ENTRY C2910 20230314 C237C291000000001 SUBENT C2910001 20230314 C237C291000100001 BIB 10 23 C291000100002 TITLE 12C(alpha,gamma)16O capture cross section below 4.1 MeVC291000100003 AUTHOR (R.J.Jaszczak,R.L.Macklin) C291000100004 INSTITUTE (1USAORL) C291000100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,2,2452,1970) C291000100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.2.2452 C291000100007 (J,PR/C,2,63,1970) Data below 3.2 MeV C291000100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.2.63 C291000100009 FACILITY (VDG,1USAORL) The ORNL 5.5-MV Van de Graaff acceleratorC291000100010 INC-SOURCE The terminally pulsed 4He+ e beam (currents <= 5 mA). C291000100011 The He+ pulses had a time resolution (FWHM) of less C291000100012 than 2 nsec. C291000100013 METHOD (TOF) C291000100014 DETECTOR (NAICR) A relatively large (23- by 30-cm) NaI(Tl) C291000100015 scintillator viewed by six matched bialkali C291000100016 photomultiplier tubes was used. C291000100017 SAMPLE Targets were fabricated by "cracking" enriched C291000100018 acetylene with a high-frequency discharge onto C291000100019 0.025-cm tantalum backings. Thicknesses determined by C291000100020 weighing (with a microbalance) the backings before C291000100021 and after deposition ranged between 98+/-2 and C291000100022 178+/-3 mu-g/cm2. C291000100023 (6-C-12,ENR=0.9994) C291000100024 HISTORY (20230314C) OG C291000100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C291000100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291000100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C291000199999 SUBENT C2910002 20230314 C237C291000200001 BIB 3 6 C291000200002 REACTION (6-C-12(A,G)8-O-16,,SIG) C291000200003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors include the effects due to C291000200004 target-thickness uncertainty, detector efficiency C291000200005 uncertainty, current integration, statistics, and C291000200006 background subtraction. C291000200007 STATUS (CURVE,,R.J.Jaszczak+,J,PR/C,2,2452,1970) Fig.1 C291000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C291000200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291000200010 DATA 3 13 C291000200011 EN DATA DATA-ERR C291000200012 MEV NB NB C291000200013 1.868 1.087E+00 2.842E-01 C291000200014 1.935 1.552E+00 3.596E-01 C291000200015 2.056 2.022E+00 3.182E-01 C291000200016 2.294 3.406E+00 4.595E-01 C291000200017 2.489 4.867E+00 1.027E+00 C291000200018 2.721 1.362E+01 2.143E+00 C291000200019 2.891 2.294E+01 2.831E+00 C291000200020 3.127 2.855E+01 2.855E+00 C291000200021 3.148 2.763E+01 6.258E+00 C291000200022 3.202 4.680E+01 5.778E+00 C291000200023 3.408 3.305E+01 4.647E+00 C291000200024 3.819 2.322E+01 4.659E+00 C291000200025 4.089 2.742E+01 5.337E+00 C291000200026 ENDDATA 15 0 C291000200027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C291000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C291099999999