ENTRY C2837 20221021 C224C283700000001 SUBENT C2837001 20221021 C224C283700100001 BIB 10 39 C283700100002 TITLE The Disintegration of Li7 by Deuterons C283700100003 AUTHOR (W.E.Bennett,T.W.Bonner,H.T.Richards,B.E.Watt) C283700100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,71,11,1947) C283700100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.71.11 C283700100006 REL-REF (A,C2842001,L.H.Rumbaugh+,J,PR,54,657,1938) C283700100007 (C,C2843001,W.E.Bennett+,J,PR,59,781,1941) C283700100008 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) C283700100009 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) The Rice Institute pressure Van de GraaffC283700100010 machine. C283700100011 DETECTOR (GEMUC) The yields of beta- and gamma-rays were C283700100012 measured with Geiger counters filled with a self C283700100013 quenching mixture of argon and alcohol. C283700100014 SAMPLE Thin targets of LiCl, LiOH, and metallic lithium were C283700100015 used. They were produced by evaporation from a C283700100016 tungsten filament onto a polished disk of pure silver C283700100017 or copper. The LiC1 targets blackened rapidly during C283700100018 bombardment and the yield of neutrons increased with C283700100019 time as a result of the deposition of carbon. These C283700100020 targets were made thicker (50-100 keV) than the C283700100021 metallic lithium targets which were used later so C283700100022 that the carbon would have a relatively small effect. C283700100023 METHOD (COINC) The single counter was used to take a lead C283700100024 absorption curve under good geometrical conditions C283700100025 and the radiation seemed to be homogeneous. The C283700100026 450-keV radiation was too feeble to give a noticeable C283700100027 effect under our conditions. The single Geiger C283700100028 counter did not respond appreciably to neutrons. A C283700100029 block of paraffin which reduced the neutron intensity C283700100030 to half, did not affect the counting rate in the C283700100031 Geiger counter. The neutrons produced radioactivity C283700100032 in the counter walls, but this was subtracted as part C283700100033 of the natural effect. To detect 4.9-MeV gamma-rays C283700100034 in the presence of 450-keV gamma-rays, coincidence C283700100035 counters were used, the wall thickness being C283700100036 sufficient to prevent detection of gamma-rays of less C283700100037 than 2-MeV energy. However, this procedure was found C283700100038 unnecessary and a single Geiger counter was used for C283700100039 the final data. C283700100040 HISTORY (20221021C) BP C283700100041 ENDBIB 39 0 C283700100042 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283700100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C283700199999 SUBENT C2837002 20221021 C224C283700200001 BIB 3 4 C283700200002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)0-G-0,,SIG,,REL) C283700200003 SAMPLE The thickness of the targets was 55 keV for the C283700200004 gamma-ray curve. C283700200005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 13 of J,PR,71,11,1947. C283700200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C283700200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283700200008 DATA 2 28 C283700200009 EN DATA C283700200010 MEV ARB-UNITS C283700200011 0.498 0.701 C283700200012 0.548 1.029 C283700200013 0.598 1.431 C283700200014 0.648 2.244 C283700200015 0.694 3.070 C283700200016 0.746 3.473 C283700200017 0.796 3.537 C283700200018 0.845 3.542 C283700200019 0.896 3.871 C283700200020 0.948 4.082 C283700200021 0.996 5.026 C283700200022 1.047 5.326 C283700200023 1.099 5.052 C283700200024 1.145 4.074 C283700200025 1.196 3.669 C283700200026 1.246 3.351 C283700200027 1.296 3.416 C283700200028 1.346 3.348 C283700200029 1.398 3.383 C283700200030 1.446 3.755 C283700200031 1.499 3.761 C283700200032 1.548 4.016 C283700200033 1.599 4.344 C283700200034 1.649 4.658 C283700200035 1.700 5.221 C283700200036 1.747 5.461 C283700200037 1.797 5.980 C283700200038 1.850 6.177 C283700200039 ENDDATA 30 0 C283700200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 C283700299999 SUBENT C2837003 20221021 C224C283700300001 BIB 3 4 C283700300002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA,,REL) C283700300003 SAMPLE The thickness of the targets was 90 keV for the C283700300004 neutron curve. C283700300005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 13 of J,PR,71,11,1947. C283700300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C283700300007 COMMON 1 3 C283700300008 ANG C283700300009 ADEG C283700300010 0.0 C283700300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C283700300012 DATA 2 28 C283700300013 EN DATA C283700300014 MEV ARB-UNITS C283700300015 0.498 1.097 C283700300016 0.547 1.513 C283700300017 0.598 2.209 C283700300018 0.645 3.050 C283700300019 0.698 4.113 C283700300020 0.728 5.012 C283700300021 0.796 5.738 C283700300022 0.846 5.597 C283700300023 0.906 5.985 C283700300024 0.947 6.371 C283700300025 0.996 7.008 C283700300026 1.049 7.527 C283700300027 1.099 7.049 C283700300028 1.150 6.276 C283700300029 1.196 5.254 C283700300030 1.248 4.672 C283700300031 1.298 4.634 C283700300032 1.346 4.375 C283700300033 1.399 4.219 C283700300034 1.448 4.489 C283700300035 1.501 4.524 C283700300036 1.549 4.603 C283700300037 1.600 5.049 C283700300038 1.648 5.230 C283700300039 1.700 5.471 C283700300040 1.749 5.843 C283700300041 1.797 6.465 C283700300042 1.849 6.647 C283700300043 ENDDATA 30 0 C283700300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C283700399999 SUBENT C2837004 20221021 C224C283700400001 BIB 3 3 C283700400002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA,,REL) C283700400003 SAMPLE "Thin" lithium targets. C283700400004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 13 of J,PR,71,11,1947. C283700400005 ENDBIB 3 0 C283700400006 COMMON 1 3 C283700400007 ANG C283700400008 ADEG C283700400009 0.0 C283700400010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C283700400011 DATA 2 18 C283700400012 EN DATA C283700400013 MEV ARB-UNITS C283700400014 0.644 5.113 C283700400015 0.697 5.330 C283700400016 0.747 5.379 C283700400017 0.795 5.480 C283700400018 0.847 5.710 C283700400019 0.901 5.772 C283700400020 0.928 6.042 C283700400021 0.949 6.582 C283700400022 0.972 6.891 C283700400023 0.994 7.896 C283700400024 1.017 8.256 C283700400025 1.039 7.571 C283700400026 1.058 6.578 C283700400027 1.080 5.984 C283700400028 1.102 5.390 C283700400029 1.123 4.770 C283700400030 1.146 4.588 C283700400031 1.173 4.780 C283700400032 ENDDATA 20 0 C283700400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C283700499999 SUBENT C2837005 20221021 C224C283700500001 BIB 3 3 C283700500002 REACTION (3-LI-0(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA,,REL) C283700500003 SAMPLE "thin" lithium targets. C283700500004 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 13 of J,PR,71,11,1947. C283700500005 ENDBIB 3 0 C283700500006 COMMON 1 3 C283700500007 ANG C283700500008 ADEG C283700500009 90.0 C283700500010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C283700500011 DATA 2 23 C283700500012 EN DATA C283700500013 MEV ARB-UNITS C283700500014 0.547 2.461 C283700500015 0.595 3.568 C283700500016 0.648 4.984 C283700500017 0.698 5.213 C283700500018 0.746 5.160 C283700500019 0.794 5.003 C283700500020 0.845 4.949 C283700500021 0.903 4.882 C283700500022 0.933 4.933 C283700500023 0.952 5.319 C283700500024 0.984 5.678 C283700500025 1.001 6.116 C283700500026 1.028 6.102 C283700500027 1.045 5.405 C283700500028 1.063 4.759 C283700500029 1.082 4.372 C283700500030 1.096 4.204 C283700500031 1.147 3.840 C283700500032 1.196 3.658 C283700500033 1.246 3.385 C283700500034 1.298 3.344 C283700500035 1.347 3.290 C283700500036 1.396 3.236 C283700500037 ENDDATA 25 0 C283700500038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 C283700599999 SUBENT C2837006 20221021 C224C283700600001 BIB 4 4 C283700600002 REACTION (3-LI-7(D,P)3-LI-8,,SIG,,REL) C283700600003 SAMPLE "thin" lithium targets. C283700600004 PART-DET (B-) 8Li->8Be + beta ray. C283700600005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 13 of J,PR,71,11,1947. C283700600006 ENDBIB 4 0 C283700600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283700600008 DATA 2 23 C283700600009 EN DATA C283700600010 MEV ARB-UNITS C283700600011 0.552 0.810 C283700600012 0.597 1.595 C283700600013 0.648 2.869 C283700600014 0.698 4.040 C283700600015 0.746 4.605 C283700600016 0.797 4.513 C283700600017 0.846 3.956 C283700600018 0.904 3.773 C283700600019 0.936 3.759 C283700600020 0.953 3.874 C283700600021 0.983 4.170 C283700600022 1.005 4.478 C283700600023 1.028 4.516 C283700600024 1.046 3.896 C283700600025 1.062 3.715 C283700600026 1.083 3.701 C283700600027 1.097 3.610 C283700600028 1.147 3.531 C283700600029 1.199 3.529 C283700600030 1.248 3.733 C283700600031 1.296 4.337 C283700600032 1.347 4.528 C283700600033 1.399 4.513 C283700600034 ENDDATA 25 0 C283700600035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 C283700699999 SUBENT C2837007 20221021 C224C283700700001 BIB 3 15 C283700700002 REACTION (3-LI-7(D,0),,EN) C283700700003 ANALYSIS Resonances were found at 0.65, 1.02, and 1.35 MeV C283700700004 corresponding to excited states of the intermediate C283700700005 nucleus (Be9) at 17.14, 17.43, and 17.69 MeV. The C283700700006 resonance at 1.35 MeV was found only for the C283700700007 formation of radioactive Li8 accompanied by the C283700700008 emission of a proton. Apparently proton emission is C283700700009 permitted and neutron emission forbidden from the C283700700010 17.69-MeV state. C283700700011 STATUS (DEP,C2837002) C283700700012 (DEP,C2837003) C283700700013 (DEP,C2837004) C283700700014 (DEP,C2837005) C283700700015 (DEP,C2837006) C283700700016 (TABLE) pages 13-14 of J,PR,71,11,1947. C283700700017 ENDBIB 15 0 C283700700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283700700019 DATA 1 3 C283700700020 DATA C283700700021 MEV C283700700022 0.65 C283700700023 1.02 C283700700024 1.35 C283700700025 ENDDATA 5 0 C283700700026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C283700799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C283799999999