ENTRY C2881 20230105 C226C288100000001 SUBENT C2881001 20230105 C226C288100100001 BIB 9 27 C288100100002 TITLE Thresholds for the Proton-Neutron Reactions of C288100100003 Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, and Carbon C288100100004 AUTHOR (R.O.Haxby,W.E.Shoupp,W.E.Stephens,W.H.Wells) C288100100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.58.1035 C288100100007 INSTITUTE (1USAWES) C288100100008 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USAWES) The Westinghouse pressure C288100100009 electrostatic generator. C288100100010 DETECTOR (BF3) Neutrons coming from the target were slowed C288100100011 down in the block of paraffin and detected by means C288100100012 of the BF3 ionization chamber inserted in the C288100100013 paraffin near the target. C288100100014 METHOD The voltage with which the protons are accelerated C288100100015 was measured by a generating voltmeter in which the C288100100016 principle of the compensating voltage plate was used. C288100100017 In this voltmeter, the generating voltmeter itself is C288100100018 used only to detect the absence of inhomogeneities in C288100100019 the field behind the voltage plate. Voltage is C288100100020 applied to this voltage plate until it coincides with C288100100021 an equipotential surface of the field from the high C288100100022 potential electrode. This condition is detected by C288100100023 the absence of pick-up in the generating voltmeter C288100100024 part. The high potential is then proportional to the C288100100025 voltage on the voltage plate and is measured by means C288100100026 of precision resistors and a good milliammeter. C288100100027 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Probable errors. C288100100028 HISTORY (20230105C) BP C288100100029 ENDBIB 27 0 C288100100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C288100199999 SUBENT C2881002 20230105 C226C288100200001 BIB 3 6 C288100200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT/CH) C288100200003 METHOD Thick target neutron yield curve for Be(p,n) taken C288100200004 with BF3 Geiger counter, a few pieces of paraffin, C288100200005 and the first generating voltmeter. C288100200006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.O.Haxby+,J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100200007 Fig. 6, page 1038 of J,PR,58,1035,1940. C288100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C288100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100200010 DATA 4 10 C288100200011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C288100200012 MEV MEV PRD/MUCOUL PRD/MUCOUL C288100200013 2.059 0.015 2.100 1.075 C288100200014 2.124 0.016 11.492 1.209 C288100200015 2.151 0.012 10.815 1.075 C288100200016 2.160 0.017 9.873 1.612 C288100200017 2.200 0.021 18.330 3.090 C288100200018 2.220 0.011 20.341 2.150 C288100200019 2.326 0.012 32.548 1.746 C288100200020 2.327 0.015 39.803 1.613 C288100200021 2.391 0.016 41.268 2.016 C288100200022 2.521 0.017 69.996 3.492 C288100200023 ENDDATA 12 0 C288100200024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C288100299999 SUBENT C2881003 20230105 C226C288100300001 BIB 3 6 C288100300002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT/CH) C288100300003 METHOD Thick target neutron yield curve for Be(p,n) taken C288100300004 with BF3 ionization chamber in paraffin and with the C288100300005 first generating voltmeter. C288100300006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.O.Haxby+,J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100300007 Fig. 7, page 1039 of J,PR,58,1035,1940. C288100300008 ENDBIB 6 0 C288100300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100300010 DATA 4 14 C288100300011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C288100300012 MEV MEV PRD/MUCOUL PRD/MUCOUL C288100300013 2.010 0.004 0.290 C288100300014 2.035 0.003 20.797 C288100300015 2.035 0.005 16.477 C288100300016 2.040 0.003 50.223 C288100300017 2.040 0.003 29.356 C288100300018 2.040 0.004 43.021 C288100300019 2.050 0.003 106.912 5.040 C288100300020 2.050 0.002 75.254 7.198 C288100300021 2.069 0.005 240.441 12.957 C288100300022 2.069 0.005 185.044 C288100300023 2.070 149.789 6.483 C288100300024 2.070 0.002 201.586 6.483 C288100300025 2.089 235.115 7.198 C288100300026 2.109 0.003 331.960 6.483 C288100300027 ENDDATA 16 0 C288100300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C288100399999 SUBENT C2881004 20230105 C226C288100400001 BIB 3 6 C288100400002 REACTION (4-BE-9(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT/CH) C288100400003 METHOD Thick target neutron yield curve for Be(p,n) taken C288100400004 with BF3 ionization chamber in paraffin and with the C288100400005 second generating voltmeter. C288100400006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.O.Haxby+,J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100400007 Fig. 8, page 1039 of J,PR,58,1035,1940. C288100400008 ENDBIB 6 0 C288100400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100400010 DATA 3 10 C288100400011 EN DATA DATA-ERR C288100400012 MEV PRD/MUCOUL PRD/MUCOUL C288100400013 1.997 7.153 C288100400014 2.014 8.878 C288100400015 2.029 8.017 C288100400016 2.030 10.806 C288100400017 2.031 14.681 C288100400018 2.037 24.396 1.933 C288100400019 2.043 55.719 2.776 C288100400020 2.052 90.948 3.206 C288100400021 2.056 88.652 3.206 C288100400022 2.062 135.404 C288100400023 ENDDATA 12 0 C288100400024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C288100499999 SUBENT C2881005 20230105 C226C288100500001 BIB 3 6 C288100500002 REACTION (3-LI-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT/CH) C288100500003 METHOD Thick target neutron yield curve for LiOH(p,n) taken C288100500004 with BF3 ionization chamber and with the first C288100500005 generating voltmeter. C288100500006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.O.Haxby+,J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100500007 Fig. 9, page 1040 of J,PR,58,1035,1940. C288100500008 ENDBIB 6 0 C288100500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100500010 DATA 4 10 C288100500011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C288100500012 MEV MEV PRD/MUCOUL PRD/MUCOUL C288100500013 1.798 0.003 0.005 C288100500014 1.845 0.003 0.158 C288100500015 1.860 0.004 13.545 C288100500016 1.860 0.004 11.519 C288100500017 1.870 0.002 50.233 3.038 C288100500018 1.879 0.002 76.035 3.040 C288100500019 1.890 0.004 67.659 3.292 C288100500020 1.895 0.004 108.661 3.544 C288100500021 1.895 0.004 123.598 3.292 C288100500022 1.904 0.004 126.615 3.546 C288100500023 ENDDATA 12 0 C288100500024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C288100599999 SUBENT C2881006 20230105 C226C288100600001 BIB 3 6 C288100600002 REACTION (5-B-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT/CH) C288100600003 METHOD Thick target neutron yield curve for B4C(p,n) taken C288100600004 with BF3 ionization chamber in paraffin and with C288100600005 second generating voltmeter. C288100600006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.O.Haxby+,J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100600007 Fig. 10, page 1040 of J,PR,58,1035,1940. C288100600008 ENDBIB 6 0 C288100600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100600010 DATA 3 12 C288100600011 EN DATA DATA-ERR C288100600012 MEV PRD/MUCOUL PRD/MUCOUL C288100600013 2.954 4.710 1.855 C288100600014 2.971 5.012 1.180 C288100600015 2.974 9.387 2.022 C288100600016 2.976 7.362 1.855 C288100600017 2.982 20.832 2.190 C288100600018 2.987 13.405 2.361 C288100600019 2.988 31.943 2.359 C288100600020 2.994 26.705 2.022 C288100600021 2.995 40.861 2.697 C288100600022 3.007 56.677 2.529 C288100600023 3.010 61.559 2.529 C288100600024 3.028 106.183 4.214 C288100600025 ENDDATA 14 0 C288100600026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C288100699999 SUBENT C2881007 20230105 C226C288100700001 BIB 3 6 C288100700002 REACTION (6-C-0(P,X)0-NN-1,,PY,,TT/CH) C288100700003 METHOD Thick target neutron yield curve for C(p,n) taken C288100700004 with BF3 ionization chamber in paraffin and with C288100700005 first generating voltmeter. C288100700006 STATUS (CURVE,,R.O.Haxby+,J,PR,58,1035,1940) C288100700007 Fig. 11, page 1041 of J,PR,58,1035,1940. C288100700008 ENDBIB 6 0 C288100700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288100700010 DATA 4 14 C288100700011 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR C288100700012 MEV MEV PRD/MUCOUL PRD/MUCOUL C288100700013 3.150 0.026 0.825 0.168 C288100700014 3.200 1.244 0.311 C288100700015 3.210 0.006 0.883 0.335 C288100700016 3.220 1.574 0.407 C288100700017 3.221 1.837 0.383 C288100700018 3.259 0.009 2.354 0.215 C288100700019 3.260 0.005 2.713 0.646 C288100700020 3.269 0.010 2.950 0.239 C288100700021 3.270 0.004 2.663 0.335 C288100700022 3.309 0.014 4.543 0.478 C288100700023 3.359 0.007 5.632 0.479 C288100700024 3.359 0.008 4.292 0.407 C288100700025 3.459 0.014 7.905 0.814 C288100700026 3.498 0.009 8.804 0.551 C288100700027 ENDDATA 16 0 C288100700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C288100799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C288199999999