ENTRY C2763 20220519 C220C276300000001 SUBENT C2763001 20220519 C220C276300100001 BIB 6 9 C276300100002 TITLE Neutron Energy Spectrum of a Po-Be (alpha,n) Source C276300100003 AUTHOR (M.E.Anderson) C276300100004 REFERENCE (R,MLM-1874,1972) C276300100005 INSTITUTE (1USAUSA) Monsanto Research Corporation, Miamisburg, C276300100006 Ohio 45342, U.S.A. C276300100007 ADD-RES (N-SPC) Intensity maxima for neutron energies were C276300100008 seen at 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, 5.0, 6.7, 7.7, and 9.7 MeV. C276300100009 These findings are given on page 7 of R,MLM-1874,1972. C276300100010 HISTORY (20220519C) BP C276300100011 ENDBIB 9 0 C276300100012 COMMON 1 3 C276300100013 EN C276300100014 MEV C276300100015 5.40753 C276300100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C276300100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C276300199999 SUBENT C2763002 20220519 C220C276300200001 BIB 7 15 C276300200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276300200003 INC-SOURCE The total emission rate was determined with a C276300200004 long counter on September 29, 1970: 8.08x10**6 n/sec C276300200005 with uncertainty of +-0.23x10**6 n/sec (one standard C276300200006 deviation). C276300200007 DETECTOR (SCIN,LONGC) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm dim. x 1 C276300200008 cm high) and long counter were used for fast neutron C276300200009 detection. C276300200010 METHOD (PSD) Pulse shape discrimination was used to separate C276300200011 neutrons from gamma rays. Source-detector separation ofC276300200012 1 m. C276300200013 CORRECTION Background corrections. C276300200014 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars represent +- one standard C276300200015 deviation and are from counting statistics only. C276300200016 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 8 of R,MLM-1874,1972. C276300200017 ENDBIB 15 0 C276300200018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276300200019 DATA 3 45 C276300200020 E DATA ERR-S C276300200021 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276300200022 1.011 1.275E-01 7.695E-03 C276300200023 1.126 1.177E-01 9.051E-03 C276300200024 1.281 8.929E-02 5.393E-03 C276300200025 1.454 1.020E-01 8.683E-03 C276300200026 1.666 8.388E-02 5.761E-03 C276300200027 1.858 1.048E-01 7.194E-03 C276300200028 2.032 9.498E-02 6.523E-03 C276300200029 2.282 1.066E-01 5.539E-03 C276300200030 2.533 1.155E-01 6.969E-03 C276300200031 2.764 1.331E-01 1.024E-02 C276300200032 2.937 1.633E-01 9.853E-03 C276300200033 3.014 1.951E-01 1.178E-02 C276300200034 3.111 2.151E-01 1.118E-02 C276300200035 3.207 1.833E-01 9.520E-03 C276300200036 3.284 1.916E-01 9.947E-03 C276300200037 3.438 1.575E-01 5.501E-03 C276300200038 3.554 1.561E-01 8.116E-03 C276300200039 3.631 1.661E-01 1.549E-02 C276300200040 3.881 1.390E-01 9.550E-03 C276300200041 4.151 1.533E-01 7.969E-03 C276300200042 4.459 1.519E-01 1.168E-02 C276300200043 4.729 1.645E-01 1.265E-02 C276300200044 4.998 1.705E-01 8.852E-03 C276300200045 5.268 1.452E-01 7.547E-03 C276300200046 5.538 1.389E-01 9.538E-03 C276300200047 5.788 1.142E-01 8.783E-03 C276300200048 6.039 7.317E-02 5.628E-03 C276300200049 6.289 7.123E-02 6.062E-03 C276300200050 6.559 9.300E-02 1.015E-02 C276300200051 6.771 8.357E-02 7.787E-03 C276300200052 7.002 8.282E-02 7.718E-03 C276300200053 7.348 7.643E-02 7.122E-03 C276300200054 7.464 6.011E-02 7.507E-03 C276300200055 7.676 9.128E-02 7.769E-03 C276300200056 7.907 1.006E-01 8.563E-03 C276300200057 8.254 7.050E-02 5.422E-03 C276300200058 8.601 4.599E-02 5.020E-03 C276300200059 8.889 2.721E-02 2.536E-03 C276300200060 9.217 2.511E-02 2.742E-03 C276300200061 9.506 3.136E-02 3.424E-03 C276300200062 9.833 3.745E-02 3.490E-03 C276300200063 10.142 2.971E-02 2.286E-03 C276300200064 10.469 2.195E-02 1.689E-03 C276300200065 10.758 4.971E-03 6.595E-04 C276300200066 11.028 1.523E-03 5.974E-04 C276300200067 ENDDATA 47 0 C276300200068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 C276300299999 SUBENT C2763003 20220519 C220C276300300001 BIB 6 14 C276300300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276300300003 INC-SOURCE The total emission rate was determined with a C276300300004 long counter on September 29, 1970: 8.08x10**6 n/sec C276300300005 with uncertainty of +-0.23x10**6 n/sec (one standard C276300300006 deviation). C276300300007 DETECTOR (SCIN,LONGC) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm dim. x 1 C276300300008 cm high) and long counter were used for fast neutron C276300300009 detection. C276300300010 METHOD (PSD) Pulse shape discrimination was used to separate C276300300011 neutrons from gamma rays. Source-detector separation ofC276300300012 20 cm. C276300300013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars represent +- one standard C276300300014 deviation and are from counting statistics only. C276300300015 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4b, page 11 of R,MLM-1874,1972. C276300300016 ENDBIB 14 0 C276300300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276300300018 DATA 3 52 C276300300019 E DATA ERR-S C276300300020 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276300300021 0.972 0.122 0.001 C276300300022 1.082 0.108 0.002 C276300300023 1.224 0.095 0.002 C276300300024 1.320 0.101 0.002 C276300300025 1.415 0.093 0.002 C276300300026 1.510 0.088 0.003 C276300300027 1.636 0.082 0.003 C276300300028 1.798 0.096 0.001 C276300300029 1.958 0.105 0.002 C276300300030 2.150 0.107 0.002 C276300300031 2.324 0.102 0.002 C276300300032 2.484 0.104 0.003 C276300300033 2.646 0.120 0.003 C276300300034 2.711 0.134 0.002 C276300300035 2.792 0.141 0.003 C276300300036 2.875 0.170 0.002 C276300300037 2.940 0.178 0.003 C276300300038 3.070 0.195 0.002 C276300300039 3.244 0.188 0.004 C276300300040 3.259 0.182 0.003 C276300300041 3.449 0.173 0.003 C276300300042 3.622 0.153 0.003 C276300300043 3.765 0.151 0.004 C276300300044 4.100 0.150 0.004 C276300300045 4.419 0.156 0.003 C276300300046 4.723 0.162 0.002 C276300300047 5.026 0.166 0.002 C276300300048 5.278 0.145 0.002 C276300300049 5.610 0.121 0.002 C276300300050 5.877 0.095 0.002 C276300300051 6.146 0.076 0.002 C276300300052 6.418 0.083 0.003 C276300300053 6.673 0.085 0.002 C276300300054 6.942 0.074 0.003 C276300300055 7.181 0.075 0.002 C276300300056 7.422 0.082 0.002 C276300300057 7.662 0.093 0.002 C276300300058 7.948 0.084 0.002 C276300300059 8.169 0.069 0.002 C276300300060 8.406 0.055 0.002 C276300300061 8.658 0.036 0.002 C276300300062 8.880 0.024 0.002 C276300300063 9.134 0.020 0.002 C276300300064 9.358 0.026 0.003 C276300300065 9.583 0.037 0.002 C276300300066 9.790 0.035 0.002 C276300300067 10.029 0.034 0.002 C276300300068 10.234 0.024 0.002 C276300300069 10.472 0.012 0.002 C276300300070 10.678 0.004 0.002 C276300300071 10.901 0.000 0.001 C276300300072 11.108 0.000 0.001 C276300300073 ENDDATA 54 0 C276300300074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 C276300399999 SUBENT C2763004 20220519 C220C276300400001 BIB 6 14 C276300400002 REACTION (4-BE-9(A,N)6-C-12,,DE,,REL) C276300400003 INC-SOURCE The total emission rate was determined with a C276300400004 long counter on September 29, 1970: 8.08x10**6 n/sec C276300400005 with uncertainty of +-0.23x10**6 n/sec (one standard C276300400006 deviation). C276300400007 DETECTOR (SCIN,LONGC) A single stilbene crystal (2 cm dim. x 1 C276300400008 cm high) and long counter were used for fast neutron C276300400009 detection. C276300400010 METHOD (PSD) Pulse shape discrimination was used to separate C276300400011 neutrons from gamma rays. Source-detector separation ofC276300400012 60 cm. C276300400013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The error bars represent +- one standard C276300400014 deviation and are from counting statistics only. C276300400015 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 12 of R,MLM-1874,1972. C276300400016 ENDBIB 14 0 C276300400017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276300400018 DATA 3 22 C276300400019 E DATA ERR-S C276300400020 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C276300400021 3.962 1.495E-01 C276300400022 4.287 1.567E-01 C276300400023 4.592 1.720E-01 C276300400024 4.916 1.721E-01 C276300400025 5.201 1.770E-01 8.062E-03 C276300400026 5.503 1.455E-01 6.631E-03 C276300400027 5.927 1.175E-01 C276300400028 6.370 8.319E-02 5.983E-03 C276300400029 6.756 9.136E-02 4.971E-03 C276300400030 7.160 7.871E-02 4.980E-03 C276300400031 7.547 8.973E-02 6.455E-03 C276300400032 7.933 9.671E-02 5.265E-03 C276300400033 8.317 8.102E-02 4.414E-03 C276300400034 8.678 5.476E-02 2.981E-03 C276300400035 9.017 2.931E-02 3.347E-03 C276300400036 9.380 2.478E-02 3.637E-03 C276300400037 9.708 3.405E-02 3.321E-03 C276300400038 10.074 3.845E-02 2.768E-03 C276300400039 10.417 2.934E-02 2.364E-03 C276300400040 10.713 1.340E-02 1.194E-03 C276300400041 11.066 3.529E-03 5.177E-04 C276300400042 11.340 1.437E-04 1.010E-04 C276300400043 ENDDATA 24 0 C276300400044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C276300499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C276399999999