ENTRY C2877 20221207 C226C287700000001 SUBENT C2877001 20221207 C226C287700100001 BIB 7 9 C287700100002 TITLE Study of the Nuclear Reactions Sc45(p,n)Ti45, C287700100003 Cu63(p,n)Zn63, Cu65(p,n)Zn65, and Zn(p,n)Ga C287700100004 AUTHOR (R.M.Brugger,T.W.Bonner,J.B.Marion) C287700100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.100.84 C287700100007 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) C287700100008 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) C287700100009 DETECTOR (BF3) C287700100010 HISTORY (20221207C) BP C287700100011 ENDBIB 9 0 C287700100012 COMMON 2 3 C287700100013 ANG-MIN ANG-MAX C287700100014 ADEG ADEG C287700100015 0.0 10.0 C287700100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C287700100017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 C287700199999 SUBENT C2877002 20221207 C226C287700200001 BIB 4 13 C287700200002 REACTION (21-SC-45(P,N)22-TI-45,,DA,,AV) C287700200003 SAMPLE The target used was 120-keV thick to protons of 2.9 C287700200004 MeV and had a tungsten backing. C287700200005 METHOD Counter method involves the use of two BF3 counters, C287700200006 one embedded in a paragon cylinder 5 in. in diameter C287700200007 and 5 in. in length (modified long counter) and the C287700200008 second surrounded by a ring of paraffin 0.5 in. thick C287700200009 and 2 in. in length (slow counter). Both counters C287700200010 were placed at 0 degree with respect to the direction C287700200011 of the proton beam and subtended approximately the C287700200012 same solid angle at the target. C287700200013 STATUS (CURVE,,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700200014 Fig. 3, page 86 of J,PR,100,84,1955. C287700200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C287700200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C287700200017 DATA 2 66 C287700200018 EN DATA C287700200019 MEV MB/SR C287700200020 2.912 0.279 C287700200021 2.933 0.458 C287700200022 2.954 0.682 C287700200023 2.976 1.042 C287700200024 2.987 1.313 C287700200025 3.028 1.442 C287700200026 3.070 1.618 C287700200027 3.112 1.793 C287700200028 3.159 1.922 C287700200029 3.211 1.959 C287700200030 3.253 2.043 C287700200031 3.300 2.217 C287700200032 3.347 2.755 C287700200033 3.395 3.157 C287700200034 3.433 4.014 C287700200035 3.495 3.868 C287700200036 3.547 4.133 C287700200037 3.579 4.355 C287700200038 3.610 4.486 C287700200039 3.646 4.162 C287700200040 3.683 4.384 C287700200041 3.725 4.922 C287700200042 3.757 5.417 C287700200043 3.790 6.048 C287700200044 3.841 5.677 C287700200045 3.903 5.712 C287700200046 3.944 5.387 C287700200047 3.987 6.290 C287700200048 4.050 6.325 C287700200049 4.107 6.452 C287700200050 4.159 6.353 C287700200051 4.191 6.576 C287700200052 4.207 7.164 C287700200053 4.264 7.246 C287700200054 4.286 7.697 C287700200055 4.312 7.465 C287700200056 4.339 8.279 C287700200057 4.349 7.823 C287700200058 4.380 7.954 C287700200059 4.412 8.313 C287700200060 4.443 8.353 C287700200061 4.503 9.753 C287700200062 4.544 9.746 C287700200063 4.627 9.779 C287700200064 4.674 9.635 C287700200065 4.717 10.401 C287700200066 4.759 10.894 C287700200067 4.777 9.300 C287700200068 4.829 9.383 C287700200069 4.876 9.557 C287700200070 4.929 10.276 C287700200071 4.992 10.402 C287700200072 5.038 10.077 C287700200073 5.091 10.523 C287700200074 5.132 10.198 C287700200075 5.175 10.828 C287700200076 5.231 10.319 C287700200077 5.294 10.900 C287700200078 5.361 10.253 C287700200079 5.402 10.337 C287700200080 5.449 10.375 C287700200081 5.496 10.368 C287700200082 5.548 10.587 C287700200083 5.601 10.942 C287700200084 5.673 10.703 C287700200085 5.750 10.327 C287700200086 ENDDATA 68 0 C287700200087 ENDSUBENT 86 0 C287700299999 SUBENT C2877003 20221207 C226C287700300001 BIB 5 8 C287700300002 REACTION (21-SC-45(P,N)22-TI-45,,DA,,AV) C287700300003 SAMPLE The target used was 120-keV thick to protons of 2.9 C287700300004 MeV and had a tungsten backing. C287700300005 METHOD The yield of neutrons measured by the slow counter C287700300006 from threshold to 0.070 MeV above threshold. C287700300007 CORRECTION The yield has been corrected for background. C287700300008 STATUS (CURVE,,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700300009 Fig. 4, page 87 of J,PR,100,84,1955. C287700300010 ENDBIB 8 0 C287700300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 C287700300012 DATA 2 57 C287700300013 EN DATA C287700300014 MEV MB/SR C287700300015 2.906 0.039 C287700300016 2.907 0.038 C287700300017 2.909 1.319 C287700300018 2.910 2.021 C287700300019 2.911 1.233 C287700300020 2.913 0.984 C287700300021 2.914 1.286 C287700300022 2.915 1.533 C287700300023 2.917 1.489 C287700300024 2.919 0.631 C287700300025 2.921 0.588 C287700300026 2.923 0.848 C287700300027 2.924 1.412 C287700300028 2.926 0.361 C287700300029 2.927 0.415 C287700300030 2.929 0.813 C287700300031 2.930 0.812 C287700300032 2.932 1.003 C287700300033 2.933 0.946 C287700300034 2.935 0.544 C287700300035 2.937 0.611 C287700300036 2.939 0.609 C287700300037 2.940 0.870 C287700300038 2.942 0.867 C287700300039 2.944 1.072 C287700300040 2.945 0.864 C287700300041 2.947 0.697 C287700300042 2.948 0.874 C287700300043 2.950 1.010 C287700300044 2.952 0.856 C287700300045 2.953 1.103 C287700300046 2.955 0.922 C287700300047 2.956 1.058 C287700300048 2.958 2.407 C287700300049 2.958 2.862 C287700300050 2.959 3.813 C287700300051 2.960 3.922 C287700300052 2.961 3.480 C287700300053 2.962 2.913 C287700300054 2.963 2.250 C287700300055 2.963 1.822 C287700300056 2.964 1.076 C287700300057 2.966 1.254 C287700300058 2.967 1.459 C287700300059 2.968 1.582 C287700300060 2.970 1.359 C287700300061 2.971 1.248 C287700300062 2.973 1.259 C287700300063 2.974 1.368 C287700300064 2.976 1.808 C287700300065 2.977 1.930 C287700300066 2.979 1.542 C287700300067 2.980 1.485 C287700300068 2.983 1.414 C287700300069 2.984 0.957 C287700300070 2.986 1.024 C287700300071 2.987 1.133 C287700300072 ENDDATA 59 0 C287700300073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 C287700399999 SUBENT C2877004 20221207 C226C287700400001 BIB 4 17 C287700400002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,DA,,AV) C287700400003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.9911) The separated isotope of Cu63 C287700400004 (99.11 percent Cu63) in the form of CuO was obtained C287700400005 from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The CuO was C287700400006 reduced to metallic copper and targets were made by C287700400007 evaporating the metal onto weighed aluminum blanks or C287700400008 onto tungsten blanks. C287700400009 METHOD Counter method involves the use of two BF3 counters, C287700400010 one embedded in a paragon cylinder 5 in. in diameter C287700400011 and 5 in. in length (modified long counter) and the C287700400012 second surrounded by a ring of paraffin 0.5 in. thick C287700400013 and 2 in. in length (slow counter). Both counters C287700400014 were placed at 0 degree with respect to the direction C287700400015 of the proton beam and subtended approximately the C287700400016 same solid angle at the target. C287700400017 STATUS (CURVE,,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700400018 Fig. 5, page 87 of J,PR,100,84,1955. C287700400019 ENDBIB 17 0 C287700400020 NOCOMMON 0 0 C287700400021 DATA 2 81 C287700400022 EN DATA C287700400023 MEV MB/SR C287700400024 4.223 0.268 C287700400025 4.234 0.691 C287700400026 4.244 1.168 C287700400027 4.271 1.478 C287700400028 4.304 1.734 C287700400029 4.328 2.152 C287700400030 4.335 2.736 C287700400031 4.345 2.946 C287700400032 4.365 2.779 C287700400033 4.388 2.505 C287700400034 4.401 2.767 C287700400035 4.418 3.028 C287700400036 4.422 3.666 C287700400037 4.426 4.145 C287700400038 4.440 4.673 C287700400039 4.458 3.760 C287700400040 4.464 3.118 C287700400041 4.503 5.132 C287700400042 4.532 4.855 C287700400043 4.551 4.528 C287700400044 4.594 6.700 C287700400045 4.615 8.239 C287700400046 4.643 6.736 C287700400047 4.672 6.406 C287700400048 4.695 6.398 C287700400049 4.719 6.977 C287700400050 4.748 6.700 C287700400051 4.766 7.441 C287700400052 4.796 7.537 C287700400053 4.823 8.594 C287700400054 4.842 8.001 C287700400055 4.859 8.102 C287700400056 4.873 8.524 C287700400057 4.877 9.056 C287700400058 4.881 9.748 C287700400059 4.888 10.385 C287700400060 4.901 9.847 C287700400061 4.909 8.938 C287700400062 4.929 9.091 C287700400063 4.946 9.512 C287700400064 4.973 10.036 C287700400065 4.998 11.360 C287700400066 5.015 11.728 C287700400067 5.057 14.006 C287700400068 5.082 12.718 C287700400069 5.099 13.085 C287700400070 5.129 13.129 C287700400071 5.152 13.387 C287700400072 5.173 14.340 C287700400073 5.198 15.558 C287700400074 5.217 14.965 C287700400075 5.246 14.475 C287700400076 5.269 15.160 C287700400077 5.284 13.928 C287700400078 5.305 14.987 C287700400079 5.328 17.433 C287700400080 5.361 16.942 C287700400081 5.380 16.935 C287700400082 5.406 18.953 C287700400083 5.435 18.836 C287700400084 5.459 16.961 C287700400085 5.480 17.327 C287700400086 5.505 16.945 C287700400087 5.528 18.964 C287700400088 5.556 17.834 C287700400089 5.575 17.241 C287700400090 5.601 19.845 C287700400091 5.623 21.651 C287700400092 5.644 19.670 C287700400093 5.666 19.236 C287700400094 5.693 19.813 C287700400095 5.712 21.780 C287700400096 5.736 22.572 C287700400097 5.764 21.069 C287700400098 5.788 21.274 C287700400099 5.809 20.253 C287700400100 5.829 20.620 C287700400101 5.853 21.305 C287700400102 5.890 21.772 C287700400103 5.896 18.890 C287700400104 5.950 19.298 C287700400105 ENDDATA 83 0 C287700400106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 C287700499999 SUBENT C2877005 20221207 C226C287700500001 BIB 4 10 C287700500002 REACTION (29-CU-63(P,N)30-ZN-63,,DA,,AV) C287700500003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.9911) The separated isotope of Cu63 C287700500004 (99.11 percent Cu63) in the form of CuO was obtained C287700500005 from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The CuO was C287700500006 reduced to metallic copper and targets were made by C287700500007 evaporating the metal onto weighed aluminum blanks or C287700500008 onto tungsten blanks. C287700500009 METHOD The slow counter measurement. C287700500010 STATUS (CURVE,,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700500011 Fig. 6, page 88 of J,PR,100,84,1955. C287700500012 ENDBIB 10 0 C287700500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C287700500014 DATA 2 33 C287700500015 EN DATA C287700500016 MEV MB/SR C287700500017 4.213 0.013 C287700500018 4.214 0.042 C287700500019 4.215 0.121 C287700500020 4.216 0.455 C287700500021 4.217 1.092 C287700500022 4.218 1.554 C287700500023 4.220 1.727 C287700500024 4.221 1.532 C287700500025 4.222 1.433 C287700500026 4.223 1.847 C287700500027 4.225 2.403 C287700500028 4.227 2.288 C287700500029 4.228 2.493 C287700500030 4.231 2.520 C287700500031 4.232 2.516 C287700500032 4.234 3.105 C287700500033 4.238 2.824 C287700500034 4.239 2.118 C287700500035 4.241 1.825 C287700500036 4.243 2.013 C287700500037 4.246 2.040 C287700500038 4.247 2.036 C287700500039 4.249 1.952 C287700500040 4.251 1.693 C287700500041 4.253 1.960 C287700500042 4.255 1.988 C287700500043 4.257 1.904 C287700500044 4.260 1.385 C287700500045 4.265 1.790 C287700500046 4.271 2.371 C287700500047 4.275 1.562 C287700500048 4.280 1.486 C287700500049 4.285 1.492 C287700500050 ENDDATA 35 0 C287700500051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C287700599999 SUBENT C2877006 20221207 C226C287700600001 BIB 4 15 C287700600002 REACTION (29-CU-65(P,N)30-ZN-65,,DA,,AV) C287700600003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.982) The separated isotope of Cu65 C287700600004 (98.2 percent Cu65) in the form of CuO was reduced C287700600005 to metallic copper and evaporated onto weighed C287700600006 aluminum disks. C287700600007 METHOD Counter method involves the use of two BF3 counters, C287700600008 one embedded in a paragon cylinder 5 in. in diameter C287700600009 and 5 in. in length (modified long counter) and the C287700600010 second surrounded by a ring of paraffin 0.5 in. thick C287700600011 and 2 in. in length (slow counter). Both counters C287700600012 were placed at 0 degree with respect to the direction C287700600013 of the proton beam and subtended approximately the C287700600014 same solid angle at the target. C287700600015 STATUS (CURVE,,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700600016 Fig. 7, page 88 of J,PR,100,84,1955. C287700600017 ENDBIB 15 0 C287700600018 NOCOMMON 0 0 C287700600019 DATA 2 91 C287700600020 EN DATA C287700600021 MEV MB/SR C287700600022 2.175 0.034 C287700600023 2.202 0.091 C287700600024 2.224 0.109 C287700600025 2.247 0.046 C287700600026 2.270 0.164 C287700600027 2.312 0.180 C287700600028 2.339 0.277 C287700600029 2.369 0.313 C287700600030 2.411 0.389 C287700600031 2.434 0.407 C287700600032 2.469 0.423 C287700600033 2.500 0.600 C287700600034 2.556 0.574 C287700600035 2.576 0.732 C287700600036 2.610 0.648 C287700600037 2.653 0.884 C287700600038 2.676 0.941 C287700600039 2.714 1.157 C287700600040 2.744 0.994 C287700600041 2.786 1.170 C287700600042 2.818 1.466 C287700600043 2.860 1.422 C287700600044 2.882 2.279 C287700600045 2.940 1.733 C287700600046 2.952 1.792 C287700600047 2.954 2.312 C287700600048 2.972 3.010 C287700600049 2.992 2.388 C287700600050 2.998 1.827 C287700600051 3.032 1.824 C287700600052 3.054 1.721 C287700600053 3.070 1.780 C287700600054 3.086 2.118 C287700600055 3.109 2.176 C287700600056 3.139 2.072 C287700600057 3.166 2.190 C287700600058 3.178 2.448 C287700600059 3.185 2.248 C287700600060 3.198 2.626 C287700600061 3.244 2.601 C287700600062 3.259 2.780 C287700600063 3.279 2.838 C287700600064 3.305 2.915 C287700600065 3.331 3.612 C287700600066 3.346 4.631 C287700600067 3.355 3.890 C287700600068 3.387 3.426 C287700600069 3.409 3.304 C287700600070 3.427 3.862 C287700600071 3.453 3.799 C287700600072 3.482 3.516 C287700600073 3.514 3.893 C287700600074 3.527 4.351 C287700600075 3.555 5.908 C287700600076 3.576 5.366 C287700600077 3.586 4.985 C287700600078 3.615 4.642 C287700600079 3.646 4.799 C287700600080 3.677 4.996 C287700600081 3.701 5.193 C287700600082 3.722 5.751 C287700600083 3.747 7.368 C287700600084 3.767 6.586 C287700600085 3.790 5.524 C287700600086 3.815 5.341 C287700600087 3.828 5.800 C287700600088 3.856 6.097 C287700600089 3.866 6.636 C287700600090 3.888 6.473 C287700600091 3.915 6.551 C287700600092 3.932 7.189 C287700600093 3.951 7.087 C287700600094 3.970 6.165 C287700600095 3.988 6.843 C287700600096 4.011 6.960 C287700600097 4.037 6.778 C287700600098 4.046 7.197 C287700600099 4.073 7.274 C287700600100 4.096 7.451 C287700600101 4.109 7.830 C287700600102 4.135 7.587 C287700600103 4.149 7.266 C287700600104 4.173 7.523 C287700600105 4.185 7.822 C287700600106 4.209 8.140 C287700600107 4.222 8.478 C287700600108 4.250 9.055 C287700600109 4.267 9.353 C287700600110 4.289 9.251 C287700600111 4.304 9.110 C287700600112 4.332 9.607 C287700600113 ENDDATA 93 0 C287700600114 ENDSUBENT 113 0 C287700699999 SUBENT C2877007 20221207 C226C287700700001 BIB 4 12 C287700700002 REACTION (30-ZN-0(P,N),,DA,,AV/REL) C287700700003 SAMPLE A 120-keV natural zinc target. C287700700004 METHOD Counter method involves the use of two BF3 counters, C287700700005 one embedded in a paragon cylinder 5 in. in diameter C287700700006 and 5 in. in length (modified long counter) and the C287700700007 second surrounded by a ring of paraffin 0.5 in. thick C287700700008 and 2 in. in length (slow counter). Both counters C287700700009 were placed at 0 degree with respect to the direction C287700700010 of the proton beam and subtended approximately the C287700700011 same solid angle at the target. C287700700012 STATUS (CURVE,,R.M.Brugger+,J,PR,100,84,1955) C287700700013 Fig. 8, page 89 of J,PR,100,84,1955. C287700700014 ENDBIB 12 0 C287700700015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C287700700016 DATA 2 37 C287700700017 EN DATA C287700700018 MEV ARB-UNITS C287700700019 2.711 0.052 C287700700020 2.757 0.060 C287700700021 2.809 0.054 C287700700022 2.858 0.072 C287700700023 2.912 0.070 C287700700024 2.955 0.098 C287700700025 3.010 0.115 C287700700026 3.058 0.114 C287700700027 3.110 0.127 C287700700028 3.159 0.130 C287700700029 3.205 0.153 C287700700030 3.254 0.171 C287700700031 3.313 0.194 C287700700032 3.360 0.197 C287700700033 3.411 0.200 C287700700034 3.458 0.223 C287700700035 3.507 0.241 C287700700036 3.561 0.249 C287700700037 3.607 0.287 C287700700038 3.656 0.285 C287700700039 3.721 0.337 C287700700040 3.744 0.351 C287700700041 3.770 0.369 C287700700042 3.791 0.398 C287700700043 3.840 0.450 C287700700044 3.872 0.523 C287700700045 3.906 0.566 C287700700046 3.922 0.619 C287700700047 3.938 0.672 C287700700048 3.967 0.774 C287700700049 3.978 0.861 C287700700050 4.007 0.885 C287700700051 4.050 1.123 C287700700052 4.109 1.356 C287700700053 4.158 1.574 C287700700054 4.209 1.773 C287700700055 4.253 1.992 C287700700056 ENDDATA 39 0 C287700700057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 C287700799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C287799999999