ENTRY C2838 20221021 C224C283800000001 SUBENT C2838001 20221021 C224C283800100001 BIB 8 21 C283800100002 TITLE Neutrons from Deuteron Bombardment of Li6 C283800100003 AUTHOR (W.Whaling,J.E.Evans,T.W.Bonner) C283800100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,75,688(1),1949) C283800100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.75.688 C283800100006 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) C283800100007 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) The Rice Institute pressure Van de C283800100008 Graaff generator. C283800100009 DETECTOR (PROPC) C283800100010 METHOD (REC) The neutrons emitted in the direction of the C283800100011 deuteron beam were detected by means of the argon C283800100012 recoils in a proportional counter filled with argon C283800100013 at atmospheric pressure. The counter was biased to C283800100014 count neutrons of energy greater than 1 MeV. To C283800100015 correct for the Li7 impurity in the target, the yield C283800100016 of neutrons from a normal Li2SO4 target of C283800100017 approximately the same thickness was measured under C283800100018 identical experimental conditions. Knowing the C283800100019 relative amounts of the two isotopes in each target, C283800100020 the contribution of each isotope alone can be C283800100021 determined. C283800100022 HISTORY (20221021C) BP C283800100023 ENDBIB 21 0 C283800100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283800100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C283800199999 SUBENT C2838002 20221021 C224C283800200001 BIB 3 6 C283800200002 REACTION (3-LI-6(D,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,REL) C283800200003 SAMPLE (3-LI-6,ENR=0.95) Lithium enriched to 95% Li was used C283800200004 as a target in the form of a thin film of LigSO4 374 C283800200005 micrograms per sq. cm thick, which is equivalent to C283800200006 124 keV for a 1-MeV deuteron. C283800200007 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 688 of J,PR,75,688,1949. C283800200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C283800200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283800200010 DATA 2 31 C283800200011 EN DATA C283800200012 MEV ARB-UNITS C283800200013 0.258 0.078 C283800200014 0.325 0.168 C283800200015 0.388 0.296 C283800200016 0.457 0.475 C283800200017 0.530 0.616 C283800200018 0.605 0.846 C283800200019 0.675 0.974 C283800200020 0.740 1.064 C283800200021 0.820 1.093 C283800200022 0.892 1.158 C283800200023 0.945 1.223 C283800200024 1.038 1.252 C283800200025 1.113 1.267 C283800200026 1.193 1.333 C283800200027 1.266 1.373 C283800200028 1.344 1.414 C283800200029 1.419 1.379 C283800200030 1.482 1.356 C283800200031 1.562 1.384 C283800200032 1.630 1.474 C283800200033 1.692 1.414 C283800200034 1.760 1.555 C283800200035 1.830 1.759 C283800200036 1.887 2.088 C283800200037 1.951 2.443 C283800200038 2.000 2.860 C283800200039 2.047 3.151 C283800200040 2.086 3.908 C283800200041 2.135 4.338 C283800200042 2.181 4.931 C283800200043 2.228 5.336 C283800200044 ENDDATA 33 0 C283800200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 C283800299999 SUBENT C2838003 20221021 C224C283800300001 BIB 3 4 C283800300002 REACTION (3-LI-7(D,X)0-NN-1,,SIG,,REL) C283800300003 SAMPLE A normal Li2SO4 target of approximately the same C283800300004 thickness as 6Li. C283800300005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 688 of J,PR,75,688,1949. C283800300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C283800300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C283800300008 DATA 2 37 C283800300009 EN DATA C283800300010 MEV ARB-UNITS C283800300011 0.260 0.078 C283800300012 0.325 0.181 C283800300013 0.390 0.309 C283800300014 0.455 0.626 C283800300015 0.531 1.070 C283800300016 0.605 1.865 C283800300017 0.675 3.089 C283800300018 0.744 3.784 C283800300019 0.819 3.888 C283800300020 0.893 4.218 C283800300021 0.944 4.874 C283800300022 1.002 6.009 C283800300023 1.037 6.225 C283800300024 1.076 6.541 C283800300025 1.111 5.535 C283800300026 1.151 4.567 C283800300027 1.187 4.115 C283800300028 1.230 3.965 C283800300029 1.266 3.690 C283800300030 1.308 3.666 C283800300031 1.341 3.566 C283800300032 1.381 3.581 C283800300033 1.422 3.494 C283800300034 1.459 3.508 C283800300035 1.509 3.673 C283800300036 1.554 3.700 C283800300037 1.601 3.903 C283800300038 1.649 4.069 C283800300039 1.695 4.725 C283800300040 1.739 5.054 C283800300041 1.796 5.396 C283800300042 1.843 5.964 C283800300043 1.892 6.558 C283800300044 1.942 6.408 C283800300045 1.985 6.372 C283800300046 2.040 6.450 C283800300047 2.090 6.363 C283800300048 ENDDATA 39 0 C283800300049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 C283800399999 SUBENT C2838004 20221021 C224C283800400001 BIB 2 2 C283800400002 REACTION ((3-LI-6(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA)//(3-LI-6(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA)) C283800400003 STATUS (TABLE) page 688 of J,PR,75,688,1949. C283800400004 ENDBIB 2 0 C283800400005 COMMON 2 3 C283800400006 ANG-NM ANG-DN C283800400007 ADEG ADEG C283800400008 0.0 150.0 C283800400009 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C283800400010 DATA 2 3 C283800400011 EN DATA C283800400012 KEV NO-DIM C283800400013 590.0 1.75 C283800400014 1000.0 1.75 C283800400015 1700.0 1.75 C283800400016 ENDDATA 5 0 C283800400017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C283800499999 SUBENT C2838005 20221021 C224C283800500001 BIB 2 3 C283800500002 REACTION ((3-LI-7(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA)// C283800500003 (3-LI-7(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA)) C283800500004 STATUS (TABLE) page 688 of J,PR,75,688,1949. C283800500005 ENDBIB 3 0 C283800500006 COMMON 2 3 C283800500007 ANG-NM ANG-DN C283800500008 ADEG ADEG C283800500009 0.0 150.0 C283800500010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C283800500011 DATA 2 4 C283800500012 EN DATA-APRX C283800500013 KEV NO-DIM C283800500014 605.0 2.0 C283800500015 700.0 2.0 C283800500016 820.0 2.0 C283800500017 1340.0 2.0 C283800500018 ENDDATA 6 0 C283800500019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C283800599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C283899999999