ENTRY C2893 20230128 C227C289300000001 SUBENT C2893001 20230128 C227C289300100001 BIB 12 38 C289300100002 TITLE Investigations of the Deuteron-Deuteron Reaction C289300100003 AUTHOR (R.Ladenburg,R.B.Roberts) C289300100004 REFERENCE (J,PR,50,1190,1936) C289300100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.50.1190 C289300100006 REL-REF (A,,R.Landenburg+,J,PR,48,467,1935) Previous C289300100007 activation measurement at 400 keV. C289300100008 INSTITUTE (1USAPTN) C289300100009 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USAPTN) C289300100010 SAMPLE As solid targets of D-compounds did not last long C289300100011 under bombardment, we used liquid D3PO4 for longer C289300100012 series of measurements, which proved to be very C289300100013 satisfactory. C289300100014 DETECTOR (IOCH) C289300100015 METHOD The protons produced in the D-D reaction penetrate C289300100016 thin aluminum windows and are counted by means of an C289300100017 ionization chamber, linear amplifier and a C289300100018 scale-of-eight thyratron counter. The neutrons are C289300100019 recorded with the same apparatus, by the use of a C289300100020 paraffin lined chamber for the fast neutrons, a C289300100021 boron-lined chamber for slow neutrons, or a simple C289300100022 air chamber (for calculating absolute values) . The C289300100023 yield of the neutrons was compared with that of C289300100024 neutrons from a 15 mg radium-beryllium source C289300100025 replacing the target. C289300100026 ANALYSIS The total number of protons produced in D3PO4, C289300100027 measured at 90 degrees from the direction of the ion C289300100028 beam, is 7x10**4 /sec at 100 keV and 1 microA on the C289300100029 assumption of isotropic emission in all directions. C289300100030 Actually appreciably more neutrons were found in the C289300100031 direction of the beam than at 90 degrees. Multiplying C289300100032 the yield by 50/3, the ratio of the number of C289300100033 electrons in D3PO4 and the number of D-atoms, one C289300100034 gets as yield for the D-D reaction 1 proton for C289300100035 6x10**6 impinging deuterons. C289300100036 ERR-ANALYS Solid targets -(ND4) 2SO4, ND4C1, KOD - give within C289300100037 20% the same yield after correcting for the stopping C289300100038 power in the same way as for the D3PO4 target. C289300100039 HISTORY (20230128C) BP C289300100040 ENDBIB 38 0 C289300100041 NOCOMMON 0 0 C289300100042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 C289300199999 SUBENT C2893002 20230128 C227C289300200001 BIB 2 2 C289300200002 REACTION (1-H-2(D,P)1-H-3,,PY,,TT) C289300200003 STATUS (TABLE) page 1190 of J,PR,50,1190,1936. C289300200004 ENDBIB 2 0 C289300200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 C289300200006 DATA 2 1 C289300200007 EN DATA C289300200008 KEV PRD/INC C289300200009 100.0 0.166E-06 C289300200010 ENDDATA 3 0 C289300200011 ENDSUBENT 10 0 C289300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C289399999999