ENTRY C2865 20221221 C234C286500000001 SUBENT C2865001 20221221 C234C286500100001 BIB 8 23 C286500100002 TITLE Coulomb excitation and reorientation of the octupole C286500100003 state in 208Pb C286500100004 AUTHOR (A.R.Barnett,W.R.Phillips) C286500100005 INSTITUTE (1USAMIN) C286500100006 REFERENCE (J,PR,186,1205,1969) C286500100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.186.1205 C286500100008 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAMIN) The Emperor Tandem at the Williams C286500100009 Laboratory C286500100010 DETECTOR (SIBAR) Silicon surface barrier detectors. The C286500100011 detectors had depletion depths of 600 mu at 100-V C286500100012 bias and were stopped down to 0.25-in. diam by 10-mil C286500100013 stainless-steel defining apertures. The solid angle C286500100014 subtended by each detector was 1.008 msr with C286500100015 individual variations of up to 0.3%. The detectors C286500100016 were mounted in a precision ring fitted to an Ortec C286500100017 scattering chamber and could be positioned with an C286500100018 angular accuracy of 0.1 deg. C286500100019 SAMPLE The targets used were evaporated from 99.7% enriched C286500100020 208Pb onto 10-20-mu-g/cm2 carbon foils. A thickness C286500100021 of 144 mu-g/cms was used for the alpha runs and 59 C286500100022 mu-g/cm2 for the oxygen runs. C286500100023 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.997) C286500100024 HISTORY (20221221C) OG C286500100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C286500100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 C286500100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C286500199999 SUBENT C2865002 20221221 C234C286500200001 BIB 3 4 C286500200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(A,EL)82-PB-208,,DA,,RTH) C286500200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical and systematic errors C286500200004 presented in figure. C286500200005 STATUS (CURVE,,A.R.Barnett+,J,PR,186,1205,1969) Fig.6 (p.1214)C286500200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C286500200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C286500200008 DATA 4 39 C286500200009 EN ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR C286500200010 MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C286500200011 17.5 100.945 0.998 0.003 C286500200012 17.5 110.783 1.002 0.003 C286500200013 17.5 120.729 1.004 0.003 C286500200014 17.5 130.471 1.000 0.003 C286500200015 17.5 140.631 0.998 0.002 C286500200016 17.5 150.474 0.998 0.003 C286500200017 17.5 160.428 0.991 0.003 C286500200018 17.5 170.070 0.984 0.003 C286500200019 18. 90.313 0.996 0.005 C286500200020 18. 100.350 1.004 0.005 C286500200021 18. 109.993 0.999 0.005 C286500200022 18. 120.134 1.007 0.004 C286500200023 18. 130.113 0.992 0.004 C286500200024 18. 139.967 0.987 0.004 C286500200025 18. 150.032 0.981 0.004 C286500200026 18. 159.892 0.973 0.004 C286500200027 18. 169.420 0.973 0.003 C286500200028 19. 65.424 1.000 0.003 C286500200029 19. 70.499 1.002 0.003 C286500200030 19. 75.426 1.004 0.003 C286500200031 19. 80.750 1.002 0.002 C286500200032 19. 85.319 1.001 0.002 C286500200033 19. 90.351 0.996 0.003 C286500200034 19. 95.304 1.004 0.003 C286500200035 19. 100.239 1.000 0.003 C286500200036 19. 105.487 0.995 0.003 C286500200037 19. 110.344 0.990 0.003 C286500200038 19. 115.208 0.979 0.003 C286500200039 19. 120.383 0.970 0.004 C286500200040 19. 125.246 0.959 0.003 C286500200041 19. 130.496 0.953 0.003 C286500200042 19. 135.357 0.944 0.003 C286500200043 19. 140.376 0.934 0.003 C286500200044 19. 145.082 0.924 0.003 C286500200045 19. 150.024 0.913 0.003 C286500200046 19. 155.042 0.904 0.003 C286500200047 19. 160.059 0.895 0.003 C286500200048 19. 164.916 0.885 0.003 C286500200049 19. 169.635 0.879 0.003 C286500200050 ENDDATA 41 0 C286500200051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C286500299999 SUBENT C2865003 20221221 C234C286500300001 BIB 4 4 C286500300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(A,INL)82-PB-208,PAR,DA) C286500300003 LEVEL-PROP (82-PB-208,E-LVL=2.614,SPIN=3.,PARITY=-1.) C286500300004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. C286500300005 STATUS (CURVE,,A.R.Barnett+,J,PR,186,1205,1969) Figs.7, 9-10 C286500300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C286500300007 COMMON 1 3 C286500300008 E-LVL C286500300009 MEV C286500300010 2.614 C286500300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C286500300012 DATA 4 31 C286500300013 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C286500300014 MEV ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C286500300015 17.5 101.435 16.828 0.799 C286500300016 17.5 111.005 15.337 0.835 C286500300017 17.5 120.858 12.467 0.436 C286500300018 17.5 130.717 10.794 0.508 C286500300019 17.5 140.874 10.646 0.581 C286500300020 17.5 150.732 8.937 0.544 C286500300021 17.5 160.307 8.498 0.472 C286500300022 18.0 90.984 22.243 1.336 C286500300023 18.0 100.970 22.196 1.214 C286500300024 18.0 110.471 21.259 1.336 C286500300025 18.0 121.062 18.337 1.093 C286500300026 18.0 130.863 15.658 1.053 C286500300027 18.0 140.505 13.020 0.729 C286500300028 18.0 150.646 12.649 0.688 C286500300029 18.0 160.316 12.602 0.769 C286500300030 18.0 170.124 10.652 0.972 C286500300031 19.0 85.828 39.137 0.880 C286500300032 19.0 91.028 40.076 1.150 C286500300033 19.0 111.223 32.462 1.015 C286500300034 19.0 116.130 29.272 1.015 C286500300035 19.0 121.155 23.849 1.015 C286500300036 19.0 126.215 23.638 1.421 C286500300037 19.0 131.109 18.553 1.286 C286500300038 19.0 136.031 17.597 0.812 C286500300039 19.0 140.949 16.032 0.948 C286500300040 19.0 145.729 13.858 0.677 C286500300041 19.0 150.781 12.496 0.744 C286500300042 19.0 155.699 10.999 0.744 C286500300043 19.0 160.624 10.517 0.541 C286500300044 19.0 165.545 9.425 0.677 C286500300045 19.0 170.340 9.553 0.677 C286500300046 ENDDATA 33 0 C286500300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C286500399999 SUBENT C2865004 20221221 C234C286500400001 BIB 3 4 C286500400002 REACTION (82-PB-208(8-O-16,EL)82-PB-208,,DA,,RTH) C286500400003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical and systematic errors C286500400004 presented in figure. C286500400005 STATUS (CURVE,,A.R.Barnett+,J,PR,186,1205,1969) Fig.11 C286500400006 ENDBIB 4 0 C286500400007 COMMON 1 3 C286500400008 EN C286500400009 MEV C286500400010 69.1 C286500400011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C286500400012 DATA 3 10 C286500400013 ANG-CM DATA DATA-ERR C286500400014 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM C286500400015 84.589 0.996 0.003 C286500400016 94.498 1.000 0.003 C286500400017 104.615 1.000 0.004 C286500400018 114.524 1.000 0.003 C286500400019 123.911 1.001 0.003 C286500400020 133.611 1.000 0.003 C286500400021 142.894 0.999 0.003 C286500400022 152.282 1.001 0.004 C286500400023 161.460 1.001 0.004 C286500400024 170.743 0.999 0.003 C286500400025 ENDDATA 12 0 C286500400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C286500499999 SUBENT C2865005 20221221 C234C286500500001 BIB 4 4 C286500500002 REACTION (82-PB-208(8-O-16,INL)82-PB-208,PAR,DA) C286500500003 EN-SEC (E-LVL,82-PB-208) C286500500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. C286500500005 STATUS (CURVE,,A.R.Barnett+,J,PR,186,1205,1969) Fig.12 C286500500006 ENDBIB 4 0 C286500500007 COMMON 2 3 C286500500008 EN E-LVL C286500500009 MEV MEV C286500500010 69.1 2.614 C286500500011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C286500500012 DATA 3 10 C286500500013 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C286500500014 ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR C286500500015 84.202 223.718 18.590 C286500500016 94.538 251.923 17.308 C286500500017 104.496 267.948 23.077 C286500500018 114.328 238.461 14.744 C286500500019 123.782 199.359 17.308 C286500500020 133.361 162.179 14.744 C286500500021 142.563 135.897 14.744 C286500500022 152.395 109.615 10.256 C286500500023 161.471 111.538 12.179 C286500500024 170.672 93.590 10.256 C286500500025 ENDDATA 12 0 C286500500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C286500599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 C286599999999