ENTRY C2856 20221118 C226C285600000001 SUBENT C2856001 20221118 C226C285600100001 BIB 10 29 C285600100002 TITLE Neutron Thresholds in the Deuteron Bombardment of Neon C285600100003 AUTHOR (J.B.Marion,J.C.Slattery,R.A.Chapman) C285600100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,103,676,1956) C285600100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.103.676 C285600100006 REL-REF (M,C2877001,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) The counter C285600100007 ratio technique and detectors. C285600100008 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) C285600100009 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) The Rice Institute Van de Graaff C285600100010 accelerator. C285600100011 SAMPLE (10-NE-20,NAT=0.909) Since neon is chemically inert, C285600100012 it is difficult to prepare a solid target containing C285600100013 a sufficient amount of neon to make neutron C285600100014 measurements possible. For this reason, a gas cell C285600100015 containing natural neon(90.9% Ne20, 0.26% Ne21, and C285600100016 8.8% Ne22) was employed. The neon gas was C285600100017 spectroscopically pure. The gas cell was a platinum C285600100018 tube, 0.5 in. in diameter and 1.5 in. in length. The C285600100019 entrance aperture, 0.25 in. in diameter, was covered C285600100020 with a nickel foil, either 0.025 mil or 0.10 mil in C285600100021 thickness. Gas pressures of 5 in. Hg were used. This C285600100022 amount of neon is about 135 keV thick to 2-MeV C285600100023 deuterons. C285600100024 DETECTOR (BF3) Two paraffin-moderated BF3 counters, one C285600100025 preferentially sensitive to neutrons with energies up C285600100026 to about 300 keV and the other sensitive only to C285600100027 those neutrons whose energy is greater than about 300 C285600100028 keV. C285600100029 METHOD The counter ratio technique. C285600100030 HISTORY (20221118C) BP C285600100031 ENDBIB 29 0 C285600100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 C285600100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C285600199999 SUBENT C2856002 20221118 C226C285600200001 BIB 3 4 C285600200002 REACTION (10-NE-0(D,N),,SIG,,REL) C285600200003 SAMPLE The gas target with the 0.025-mil nickel foil was used.C285600200004 STATUS (CURVE,,J.B.Marion+,J,PR,103,676,1956) C285600200005 Fig. 2, page 677 of J,PR,103,676,1956. C285600200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C285600200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C285600200008 DATA 2 45 C285600200009 EN DATA C285600200010 MEV ARB-UNITS C285600200011 1.123 0.031 C285600200012 1.138 0.029 C285600200013 1.161 0.033 C285600200014 1.182 0.034 C285600200015 1.199 0.038 C285600200016 1.220 0.039 C285600200017 1.236 0.044 C285600200018 1.259 0.045 C285600200019 1.276 0.046 C285600200020 1.299 0.051 C285600200021 1.320 0.050 C285600200022 1.341 0.057 C285600200023 1.358 0.060 C285600200024 1.379 0.068 C285600200025 1.396 0.073 C285600200026 1.417 0.082 C285600200027 1.434 0.091 C285600200028 1.440 0.095 C285600200029 1.453 0.105 C285600200030 1.464 0.119 C285600200031 1.476 0.129 C285600200032 1.487 0.140 C285600200033 1.494 0.145 C285600200034 1.500 0.157 C285600200035 1.513 0.163 C285600200036 1.525 0.168 C285600200037 1.536 0.165 C285600200038 1.548 0.158 C285600200039 1.563 0.157 C285600200040 1.575 0.137 C285600200041 1.589 0.138 C285600200042 1.613 0.145 C285600200043 1.636 0.144 C285600200044 1.657 0.152 C285600200045 1.673 0.150 C285600200046 1.713 0.161 C285600200047 1.755 0.157 C285600200048 1.788 0.160 C285600200049 1.835 0.181 C285600200050 1.875 0.194 C285600200051 1.915 0.206 C285600200052 1.951 0.226 C285600200053 1.989 0.249 C285600200054 2.027 0.273 C285600200055 2.071 0.286 C285600200056 ENDDATA 47 0 C285600200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 C285600299999 SUBENT C2856003 20221118 C226C285600300001 BIB 3 4 C285600300002 REACTION (10-NE-0(D,X)0-NN-1,,DA,,AV) C285600300003 SAMPLE The gas target with the 0.10-mil nickel foil was used. C285600300004 STATUS (CURVE,,J.B.Marion+,J,PR,103,676,1956) C285600300005 Fig. 3, page 677 of J,PR,103,676,1956. C285600300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C285600300007 COMMON 2 3 C285600300008 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX C285600300009 ADEG ADEG C285600300010 0.0 15.0 C285600300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C285600300012 DATA 2 40 C285600300013 EN DATA C285600300014 MEV MB/SR C285600300015 2.205 1.400E+01 C285600300016 2.225 1.525E+01 C285600300017 2.245 1.608E+01 C285600300018 2.264 1.629E+01 C285600300019 2.286 1.692E+01 C285600300020 2.307 1.671E+01 C285600300021 2.331 1.734E+01 C285600300022 2.351 1.692E+01 C285600300023 2.374 1.630E+01 C285600300024 2.392 1.589E+01 C285600300025 2.415 1.527E+01 C285600300026 2.439 1.548E+01 C285600300027 2.460 1.611E+01 C285600300028 2.480 1.652E+01 C285600300029 2.502 1.736E+01 C285600300030 2.522 1.881E+01 C285600300031 2.539 1.923E+01 C285600300032 2.565 2.006E+01 C285600300033 2.585 2.152E+01 C285600300034 2.606 2.194E+01 C285600300035 2.628 2.256E+01 C285600300036 2.652 2.360E+01 C285600300037 2.669 2.236E+01 C285600300038 2.693 2.278E+01 C285600300039 2.717 2.361E+01 C285600300040 2.734 2.465E+01 C285600300041 2.758 2.798E+01 C285600300042 2.782 3.255E+01 C285600300043 2.799 3.546E+01 C285600300044 2.819 3.816E+01 C285600300045 2.842 4.107E+01 C285600300046 2.862 4.253E+01 C285600300047 2.884 4.606E+01 C285600300048 2.906 4.876E+01 C285600300049 2.928 5.188E+01 C285600300050 2.950 5.334E+01 C285600300051 2.974 5.812E+01 C285600300052 2.990 6.144E+01 C285600300053 3.016 6.580E+01 C285600300054 3.034 7.037E+01 C285600300055 ENDDATA 42 0 C285600300056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 C285600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C285699999999