ENTRY            C2780   20221111                             C225C278000000001 
SUBENT        C2780001   20221111                             C225C278000100001 
BIB                  6         12                                 C278000100002 
TITLE      Investigation of beryllium diffusion in the            C278000100003 
           supercooled liquid and glassy states of the amorphous  C278000100004 
           alloy Zr(41.2)Ti(13.8)Cu(12.5)Ni(10)Be(22.5) by high   C278000100005 
           energy helium elastic backscattering                   C278000100006 
AUTHOR     (Yuanxun Qiu,U.Geyer,S.Schneider,M.-P.Macht,           C278000100007 
           W.L.Johnson, T.A.Tombrello)                            C278000100008 
INSTITUTE  (1USACAL,2GERBER)                                      C278000100009 
REFERENCE  (J,NIM/B,117,151,1996)                                 C278000100010 
           #doi:10.1016/0168-583X(96)00218-2                      C278000100011 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USACAL) The central chamber of the Caltech EN   C278000100012 
           tandem accelerator.                                    C278000100013 
HISTORY    (20221111C) OG                                         C278000100014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 C278000100015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 C278000100016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 C278000199999 
SUBENT        C2780002   20221111                             C225C278000200001 
BIB                  5          9                                 C278000200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(A,EL)4-BE-9,,DA,,RTH)                          C278000200003 
DETECTOR   (SI) An ORTEC annular silicon detector.                C278000200004 
SAMPLE     A self-supporting bilayer film Be/Au was made by       C278000200005 
           sputtering Be (about 70 nm) onto a 500 nm gold film.   C278000200006 
           A Be area1 density was (8.22 +/- 0.41)el7 at./cm2.     C278000200007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The total uncertainty.                      C278000200008 
STATUS     (CURVE,,Yuanxun Qiu+,J,NIM/B,117,151,1996)             C278000200009 
            Fig.3 (p.153) in J,NIM/B,117,151,1996 was             C278000200010 
           digitized by GSYS-2.4.9.                               C278000200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 C278000200012 
COMMON               2          3                                 C278000200013 
ANG        DATA-ERR                                               C278000200014 
ADEG       PER-CENT                                               C278000200015 
177.       6.                                                     C278000200016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 C278000200017 
DATA                 2         18                                 C278000200018 
EN         DATA                                                   C278000200019 
MEV        NO-DIM                                                 C278000200020 
      6.001     39.221                                            C278000200021 
      6.050     39.812                                            C278000200022 
      6.100     40.686                                            C278000200023 
      6.150     40.923                                            C278000200024 
      6.200     40.876                                            C278000200025 
      6.251     40.759                                            C278000200026 
      6.301     39.226                                            C278000200027 
      6.321     38.359                                            C278000200028 
      6.342     38.127                                            C278000200029 
      6.361     37.473                                            C278000200030 
      6.382     37.382                                            C278000200031 
      6.402     37.081                                            C278000200032 
      6.421     37.205                                            C278000200033 
      6.441     36.762                                            C278000200034 
      6.460     37.027                                            C278000200035 
      6.481     36.300                                            C278000200036 
      6.501     35.149                                            C278000200037 
      6.521     33.928                                            C278000200038 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 C278000200039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 C278000299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 C278099999999