ENTRY C2777 20221111 C225C277700000001 SUBENT C2777001 20221111 C225C277700100001 BIB 9 23 C277700100002 TITLE Survey of the (alpha,2He) reaction on 1p- and 2s 1d- C277700100003 shell nuclei C277700100004 AUTHOR (R.Jahn,D.P.Stahel,G.J.Wozniak,R.J.de Meijer,J.Cerny) C277700100005 INSTITUTE (1USABRK) C277700100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.18.9 C277700100008 (J,PRL,37,812,1976) C277700100009 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.37.812 C277700100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) The Berkeley 88-inch cyclotron. C277700100011 PART-DET (P) C277700100012 METHOD (COINC) Two protons detected in coincidence C277700100013 DETECTOR (TELES,SILI,SI) Two large solid-angle counter C277700100014 telescopes collimated by 8-mm-wide and 10-mm-high C277700100015 slits which were separated by a 10-mm-high central C277700100016 post. At 11 cm from the target, this system subtended C277700100017 a 15 degrees vertical and a 4 degrees horizontal C277700100018 acceptance angle. For the gas target measurements, a C277700100019 3-mm-wide vertical slit (front gas collimator) was C277700100020 located at a distance of 4 cm from the center of the C277700100021 gas cell. Each telescope consisted of a 380-mu-m C277700100022 phosphorus diffused silicon deltaE counter, a 5-mm C277700100023 Si(Li) E counter and a 5 mm Si(Li) veto counter. C277700100024 HISTORY (20221111C) OG C277700100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C277700100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277700100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C277700199999 SUBENT C2777002 20221111 C225C277700200001 BIB 9 22 C277700200002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,2-HE-2)6-C-14,PAR,DA) C277700200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,6-C-14) C277700200004 LEVEL-PROP (6-C-14,E-LVL=0.00,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) C277700200005 (6-C-14,E-LVL=6.73,SPIN=3.,PARITY=-1.) C277700200006 (6-C-14,E-LVL=10.72,SPIN=4.,PARITY=+1.) C277700200007 (6-C-14,E-LVL=14.67,SPIN=4.,PARITY=+1.) C277700200008 SAMPLE 12C self-supporting solid target with thickness C277700200009 350 mu-g/cm2. C277700200010 (6-C-12,ENR=0.989) C277700200011 FLAG (1.) Data taken from J,PRL,37,812,1976 C277700200012 (2.) Data taken from J,PR/C,18,9,1978 C277700200013 COMMENT From the authors. The excitation energy of 10.55 MeV C277700200014 quoted in J,PRL,37,812,1976 is too low due to a C277700200015 nonlinear behavior of the E detectors used in that C277700200016 experiment. The excitation energy is equal 10.72 MeV. C277700200017 CRITIQUE From compiler. Cross section values for the 4+ state C277700200018 for the excitation energy 10.72 MeV, presented in C277700200019 J,PR/C,18,9,1978 is in disagreement with the previouslyC277700200020 reported values in J,PRL,37,812,1976. C277700200021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The errors contain statistical uncertainties. C277700200022 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 in J,PRL,37,812,1976 and Fig.5 in C277700200023 J,PR/C,18,9,1978 were digitized by GSYS-2.4.9. C277700200024 ENDBIB 22 0 C277700200025 COMMON 1 3 C277700200026 EN C277700200027 MEV C277700200028 65. C277700200029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700200030 DATA 5 49 C277700200031 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S FLAG C277700200032 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR NO-DIM C277700200033 0.0 13.756 1.298E+00 3.483E-01 1. C277700200034 0.0 17.828 2.835E+00 5.091E-01 1. C277700200035 0.0 24.163 3.998E+00 9.487E-01 1. C277700200036 0.0 30.407 1.598E+00 3.274E-01 1. C277700200037 0.0 35.747 1.632E+00 2.361E-01 1. C277700200038 0.0 43.077 2.635E+00 3.813E-01 1. C277700200039 0.0 49.140 2.399E+00 3.684E-01 1. C277700200040 0.0 61.357 6.257E-01 9.608E-02 1. C277700200041 0.0 72.217 2.835E-01 7.824E-02 1. C277700200042 0.0 84.344 7.788E-02 2.546E-02 1. C277700200043 6.73 15.225 2.466E+01 2.461E+00 1. C277700200044 6.73 18.934 2.312E+01 2.836E+00 1. C277700200045 6.73 25.708 1.378E+01 2.010E+00 1. C277700200046 6.73 32.126 1.057E+01 1.636E+00 1. C277700200047 6.73 38.094 8.635E+00 1.260E+00 1. C277700200048 6.73 44.515 7.205E+00 1.052E+00 1. C277700200049 6.73 50.757 6.609E+00 7.837E-01 1. C277700200050 6.73 62.337 5.741E+00 8.897E-01 1. C277700200051 6.73 74.633 3.753E+00 7.117E-01 1. C277700200052 6.73 86.014 1.628E+00 3.227E-01 1. C277700200053 10.72 16.044 3.817E+01 5.182E+00 1. C277700200054 10.72 16.468 1.045E+02 2. C277700200055 10.72 19.190 2.485E+01 2.692E+00 1. C277700200056 10.72 19.628 6.246E+01 2. C277700200057 10.72 25.772 1.548E+01 1.529E+00 1. C277700200058 10.72 26.877 3.775E+01 2. C277700200059 10.72 32.170 8.876E+00 1.361E+00 1. C277700200060 10.72 33.011 2.232E+01 2. C277700200061 10.72 39.119 6.072E+00 8.784E-01 1. C277700200062 10.72 39.145 1.505E+01 2. C277700200063 10.72 45.058 3.138E+00 4.539E-01 1. C277700200064 10.72 46.022 7.892E+00 2. C277700200065 10.72 51.748 2.700E+00 4.146E-01 1. C277700200066 10.72 51.970 7.554E+00 2. C277700200067 10.72 63.531 3.938E+00 6.052E-01 1. C277700200068 10.72 64.424 9.199E+00 2. C277700200069 10.72 74.275 5.500E+00 2. C277700200070 10.72 75.538 2.203E+00 2.786E-01 1. C277700200071 10.72 87.347 8.738E-01 1.027E-01 1. C277700200072 10.72 87.844 2.217E+00 3.357E-01 2. C277700200073 14.67 16.031 3.960E+00 7.418E-01 1. C277700200074 14.67 20.187 3.278E+00 6.418E-01 1. C277700200075 14.67 27.139 2.203E+00 4.492E-01 1. C277700200076 14.67 33.828 1.802E+00 4.157E-01 1. C277700200077 14.67 40.608 1.475E+00 2.763E-01 1. C277700200078 14.67 46.944 1.532E+00 3.499E-01 1. C277700200079 14.67 53.255 8.368E-01 2.044E-01 1. C277700200080 14.67 66.289 8.938E-01 1.675E-01 1. C277700200081 14.67 77.869 8.009E-01 1.567E-01 1. C277700200082 ENDDATA 51 0 C277700200083 ENDSUBENT 82 0 C277700299999 SUBENT C2777003 20221111 C225C277700300001 BIB 6 11 C277700300002 REACTION (6-C-13(A,2-HE-2)6-C-15,PAR,DA) C277700300003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,6-C-15) C277700300004 LEVEL-PROP (6-C-15,E-LVL=6.74,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=-1.) C277700300005 (6-C-15,E-LVL=7.35,SPIN=4.5,PARITY=-1.) C277700300006 SAMPLE 13C self-supporting solid target with thickness C277700300007 140 mu-g/cm2. C277700300008 (6-C-13,ENR=0.900) C277700300009 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700300010 STATUS (CURVE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700300011 Fig.5 in J,PR/C,18,9,1978 was digitized C277700300012 by GSYS-2.4.9. C277700300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C277700300014 COMMON 3 3 C277700300015 EN E-LVL E-LVL C277700300016 MEV MEV MEV C277700300017 65. 6.74 7.35 C277700300018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700300019 DATA 2 9 C277700300020 ANG-CM DATA-CM C277700300021 ADEG MU-B/SR C277700300022 15.176 1.215E+02 C277700300023 19.258 9.073E+01 C277700300024 26.865 5.578E+01 C277700300025 32.059 3.780E+01 C277700300026 39.295 2.178E+01 C277700300027 45.232 1.997E+01 C277700300028 51.540 1.524E+01 C277700300029 63.414 1.368E+01 C277700300030 73.247 8.596E+00 C277700300031 ENDDATA 11 0 C277700300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C277700399999 SUBENT C2777004 20221111 C225C277700400001 BIB 6 9 C277700400002 REACTION (8-O-16(A,2-HE-2)8-O-18,PAR,DA) C277700400003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,8-O-18) C277700400004 LEVEL-PROP (6-C-15,E-LVL=3.56,SPIN=4.,PARITY=+1.) C277700400005 SAMPLE O2 gas target at a pressure of 0.20 atm. C277700400006 (8-O-16,ENR=0.998) C277700400007 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700400008 STATUS (CURVE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700400009 Fig.5 in J,PR/C,18,9,1978 was digitized C277700400010 by GSYS-2.4.9. C277700400011 ENDBIB 9 0 C277700400012 COMMON 2 3 C277700400013 EN E-LVL C277700400014 MEV MEV C277700400015 65. 3.56 C277700400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700400017 DATA 2 8 C277700400018 ANG-CM DATA-CM C277700400019 ADEG MU-B/SR C277700400020 14.434 1.228E+02 C277700400021 19.258 1.033E+02 C277700400022 25.195 4.692E+01 C277700400023 31.132 2.589E+01 C277700400024 37.254 2.108E+01 C277700400025 42.634 1.627E+01 C277700400026 50.427 1.680E+01 C277700400027 59.332 1.872E+01 C277700400028 ENDDATA 10 0 C277700400029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C277700499999 SUBENT C2777005 20221111 C225C277700500001 BIB 5 7 C277700500002 REACTION (10-NE-22(A,2-HE-2)10-NE-24,PAR,DA) C277700500003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,10-NE-24) C277700500004 SAMPLE Gas target at a pressure of 0.27 atm. C277700500005 (10-NE-22,ENR=0.9965) C277700500006 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700500007 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700500008 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277700500009 ENDBIB 7 0 C277700500010 COMMON 2 3 C277700500011 EN ANG C277700500012 MEV ADEG C277700500013 65. 15. C277700500014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700500015 DATA 2 2 C277700500016 E-LVL DATA C277700500017 MEV MU-B/SR C277700500018 8.15 25. C277700500019 11.35 30. C277700500020 ENDDATA 4 0 C277700500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C277700599999 SUBENT C2777006 20221111 C225C277700600001 BIB 5 8 C277700600002 REACTION (12-MG-24(A,2-HE-2)12-MG-26,PAR,DA) C277700600003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,12-MG-26) C277700600004 SAMPLE Self-supporting solid target with thickness C277700600005 650 mu-g/cm2. C277700600006 (12-MG-24,ENR=0.9996) C277700600007 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700600008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700600009 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277700600010 ENDBIB 8 0 C277700600011 COMMON 2 3 C277700600012 EN ANG C277700600013 MEV ADEG C277700600014 55. 15. C277700600015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700600016 DATA 2 2 C277700600017 E-LVL DATA C277700600018 MEV MU-B/SR C277700600019 8.62 60. C277700600020 11.23 25. C277700600021 ENDDATA 4 0 C277700600022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C277700699999 SUBENT C2777007 20221111 C225C277700700001 BIB 5 8 C277700700002 REACTION (12-MG-26(A,2-HE-2)12-MG-28,PAR,DA) C277700700003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,12-MG-28) C277700700004 SAMPLE Self-supporting solid target with thickness C277700700005 300 mu-g/cm2. C277700700006 (12-MG-26,ENR=0.9942) C277700700007 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700700008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700700009 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277700700010 ENDBIB 8 0 C277700700011 COMMON 2 3 C277700700012 EN ANG C277700700013 MEV ADEG C277700700014 65. 15. C277700700015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700700016 DATA 2 2 C277700700017 E-LVL DATA C277700700018 MEV MU-B/SR C277700700019 6.46 40. C277700700020 8.88 30. C277700700021 ENDDATA 4 0 C277700700022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C277700799999 SUBENT C2777008 20221111 C225C277700800001 BIB 5 8 C277700800002 REACTION (14-SI-28(A,2-HE-2)14-SI-30,PAR,DA) C277700800003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,14-SI-30) C277700800004 SAMPLE Self-supporting solid target with thickness C277700800005 410 mu-g/cm2. C277700800006 (14-SI-28,ENR=0.998) C277700800007 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700800008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700800009 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277700800010 ENDBIB 8 0 C277700800011 COMMON 2 3 C277700800012 EN ANG C277700800013 MEV ADEG C277700800014 65. 15. C277700800015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700800016 DATA 2 2 C277700800017 E-LVL DATA C277700800018 MEV MU-B/SR C277700800019 7.04 65. C277700800020 8.95 50. C277700800021 ENDDATA 4 0 C277700800022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C277700899999 SUBENT C2777009 20221111 C225C277700900001 BIB 5 8 C277700900002 REACTION (16-S-32(A,2-HE-2)16-S-34,PAR,DA) C277700900003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,16-S-34) C277700900004 SAMPLE Sb2S3 self-supporting solid target with thickness C277700900005 750 mu-g/cm2. C277700900006 (16-S-32,ENR=0.950) C277700900007 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277700900008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277700900009 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277700900010 ENDBIB 8 0 C277700900011 COMMON 2 3 C277700900012 EN ANG C277700900013 MEV ADEG C277700900014 65. 15. C277700900015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C277700900016 DATA 2 2 C277700900017 E-LVL DATA C277700900018 MEV MU-B/SR C277700900019 5.69 100. C277700900020 8.45 85. C277700900021 ENDDATA 4 0 C277700900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C277700999999 SUBENT C2777010 20221111 C225C277701000001 BIB 5 7 C277701000002 REACTION (18-AR-36(A,2-HE-2)18-AR-38,PAR,DA) C277701000003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,18-AR-38) C277701000004 SAMPLE Gas target at a pressure of 0.27 atm. C277701000005 (18-AR-36,ENR=0.995) C277701000006 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277701000007 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277701000008 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277701000009 ENDBIB 7 0 C277701000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277701000011 DATA 4 1 C277701000012 EN ANG E-LVL DATA C277701000013 MEV ADEG MEV MU-B/SR C277701000014 65. 15. 6.41 35. C277701000015 ENDDATA 3 0 C277701000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C277701099999 SUBENT C2777011 20221111 C225C277701100001 BIB 5 7 C277701100002 REACTION (18-AR-38(A,2-HE-2)18-AR-40,PAR,DA) C277701100003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,18-AR-40) C277701100004 SAMPLE Gas target at a pressure of 0.29 atm. C277701100005 (18-AR-38,ENR=0.950) C277701100006 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277701100007 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277701100008 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277701100009 ENDBIB 7 0 C277701100010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277701100011 DATA 4 1 C277701100012 EN ANG E-LVL DATA C277701100013 MEV ADEG MEV MU-B/SR C277701100014 65. 15. 3.47 30. C277701100015 ENDDATA 3 0 C277701100016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 C277701199999 SUBENT C2777012 20221111 C225C277701200001 BIB 5 8 C277701200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(A,2-HE-2)20-CA-42,PAR,DA) C277701200003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,20-CA-42) C277701200004 SAMPLE Self-supporting solid target with thickness C277701200005 620 mu-g/cm2. C277701200006 (20-CA-40,ENR=0.9997) C277701200007 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. C277701200008 STATUS (TABLE,,R.Jahn+,J,PR/C,18,9,1978) C277701200009 Tab.II (p.18) in J,PR/C,18,9,1978. C277701200010 ENDBIB 8 0 C277701200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277701200012 DATA 4 1 C277701200013 EN ANG E-LVL DATA C277701200014 MEV ADEG MEV MU-B/SR C277701200015 55. 15. 3.19 40. C277701200016 ENDDATA 3 0 C277701200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C277701299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 C277799999999