ENTRY C2859 20221118 C226C285900000001 SUBENT C2859001 20221118 C226C285900100001 BIB 11 29 C285900100002 TITLE Results of Stripping Analysis of the Reaction C285900100003 K39(d,p)K40 C285900100004 AUTHOR (H.A.Enge,E.J.Irwin Jr,D.H.Weaner) C285900100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,115,949,1959) C285900100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.115.949 C285900100007 REL-REF (I,,W.W.Buechner+,J,PR,101,188,1956) C285900100008 INSTITUTE (1USAMIT) C285900100009 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USAMIT) The MIT-ONR electrostatic generator. C285900100010 DETECTOR (SPEC) The broad-range spectrograph. C285900100011 SAMPLE Thin evaporated natural KI target on a Formvar backing.C285900100012 METHOD Deuterons were accelerated to 6 MeV, deflected 90 C285900100013 degrees in an analyzing magnet, and allowed to C285900100014 impinge on target. The protons emitted from this C285900100015 target were analyzed in the broad-range magnetic C285900100016 spectrograph which can be rotated around the target C285900100017 so as to record the proton energy spectrum at any C285900100018 angle chosen between 0 and 130 degrees with the C285900100019 incident beam. Data were taken at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, C285900100020 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 110, and 130 degrees. C285900100021 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The conversion factor has been used for C285900100022 the data. It is uncertain to about 30%, because of C285900100023 uncertainty of the thickness of the target backing C285900100024 which has been subtracted from the measured total C285900100025 thickness and also because of uncertainties in the C285900100026 interpolated stopping cross sections of potassium and C285900100027 iodine for 3-MeV alpha particles. Excitation energies C285900100028 are mostly systematic errors which are due to C285900100029 uncertainties in the calibration table. C285900100030 HISTORY (20221118C) BP C285900100031 ENDBIB 29 0 C285900100032 COMMON 2 3 C285900100033 EN DATA-ERR C285900100034 MEV PER-CENT C285900100035 6.0 30.0 C285900100036 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C285900100037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C285900199999 SUBENT C2859002 20221118 C226C285900200001 BIB 3 5 C285900200002 REACTION (19-K-39(D,P)19-K-40,PAR,DA) C285900200003 FLAG (1.) Angle and cross section are tentative. C285900200004 (2.) Tentative cross section. C285900200005 STATUS (TABLE,,H.A.Enge+,J,PR,115,949,1959) C285900200006 Table I, page 951 of J,PR,115,949,1959. C285900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 C285900200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C285900200009 DATA 7 41 C285900200010 E-LVL E-LVL-ERR ANG ANG-MIN ANG-MAX DATA C285900200011 FLAG C285900200012 MEV MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MB/SR C285900200013 NO-DIM C285900200014 0.000 0.008 42.0 0.93C285900200015 C285900200016 0.028 0.002 43.0 0.80C285900200017 C285900200018 0.795 0.008 41.0 0.64C285900200019 C285900200020 0.885 0.008 41.0 1.15C285900200021 C285900200022 1.639 0.008 25.0 0.05C285900200023 C285900200024 2.042 0.008 21.0 6.31C285900200025 C285900200026 2.064 0.008 21.0 5.78C285900200027 C285900200028 2.099 0.008 21.0 3.99C285900200029 C285900200030 2.256 0.008 30.0 40.0 0.09C285900200031 C285900200032 2.286 0.008 15.0 0.12C285900200033 C285900200034 2.393 0.008 21.0 0.08C285900200035 C285900200036 2.415 0.008 22.0 0.20C285900200037 C285900200038 2.622 0.008 21.0 1.38C285900200039 C285900200040 2.743 0.008 22.0 0.50C285900200041 C285900200042 2.802 0.008 22.0 0.13C285900200043 C285900200044 3.021 0.008 0.19C285900200045 C285900200046 3.104 0.008 0.0 0.53C285900200047 C285900200048 3.144 0.008 23.0 0.12C285900200049 C285900200050 3.225 0.008 22.0 1.82C285900200051 C285900200052 3.367 0.008 22.0 0.52C285900200053 C285900200054 3.385 0.008 22.0 0.20C285900200055 1.0 C285900200056 3.412 0.008 0.0 0.38C285900200057 C285900200058 3.479 0.008 21.0 0.42C285900200059 C285900200060 3.599 0.008 21.0 0.13C285900200061 C285900200062 3.629 0.008 22.0 2.62C285900200063 C285900200064 3.738 0.008 40.0 0.07C285900200065 C285900200066 3.766 0.008 20.0 25.0 0.23C285900200067 C285900200068 3.790 0.008 0.0 0.66C285900200069 C285900200070 3.820 0.008 22.0 27.0 0.14C285900200071 C285900200072 3.869 0.008 21.0 1.55C285900200073 C285900200074 4.017 0.008 21.0 25.0 0.88C285900200075 2.0 C285900200076 4.102 0.008 22.0 1.49C285900200077 C285900200078 4.253 0.008 21.0 3.20C285900200079 C285900200080 4.396 0.008 22.0 1.72C285900200081 C285900200082 4.462 0.008 22.0 1.76C285900200083 C285900200084 4.539 0.008 22.0 1.72C285900200085 C285900200086 4.582 0.008 0.65C285900200087 2.0 C285900200088 4.658 0.008 20.0 1.00C285900200089 C285900200090 4.788 0.008 20.0 0.80C285900200091 C285900200092 4.802 0.008 20.0 1.35C285900200093 C285900200094 4.902 0.008 20.0 1.00C285900200095 C285900200096 ENDDATA 86 0 C285900200097 ENDSUBENT 96 0 C285900299999 SUBENT C2859003 20221118 C226C285900300001 BIB 2 3 C285900300002 REACTION (19-K-39(D,P)19-K-40,PAR,DA,,AV) C285900300003 STATUS (TABLE,,H.A.Enge+,J,PR,115,949,1959) C285900300004 Table I, page 951 of J,PR,115,949,1959. C285900300005 ENDBIB 3 0 C285900300006 COMMON 2 3 C285900300007 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX C285900300008 ADEG ADEG C285900300009 110.0 130.0 C285900300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C285900300011 DATA 3 53 C285900300012 E-LVL E-LVL-ERR DATA C285900300013 MEV MEV MB/SR C285900300014 0.000 0.008 0.26 C285900300015 0.028 0.002 0.22 C285900300016 0.795 0.008 0.18 C285900300017 0.885 0.008 0.32 C285900300018 1.639 0.008 0.01 C285900300019 1.954 0.008 0.03 C285900300020 2.042 0.008 0.58 C285900300021 2.064 0.008 0.53 C285900300022 2.099 0.008 0.37 C285900300023 2.256 0.008 0.04 C285900300024 2.286 0.008 0.05 C285900300025 2.393 0.008 0.04 C285900300026 2.415 0.008 0.05 C285900300027 2.565 0.008 0.09 C285900300028 2.622 0.008 0.14 C285900300029 2.743 0.008 0.05 C285900300030 2.782 0.008 0.05 C285900300031 2.802 0.008 0.03 C285900300032 2.948 0.008 0.03 C285900300033 2.983 0.008 0.04 C285900300034 3.021 0.008 0.03 C285900300035 3.104 0.008 0.05 C285900300036 3.125 0.008 0.05 C285900300037 3.144 0.008 0.07 C285900300038 3.225 0.008 0.16 C285900300039 3.367 0.008 0.12 C285900300040 3.385 0.008 0.12 C285900300041 3.412 0.008 0.03 C285900300042 3.479 0.008 0.04 C285900300043 3.599 0.008 0.04 C285900300044 3.629 0.008 0.18 C285900300045 3.657 0.008 0.06 C285900300046 3.725 0.008 0.10 C285900300047 3.738 0.008 0.03 C285900300048 3.766 0.008 0.03 C285900300049 3.790 0.008 0.04 C285900300050 3.820 0.008 0.04 C285900300051 3.838 0.008 0.03 C285900300052 3.869 0.008 0.08 C285900300053 3.883 0.008 0.08 C285900300054 3.898 0.008 0.08 C285900300055 3.920 0.008 0.06 C285900300056 4.017 0.008 0.14 C285900300057 4.102 0.008 0.17 C285900300058 4.253 0.008 0.30 C285900300059 4.396 0.008 0.21 C285900300060 4.462 0.008 0.18 C285900300061 4.539 0.008 0.28 C285900300062 4.582 0.008 0.18 C285900300063 4.658 0.008 0.14 C285900300064 4.788 0.008 0.26 C285900300065 4.802 0.008 0.27 C285900300066 4.902 0.008 0.18 C285900300067 ENDDATA 55 0 C285900300068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 C285900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C285999999999