ENTRY C2776 20221111 C225C277600000001 SUBENT C2776001 20221111 C225C277600100001 BIB 8 18 C277600100002 TITLE The elastic scattering of alpha-particles from helium C277600100003 at 0.85 and 0.65 GeV C277600100004 AUTHOR (J.C.Fong,M.M.Gazzaly,G.Igo,A.D.Liberman,R.J.Ridge, C277600100005 S.L.Verbeck,C.A.Whitten Jr,V.Perez-Mendez,W.R.Coker) C277600100006 INSTITUTE (1USACLA,1USABRK,1USATEX) C277600100007 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,262,365,1976) C277600100008 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(76)90503-0 C277600100009 FACILITY (SYNCY,1USABRK) The LBL 184 inch synchrocyclotron. C277600100010 SAMPLE The liquid helium target C277600100011 DETECTOR (COIN,MWPC,SCIN) The forward arm consisted of a C277600100012 magnetic spectrometer with the wire proportional C277600100013 counters to measure horizontal and vertical position C277600100014 in the scattering and plastic scintillators to C277600100015 measure time of flight and energy loss. The recoil C277600100016 arm consisted of tree delta detectors and the range C277600100017 energy telescope counters with the plastic C277600100018 scintillators. C277600100019 HISTORY (20221111C) OG C277600100020 ENDBIB 18 0 C277600100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277600100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C277600199999 SUBENT C2776002 20221111 C225C277600200001 BIB 3 6 C277600200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(A,EL)2-HE-4,,DT) C277600200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors include the effects of C277600200004 statistical and systematic errors. C277600200005 STATUS (CURVE,,J.C.Fong+,J,NP/A,262,365,1976) C277600200006 Fig.3 (p.368) in J,NP/A,262,365,1976 was C277600200007 digitized by GSYS-2.4.9. C277600200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C277600200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277600200010 DATA 4 43 C277600200011 EN -t DATA DATA-ERR C277600200012 GEV GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 MB/GEV2/C2 C277600200013 0.65 1.044 9.449E-03 1.651E-03 C277600200014 0.65 1.102 4.950E-03 2.114E-03 C277600200015 0.65 1.179 3.983E-03 1.356E-03 C277600200016 0.65 1.245 7.180E-03 1.746E-03 C277600200017 0.65 1.276 4.797E-03 9.788E-04 C277600200018 0.65 1.337 5.018E-03 1.024E-03 C277600200019 0.65 1.401 3.046E-03 1.388E-03 C277600200020 0.65 1.483 4.144E-03 1.175E-03 C277600200021 0.65 1.566 2.878E-03 5.871E-04 C277600200022 0.65 1.633 2.375E-03 1.391E-03 C277600200023 0.65 1.714 8.751E-04 4.744E-04 C277600200024 0.65 1.718 3.050E-03 1.358E-03 C277600200025 0.65 1.801 2.105E-03 6.986E-04 C277600200026 0.65 1.879 1.054E-03 5.363E-04 C277600200027 0.65 1.968 1.055E-03 4.940E-04 C277600200028 0.65 2.045 1.089E-03 5.205E-04 C277600200029 0.65 2.126 2.664E-04 1.570E-04 C277600200030 0.85 1.009 5.672E-03 7.532E-04 C277600200031 0.85 1.202 5.653E-03 7.368E-04 C277600200032 0.85 1.287 4.351E-03 8.282E-04 C277600200033 0.85 1.369 5.680E-03 8.714E-04 C277600200034 0.85 1.475 3.373E-03 6.975E-04 C277600200035 0.85 1.572 4.482E-03 8.859E-04 C277600200036 0.85 1.666 4.578E-03 7.435E-04 C277600200037 0.85 1.776 3.391E-03 4.762E-04 C277600200038 0.85 1.859 2.262E-03 4.452E-04 C277600200039 0.85 1.973 2.456E-03 4.120E-04 C277600200040 0.85 2.036 2.413E-03 3.481E-04 C277600200041 0.85 2.169 1.630E-03 2.500E-04 C277600200042 0.85 2.293 1.719E-03 3.780E-04 C277600200043 0.85 2.306 1.149E-03 3.516E-04 C277600200044 0.85 2.406 1.272E-03 5.863E-04 C277600200045 0.85 2.503 1.416E-03 3.566E-04 C277600200046 0.85 2.625 8.374E-04 2.389E-04 C277600200047 0.85 2.730 7.797E-04 2.178E-04 C277600200048 0.85 2.832 1.400E-03 2.523E-04 C277600200049 0.85 2.951 9.154E-04 2.080E-04 C277600200050 0.85 2.964 4.553E-04 1.574E-04 C277600200051 0.85 3.057 5.674E-04 1.436E-04 C277600200052 0.85 3.181 5.702E-04 1.443E-04 C277600200053 0.85 3.280 5.762E-04 1.720E-04 C277600200054 0.85 3.386 3.156E-04 9.181E-05 C277600200055 0.85 3.503 5.172E-04 1.067E-04 C277600200056 ENDDATA 45 0 C277600200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 C277600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C277699999999