ENTRY C2841 20221025 C224C284100000001 SUBENT C2841001 20221025 C224C284100100001 BIB 10 35 C284100100002 TITLE Two Radioactive Substances from Magnesium after C284100100003 Deuteron Bombardment C284100100004 AUTHOR (M.C.Henderson) C284100100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,48,855,1935) C284100100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.48.855 C284100100007 INSTITUTE (1USABRK) C284100100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) The large cyclotron in the Radiation C284100100009 Laboratory. C284100100010 SAMPLE The target was in all cases a piece of magnesium C284100100011 ribbon of 99.97% purity. C284100100012 DETECTOR (IOCH) C284100100013 METHOD (ACTIV) A thick target of magnesium was bombarded in C284100100014 air for about 10 minutes by an ion beam of 3 MeV C284100100015 energy and about 0.9 microampere intensity. At the C284100100016 end of the exposure the target was at once placed at C284100100017 the window of the electroscope. The measured activity, C284100100018 as a function of time, was plotted on a logarithmic C284100100019 scale. The half-life determined from the linear C284100100020 portion, after due allowance for the natural leak and C284100100021 background activity of longer life. Several runs were C284100100022 made to determine the transmutation functions by C284100100023 using the now standard method of exposing a pile of C284100100024 thin magnesium foils to the action of the deuteron C284100100025 beam and then separating the foils and measuring C284100100026 their activity separately. C284100100027 ANALYSIS The variation in the yield of transmutations as a C284100100028 function of the energy of the incident particle has C284100100029 been called the excitation function, or more properly C284100100030 the voltage transmutation function. The Gamow formula C284100100031 for the variation in number of transmutation, N, with C284100100032 voltage, V, is the following: N=k*V**(-1)*exp(-S) C284100100033 where k is a constant of proportionality and S is C284100100034 calculated using kinematic parameters and binding C284100100035 energies. C284100100036 HISTORY (20221025C) BP C284100100037 ENDBIB 35 0 C284100100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 C284100100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C284100199999 SUBENT C2841002 20221025 C224C284100200001 BIB 4 6 C284100200002 REACTION (12-MG-0(D,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C284100200003 REL-REF (A,C2836003,J.W.Irvine+,J,JCP,16,686,1948) C284100200004 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,15.8HR) Measured by authors. C284100200005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 1, page 688 of J,JCP,16,686,1948. The dataC284100200006 are taken as cited by Irvine et al., not from originalC284100200007 publication. C284100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C284100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C284100200010 DATA 2 14 C284100200011 EN DATA C284100200012 MEV B C284100200013 1.561 2.365E-04 C284100200014 1.657 2.876E-04 C284100200015 1.780 3.906E-04 C284100200016 2.137 1.428E-03 C284100200017 2.192 1.219E-03 C284100200018 2.590 4.232E-03 C284100200019 2.617 3.972E-03 C284100200020 2.713 4.959E-03 C284100200021 2.947 1.047E-02 C284100200022 2.960 8.129E-03 C284100200023 3.166 1.229E-02 C284100200024 3.248 1.692E-02 C284100200025 3.276 1.255E-02 C284100200026 3.564 1.754E-02 C284100200027 ENDDATA 16 0 C284100200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C284100299999 SUBENT C2841003 20221025 C224C284100300001 BIB 3 3 C284100300002 REACTION (12-MG-26(D,X)12-MG-27,,SIG) C284100300003 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,10.5MIN) Measured by authors. C284100300004 STATUS (TABLE) page 861 of J,PR,48,855,1935. C284100300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C284100300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C284100300007 DATA 2 1 C284100300008 EN DATA C284100300009 MEV B C284100300010 3.0 2.4E-2 C284100300011 ENDDATA 3 0 C284100300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 C284100399999 SUBENT C2841004 20221025 C224C284100400001 BIB 3 3 C284100400002 REACTION (12-MG-26(D,X)12-MG-27,,PY,,TT) C284100400003 DECAY-DATA (12-MG-27,10.5MIN) Measured by authors. C284100400004 STATUS (TABLE) page 860 of J,PR,48,855,1935. C284100400005 ENDBIB 3 0 C284100400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 C284100400007 DATA 2 1 C284100400008 EN DATA C284100400009 MEV PRD/INC C284100400010 3.0 5.0E-7 C284100400011 ENDDATA 3 0 C284100400012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 C284100499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 C284199999999