ENTRY C2800 20220821 C228C280000000001 SUBENT C2800001 20220821 C228C280000100001 BIB 9 21 C280000100002 TITLE Search for 8+ strength in 16O via the C280000100003 12C(alpha,alpha2)12C*(7.66 MeV) reaction C280000100004 AUTHOR (A.D.Frawley,A.Roy,J.F.Mateja,N.R.Fletcher) C280000100005 INSTITUTE (1USAFSU) C280000100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,363,280,1981) C280000100007 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(81)90256-6 C280000100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAFSU) The FSU super FN tandem Van de Graaff C280000100009 accelerator C280000100010 DETECTOR (TELES,SIBAR) Two or three conventional counter C280000100011 telescopes, consisting of 25 or 15 mu-m dE detectors C280000100012 and 300 mu-m E-detectors. C280000100013 SAMPLE Self-supporting natura1 carbon foils of approximately C280000100014 100 mu-g/cm2 thickness (corresponding to about 30 keV C280000100015 in the lab). C280000100016 MONITOR (6-C-12(8-O-16,EL)6-C-12,,DA) C280000100017 The over-all cross section normalization was obtained C280000100018 by measuring 16O elastic scattering from the same C280000100019 target at Elab=15 MeV and ANGlab=20 deg and C280000100020 comparing with the calculated Rutherford scattering C280000100021 cross section. C280000100022 HISTORY (20220819C) OG C280000100023 ENDBIB 21 0 C280000100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 C280000100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C280000199999 SUBENT C2800002 20220821 C228C280000200001 BIB 3 7 C280000200002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA) C280000200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C280000200004 presented in figure. C280000200005 (ERR-1) The absolute cross sections are believed C280000200006 accurate to +/-15%. C280000200007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 (p.283) in J,NP/A,363,280,1981 C280000200008 was digitized by GSYS-2.4.9. C280000200009 ENDBIB 7 0 C280000200010 COMMON 2 3 C280000200011 E-LVL ERR-1 C280000200012 MEV PER-CENT C280000200013 7.66 15. C280000200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C280000200015 DATA 4 65 C280000200016 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C280000200017 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C280000200018 18.24 10.447 8.910E+00 8.033E-01 C280000200019 18.24 14.245 6.102E+00 3.961E-01 C280000200020 18.24 21.879 1.896E+00 1.300E-01 C280000200021 18.24 29.643 9.636E-01 6.172E-02 C280000200022 18.24 36.773 1.271E+00 C280000200023 18.24 43.912 1.991E+00 C280000200024 18.24 51.260 2.182E+00 C280000200025 18.24 54.913 1.566E+00 C280000200026 18.24 58.333 1.052E+00 5.427E-02 C280000200027 18.24 65.356 2.059E-01 2.915E-02 C280000200028 18.24 72.346 2.250E-02 C280000200029 18.24 79.399 4.607E-01 C280000200030 18.24 86.107 1.194E+00 C280000200031 18.24 91.872 2.000E+00 C280000200032 18.24 98.076 2.311E+00 C280000200033 18.24 104.713 1.680E+00 C280000200034 18.24 109.712 6.817E-01 4.671E-02 C280000200035 18.24 115.249 1.904E-02 C280000200036 18.24 120.283 8.985E-01 C280000200037 18.24 125.410 3.705E+00 C280000200038 18.24 129.806 6.991E+00 3.605E-01 C280000200039 18.24 134.186 9.990E+00 C280000200040 18.24 138.549 1.052E+01 C280000200041 18.24 142.903 9.459E+00 C280000200042 18.24 146.095 6.523E+00 C280000200043 18.24 149.276 3.688E+00 C280000200044 18.24 152.879 1.075E+00 8.219E-02 C280000200045 18.24 156.311 9.044E-01 9.091E-02 C280000200046 18.24 158.907 3.268E+00 C280000200047 18.24 161.938 7.625E+00 C280000200048 18.24 164.725 1.402E+01 C280000200049 18.24 167.041 2.057E+01 C280000200050 18.24 170.044 2.902E+01 C280000200051 18.24 172.580 3.585E+01 C280000200052 19.14 11.281 1.313E+01 1.183E+00 C280000200053 19.14 14.783 8.583E+00 5.574E-01 C280000200054 19.14 26.237 3.060E+00 1.989E-01 C280000200055 19.14 29.879 2.919E+00 1.564E-01 C280000200056 19.14 37.163 2.573E+00 C280000200057 19.14 44.174 1.735E+00 C280000200058 19.14 51.458 1.506E+00 C280000200059 19.14 58.740 1.227E+00 C280000200060 19.14 65.475 5.327E-01 2.854E-02 C280000200061 19.14 72.216 3.537E-01 2.158E-02 C280000200062 19.14 78.566 7.067E-01 C280000200063 19.14 85.049 1.106E+00 C280000200064 19.14 91.523 1.006E+00 C280000200065 19.14 97.453 5.938E-01 3.622E-02 C280000200066 19.14 103.661 6.628E-01 4.306E-02 C280000200067 19.14 108.920 5.529E-01 4.184E-02 C280000200068 19.14 114.310 3.238E-01 C280000200069 19.14 119.445 6.074E-01 5.905E-02 C280000200070 19.14 124.451 1.611E+00 C280000200071 19.14 130.126 3.070E+00 1.645E-01 C280000200072 19.14 133.506 5.159E+00 C280000200073 19.14 137.692 6.531E+00 C280000200074 19.14 141.604 6.428E+00 C280000200075 19.14 149.150 3.116E+00 C280000200076 19.14 152.374 1.094E+00 1.064E-01 C280000200077 19.14 155.473 8.306E-01 1.570E-01 C280000200078 19.14 158.589 2.085E+00 2.065E-01 C280000200079 19.14 161.705 5.193E+00 C280000200080 19.14 164.278 1.071E+01 C280000200081 19.14 169.823 2.885E+01 C280000200082 19.14 172.391 3.890E+01 C280000200083 ENDDATA 67 0 C280000200084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 C280000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C280099999999