ENTRY C2774 20220628 C221C277400000001 SUBENT C2774001 20220628 C221C277400100001 BIB 8 17 C277400100002 TITLE Constraints on key 17-O(a,g)21Ne resonances and C277400100003 impact on the weak s process C277400100004 AUTHOR (M.Williams,A.M.Laird,A.Choplin,P.Adsley,B.Davids, C277400100005 U.Greife,K.Hudson,D.Hutcheon,A.Lennarz,C.Ruiz) C277400100006 INSTITUTE (1CANTMF,2UK YRK,2BLGVUB,1USATAM,1CANSFU,1USACSM, C277400100007 1CANMCM) C277400100008 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,105,065805,2022) C277400100009 FACILITY (LINAC,1CANTMF) Experiment made using the DRAGON C277400100010 facility located in the ISAC-I experimental hall at C277400100011 TRIUMF C277400100012 SAMPLE Windowless differentially pumped gas target filled C277400100013 with 4He gas at presures 5.6 and 4.2 torr and C277400100014 effective length of 12.3+-0.4 cm . Target was C277400100015 surrounded by BGO array C277400100016 INC-SOURCE The 17-O3+ beam was produced by the TRIUMF Off Line C277400100017 Ion-Source (OLIS) facility. C277400100018 HISTORY (20220628C) Compiled by S.H. C277400100019 ENDBIB 17 0 C277400100020 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277400100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C277400199999 SUBENT C2774002 20220628 C221C277400200001 BIB 5 18 C277400200002 REACTION 1(8-O-17(A,0),,EN) C277400200003 2(8-O-17(A,G),,WID/STR) C277400200004 DETECTOR (BGO) Gamma rays were detected using a 4Pi array of C277400200005 30 bismuth germanate scintillators coupled to C277400200006 DRAGON recoil spectrometer C277400200007 (MAGSP) DRAGON recoil separator was configured to C277400200008 transmit 21Ne recoils C277400200009 (MCPLT) Two micro-channel plate detectors upstream C277400200010 of the ionization chamber measured the local time C277400200011 of flight of the recoils over a distance of 60 cm C277400200012 (SISD) Recoils were detected in DRAGON focal plane C277400200013 using a double-sided silicon strip detector which C277400200014 provided energy and time-of-flight information. C277400200015 METHOD (TOF) Recoil particles were identified by energy C277400200016 deposited in DSSD and time of flight. Experiment C277400200017 performed using inverse kinematics C277400200018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not descibed C277400200019 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from. tab. 1 of the reference C277400200020 ENDBIB 18 0 C277400200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277400200022 DATA 8 5 C277400200023 EN-RES EN-RES-ERR DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2+DATA-ERR 2C277400200024 -DATA-ERR 2DATA-MAX 2 C277400200025 KEV KEV KEV KEV MICRO-EV MICRO-EV C277400200026 MICRO-EV MICRO-EV C277400200027 613.0 1.3 C277400200028 0.14 C277400200029 637.7 1.6 637.7 1.6 4.85 0.79 C277400200030 C277400200031 720.5 2.2 720.5 2.2 13.0 3.3 C277400200032 2.4 C277400200033 813.7 1.7 813.7 1.7 7690. 470. C277400200034 C277400200035 1318. 1.9 1318. 1.9 136000. 10000. C277400200036 C277400200037 ENDDATA 14 0 C277400200038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 C277400299999 SUBENT C2774003 20220629 C221C277400300001 BIB 4 5 C277400300002 REACTION (8-O-17(A,G)10-NE-21,,SGV) C277400300003 MISC-COL (MISC) Medium values of thermonuclear reaction rate C277400300004 ANALYSIS Thermonuclear reaction rate calculated from measured C277400300005 widths and resonance parameters from literature. C277400300006 STATUS (TABLE) Data taken from tab.2 of the reference C277400300007 ENDBIB 5 0 C277400300008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277400300009 DATA 4 42 C277400300010 KT DATA-MIN DATA-MAX MISC C277400300011 K9 CM3/S/MOL CM3/S/MOL CM3/S/MOL C277400300012 0.025 1.79E-45 5.70E-44 1.11E-44 C277400300013 0.030 2.29E-42 3.31E-41 9.77E-42 C277400300014 0.040 5.34E-38 1.65E-36 3.66E-37 C277400300015 0.050 1.09E-33 9.18E-33 3.43E-33 C277400300016 0.060 4.72E-30 6.02E-29 1.79E-29 C277400300017 0.070 4.20E-27 4.94E-26 1.50E-26 C277400300018 0.080 8.66E-25 9.34E-24 3.26E-24 C277400300019 0.090 6.02E-23 6.52E-22 2.39E-22 C277400300020 0.100 1.84E-21 2.19E-20 7.69E-21 C277400300021 0.110 3.03E-20 4.11E-19 1.34E-19 C277400300022 0.120 3.09E-19 4.87E-18 1.46E-18 C277400300023 0.130 2.23E-18 4.02E-17 1.15E-17 C277400300024 0.140 1.18E-17 2.45E-16 6.67E-17 C277400300025 0.150 5.16E-17 1.17E-15 3.12E-16 C277400300026 0.160 1.86E-16 4.60E-15 1.19E-15 C277400300027 0.180 1.61E-15 4.47E-14 1.13E-14 C277400300028 0.200 9.54E-15 2.73E-13 6.78E-14 C277400300029 0.250 5.11E-13 6.97E-12 1.96E-12 C277400300030 0.300 4.67E-11 1.01E-10 5.96E-11 C277400300031 0.350 2.29E-09 2.73E-09 2.48E-09 C277400300032 0.400 4.76E-08 5.50E-08 5.12E-08 C277400300033 0.450 5.22E-07 6.00E-07 5.60E-07 C277400300034 0.500 3.54E-06 4.07E-06 3.80E-06 C277400300035 0.600 6.15E-05 7.02E-05 6.58E-05 C277400300036 0.700 4.60E-04 5.24E-04 4.92E-04 C277400300037 0.800 2.04E-03 2.32E-03 2.18E-03 C277400300038 0.900 6.44E-03 7.30E-03 6.87E-03 C277400300039 1.000 1.61E-02 1.82E-02 1.71E-02 C277400300040 1.250 8.50E-02 9.46E-02 8.97E-02 C277400300041 1.500 2.67E-01 2.95E-01 2.81E-01 C277400300042 1.750 6.25E-01 6.86E-01 6.55E-01 C277400300043 2.000 1.20E+00 1.32E+00 1.26E+00 C277400300044 2.500 3.06E+00 3.38E+00 3.22E+00 C277400300045 3.000 5.65E+00 6.30E+00 5.96E+00 C277400300046 3.500 8.62E+00 9.65E+00 9.11E+00 C277400300047 4.000 1.16E+01 1.31E+01 1.23E+01 C277400300048 5.000 1.69E+01 1.91E+01 1.79E+01 C277400300049 6.000 2.08E+01 2.35E+01 2.21E+01 C277400300050 7.000 2.33E+01 2.64E+01 2.48E+01 C277400300051 8.000 2.48E+01 2.81E+01 2.63E+01 C277400300052 9.000 2.54E+01 2.89E+01 2.71E+01 C277400300053 10.000 2.56E+01 2.91E+01 2.72E+01 C277400300054 ENDDATA 44 0 C277400300055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 C277400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C277499999999