ENTRY C2764 20220521 C221C276400000001 SUBENT C2764001 20220521 C221C276400100001 BIB 8 25 C276400100002 TITLE Measurement of low-energy resonance strengths in the C276400100003 18-O(a,g)22Ne reaction C276400100004 AUTHOR (A.C.Dombos,D.Robertson,A.Simon,T.Kadlecek,M.Hanhardt, C276400100005 J.Gorres,M.Couder,R.Kelmar,O.Olivas-Gomez,E.Stech, C276400100006 F.Strieder,M.Wiescher) C276400100007 INSTITUTE (1USANOT,1USASRF) C276400100008 (1USAUSA) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, C276400100009 Rapid City, South Dakota C276400100010 REFERENCE (J,PRL,128,162701,2022) C276400100011 FACILITY (VDG,1USASRF) Experiment performed using 1MV model JN C276400100012 Van de Graaff accelerator at Sanford Underground C276400100013 Research Facility in the 4850-foot underground cavity C276400100014 SAMPLE (8-O-18,ENR=0.97) C276400100015 A tantalum pentoxide Ta2(O-5) target mounted in a C276400100016 target holder oriented 90 deg with respect to the beam C276400100017 direction prepared by the anodic oxidation of 0.5 mm C276400100018 thick tantalum backings in water enriched to in 18-O. C276400100019 DETECTOR (NAICR) Total absorption spectrometer (HECTOR) , C276400100020 divided into 16 segments with a 60 mm diameter C276400100021 borehole along the beam axis and provides a nearly C276400100022 4Pi angular coverage for gamma-ray detection. Each C276400100023 segment contains a NaI(Tl) crystal thatis 4 x 8 x 8 C276400100024 in and surrounded by 1 mm Al envelope.Each segment is C276400100025 read out with two photomultiplier tubes. C276400100026 HISTORY (20220527C) Compiled by S.H. C276400100027 ENDBIB 25 0 C276400100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 C276400100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C276400199999 SUBENT C2764002 20220527 C221C276400200001 BIB 4 10 C276400200002 REACTION (8-O-18(A,G),,WID/STR) C276400200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty C276400200004 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the summing efficiency C276400200005 (ERR-2) Uncertainty in the stopping power C276400200006 (ERR-T) Total ucertainty C276400200007 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.1 of the reference C276400200008 FLAG (1.) The resonance strengths calculated with summing C276400200009 efficiencies using the by statistical approach C276400200010 (2.) The resonance strengths calculated with summing C276400200011 efficiencies using the decay method C276400200012 ENDBIB 10 0 C276400200013 COMMON 1 3 C276400200014 ERR-2 C276400200015 PER-CENT C276400200016 5. C276400200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C276400200018 DATA 7 8 C276400200019 EN-RES EN-RSL DATA ERR-T FLAG ERR-S C276400200020 ERR-1 C276400200021 KEV KEV MICRO-EV MICRO-EV NO-DIM PER-CENT C276400200022 PER-CENT C276400200023 472. 18. 0.26 0.05 1. 17.C276400200024 7. C276400200025 569. 15. 0.63 0.30 1. 47.C276400200026 13. C276400200027 662.1 1.0 221. 12. 1. 4. C276400200028 5. C276400200029 662.1 1.0 225. 12. 2. 4. C276400200030 5. C276400200031 749.9 1.0 564. 35. 1. 4. C276400200032 5. C276400200033 749.9 1.0 553. 34. 2. 4. C276400200034 5. C276400200035 767.6 1.0 1438. 86. 1. 4. C276400200036 5. C276400200037 767.6 1.0 1306. 77. 2. 4. C276400200038 5. C276400200039 ENDDATA 20 0 C276400200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 C276400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C276499999999