ENTRY C2788 20220912 C226C278800000001 SUBENT C2788001 20220912 C226C278800100001 BIB 9 27 C278800100002 TITLE Evidence of a near-threshold resonance in 11B C278800100003 relevant to the Beta-delayed proton emission of 11Be C278800100004 AUTHOR (Y.Ayyad,W.Mittig,T.Tang,B.Olaizola,G.Potel,N.Rijal, C278800100005 N.Watwood,H.Alvarez-Pol,D.Bazin,M.Caamano,J.Chen, C278800100006 M.Cortesi,B.Fernandez-Dominguez,S.Giraud,P.Gueye, C278800100007 S.Heinitz,R.Jain,B.P.Kay,E.A.Maugeri,B.Monteagudo, C278800100008 F.Ndayisabye,S.N.Paneru,J.Pereira,E.Rubino, C278800100009 C.Santamaria,D.Schumann,J.Surbrook,L.Wagner, C278800100010 J.C.Zamora,V.Zelevinsky) C278800100011 INSTITUTE (2SPNSAU,1USAMSU,2ZZZCER,1USALRL,1USAANL,2SWTPSI) C278800100012 REFERENCE (J,PRL,129,012501,2022) C278800100013 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAMSU) . The experiment was conducted at the C278800100014 ReA3 reaccelerator facility of the National C278800100015 Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. C278800100016 SAMPLE CH2 target foil with thickness of 8.64 mg/cm2. A very C278800100017 thin (tens of nm) Al layer was evaporated on the C278800100018 upstream side of the foil. C278800100019 DETECTOR (MCPLT) Secondary electrons produced from the Al C278800100020 layer were deflected using permanent magnets into a C278800100021 microchannel plate detector. C278800100022 (SI) A single sided silicon detector with thickness C278800100023 of 1 mm and diameter 35 mm was placed 10 cm downstream C278800100024 of the target to detect forward scattered protons and C278800100025 alpha particles C278800100026 METHOD (TOF) Time of flight and energy correlation was used C278800100027 to identify emitted protons and alpha particles C278800100028 HISTORY (20220912C) Compiled by S.H. C278800100029 ENDBIB 27 0 C278800100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 C278800100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C278800199999 SUBENT C2788002 20220912 C226C278800200001 BIB 3 6 C278800200002 REACTION ((1-H-1(4-BE-10,EL)1-H-1,,DA)= C278800200003 (4-BE-10(P,EL)4-BE-10,,DA)) C278800200004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described C278800200005 STATUS (TABLE,,Y.Ayyad+,J,PRL,129,012501,2022) C278800200006 Data presented in fig. 2 of the reference C278800200007 sent by author Y.A. C278800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C278800200009 COMMON 1 3 C278800200010 ANG-CM C278800200011 ADEG C278800200012 180. C278800200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C278800200014 DATA 3 40 C278800200015 EN-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C278800200016 MEV B/SR B/SR C278800200017 1.2200E-1 1.1570E+0 1.1528E-1 C278800200018 1.2700E-1 9.7045E-1 1.0557E-1 C278800200019 1.3200E-1 1.0940E+0 1.1209E-1 C278800200020 1.3700E-1 9.2135E-1 1.0287E-1 C278800200021 1.4200E-1 1.0319E+0 1.0887E-1 C278800200022 1.4700E-1 8.7999E-1 1.0053E-1 C278800200023 1.5200E-1 8.0516E-1 9.6164E-2 C278800200024 1.5700E-1 8.6743E-1 9.9813E-2 C278800200025 1.6200E-1 7.1767E-1 9.0789E-2 C278800200026 1.6700E-1 7.4410E-1 9.2445E-2 C278800200027 1.7200E-1 8.0423E-1 9.6109E-2 C278800200028 1.7700E-1 9.8551E-1 1.0639E-1 C278800200029 1.8200E-1 1.0365E+0 1.0911E-1 C278800200030 1.8700E-1 9.3534E-1 1.0365E-1 C278800200031 1.9200E-1 9.0447E-1 1.0192E-1 C278800200032 1.9700E-1 7.1755E-1 9.0782E-2 C278800200033 2.0200E-1 8.8709E-1 1.0094E-1 C278800200034 2.0700E-1 8.9199E-1 1.0122E-1 C278800200035 2.1200E-1 6.9216E-1 8.9161E-2 C278800200036 2.1700E-1 7.1044E-1 9.0331E-2 C278800200037 2.2200E-1 5.3682E-1 7.8521E-2 C278800200038 2.2700E-1 8.6921E-1 9.9915E-2 C278800200039 2.3200E-1 6.4578E-1 8.6122E-2 C278800200040 2.3700E-1 8.3078E-1 9.7682E-2 C278800200041 2.4200E-1 5.3818E-1 7.8620E-2 C278800200042 2.4700E-1 7.4171E-1 9.2297E-2 C278800200043 2.5200E-1 6.2623E-1 8.4809E-2 C278800200044 2.5700E-1 7.3041E-1 9.1591E-2 C278800200045 2.6200E-1 5.4217E-1 7.8911E-2 C278800200046 2.6700E-1 4.4671E-1 7.1628E-2 C278800200047 2.7200E-1 4.2432E-1 6.9810E-2 C278800200048 2.7700E-1 3.9639E-1 6.7473E-2 C278800200049 2.8200E-1 4.7172E-1 7.3606E-2 C278800200050 2.8700E-1 2.9347E-1 5.8057E-2 C278800200051 2.9200E-1 2.4290E-1 5.2819E-2 C278800200052 2.9700E-1 3.1231E-1 5.9891E-2 C278800200053 3.0200E-1 4.2811E-1 7.0121E-2 C278800200054 3.0700E-1 2.4365E-1 5.2900E-2 C278800200055 3.1200E-1 2.3611E-1 5.2075E-2 C278800200056 3.1700E-1 1.6588E-1 4.3649E-2 C278800200057 ENDDATA 42 0 C278800200058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 C278800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C278899999999