ENTRY C2867 20221226 C234C286700000001 SUBENT C2867001 20221226 C234C286700100001 BIB 9 16 C286700100002 TITLE A study of 42Sc using the 40Ca(alpha,d)42Sc reaction C286700100003 AUTHOR (M.F.Thomas,L.D.Skouras) C286700100004 INSTITUTE (1USAMIN) C286700100005 REFERENCE (J,JP/A,6,1763,1973) C286700100006 #doi:10.1088/0305-4470/6/11/013 C286700100007 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAMIN) C286700100008 DETECTOR (MAGSP,SIBAR) An Enge split-pole magnetic C286700100009 spectrometer was used to analyse the outgoing C286700100010 particles which were detected in an array of four C286700100011 position-sensitive surface-barrier counters mounted C286700100012 in the focal plane of the spectrometer. C286700100013 SAMPLE Targets of natural metallic calcium of thickness 35 C286700100014 mu-g/cm2 and 100 mu-g/cm2 were evaporated onto C286700100015 backings of 15 mu-g/cm2 carbon and gold foil. C286700100016 ADD-RES (COMP) DWBA calculations. C286700100017 HISTORY (20221221C) OG C286700100018 ENDBIB 16 0 C286700100019 NOCOMMON 0 0 C286700100020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C286700199999 SUBENT C2867002 20221221 C234C286700200001 BIB 4 7 C286700200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(A,D)21-SC-42,PAR,DA,,REL) C286700200003 LEVEL-PROP (21-SC-42,E-LVL=0.611,SPIN=1.,PARITY=+1.) C286700200004 (21-SC-42,E-LVL=0.619,SPIN=7.,PARITY=+1.) C286700200005 (21-SC-42,E-LVL=1.491,SPIN=5.,PARITY=+1.) C286700200006 (21-SC-42,E-LVL=1.511,SPIN=3.,PARITY=+1.) C286700200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. C286700200008 STATUS (CURVE,,M.F.Thomas+,J,JP/A,6,1763,1973) Fig.1 (p.1765) C286700200009 ENDBIB 7 0 C286700200010 COMMON 1 3 C286700200011 EN C286700200012 MEV C286700200013 25.5 C286700200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C286700200015 DATA 5 33 C286700200016 E-LVL E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C286700200017 MEV MEV ADEG ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS C286700200018 0.611 0.619 16.687 1.135E+03 4.481E+01 C286700200019 0.611 0.619 21.927 1.048E+03 3.431E+01 C286700200020 0.611 0.619 27.532 9.237E+02 3.646E+01 C286700200021 0.611 0.619 32.921 7.354E+02 1.369E+01 C286700200022 0.611 0.619 38.679 5.119E+02 2.936E+01 C286700200023 0.611 0.619 44.142 4.032E+02 2.313E+01 C286700200024 0.611 0.619 46.614 4.198E+02 2.620E+01 C286700200025 0.611 0.619 49.378 4.154E+02 2.592E+01 C286700200026 0.611 0.619 54.828 4.960E+02 2.719E+01 C286700200027 0.611 0.619 60.063 5.509E+02 3.438E+01 C286700200028 0.611 0.619 62.683 5.180E+02 2.708E+01 C286700200029 0.611 0.619 65.301 5.278E+02 4.085E+01 C286700200030 0.611 0.619 70.470 4.654E+02 2.904E+01 C286700200031 0.611 0.619 75.714 3.755E+02 1.482E+01 C286700200032 1.491 11.234 9.861E+01 1.724E+01 C286700200033 1.491 16.754 1.318E+02 6.556E+00 C286700200034 1.491 22.361 1.078E+02 9.668E+00 C286700200035 1.491 27.679 8.309E+01 7.698E+00 C286700200036 1.491 33.361 6.320E+01 6.601E+00 C286700200037 1.491 38.960 6.707E+01 8.005E+00 C286700200038 1.491 44.337 8.227E+01 6.661E+00 C286700200039 1.491 50.007 9.161E+01 6.624E+00 C286700200040 1.491 55.026 9.213E+01 6.661E+00 C286700200041 1.511 11.253 5.572E+02 6.318E+01 C286700200042 1.511 16.724 3.465E+02 2.806E+01 C286700200043 1.511 22.264 2.348E+02 2.176E+01 C286700200044 1.511 27.651 2.054E+02 1.903E+01 C286700200045 1.511 33.391 2.560E+02 1.918E+01 C286700200046 1.511 38.770 2.866E+02 1.426E+01 C286700200047 1.511 44.226 2.836E+02 1.338E+01 C286700200048 1.511 49.906 2.270E+02 8.375E+00 C286700200049 1.511 55.222 1.872E+02 6.905E+00 C286700200050 1.511 65.715 1.060E+02 2.055E+01 C286700200051 ENDDATA 35 0 C286700200052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 C286700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C286799999999