ENTRY C2849 20221109 C225C284900000001 SUBENT C2849001 20221109 C225C284900100001 BIB 10 21 C284900100002 TITLE Angular Distributions for Ti46,48(d,p)Ti47,49 C284900100003 Reactions with 4.16-Mev Deuterons C284900100004 AUTHOR (L.L.Lee Jr,W.Rall) C284900100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,99,1384,1955) C284900100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.99.1384 C284900100007 INSTITUTE (1USAYAL) C284900100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAYAL) C284900100009 SAMPLE Thin targets of Ti02 enriched in Ti46 and Ti48. C284900100010 DETECTOR (PROPC,TELES) C284900100011 METHOD Reaction protons from the target +ere observed at 10 C284900100012 intervals from 0 to 90 degrees to the incident C284900100013 deuteron beam through a thin aluminum window cemented C284900100014 to the target chamber. The protons were detected with C284900100015 a double proportional counter coincidence telescope C284900100016 and the proton energies determined from their range C284900100017 in aluminum absorbers. The second counter of the C284900100018 telescope was biased to count only protons ending C284900100019 their range in the counter, so it was possible to C284900100020 obtain differential range curves at each angle. C284900100021 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The large statistical error. C284900100022 HISTORY (20221109C) BP C284900100023 ENDBIB 21 0 C284900100024 COMMON 1 3 C284900100025 EN C284900100026 MEV C284900100027 4.16 C284900100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C284900100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C284900199999 SUBENT C2849002 20221109 C225C284900200001 BIB 2 3 C284900200002 REACTION (22-TI-46(D,P)22-TI-47,PAR,DA,,REL) C284900200003 STATUS (CURVE,,L.L.Lee Jr+,J,PR,99,1384,1955) C284900200004 Fig. 1, page 1385 of J,PR,99,1384,1955. C284900200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C284900200006 COMMON 1 3 C284900200007 E-LVL C284900200008 MEV C284900200009 0.0 C284900200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C284900200011 DATA 3 9 C284900200012 ANG DATA ERR-S C284900200013 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C284900200014 0.067 1.404 0.261 C284900200015 9.805 1.516 0.242 C284900200016 19.986 1.597 0.224 C284900200017 30.067 2.224 0.298 C284900200018 39.835 2.007 0.273 C284900200019 50.163 1.666 0.267 C284900200020 59.715 1.685 0.155 C284900200021 69.796 1.083 0.124 C284900200022 80.083 1.039 0.130 C284900200023 ENDDATA 11 0 C284900200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C284900299999 SUBENT C2849003 20221109 C225C284900300001 BIB 2 3 C284900300002 REACTION (22-TI-46(D,P)22-TI-47,PAR,DA,,REL) C284900300003 STATUS (CURVE,,L.L.Lee Jr+,J,PR,99,1384,1955) C284900300004 Fig. 2, page 1385 of J,PR,99,1384,1955. C284900300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C284900300006 COMMON 1 3 C284900300007 E-LVL C284900300008 MEV C284900300009 1.40 C284900300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C284900300011 DATA 3 12 C284900300012 ANG DATA ERR-S C284900300013 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C284900300014 0.241 2.244 0.214 C284900300015 10.353 3.085 0.236 C284900300016 20.103 3.956 0.191 C284900300017 25.255 4.021 0.183 C284900300018 30.370 3.300 0.229 C284900300019 35.083 2.534 0.199 C284900300020 40.113 2.011 0.183 C284900300021 45.237 1.664 0.107 C284900300022 49.999 1.707 0.183 C284900300023 60.199 1.997 0.122 C284900300024 70.334 1.449 0.099 C284900300025 80.437 1.197 0.091 C284900300026 ENDDATA 14 0 C284900300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C284900399999 SUBENT C2849004 20221109 C225C284900400001 BIB 2 3 C284900400002 REACTION (22-TI-48(D,P)22-TI-49,PAR,DA,,REL) C284900400003 STATUS (CURVE,,L.L.Lee Jr+,J,PR,99,1384,1955) C284900400004 Fig. 3, page 1386 of J,PR,99,1384,1955. C284900400005 ENDBIB 3 0 C284900400006 COMMON 1 3 C284900400007 E-LVL C284900400008 MEV C284900400009 1.35 C284900400010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C284900400011 DATA 3 10 C284900400012 ANG DATA ERR-S C284900400013 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C284900400014 -0.031 1.288 0.067 C284900400015 9.711 1.467 0.084 C284900400016 19.466 2.202 0.103 C284900400017 29.817 2.659 0.109 C284900400018 39.997 2.009 0.109 C284900400019 50.107 1.770 0.127 C284900400020 59.637 2.106 0.115 C284900400021 69.994 1.770 0.091 C284900400022 80.174 1.386 0.084 C284900400023 89.729 1.232 0.096 C284900400024 ENDDATA 12 0 C284900400025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C284900499999 SUBENT C2849005 20221109 C225C284900500001 BIB 2 3 C284900500002 REACTION (22-TI-48(D,P)22-TI-49,PAR,DA,,REL) C284900500003 STATUS (CURVE,,L.L.Lee Jr+,J,PR,99,1384,1955) C284900500004 Fig. 4, page 1386 of J,PR,99,1384,1955. C284900500005 ENDBIB 3 0 C284900500006 COMMON 1 3 C284900500007 E-LVL C284900500008 MEV C284900500009 1.70 C284900500010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C284900500011 DATA 3 10 C284900500012 ANG DATA ERR-S C284900500013 ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C284900500014 0.139 1.339 0.075 C284900500015 9.842 2.079 0.096 C284900500016 19.517 2.695 0.109 C284900500017 29.596 3.592 0.137 C284900500018 39.960 1.994 0.212 C284900500019 49.959 1.790 0.144 C284900500020 59.765 2.236 0.185 C284900500021 70.272 1.267 0.075 C284900500022 79.948 1.138 0.089 C284900500023 89.975 1.058 0.082 C284900500024 ENDDATA 12 0 C284900500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C284900599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C284999999999