ENTRY C2887 20230301 C230C288700000001 SUBENT C2887001 20230301 C230C288700100001 BIB 11 46 C288700100002 TITLE Probing the quadrupole transition strength of 15C via C288700100003 deuteron inelastic scattering C288700100004 AUTHOR (J.Chen,B.P.Kay,T.L.Tang,I.A.Tolstukhin,C.R.Hoffman, C288700100005 H.Li,P.Yin,X.Zhao,P.Maris,J.P.Vary,G.Li,J.L.Lou, C288700100006 M.L.Avila,Y.Ayyad,S.Bennett,D.Bazin,J.A.Clark, C288700100007 S.J.Freeman,H.Jayatissa,C.Muller-Gatermann, C288700100008 A.Munoz-Ramos,D.Santiago-Gonzalez,D.K.Sharp, C288700100009 A.H.Wuosmaa,C.X.Yuan) C288700100010 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,3CPRIMP,1USASUI,3CPRBJG,2SPNSAU,2UK MAN, C288700100011 1USAMSU,2ZZZCER,3CPRSZH) C288700100012 (1USAUSA) University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT C288700100013 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,106,064312,2022) C288700100014 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAANL) Experiment carried out at the ATLAS C288700100015 in-flight facility at Argonne National Laboratory C288700100016 SAMPLE Deuterated polyethylene (CD2)n or polyethylene (CH2)n C288700100017 of thickness 363 mu-g/cm2 and 387 mu-g/cm2 placed C288700100018 at the HELIOS axis. C288700100019 DETECTOR (MAGSP) The outgoing protons and deuterons were C288700100020 analyzed by the HELIOS spectrometer with a magnetic C288700100021 field strength of 2.5 T. C288700100022 (SI) The outgoing protons and deuterons were detected C288700100023 by an Si position sensitive array, consisting of 24 C288700100024 position sensitive detectors. Array was laced on C288700100025 HELIOS axis and covered the range of 332 mm < z < 682 C288700100026 mm. The array was moved 60 mm closer to the target C288700100027 for part of the measurement to cover smaller center C288700100028 of mass angles C288700100029 (TELES,SI,SI) The 15C recoils were detected by dE-E C288700100030 telescopes composed of 75 mu-m and 1000 mu-m thick C288700100031 quadrant silicon detectors. The deuterons and protons C288700100032 traveling for more than one cyclotron period were C288700100033 stopped by a cylindrical plastic blocker surrounding C288700100034 the recoil detectors. C288700100035 METHOD (EDE,COINC) Coincidence between scattered deuterons C288700100036 and recoils was required. Time coincidence of 20 ns C288700100037 was used C288700100038 INC-SOURCE The 15C secondary beam was produced using the neutron C288700100039 adding reaction on a 14C primary beam at 8 MeV/u, C288700100040 with an intensity of 200 particle nanoamperes. C288700100041 The 14C beam bombarded a 37-mm long deuterium C288700100042 gas cell at a pressure of 1400 mbar and temperature C288700100043 of 90 K. The resulting 15C beam had a rate of C288700100044 approximately 1E+6 particles per second. C288700100045 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty C288700100046 (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described C288700100047 HISTORY (20230301C) Compiled by S.H. C288700100048 ENDBIB 46 0 C288700100049 COMMON 3 3 C288700100050 EN ERR-SYS ANG-ERR C288700100051 MEV/A PER-CENT ADEG C288700100052 7.1 20. 0.3 C288700100053 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C288700100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 C288700199999 SUBENT C2887002 20230301 C230C288700200001 BIB 2 4 C288700200002 REACTION ((1-H-2(6-C-15,EL)1-H-2,,DA,D)= C288700200003 (6-C-15(D,EL)6-C-15,,DA)) C288700200004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.4a of the reference C288700200005 sent by author J.Ch. C288700200006 ENDBIB 4 0 C288700200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 C288700200008 DATA 3 21 C288700200009 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C288700200010 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C288700200011 33.53 7.64861 0.71636 C288700200012 34.39 4.29395 0.53674 C288700200013 35.25 3.8243 0.50654 C288700200014 37.08167 3.61723 0.26381 C288700200015 37.905 5.11639 0.31371 C288700200016 38.72833 6.52329 0.3543 C288700200017 40.10667 10.50232 0.38633 C288700200018 40.92 12.22177 0.41628 C288700200019 41.73333 14.51528 0.45651 C288700200020 43.15 22.83771 0.68827 C288700200021 43.85 21.01897 0.64651 C288700200022 44.55 23.50206 0.69607 C288700200023 46.03333 28.13718 0.8191 C288700200024 46.7 28.44263 0.838 C288700200025 47.36667 29.31163 0.84475 C288700200026 48.56667 30.74086 0.88852 C288700200027 49.3 30.54092 0.89555 C288700200028 50.03333 29.54413 0.85788 C288700200029 51.4 28.23104 1.00505 C288700200030 52. 27.26495 0.98771 C288700200031 52.6 26.11997 0.96674 C288700200032 ENDDATA 23 0 C288700200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C288700299999 SUBENT C2887003 20230301 C230C288700300001 BIB 3 5 C288700300002 REACTION ((1-H-2(6-C-15,INL)1-H-2,PAR,DA,D)= C288700300003 (6-C-15(D,INL)6-C-15,PAR,DA)) C288700300004 STATUS (TABLE) Data presented in fig.4a of the reference C288700300005 sent by author J.Ch. C288700300006 EN-SEC (E-LVL,6-C-15) C288700300007 ENDBIB 5 0 C288700300008 COMMON 1 3 C288700300009 E-LVL C288700300010 MEV C288700300011 0.74 C288700300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C288700300013 DATA 3 13 C288700300014 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR C288700300015 ADEG MB/SR MB/SR C288700300016 30.8 2.86 0.45 C288700300017 32.3 2.58 0.44 C288700300018 34.8875 2.23501 0.20403 C288700300019 36.1225 1.788 0.18249 C288700300020 38.11 1.47505 0.1279 C288700300021 39.33 1.37524 0.1235 C288700300022 41.225 1.30344 0.11949 C288700300023 42.275 1.10081 0.12679 C288700300024 44.2 1.32261 0.16445 C288700300025 45.3 1.28811 0.16229 C288700300026 46.95 1.53347 0.1728 C288700300027 48.05 1.47869 0.16969 C288700300028 50.05 1.23484 0.16302 C288700300029 ENDDATA 15 0 C288700300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 C288700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C288799999999