ENTRY C2772 20220618 C221C277200000001 SUBENT C2772001 20220618 C221C277200100001 BIB 11 45 C277200100002 TITLE Experimental study of the isomeric state in 16N using C277200100003 the 16Ng,m(d,3He) reaction C277200100004 AUTHOR (T.L.Tang,C.R.Hoffman,B.P.Kay,I.A.Tolstukhin, C277200100005 S.Almaraz-Calderon,B.W.Asher,M.L.Avila,Y.Ayyad, C277200100006 K.W.Brown,D.Bazin,J.Chen,K.A.Chipps,P.A.Copp, C277200100007 M.Hall,H.Jayatissa,H.J.Ong,D.Santiago-Gonzalez, C277200100008 D.K.Sharp,J.Song,S.Stolze,G.L.Wilson,J.Wu) C277200100009 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,1USAFSU,1USAMSU,1USAORL,2JPNOSA,2UK MAN, C277200100010 1USALSU) C277200100011 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,105,064307,2022) C277200100012 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAANL) Experiment performed using the C277200100013 Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System (ATLAS) in- C277200100014 flight system. C277200100015 SAMPLE A CD2 target with a thickness of 300 mu-g/cm2 was C277200100016 placed inside the HELIOS spectrometer C277200100017 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Solenoid spectrometer HELIOS with 2 T C277200100018 magnetic field C277200100019 (TELES,SI,SI) The heavy-ion recoil particles C277200100020 identified using quadrant silicon dE-E recoil C277200100021 detectors placed at 500 mm downstream of the target C277200100022 position. Their dimensions were 10 mm inner radius C277200100023 and a 50 mm outer radius, placed 10 mm apart. The C277200100024 thickness of the dE and E detectors was 500 and 1000 C277200100025 mu-m, respectively. C277200100026 (SI) The light charged particles were detected using C277200100027 a position sensitive Si-detector array with the first C277200100028 active area beginning at 710 mm downstream of the C277200100029 target position. The array had six sides in a C277200100030 hexagonal shape with five detectors on each side. The C277200100031 position was determined by resistive charge division C277200100032 along the beam direction: the active area was 50 mm C277200100033 (along the beam axis) x 10 mm with a position C277200100034 resolution of roughly 1 mm along the beam axis. C277200100035 METHOD (EDE) Inverse kinematics was used C277200100036 INC-SOURCE The 16N secondary beam was produced from a 15N C277200100037 primary beam at 13.5 MeV/u bombarding a cryogenically C277200100038 cooled (90 K) deuterium gas cell at 1400 mbar. The C277200100039 total intensity of the 16N secondary beam (ground C277200100040 state and isomeric state) was 2E+5 pps at an energy C277200100041 of 11.8 MeV/u. Separate experiment was carried out to C277200100042 determine 16mN content of the beam. It was determined C277200100043 that the 16mN was (24+-2) % of the 16N beam, which was C277200100044 more than 50% of the total beam. C277200100045 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described C277200100046 HISTORY (20220618C) Compiled by S.H. C277200100047 ENDBIB 45 0 C277200100048 COMMON 1 3 C277200100049 EN C277200100050 MEV/A C277200100051 11.8 C277200100052 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277200100053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 C277200199999 SUBENT C2772002 20220618 C221C277200200001 BIB 3 6 C277200200002 REACTION (7-N-16(D,HE3)6-C-15,PAR,DA,,REL) C277200200003 Cross section of short (5.25 mu-s) isomeric state C277200200004 at 0.12 MeV C277200200005 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-16,E-LVL=0.12,SPIN=0.,PARITY=-1.) C277200200006 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 3b of the reference. C277200200007 Waiting for data from author C277200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C277200200009 COMMON 1 3 C277200200010 E-LVL C277200200011 KEV C277200200012 0. C277200200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277200200014 DATA 3 4 C277200200015 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C277200200016 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C277200200017 17.93 0.112 0.076 C277200200018 24.40 0.029 0.026 C277200200019 29.59 0.015 0.024 C277200200020 33.73 0.033 0.021 C277200200021 ENDDATA 6 0 C277200200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C277200299999 SUBENT C2772003 20220618 C221C277200300001 BIB 2 3 C277200300002 REACTION (7-N-16(D,HE3)6-C-15,PAR,DA,,REL) C277200300003 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 3c of the reference. C277200300004 Waiting for data from author C277200300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C277200300006 COMMON 1 3 C277200300007 E-LVL C277200300008 MEV C277200300009 0.74 C277200300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277200300011 DATA 3 5 C277200300012 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C277200300013 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C277200300014 15.62 0.352 0.184 C277200300015 21.08 0.216 0.069 C277200300016 26.95 0.057 0.043 C277200300017 31.53 0.061 0.028 C277200300018 35.90 0.078 0.022 C277200300019 ENDDATA 7 0 C277200300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C277200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C277299999999