ENTRY C2912 20231113 C237C291200000001 SUBENT C2912001 20231113 C237C291200100001 BIB 9 14 C291200100002 TITLE Observation of charge-asymmetry effects in the C291200100003 reaction 2H(alpha,3H)3He at 27.4 MeV c.m.* C291200100004 AUTHOR (E.E.Gross,E.Newman,W.J.Roberts,R.W.Rutkowski,A.Zucker)C291200100005 INSTITUTE (1USATEN,1USAORL) C291200100006 REFERENCE (J,PRL,24,473,1970) C291200100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.24.473 C291200100008 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USAORL) C291200100009 DETECTOR (TELES,SI,NAICR) A conventional deltaE-E telescope C291200100010 consisting of a 322-mu Si passing detector and a C291200100011 2-cm-thick NaI stopping detector. C291200100012 SAMPLE The gas cell contained deuterium at 300 Torr at C291200100013 liquid-nitrogen temperature. C291200100014 METHOD (EXTB,EDE) C291200100015 HISTORY (20230313C) OG C291200100016 ENDBIB 14 0 C291200100017 COMMON 1 3 C291200100018 EN C291200100019 MEV C291200100020 82. C291200100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C291200100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C291200199999 SUBENT C2912002 20231113 C237C291200200001 BIB 6 15 C291200200002 REACTION (1-H-2(A,T)2-HE-3,,DA) C291200200003 FLAG (1.) Detected particle is triton C291200200004 (2.) Detected particle is 3He C291200200005 MONITOR (2-HE-4(A,EL)2-HE-4,,DA) The normalization involved C291200200006 measuring the elastic scattering for 82-MeV alpha C291200200007 particles at 37 degrees c.m. with a helium-filled gas C291200200008 cell, and comparing the results with the absolute C291200200009 differential cross-section measurements of Darriulat C291200200010 et al. C291200200011 MONIT-REF (C2587006,P.Darriulat+,J,PR,137,B315,1965) C291200200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The absolute errors are uncertain to +/-10%.C291200200013 (ERR-1,,2.5) Relative errors are smaller than the size.C291200200014 (ERR-SYS) A systematic absolute error estimated to be C291200200015 about +/-15%, due to the normalization procedure. C291200200016 STATUS (CURVE,,E.E.Gross+,J,PRL,24,473,1970) Fig.1 (p.475) C291200200017 ENDBIB 15 0 C291200200018 COMMON 2 3 C291200200019 DATA-ERR ERR-SYS C291200200020 PER-CENT PER-CENT C291200200021 10. 15. C291200200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C291200200023 DATA 3 36 C291200200024 ANG-CM DATA-CM FLAG C291200200025 ADEG MB/SR NO-DIM C291200200026 31.3 1.08E+00 1. C291200200027 31.3 1.11E+00 2. C291200200028 36.9 1.73E+00 1. C291200200029 37.2 1.82E+00 2. C291200200030 43.3 2.08E+00 1. C291200200031 43.4 2.25E+00 2. C291200200032 50.7 1.51E+00 1. C291200200033 50.7 1.63E+00 2. C291200200034 57.6 8.87E-01 1. C291200200035 57.7 9.76E-01 2. C291200200036 65.2 5.27E-01 1. C291200200037 65.4 5.55E-01 2. C291200200038 73.1 1.09E+00 1. C291200200039 73.3 1.07E+00 2. C291200200040 80.4 2.13E+00 1. C291200200041 80.7 2.07E+00 2. C291200200042 87.0 2.63E+00 1. C291200200043 87.0 2.67E+00 2. C291200200044 92.6 2.64E+00 1. C291200200045 92.6 2.56E+00 2. C291200200046 98.2 2.16E+00 2. C291200200047 98.3 2.08E+00 1. C291200200048 107.3 1.09E+00 1. C291200200049 107.4 1.11E+00 2. C291200200050 115.2 5.18E-01 2. C291200200051 115.4 5.54E-01 1. C291200200052 122.3 8.85E-01 2. C291200200053 122.4 9.79E-01 1. C291200200054 129.1 1.63E+00 1. C291200200055 129.2 1.49E+00 2. C291200200056 135.9 2.24E+00 1. C291200200057 135.9 2.06E+00 2. C291200200058 142.6 1.72E+00 2. C291200200059 142.7 1.81E+00 1. C291200200060 149.1 1.12E+00 1. C291200200061 149.1 1.08E+00 2. C291200200062 ENDDATA 38 0 C291200200063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 C291200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C291299999999