ENTRY C2779 20221111 C225C277900000001 SUBENT C2779001 20221111 C225C277900100001 BIB 10 26 C277900100002 TITLE Total cross-section measurements for 14N(alpha,g)18F C277900100003 AUTHOR (R.G.Couch,H.Spinka,T.A.Tombrello,T.A.Weaver) C277900100004 INSTITUTE (1USACAL) C277900100005 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,175,300,1971) C277900100006 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(71)90284-3 C277900100007 DETECTOR (NAICR) The detection system consisted of two 7.5 cm C277900100008 diameter by 7.5 cm thick NaI crystals mounted C277900100009 face-to-face with the target centered between them. C277900100010 The decay of 18F was detected by counting 511 keV C277900100011 annihilation gamma-rays in coincidence. The C277900100012 separation between the detector faces was 5.7 cm. C277900100013 Except for the solid angle subtended by the crystals, C277900100014 the volume between the two faces was filled in with C277900100015 lead. The efficiency of the system was measured C277900100016 using a calibrated 22Na source and found to be C277900100017 (3.13+/-0.15)%. C277900100018 SAMPLE Thick disks, 1.25 cm in diameter and 0.4 cm thick, of C277900100019 sintered TiN were used as targets. The targets were C277900100020 air-cooled. C277900100021 METHOD (ACTIV) C277900100022 CORRECTION Corrected for the 3% electron-capture branch of the C277900100023 18F decay, for the detection efficiency, for the 18F C277900100024 decay during bombardment and during transfer to the C277900100025 detection assembly and for background. C277900100026 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty. C277900100027 HISTORY (20221111C) OG C277900100028 ENDBIB 26 0 C277900100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277900100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C277900199999 SUBENT C2779002 20221111 C225C277900200001 BIB 3 5 C277900200002 REACTION (7-N-14(A,G),,WID/STR,,RG) C277900200003 COMMENT The authors suppose that for EN-RES=1.140 MeV spin may C277900200004 be also equal 2,3,4 with parity +. C277900200005 STATUS (TABLE,,R.G.Couch+,J,NP/A,175,300,1971) C277900200006 Tab.1 (p.306) in J,NP/A,175,300,1971. C277900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 C277900200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C277900200009 DATA 6 4 C277900200010 EN-RES DATA DATA-ERR DATA-MAX SPIN J PARITY C277900200011 MEV EV EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM C277900200012 0.310 2.E-05 4. +1.C277900200013 0.559 2.79E-04 10.5E-04 1. C277900200014 0.698 0.5E-04 2. +1.C277900200015 1.140 0.108 0.015 1. -1.C277900200016 ENDDATA 6 0 C277900200017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C277900299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C277999999999