ENTRY C2885 20230112 C227C288500000001 SUBENT C2885001 20230112 C227C288500100001 BIB 10 43 C288500100002 TITLE Deuteron-induced Spallation and Fission Reactions in C288500100003 Plutonium Isotopes C288500100004 AUTHOR (E.V.Luoma) C288500100005 REFERENCE (R,UCRL-3495,1956) C288500100006 INSTITUTE (1USAUCX) C288500100007 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USABRK) Berkeley 60-inch cyclotron. C288500100008 DETECTOR (IOCH,GEMUC,PROPC) An argon-filled ionization chamber C288500100009 attached to a scaling circuit was used for gross C288500100010 alpha counting of tracers and plutonium assays. This C288500100011 instrument has a counting efficiency of 52% for thin C288500100012 samples. All the fission products were beta-particle C288500100013 emitters and counted on a Geiger-Muller counter. The C288500100014 counting unit used was an end window Amperex 100 C C288500100015 tube filled with a mixture of chlorine and argon. C288500100016 Isotopes decaying by electron capture were counted in C288500100017 a Nucleometer. This instrument contains a methane C288500100018 flow-type windowless proportional counter. C288500100019 METHOD (CHSEP) Extensive chemical procedures are necessary C288500100020 because of the many possible reactions induced in the C288500100021 target material Itself and in the aluminum backing C288500100022 plate. Because of the small amount of valuable target C288500100023 material available and the low counting rates that C288500100024 were present in products in many cases, it was not C288500100025 possible to take aliquots. A known amount of C288500100026 alpha-emitting isotope was added to the target C288500100027 solution for each actinide that was to be taken out. C288500100028 Yield was determined from the amount of that C288500100029 particular isotope remaining in the isolated actinide. C288500100030 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Energy and half-life data were used to C288500100031 identify isotopes. Energy data was used solely in C288500100032 determining the amount, on each counting plate, of C288500100033 alpha-emitting isotope that was added for yield C288500100034 determination. Usually the beta-particle emitters and C288500100035 electron-capture isotopes were identified by their C288500100036 half-lives which were resolved from decay curves. C288500100037 This could not be done for Am237 and Am238. These C288500100038 isotopes were separated by the method of least C288500100039 squares, an analytical method of separating decay C288500100040 curve components. C288500100041 CORRECTION Air-Window, Counting Efficiency, Backscattering, C288500100042 Self-Scattering and Self-Absorption (SSSA), and C288500100043 Geometry corrections. C288500100044 HISTORY (20230112C) BP C288500100045 ENDBIB 43 0 C288500100046 COMMON 1 3 C288500100047 EN-ERR C288500100048 MEV C288500100049 0.5 C288500100050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C288500100051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C288500199999 SUBENT C2885002 20230112 C227C288500200001 BIB 4 10 C288500200002 REACTION (94-PU-238(D,A)93-NP-236,,SIG) C288500200003 SAMPLE Both 238Pu and 240Pu were plated by the same method. C288500200004 About 200 microg of plutonium in an acid solution was C288500200005 oxidized to plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium C288500200006 bromate and evaporating to dryness. C288500200007 (94-PU-238,ENR=0.938) C288500200008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.058) and small amounts of Pu240 and C288500200009 Pu241. C288500200010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,30.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500200011 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 22 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500200012 ENDBIB 10 0 C288500200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500200014 DATA 2 1 C288500200015 EN DATA C288500200016 MEV MB C288500200017 20.1 5.5 C288500200018 ENDDATA 3 0 C288500200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C288500299999 SUBENT C2885003 20230112 C227C288500300001 BIB 5 11 C288500300002 REACTION (94-PU-238(D,3N)95-AM-237,,SIG) C288500300003 SAMPLE Both 238Pu and 240Pu were plated by the same method. C288500300004 About 200 microg of plutonium in an acid solution was C288500300005 oxidized to plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium C288500300006 bromate and evaporating to dryness. C288500300007 (94-PU-238,ENR=0.938) C288500300008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.058) and small amounts of Pu240 and C288500300009 Pu241. C288500300010 DECAY-DATA (95-AM-237,1.3HR) C288500300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,30.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500300012 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 22 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C288500300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500300015 DATA 2 6 C288500300016 EN DATA C288500300017 MEV MB C288500300018 12.4 3.6 C288500300019 15.9 7.6 C288500300020 18.0 6.6 C288500300021 20.1 9.0 C288500300022 22.2 11.3 C288500300023 23.3 8.7 C288500300024 ENDDATA 8 0 C288500300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 C288500399999 SUBENT C2885004 20230112 C227C288500400001 BIB 5 11 C288500400002 REACTION (94-PU-238(D,2N)95-AM-238,,SIG) C288500400003 SAMPLE Both 238Pu and 240Pu were plated by the same method. C288500400004 About 200 microg of plutonium in an acid solution was C288500400005 oxidized to plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium C288500400006 bromate and evaporating to dryness. C288500400007 (94-PU-238,ENR=0.938) C288500400008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.058) and small amounts of Pu240 and C288500400009 Pu241. C288500400010 DECAY-DATA (95-AM-238,1.86HR) C288500400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,30.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500400012 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 22 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500400013 ENDBIB 11 0 C288500400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500400015 DATA 2 7 C288500400016 EN DATA C288500400017 MEV MB C288500400018 12.4 9.5 C288500400019 14.2 11.1 C288500400020 15.9 8.9 C288500400021 18.0 10.2 C288500400022 20.1 8.8 C288500400023 22.2 4.6 C288500400024 23.3 6.1 C288500400025 ENDDATA 9 0 C288500400026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C288500499999 SUBENT C2885005 20230112 C227C288500500001 BIB 4 10 C288500500002 REACTION (94-PU-238(D,N)95-AM-239,,SIG) C288500500003 SAMPLE Both 238Pu and 240Pu were plated by the same method. C288500500004 About 200 microg of plutonium in an acid solution was C288500500005 oxidized to plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium C288500500006 bromate and evaporating to dryness. C288500500007 (94-PU-238,ENR=0.938) C288500500008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.058) and small amounts of Pu240 and C288500500009 Pu241. C288500500010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,30.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500500011 STATUS (TABLE) Table III, page 22 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500500012 ENDBIB 10 0 C288500500013 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500500014 DATA 2 8 C288500500015 EN DATA C288500500016 MEV MB C288500500017 9.1 1.5 C288500500018 12.4 7.5 C288500500019 14.2 12.7 C288500500020 15.9 13.9 C288500500021 18.0 13.9 C288500500022 20.1 13.8 C288500500023 22.2 13.3 C288500500024 23.3 15.1 C288500500025 ENDDATA 10 0 C288500500026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C288500599999 SUBENT C2885006 20230112 C227C288500600001 BIB 4 11 C288500600002 REACTION (94-PU-240(D,3N)95-AM-239,,SIG) C288500600003 SAMPLE (94-PU-240,ENR=0.87172) C288500600004 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.1220) C288500600005 (94-PU-241,ENR=0.00583) C288500600006 (94-PU-242,ENR=0.00044) Both 238Pu and 240Pu were C288500600007 plated by the same method. About 200 microg of C288500600008 plutonium in an acid solution was oxidized to C288500600009 plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium bromate and C288500600010 evaporating to dryness. C288500600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,20.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500600012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 22 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500600013 ENDBIB 11 0 C288500600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500600015 DATA 3 8 C288500600016 EN DATA DATA-MAX C288500600017 MEV MB MB C288500600018 12.4 2.9 C288500600019 13.7 7.8 C288500600020 14.0 9.4 C288500600021 15.5 10.9 C288500600022 17.3 26.5 C288500600023 19.4 19.9 C288500600024 22.1 18.9 C288500600025 23.3 12.9 C288500600026 ENDDATA 10 0 C288500600027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C288500699999 SUBENT C2885007 20230112 C227C288500700001 BIB 4 11 C288500700002 REACTION (94-PU-240(D,2N)95-AM-240,,SIG) C288500700003 SAMPLE (94-PU-240,ENR=0.87172) C288500700004 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.1220) C288500700005 (94-PU-241,ENR=0.00583) C288500700006 (94-PU-242,ENR=0.00044) Both 238Pu and 240Pu were C288500700007 plated by the same method. About 200 microg of C288500700008 plutonium in an acid solution was oxidized to C288500700009 plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium bromate and C288500700010 evaporating to dryness. C288500700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,10.,20.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500700012 STATUS (TABLE) Table II, page 22 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500700013 ENDBIB 11 0 C288500700014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500700015 DATA 2 9 C288500700016 EN DATA C288500700017 MEV MB C288500700018 12.4 17.2 C288500700019 13.7 46.8 C288500700020 14.0 35.2 C288500700021 15.5 24.3 C288500700022 17.3 19.8 C288500700023 19.4 17.4 C288500700024 21.2 18.2 C288500700025 22.1 16.8 C288500700026 23.3 16.0 C288500700027 ENDDATA 11 0 C288500700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 C288500799999 SUBENT C2885008 20230112 C227C288500800001 BIB 5 12 C288500800002 REACTION (94-PU-240(D,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG) C288500800003 SAMPLE Both 238Pu and 240Pu were plated by the same method. C288500800004 About 200 microg of plutonium in an acid solution was C288500800005 oxidized to plutonium (VI) by adding 1 M sodium C288500800006 bromate and evaporating to dryness. C288500800007 (94-PU-240,ENR=0.87172) C288500800008 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.1220) C288500800009 (94-PU-241,ENR=0.00583) C288500800010 (94-PU-242,ENR=0.00044) C288500800011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,20.,30.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500800012 CORRECTION Cross section corrected for mass chain yield. C288500800013 STATUS (TABLE) Table IV, page 26 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500800014 ENDBIB 12 0 C288500800015 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500800016 DATA 6 52 C288500800017 ELEMENT MASS EN EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA C288500800018 NO-DIM NO-DIM MEV MEV MEV MB C288500800019 38.0 89.0 10.0 11.0 1.95C288500800020 38.0 89.0 12.4 4.70C288500800021 38.0 89.0 13.7 7.18C288500800022 38.0 89.0 15.4 10.7C288500800023 38.0 89.0 19.4 10.5C288500800024 38.0 89.0 21.2 14.2C288500800025 38.0 91.0 10.0 11.0 3.01C288500800026 38.0 91.0 12.4 8.20C288500800027 38.0 91.0 13.7 12.5C288500800028 38.0 91.0 15.4 15.3C288500800029 38.0 91.0 19.4 19.3C288500800030 38.0 91.0 21.2 21.0C288500800031 46.0 109.0 12.4 9.00C288500800032 46.0 112.0 12.4 6.41C288500800033 48.0 115.0 10.0 11.0 2.78C288500800034 48.0 115.0 12.4 7.20C288500800035 48.0 115.0 13.7 11.0C288500800036 48.0 115.0 15.4 29.4C288500800037 48.0 115.0 19.4 38.9C288500800038 48.0 115.0 21.2 38.2C288500800039 48.0 115.0 23.3 53.9C288500800040 48.0 117.0 10.0 11.0 2.51C288500800041 48.0 117.0 12.4 5.80C288500800042 48.0 117.0 13.7 11.0C288500800043 48.0 117.0 15.4 30.1C288500800044 48.0 117.0 19.4 36.3C288500800045 48.0 117.0 21.2 45.2C288500800046 48.0 117.0 23.3 55.0C288500800047 56.0 139.0 10.0 11.0 8.5C288500800048 56.0 139.0 12.4 20.9C288500800049 56.0 139.0 13.7 23.6C288500800050 56.0 139.0 15.4 49.4C288500800051 56.0 139.0 19.4 42.2C288500800052 56.0 139.0 21.2 55.3C288500800053 56.0 139.0 23.3 65.7C288500800054 56.0 140.0 10.0 11.0 6.0C288500800055 56.0 140.0 12.4 14.9C288500800056 56.0 140.0 13.7 20.3C288500800057 56.0 140.0 15.4 32.5C288500800058 56.0 140.0 19.4 37.4C288500800059 56.0 140.0 21.2 37.7C288500800060 56.0 140.0 23.3 47.1C288500800061 58.0 141.0 19.4 44.7C288500800062 58.0 143.0 19.4 40.6C288500800063 58.0 144.0 19.4 33.2C288500800064 60.0 147.0 13.7 11.5C288500800065 60.0 147.0 19.4 23.9C288500800066 63.0 156.0 13.7 1.81C288500800067 63.0 156.0 19.4 5.04C288500800068 63.0 157.0 13.7 1.60C288500800069 63.0 157.0 19.4 5.68C288500800070 65.0 161.0 19.4 0.85C288500800071 ENDDATA 54 0 C288500800072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 C288500899999 SUBENT C2885009 20230112 C227C288500900001 BIB 4 5 C288500900002 REACTION (94-PU-240(D,F),,SIG) C288500900003 ANALYSIS No details on analysis. C288500900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR,20.,30.) The limits of experimental errors. C288500900005 STATUS (DEP,C2885008) C288500900006 (TABLE) Table IV, page 26 of R,UCRL-3495,1956. C288500900007 ENDBIB 5 0 C288500900008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288500900009 DATA 4 6 C288500900010 EN EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA C288500900011 MEV MEV MEV MB C288500900012 10.0 11.0 157.0 C288500900013 12.4 367.0 C288500900014 13.7 526.0 C288500900015 15.4 995.0 C288500900016 19.4 1172.0 C288500900017 21.2 1300.0 C288500900018 ENDDATA 8 0 C288500900019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 C288500999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 C288599999999