.293 C276200600033 3.049 7.553 C276200600034 3.208 7.296 0.080 C276200600035 3.418 6.677 0.094 C276200600036 3.590 6.420 0.067 C276200600037 3.789 6.029 0.107 C276200600038 3.947 5.705 0.094 C276200600039 4.134 5.623 0.080 C276200600040 4.297 6.010 0.081 C276200600041 4.447 6.358 0.121 C276200600042 4.594 6.303 0.121 C276200600043 4.781 6.354 0.094 C276200600044 4.929 6.447 0.121 C276200600045 5.075 6.190 0.121 C276200600046 5.259 5.665 0.121 C276200600047 5.390 5.234 0.094 C276200600048 5.547 4.696 0.107 C276200600049 5.807 3.619 C276200600050 6.109 2.690 C276200600051 6.394 3.291 C276200600052 6.663 3.476 C276200600053 6.929 3.178 C276200600054 7.196 3.095 C276200600055 7.453 3.468 C276200600056 7.695 3.640 C276200600057 7.974 3.262 C276200600058 8.239 2.870 C276200600059 8.461 2.009 C276200600060 8.711 1.348 C276200600061 8.989 0.930 C276200600062 9.216 0.847 C276200600063 9.459 1.166 C276200600064 9.662 1.406 C276200600065 9.915 1.283 C276200600066 10.168 1.012 C276200600067 10.352 0.607 C276200600068 10.605 0.282 C276200600069 10.804 0.039 C276200600070 11.044 0.009 C276200600071 ENDDATA 53 0 C276200600072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 C276200699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 C276299999999