ENTRY            C2771   20241030                             C247C277100000001 
SUBENT        C2771001   20241030                             C247C277100100001 
BIB                 10         23                                 C277100100002 
TITLE      Revised decay properties of the key 93-keV resonance   C277100100003 
           in the 25Mg(p,gamma) reaction and its influence on     C277100100004 
           the MgAl cycle in astrophysical environments           C277100100005 
AUTHOR     (G.Lotay,D.T.Doherty,R.V.F.Janssens,D.Seweryniak,      C277100100006 
           H.M.Albers,S.Almaraz-Calderon,M.P.Carpenter,           C277100100007 
           A.E.Champagne,C.J.Chiara,C.R.Hoffman,C.Iliadis,        C277100100008 
           A.Kankainen,T.Lauritsen,S.Zhu)                         C277100100009 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,105,L042801,2022)                              C277100100010 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.105.L042801                      C277100100011 
REL-REF    (O,C2595002,A.Kankainen+,J,PL/B,813,136033,2021)       C277100100012 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USAANL) The Argonne ATLAS accelerator.         C277100100014 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) The Gammasphere detector array which, in this   C277100100015 
           instance, consisted of 99 detectors operated in        C277100100016 
           stand-alone mode.                                      C277100100017 
SAMPLE     ~300 mu-g/cm2-thick target of 11B.                     C277100100018 
METHOD     ~5 pnA, 19-MeV beam of 16O ions, delivered by the      C277100100019 
           Argonne ATLAS accelerator, was used to bombard 11B     C277100100020 
           target for ~100 hr, in order to populate excited       C277100100021 
           states in 26Al via the one-neutron evaporation         C277100100022 
           channel. The resulting gamma-ray transitions were      C277100100023 
           detected using the Gammasphere array.                  C277100100024 
HISTORY    (20241030C) BP                                         C277100100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 C277100100026 
COMMON               1          3                                 C277100100027 
EN                                                                C277100100028 
MEV                                                               C277100100029 
19.                                                               C277100100030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C277100100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 C277100199999 
SUBENT        C2771002   20241030                             C247C277100200001 
BIB                  4          8                                 C277100200002 
REACTION   (5-B-11(8-O-16,N)13-AL-26,PAR,DA,G,LEG/RS)             C277100200003 
ANALYSIS   For strong transitions, an angular distribution        C277100200004 
           analysis was performed by fitting gamma-ray intensitiesC277100200005 
            as a function of detection angle with respect to the  C277100200006 
           beam axis with the customary function                  C277100200007 
           W(theta) = A0 [1 + a2P2(cos theta) + a4P4(cos theta)]. C277100200008 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     C277100200009 
STATUS     (TABLE,,G.Lotay+,J,PR/C,105,L042801,2022) Table I.     C277100200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 C277100200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C277100200012 
DATA                 4         26                                 C277100200013 
E          NUMBER     DATA       DATA-ERR                         C277100200014 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           C277100200015 
      1744.         2.      -0.34       0.06                      C277100200016 
      1744.         4.       0.08       0.08                      C277100200017 
      1894.         2.      -0.36       0.11                      C277100200018 
      1894.         4.       0.21       0.14                      C277100200019 
      3239.         2.       0.34       0.15                      C277100200020 
      3239.         4.      -0.03       0.17                      C277100200021 
      3999.         2.       0.32       0.11                      C277100200022 
      3999.         4.       0.20       0.14                      C277100200023 
      4130.         2.       0.22       0.06                      C277100200024 
      4130.         4.      -0.16       0.09                      C277100200025 
      4273.         2.      -0.49       0.08                      C277100200026 
      4273.         4.       0.05       0.08                      C277100200027 
      4328.         2.       0.50       0.11                      C277100200028 
      4328.         4.      -0.04       0.14                      C277100200029 
      4749.         2.       0.13       0.20                      C277100200030 
      4749.         4.       0.38       0.24                      C277100200031 
      4806.         2.       0.39       0.07                      C277100200032 
      4806.         4.       0.11       0.11                      C277100200033 
      4851.         2.      -0.49       0.16                      C277100200034 
      4851.         4.      -0.05       0.21                      C277100200035 
      5743.         2.       0.34       0.08                      C277100200036 
      5743.         4.      -0.07       0.10                      C277100200037 
      6018.         2.       0.29       0.06                      C277100200038 
      6018.         4.      -0.33       0.09                      C277100200039 
      6193.         2.       0.18       0.04                      C277100200040 
      6193.         4.       0.10       0.05                      C277100200041 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 C277100200042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 C277100299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C277199999999