ENTRY C2834 20221201 C230C283400000001 SUBENT C2834001 20221201 C230C283400100001 BIB 11 37 C283400100002 TITLE Quenching of single-particle strength in A=15 nuclei C283400100003 AUTHOR (B.P.Kay,T.L.Tang,I.A.Tolstukhin,G.B.Roderick, C283400100004 A.J.Mitchell,Y.Ayyad,S.A.Bennett,J.Chen,K.A.Chipps, C283400100005 H.L.Crawford,S.J.Freeman,K.Garrett,M.D.Gott,M.R.Hall, C283400100006 C.R.Hoffman,H.Jayatissa,A.O.Macchiavelli, C283400100007 P.T.MacGregor,D.K.Sharp,G.L.Wilson) C283400100008 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,3AULCBR,1USAMSU,2UK MAN,1USAORL,1USATEN, C283400100009 1USABRK,1USALSU) C283400100010 REFERENCE (J,PRL,129,152501,2022) C283400100011 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAANL) The Experiment was carried out in C283400100012 inverse kinematics using the HELIOS spectrometer at C283400100013 the ATLAS facility at Argonne National Laboratory C283400100014 SAMPLE A deuterated polyethylene target with thickness of C283400100015 (124+-70) mu-g/cm2 was used. The estimated hydrogen C283400100016 content was around 6%. C283400100017 DETECTOR (MAGSP) The solenoidal HELIOS spectrometer with the C283400100018 central field of 2T was used for momentum separation C283400100019 of reaction products. C283400100020 (SI) Protons from the (d,p) reaction emitted at C283400100021 forward center-of-mass angles (backwards in the C283400100022 laboratory) for both 14C and 14N were detected using C283400100023 the Si array, placed at a distance 125 - 475 mm on axisC283400100024 and subtending 10 deg < theta(cm) < 40 deg (the C283400100025 c.m. angle and the detector position along the axis C283400100026 are related to one another). C283400100027 (TELES) Counter telescope located 900 mm from the C283400100028 target was used as a recoil detector for reaction C283400100029 trigger and to determine 14C/14N beam ratio. C283400100030 METHOD Inverse kinematics was used C283400100031 INC-SOURCE A cocktail beam of 14C and 14N was accelerated to 10 C283400100032 MeV/A at a total intensity (14C + 14N) of approximatelyC283400100033 300 000 particles per second. A time-averaged ratio C283400100034 of 1:1 was determined within 3%, or approximately C283400100035 1.5E+5 particles per second of both 14C and 14N on C283400100036 average C283400100037 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Source of uncertainties not described C283400100038 HISTORY (20221201C) Compiled by S.H. C283400100039 ENDBIB 37 0 C283400100040 COMMON 1 3 C283400100041 EN C283400100042 MEV/A C283400100043 10. C283400100044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C283400100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 C283400199999 SUBENT C2834002 20221201 C230C283400200001 BIB 2 3 C283400200002 REACTION (6-C-14(D,P)6-C-15,PAR,DA) C283400200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.4 of the reference C283400200004 sent by author B.P.K. C283400200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C283400200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283400200007 DATA 4 10 C283400200008 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C283400200009 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C283400200010 0.00 16.06 2.356 0.212 C283400200011 0.00 22.29 0.681 0.136 C283400200012 0.00 26.95 1.329 0.192 C283400200013 0.00 30.9 1.38 0.17 C283400200014 0.00 34.44 1.599 0.212 C283400200015 0.74 12.23 25.91 0.937 C283400200016 0.74 18.63 20.073 0.721 C283400200017 0.74 24.19 12.989 0.59 C283400200018 0.74 28.62 7.78 0.398 C283400200019 0.74 32.48 4.669 0.357 C283400200020 ENDDATA 12 0 C283400200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C283400299999 SUBENT C2834003 20221201 C230C283400300001 BIB 2 3 C283400300002 REACTION (7-N-14(D,P)7-N-15,PAR,DA) C283400300003 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.4 of the reference C283400300004 sent by author B.P.K. C283400300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C283400300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283400300007 DATA 4 22 C283400300008 E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C283400300009 MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C283400300010 7.155 26.57 1.802 0.207 C283400300011 7.155 30.32 1.121 0.189 C283400300012 7.155 33.67 0.803 0.161 C283400300013 7.155 36.74 0.602 0.12 C283400300014 7.155 39.6 0.451 0.12 C283400300015 7.301 26.12 1.414 C283400300016 7.301 29.95 1.787 C283400300017 7.301 33.35 1.664 C283400300018 7.301 36.44 1.222 C283400300019 7.301 39.34 0.966 C283400300020 7.567 25.27 3.079 0.268 C283400300021 7.567 29.23 2.05 0.254 C283400300022 7.567 32.73 1.553 0.222 C283400300023 7.567 35.9 0.832 0.141 C283400300024 7.567 38.85 0.541 0.131 C283400300025 8.313 22.6 0.476 0.109 C283400300026 8.313 27.05 0.463 0.09 C283400300027 8.313 34.26 0.86 0.262 C283400300028 8.313 37.39 0.531 0.11 C283400300029 8.571 21.54 0.402 0.095 C283400300030 8.571 26.22 0.244 0.086 C283400300031 8.571 33.64 0.185 0.065 C283400300032 ENDDATA 24 0 C283400300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C283400399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C283499999999