ENTRY C2811 20220930 C226C281100000001 SUBENT C2811001 20220930 C226C281100100001 BIB 9 33 C281100100002 TITLE Single neutron transfer on 23Ne and its relevance for C281100100003 the pathway of nucleosynthesis in astrophysical X-ray C281100100004 bursts C281100100005 AUTHOR (G.Lotay,J.Henderson,W.N.Catford,F.A.Ali,J.Berean, C281100100006 N.Bernier,S.S.Bhattacharjee,M.Bowry,R.Caballero-Folch, C281100100007 B.Davids,T.E.Drake,A.B.Garnsworthy,F.Ghazi Moradi, C281100100008 S.A.Gillespie,B.Greaves,G.Hackman,S.Hallam,D.Hymers, C281100100009 E.Kasanda,D.Levy,B.K.Luna,A.Mathews,Z.Meisel, C281100100010 M.Moukaddam,D.Muecher,B.Olaizola,N.A.Orr,H.P.Patel, C281100100011 M.M.Rajabali,Y.Saito,J.Smallcombe,M.Spencer, C281100100012 C.E.Svensson,K.Whitmore,M.Williams) C281100100013 INSTITUTE (2UK SUR,1CANTMF,1CANGUE,1CANUBC,1CANSFU,1CANTOR, C281100100014 1USATTU,1USAOHO,2FR CAE,2UK YRK) C281100100015 (3IRQIRQ) University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, KurdistanC281100100016 Region, Iraq C281100100017 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,833,137361,2022) C281100100018 FACILITY (LINAC,1CANTMF) Experiment performed at ISAC II C281100100019 facility at TRIUMF C281100100020 SAMPLE Foil (CD2)n with thickness of 1 mg/cm2. C281100100021 DETECTOR (HPGE) Gamma rays were detected by TIGRESS array of C281100100022 12 Compton suppressed 32-segmented HPGe detectors. C281100100023 (SISD) Charged particles including protons were C281100100024 detected using SHARC silicon array. The solid angle C281100100025 coverage for charged particle detection is just over C281100100026 2Pi. The resolution in azimuthal angle was 1.0-1.5 C281100100027 deg, depending on the polar angle. C281100100028 (SCIN) Beyond the target, 40 cm downstream, the C281100100029 TRIFOIL detector was placed. Detector consisted of 20 C281100100030 mu-m foil of BC400 plastic scintillator read out by C281100100031 three photomultiplier tubes and mounted behind a C281100100032 passive stopper foil of 110 mu-m Al. C281100100033 METHOD Inverse kinematics was used C281100100034 HISTORY (20220930C) Compiled by S.H. C281100100035 ENDBIB 33 0 C281100100036 COMMON 1 3 C281100100037 EN C281100100038 MEV/A C281100100039 8.0 C281100100040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C281100100041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C281100199999 SUBENT C2811002 20220930 C226C281100200001 BIB 3 4 C281100200002 REACTION (10-NE-23(D,P)10-NE-24,PAR,DA) C281100200003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties C281100200004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.Lotay+,J,PL/B,833,137361,2022) C281100200005 Data taken from fig. 2 C281100200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C281100200007 COMMON 1 3 C281100200008 E-LVL C281100200009 KEV C281100200010 0.0 C281100200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C281100200012 DATA 3 16 C281100200013 ANG DATA ERR-S C281100200014 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C281100200015 99.2 0.28 0.08 C281100200016 103.2 0.10 0.02 C281100200017 107.2 0.15 0.03 C281100200018 111.2 0.18 0.03 C281100200019 115.2 0.24 0.04 C281100200020 119.2 0.31 0.04 C281100200021 123.2 0.30 0.04 C281100200022 127.3 0.28 0.04 C281100200023 131.2 0.31 0.04 C281100200024 135.2 0.30 0.04 C281100200025 139.2 0.27 C281100200026 152.6 0.23 0.04 C281100200027 158.2 0.13 0.05 C281100200028 161.4 0.21 0.07 C281100200029 166.5 0.27 0.07 C281100200030 171.7 0.11 0.06 C281100200031 ENDDATA 18 0 C281100200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C281100299999 SUBENT C2811003 20220930 C226C281100300001 BIB 3 4 C281100300002 REACTION (10-NE-23(D,P)10-NE-24,PAR,DA) C281100300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties C281100300004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.Lotay+,J,PL/B,833,137361,2022) C281100300005 Data taken from fig. 2 C281100300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C281100300007 COMMON 1 3 C281100300008 E-LVL C281100300009 KEV C281100300010 1981.0 C281100300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C281100300012 DATA 3 16 C281100300013 ANG DATA ERR-S C281100300014 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C281100300015 99.3 0.40 0.12 C281100300016 103.3 0.23 0.04 C281100300017 107.2 0.28 0.04 C281100300018 111.2 0.40 0.05 C281100300019 115.2 0.61 0.06 C281100300020 119.2 0.59 0.05 C281100300021 123.2 0.51 0.05 C281100300022 127.2 0.44 0.05 C281100300023 131.2 0.49 0.05 C281100300024 135.2 0.37 0.04 C281100300025 139.2 0.25 C281100300026 152.6 0.67 C281100300027 158.0 1.13 C281100300028 161.3 1.00 C281100300029 166.0 1.27 C281100300030 171.5 2.09 C281100300031 ENDDATA 18 0 C281100300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C281100399999 SUBENT C2811004 20220930 C226C281100400001 BIB 3 4 C281100400002 REACTION (10-NE-23(D,P)10-NE-24,PAR,DA) C281100400003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties C281100400004 STATUS (CURVE,,G.Lotay+,J,PL/B,833,137361,2022) C281100400005 Data taken from fig. 2 C281100400006 ENDBIB 4 0 C281100400007 COMMON 1 3 C281100400008 E-LVL C281100400009 KEV C281100400010 3871.0 C281100400011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C281100400012 DATA 3 16 C281100400013 ANG DATA ERR-S C281100400014 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C281100400015 99.0 0.71 0.15 C281100400016 103.1 0.25 0.05 C281100400017 107.1 0.56 0.05 C281100400018 111.1 0.69 C281100400019 115.1 0.73 0.07 C281100400020 119.1 0.78 0.08 C281100400021 123.1 0.54 0.06 C281100400022 127.2 0.49 0.06 C281100400023 131.1 0.44 0.05 C281100400024 135.2 0.42 0.05 C281100400025 139.2 0.30 C281100400026 152.9 1.23 C281100400027 158.2 1.36 C281100400028 161.3 1.80 C281100400029 166.6 2.00 C281100400030 171.7 2.66 C281100400031 ENDDATA 18 0 C281100400032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 C281100499999 SUBENT C2811005 20220930 C226C281100500001 BIB 3 6 C281100500002 REACTION (10-NE-23(D,P)10-NE-24,PAR,DA) C281100500003 Data may include the unresolved C281100500004 4765 keV 0+ C281100500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainties C281100500006 STATUS (CURVE,,G.Lotay+,J,PL/B,833,137361,2022) C281100500007 Data taken from fig. 2 of the reference C281100500008 ENDBIB 6 0 C281100500009 COMMON 1 3 C281100500010 E-LVL C281100500011 KEV C281100500012 4886.0 C281100500013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C281100500014 DATA 3 16 C281100500015 ANG DATA ERR-S C281100500016 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C281100500017 99.2 0.92 0.17 C281100500018 103.2 0.60 0.06 C281100500019 107.1 0.57 0.08 C281100500020 111.2 1.46 0.12 C281100500021 115.2 1.38 0.14 C281100500022 119.2 1.04 0.15 C281100500023 123.1 0.75 0.12 C281100500024 127.1 0.56 0.07 C281100500025 131.1 0.49 0.10 C281100500026 135.2 0.58 0.07 C281100500027 139.2 0.55 C281100500028 153.0 2.38 C281100500029 158.2 2.22 C281100500030 161.4 3.33 C281100500031 166.5 3.82 C281100500032 171.5 4.11 C281100500033 ENDDATA 18 0 C281100500034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 C281100599999 SUBENT C2811006 20220930 C226C281100600001 BIB 3 5 C281100600002 REACTION 1(13-AL-23(P,EL),,WID) C281100600003 2(13-AL-23(P,G),,WID/STR) C281100600004 ERR-ANALYS1(DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described C281100600005 STATUS (TABLE,,G.Lotay+,J,PL/B,833,137361,2022) C281100600006 Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference C281100600007 ENDBIB 5 0 C281100600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C281100600009 DATA 7 4 C281100600010 EN-RES EN-RSL DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA-MAX 1DATA 2C281100600011 DATA-MAX 2 C281100600012 KEV KEV EV EV EV EV C281100600013 EV C281100600014 157. 20. 8.2E-5 1.7E-5 3.4E-5C281100600015 C281100600016 179. 20. 1.0E-7 C281100600017 7.6E-8 C281100600018 878. 32. 1.3E-5C281100600019 C281100600020 1178. 3.0E-4 5.2E-3C281100600021 C281100600022 ENDDATA 12 0 C281100600023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C281100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 C281199999999