ENTRY C2770 20220620 C221C277000000001 SUBENT C2770001 20220620 C221C277000100001 BIB 9 42 C277000100002 TITLE Measurement of the 18Ne(a,p)21Na reaction with the C277000100003 ANASEN active-target detector system at C277000100004 Ec.m.=2.5-4 MeV C277000100005 AUTHOR (M.Anastasiou,I.Wiedenhover,J.C.Blackmon,L.T.Baby, C277000100006 D.D.Caussyn,A.A.Hood,E.Koshchiy,J.C.Lighthall, C277000100007 K.T.Macon,J.J.Parker,T.Rauscher,N.Rijal) C277000100008 INSTITUTE (1USAFSU,1USALRL,1USALSU,1USATAM,2SWTBAS,2UK HFS, C277000100009 1USAMSU) C277000100010 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,105,055806,2022) C277000100011 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAFSU) Experiment performed at John D. Fox C277000100012 Superconducting Accelerator Laboratory of Florida C277000100013 State University using RESOLUT radioactive beam C277000100014 facility C277000100015 SAMPLE Active target detector Array for Nuclear Astrophysics C277000100016 and Structure with Exotic Nuclei (ANASEN) was filled C277000100017 with 4He as the target gas including a 4% admixture C277000100018 of CO2 as a quenching gas, at a pressure of 379 Torr. C277000100019 The beam particles entered the gas volume through an C277000100020 8.9 mu-m Kapton window, in which they lost 9 MeV of C277000100021 energy, and proceeded through the target gas to a C277000100022 range of 59 cm after the window C277000100023 DETECTOR (MWPC) The ANASEN detector systems were arranged in C277000100024 concentric layers surrounding the beam axis, C277000100025 starting from an inner set of 24 position-sensitive C277000100026 proportional-counter anodes at radius of 3.75 cm. C277000100027 (SISD) Detector ended with a layer of 24 position- C277000100028 sensitive silicon-strip detectors of the Micron C277000100029 Semiconductor Super-X3 design at a radius of 8.9 cm. C277000100030 (SISD) Four silicon-strip detectors of the Micron C277000100031 Semiconductor QQQ3 design covered forward laboratory C277000100032 angles in an annular geometry C277000100033 (IOCH) A high-rate, compact ion chamber, sensitive to C277000100034 heavy ions traveling within 2.2 cm of the beam axis, C277000100035 including both beam particles and reaction residues. C277000100036 The ion chamber drift field was created between a C277000100037 negatively biased (-200 V) tungsten-wire cathode on C277000100038 the beam axis and 48 anode wires surrounding it at C277000100039 radius of 2.2 cm. C277000100040 INC-SOURCE The 18Ne beam was produced via the 16-O(3He,n)18Ne C277000100041 reaction and selected at 80 MeV and at an average beam C277000100042 intensity of 2E+3 pps. C277000100043 HISTORY (20220620C) Compiled by S.H. C277000100044 ENDBIB 42 0 C277000100045 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277000100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 C277000199999 SUBENT C2770002 20220620 C221C277000200001 BIB 3 4 C277000200002 REACTION ((2-HE-4(10-NE-18,P)11-NA-21,PAR,SIG)= C277000200003 (10-NE-18(A,P)11-NA-21,PAR,SIG)) C277000200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty C277000200005 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference C277000200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C277000200007 COMMON 1 3 C277000200008 E-LVL C277000200009 KEV C277000200010 0. C277000200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277000200012 DATA 3 11 C277000200013 EN-CM DATA ERR-S C277000200014 MEV MB MB C277000200015 2.475 3. 3. C277000200016 2.625 3. 3. C277000200017 2.775 5. 3. C277000200018 2.925 8. 4. C277000200019 3.075 11. 5. C277000200020 3.225 13. 5. C277000200021 3.375 15. 6. C277000200022 3.525 18. 6. C277000200023 3.675 26. 7. C277000200024 3.825 23. 7. C277000200025 3.975 38. 9. C277000200026 ENDDATA 13 0 C277000200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C277000299999 SUBENT C2770003 20220620 C221C277000300001 BIB 3 5 C277000300002 REACTION ((2-HE-4(10-NE-18,P)11-NA-21,,SIG)= C277000300003 (10-NE-18(A,P)11-NA-21,,SIG)) C277000300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty C277000300005 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty C277000300006 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference C277000300007 ENDBIB 5 0 C277000300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277000300009 DATA 4 11 C277000300010 EN-CM DATA ERR-S ERR-SYS C277000300011 MEV MB MB MB C277000300012 2.475 9. 5. 2. C277000300013 2.625 12. 6. 2. C277000300014 2.775 21. 7. 4. C277000300015 2.925 31. 9. 5. C277000300016 3.075 39. 9. 6. C277000300017 3.225 67. 12. 10. C277000300018 3.375 71. 12. 10. C277000300019 3.525 91. 13. 13. C277000300020 3.675 139. 16. 20. C277000300021 3.825 183. 18. 26. C277000300022 3.975 224. 20. 32. C277000300023 ENDDATA 13 0 C277000300024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C277000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C277099999999