ENTRY C2797 20220817 C228C279700000001 SUBENT C2797001 20220817 C228C279700100001 BIB 11 24 C279700100002 TITLE 6Li(alpha,d)8Be reaction and the importance of C279700100003 exchange processes C279700100004 AUTHOR (M.B.Greenfield,M.F.Werby,R.J.Philpott) C279700100005 INSTITUTE (1USAFSU) C279700100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,10,564,1974) C279700100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.10.564 C279700100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAFSU) The Florida State super FN tandem C279700100009 accelerator. C279700100010 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR) Deuterons were measured with particle C279700100011 telescopes. The thickness of the surface-barrier C279700100012 transmission counters varied from 40-400 mu-m. C279700100013 SAMPLE Targets were prepared by evaporation of the enriched C279700100014 metal onto thin plastic backings. The targets were C279700100015 stored and transported under vacuum of 10e-4 Torr to C279700100016 prevent contamination. C279700100017 (3-LI-6,ENR=0.999) C279700100018 MONITOR (3-LI-6(P,EL)3-LI-6,,DA) C279700100019 The absolute normalization of the data was determined C279700100020 by measuring 6.86 MeV proton elastic scattering at C279700100021 95deg and comparing with previously measured absolute C279700100022 cross sections of H.G.Bingham et al. C279700100023 MONIT-REF (A1431001,H.G.Bingham+,J,NP/A,173,265,1971) C279700100024 ADD-RES (COMP) Model distorted wave Born approximation. C279700100025 HISTORY (20220817C) OG C279700100026 ENDBIB 24 0 C279700100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 C279700100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C279700199999 SUBENT C2797002 20220817 C228C279700200001 BIB 3 13 C279700200002 REACTION (3-LI-6(A,D)4-BE-8,PAR,DA) C279700200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C279700200004 presented in figures. C279700200005 The relative error in the data is due primarily C279700200006 to counting statistics and is typically smaller than C279700200007 the size of the data points. C279700200008 (ERR-1) The total uncertainty in the absolute C279700200009 normalization of the data is due to error in C279700200010 determination of deuteron solid angles, error in beam C279700200011 current normalization, counting statistics and the C279700200012 absolute error in the proton elastic scattering data. C279700200013 STATUS (CURVE) Figs.4,7 in J,PR/C,10,564,1974 were C279700200014 digitized by GSYS-2.4.9. C279700200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C279700200016 COMMON 2 3 C279700200017 ERR-1 E-LVL C279700200018 PER-CENT MEV C279700200019 9. 0. C279700200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C279700200021 DATA 4 57 C279700200022 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C279700200023 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C279700200024 20. 12.618 4.519E+00 2.032E-01 C279700200025 20. 20.335 3.471E+00 1.882E-01 C279700200026 20. 26.622 2.823E+00 1.400E-01 C279700200027 20. 34.146 2.950E+00 1.463E-01 C279700200028 20. 40.436 1.819E+00 1.155E-01 C279700200029 20. 46.744 7.623E-01 3.668E-02 C279700200030 20. 54.070 2.373E-01 1.998E-02 C279700200031 20. 60.637 5.057E-01 3.212E-02 C279700200032 20. 66.253 7.715E-01 3.826E-02 C279700200033 20. 72.538 9.201E-01 5.844E-02 C279700200034 20. 78.920 8.207E-01 5.213E-02 C279700200035 20. 84.875 4.966E-01 2.976E-02 C279700200036 20. 90.843 2.288E-01 2.593E-02 C279700200037 20. 97.080 2.919E-01 2.416E-02 C279700200038 20. 102.258 5.016E-01 6.395E-02 C279700200039 20. 107.193 9.985E-01 8.960E-02 C279700200040 20. 112.041 1.710E+00 8.666E-02 C279700200041 20. 116.723 2.340E+00 1.052E-01 C279700200042 20. 122.020 2.730E+00 1.097E-01 C279700200043 20. 126.246 2.878E+00 1.427E-01 C279700200044 20. 130.479 2.512E+00 1.348E-01 C279700200045 20. 134.726 1.887E+00 1.205E-01 C279700200046 20. 139.015 1.253E+00 7.960E-02 C279700200047 20. 143.209 7.524E-01 5.114E-02 C279700200048 20. 147.310 3.906E-01 4.927E-02 C279700200049 20. 151.209 7.967E-01 5.415E-02 C279700200050 20. 154.469 1.449E+00 9.265E-02 C279700200051 20. 156.535 2.479E+00 1.459E-01 C279700200052 20. 160.723 3.509E+00 1.903E-01 C279700200053 20. 167.100 5.795E+00 3.462E-01 C279700200054 24. 26.901 1.299E+00 6.560E-02 C279700200055 24. 34.192 9.109E-01 4.851E-02 C279700200056 24. 40.628 6.386E-01 3.688E-02 C279700200057 24. 54.467 3.827E-01 2.209E-02 C279700200058 24. 60.792 6.558E-01 3.186E-02 C279700200059 24. 66.899 8.306E-01 5.174E-02 C279700200060 24. 72.894 8.662E-01 3.657E-02 C279700200061 24. 79.049 6.369E-01 3.733E-02 C279700200062 24. 85.095 4.043E-01 3.022E-02 C279700200063 24. 91.041 2.416E-01 1.902E-02 C279700200064 24. 96.875 1.194E-01 1.361E-02 C279700200065 24. 102.301 3.729E-01 2.839E-02 C279700200066 24. 107.032 8.316E-01 3.858E-02 C279700200067 24. 112.973 1.365E+00 8.554E-02 C279700200068 24. 122.628 2.408E+00 9.173E-02 C279700200069 24. 131.000 2.468E+00 1.042E-01 C279700200070 24. 135.165 1.996E+00 1.007E-01 C279700200071 24. 139.120 1.279E+00 6.456E-02 C279700200072 24. 143.254 7.258E-01 3.665E-02 C279700200073 24. 147.445 2.653E-01 2.611E-02 C279700200074 24. 150.772 7.666E-01 5.115E-02 C279700200075 24. 155.185 1.174E+00 7.856E-02 C279700200076 24. 158.669 2.311E+00 1.355E-01 C279700200077 24. 161.090 3.796E+00 1.916E-01 C279700200078 24. 165.310 5.642E+00 2.849E-01 C279700200079 24. 170.381 8.031E+00 3.721E-01 C279700200080 24. 176.298 1.004E+01 4.658E-01 C279700200081 ENDDATA 59 0 C279700200082 ENDSUBENT 81 0 C279700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C279799999999