ENTRY C2895 20231107 C237C289500000001 SUBENT C2895001 20231107 C237C289500100001 BIB 11 22 C289500100002 TITLE 4He+4He Elastic Scattering at 158.2 MeV C289500100003 AUTHOR (A.Nadasen,P.G.Roos,B.G.Glagola,G.J.Mathews, C289500100004 V.E.Viola Jr,H.G.Pugh,P.Frisbee) C289500100005 INSTITUTE (1USAMRY) C289500100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,18,2792,1978) C289500100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.18.2792 C289500100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,1USAMRY) C289500100009 INC-SOURCE A beam of alpha particles varying from 1 to 200 nA C289500100010 was focused in the center of a 1.6 m diameter C289500100011 scattering chamber. C289500100012 DETECTOR (SIBAR,SILI,TELES) The detection system consisted of C289500100013 a double-collimator system and a solid-state detector C289500100014 telescope. The detector telescope consisted of a 1-mm C289500100015 Si surface-barrier deltaE-detector and a 4-mm Si(Li) C289500100016 E-detector rotated to 60 degrees to produce an C289500100017 effective thickness of 8 mm. C289500100018 SAMPLE The target consisted of a 12 cm diameter gas cell C289500100019 filled with high-purity helium gas to a pressure of C289500100020 approximately 1 atmosphere. C289500100021 METHOD (EXTB,EDE) C289500100022 ADD-RES (POT) The optical-model parameters were calculated. C289500100023 HISTORY (20230203C) OG C289500100024 ENDBIB 22 0 C289500100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 C289500100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 C289500199999 SUBENT C2895002 20231107 C237C289500200001 BIB 3 3 C289500200002 REACTION (2-HE-4(A,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) C289500200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty. C289500200004 STATUS (CURVE,,A.Nadasen+,J,PR/C,18,2792,1978) Fig.1 (p.2793) C289500200005 ENDBIB 3 0 C289500200006 COMMON 3 3 C289500200007 EN EN-ERR DATA-ERR C289500200008 MEV MEV PER-CENT C289500200009 158.2 0.5 10. C289500200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C289500200011 DATA 2 36 C289500200012 ANG-CM DATA-CM C289500200013 ADEG MB/SR C289500200014 9.973 2.108E+03 C289500200015 12.154 1.242E+03 C289500200016 14.255 7.267E+02 C289500200017 16.193 4.124E+02 C289500200018 18.210 2.106E+02 C289500200019 20.231 1.379E+02 C289500200020 22.255 1.019E+02 C289500200021 24.121 1.019E+02 C289500200022 26.230 9.663E+01 C289500200023 28.502 9.515E+01 C289500200024 30.285 8.118E+01 C289500200025 32.473 6.926E+01 C289500200026 34.334 4.892E+01 C289500200027 36.357 3.643E+01 C289500200028 38.378 2.333E+01 C289500200029 40.319 1.552E+01 C289500200030 42.501 9.282E+00 C289500200031 44.118 6.508E+00 C289500200032 46.464 4.328E+00 C289500200033 48.406 3.175E+00 C289500200034 50.348 2.260E+00 C289500200035 52.370 1.560E+00 C289500200036 56.415 7.330E-01 C289500200037 60.294 3.006E-01 C289500200038 64.339 1.433E-01 C289500200039 68.227 9.602E-02 C289500200040 72.356 5.245E-02 C289500200041 74.299 3.996E-02 C289500200042 76.320 2.677E-02 C289500200043 78.189 3.020E-02 C289500200044 80.225 4.608E-02 C289500200045 84.375 8.683E-02 C289500200046 88.518 1.097E-01 C289500200047 90.549 1.191E-01 C289500200048 92.332 1.039E-01 C289500200049 94.680 7.800E-02 C289500200050 ENDDATA 38 0 C289500200051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C289500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C289599999999