ENTRY C2919 20230214 C230C291900000001 SUBENT C2919001 20230214 C230C291900100001 BIB 14 62 C291900100002 TITLE Excitation functions of proton-induced nuclear C291900100003 reactions on 86Sr, with particular emphasis on the C291900100004 formation of isomeric states in 86Y and 85Y C291900100005 AUTHOR (M.S.Uddin,M.S.Basunia,S.Sudar,B.Scholten, C291900100006 S.Spellerberg,A.S.Voyles,J.T.Morrell,M.B.Fox,I.Spahn, C291900100007 O.Felden,R.Gebel,L.A.Bernstein,B.Neumaier,S.M.Qaim) C291900100008 INSTITUTE (2GERJUL,1USABRK,3BANSAV,3HUNKOS,1USAUCX) C291900100009 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) C291900100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,2GERJUL) BC 1710 was used at 16.7 MeV C291900100011 JUelich Light Ion Cyclotron used at 44 MeV C291900100012 (CYCLO,1USABRK) 88-inch cyclotron was used at 27 MeV C291900100013 SAMPLE 86Sr-enriched 86SrCO3 powder supported by Al fils C291900100014 with thickness of 50 mu-m. The netto weight of the C291900100015 sediments lay in the range of 5 to 7 mg, amounting to C291900100016 a thickness of 6 to 9 mg 86SrCO3/cm2.The 86SrCO3 C291900100017 sediment, sandwiched between two Al foils, served as C291900100018 the target sample. Several such samples were stacked C291900100019 together with thin circular foils (diameter 13 mm) of C291900100020 Cu and Ti. In total six stacks, each with five to nine C291900100021 target samples together with several monitor foils, C291900100022 were irradiated at LBNL and Julich. C291900100023 (38-SR-86,ENR=0.964) C291900100024 (38-SR-87,ENR=0.0133) C291900100025 (38-SR-88,ENR=0.0226) C291900100026 DETECTOR (HPGE) The radioactivity of the irradiated foils was C291900100027 measured using several high-purity germanium C291900100028 gamma-ray detectors, supplied by ORTEC.The energy C291900100029 resolutions at 1332.5 keV of the detectors used were: C291900100030 1.9 keV at FZJ and 2.5 keV at LBNL. C291900100031 METHOD (ACTIV) C291900100032 Irradiation time C291900100033 Cyclotron Time (min) Proton energy (MeV) C291900100034 BC 1710 30 7. - 16.2 C291900100035 88-Inch 30 14.3 - 24.5 C291900100036 JULIC 60,26 15.8 - 42.7 C291900100037 Measurement C291900100038 Isotope Distance sample-det. Period after EOBC291900100039 86mY 50 cm 2-3 hr C291900100040 85m,gY 30 cm C291900100041 86gY >12 hr C291900100042 83Rb,84Rb 5 cm >12 d C291900100043 Contributions from undesired isotopes 87Sr, 88Sr were C291900100044 calculated by TALYS code and calculated contribution C291900100045 was subtracted from the measured cross section C291900100046 MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-63,,SIG) C291900100047 (29-CU-0(P,X)30-ZN-62,,SIG) C291900100048 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) C291900100049 (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-22,,SIG) C291900100050 DECAY-MON (30-ZN-63,38.47MIN) C291900100051 (30-ZN-62,9.19HR) C291900100052 (11-NA-24,14.997HR) C291900100053 (11-NA-22, 2.60182YR) C291900100054 MONIT-REF (,A.Hermanne+,J,NDS,148,338,2018) C291900100055 CORRECTION Data were corrected for coincidence losses C291900100056 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S,1.,5.) Statistical uncertainty C291900100057 (ERR-1) Uncertainty in detector efficiency C291900100058 (ERR-2,0.,2.) Uncertainty in true coinc. correction C291900100059 (ERR-3,0.9,8.4) Uncertainty in gamma-ray intensities C291900100060 (ERR-4) Uncertainty in proton flux C291900100061 (ERR-5,0.,5.) Uncertainty in sample homogeneity C291900100062 (ERR-T) Total uncertainty C291900100063 HISTORY (20230214C) Compiled by S.H. C291900100064 ENDBIB 62 0 C291900100065 COMMON 2 3 C291900100066 ERR-1 ERR-4 C291900100067 PER-CENT PER-CENT C291900100068 5. 6. C291900100069 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C291900100070 ENDSUBENT 69 0 C291900199999 SUBENT C2919002 20230214 C230C291900200001 BIB 4 5 C291900200002 REACTION (38-SR-86(P,N)39-Y-86-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) C291900200003 ANALYSIS Contribution of 87Sr and 88Sr in target (up to 18%) C291900200004 by theoretical prediction C291900200005 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-86-M,47.4MIN,DG,208.1,0.938) C291900200006 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) Table 4 C291900200007 ENDBIB 5 0 C291900200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291900200009 DATA 4 38 C291900200010 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C291900200011 MEV MEV MB MB C291900200012 44.1 0.3 8.9 0.8 C291900200013 42.7 0.3 8.8 0.9 C291900200014 40.3 0.3 9.0 0.9 C291900200015 39.1 0.3 9.4 0.9 C291900200016 37.9 0.3 9.1 0.9 C291900200017 34.9 0.4 9.3 1.0 C291900200018 31.7 0.4 10.7 1.1 C291900200019 29.8 0.4 12.4 1.1 C291900200020 27.6 0.4 11.8 1.3 C291900200021 26.7 0.4 12.3 1.2 C291900200022 25.2 0.4 13.3 1.5 C291900200023 24.5 0.4 14.6 1.4 C291900200024 23.7 0.4 17.6 1.5 C291900200025 23.0 0.4 15.6 1.5 C291900200026 22.5 0.4 16.6 1.5 C291900200027 20.5 0.4 39.2 3.6 C291900200028 19.0 0.4 54.1 4.6 C291900200029 18.4 0.5 74.0 7.0 C291900200030 17.9 0.5 73.9 6.3 C291900200031 17.0 0.5 97.0 9.0 C291900200032 16.2 0.2 121.0 10.0 C291900200033 16.0 0.2 104.0 9.0 C291900200034 15.8 0.5 124.7 11.0 C291900200035 15.7 0.5 114.0 10.0 C291900200036 14.7 0.2 109.0 10.0 C291900200037 14.3 0.5 111.0 10.0 C291900200038 14.3 0.2 107.0 9.0 C291900200039 13.4 0.3 100.0 9.0 C291900200040 13.0 0.3 118.0 10.0 C291900200041 12.0 0.3 93.0 8.0 C291900200042 11.0 0.3 92.0 8.0 C291900200043 10.5 0.3 67.0 6.0 C291900200044 9.6 0.4 68.0 6.0 C291900200045 8.8 0.4 57.0 5.0 C291900200046 8.3 0.4 53.0 5.0 C291900200047 7.9 0.4 44.0 4.0 C291900200048 6.9 0.4 18.0 1.6 C291900200049 6.5 0.4 12.0 1.4 C291900200050 ENDDATA 40 0 C291900200051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 C291900299999 SUBENT C2919003 20230214 C230C291900300001 BIB 4 7 C291900300002 REACTION (38-SR-86(P,N)39-Y-86-G,M+,SIG,,,DERIV) C291900300003 ANALYSIS Contribution of 87Sr and 88Sr in target (up to 18%) C291900300004 subtracted by theoretical prediction C291900300005 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-86-G,14.74HR,DG,442.8,0.154, C291900300006 DG,443.7,0.0080, C291900300007 DG,627.7,0.326) C291900300008 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) Table 4 C291900300009 ENDBIB 7 0 C291900300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291900300011 DATA 4 38 C291900300012 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C291900300013 MEV MEV MB MB C291900300014 44.1 0.3 34. 3. C291900300015 42.7 0.3 33. 3. C291900300016 40.3 0.3 34. 3. C291900300017 39.1 0.3 37. 3. C291900300018 37.9 0.3 34. 3. C291900300019 34.9 0.4 35. 3. C291900300020 31.7 0.4 40. 4. C291900300021 29.8 0.4 51. 5. C291900300022 27.6 0.4 45. 4. C291900300023 26.7 0.4 48. 4. C291900300024 25.2 0.4 50. 4. C291900300025 24.5 0.4 53. 5. C291900300026 23.7 0.4 66. 6. C291900300027 23.0 0.4 58. 5. C291900300028 22.5 0.4 60. 6. C291900300029 20.5 0.4 147. 15. C291900300030 19.0 0.4 229. 20. C291900300031 18.4 0.5 288. 29. C291900300032 17.9 0.5 351. 31. C291900300033 17.0 0.5 440. 44. C291900300034 16.2 0.2 544. 54. C291900300035 16.0 0.2 506. 51. C291900300036 15.8 0.5 663. 58. C291900300037 15.7 0.5 556. 56. C291900300038 14.7 0.2 594. 51. C291900300039 14.3 0.5 604. 51. C291900300040 14.3 0.2 574. 48. C291900300041 13.4 0.3 571. 49. C291900300042 13.0 0.3 601. 50. C291900300043 12.0 0.3 570. 48. C291900300044 11.0 0.3 527. 44. C291900300045 10.5 0.3 472. 40. C291900300046 9.6 0.4 415. 35. C291900300047 8.8 0.4 362. 30. C291900300048 8.3 0.4 323. 27. C291900300049 7.9 0.4 290. 24. C291900300050 6.9 0.4 143. 12. C291900300051 6.5 0.4 100. 9. C291900300052 ENDDATA 40 0 C291900300053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 C291900399999 SUBENT C2919004 20230214 C230C291900400001 BIB 4 6 C291900400002 REACTION (38-SR-86(P,2N)39-Y-85-M,,SIG,,,DERIV) C291900400003 ANALYSIS Contribution of 87Sr and 88Sr in target (up to 12%) C291900400004 subtracted by theoretical prediction C291900400005 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-85-M,4.86HR,DG,535.6,0.0346, C291900400006 DG,767.3,0.090) C291900400007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) Table 4 C291900400008 ENDBIB 6 0 C291900400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291900400010 DATA 4 22 C291900400011 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C291900400012 MEV MEV MB MB C291900400013 44.1 0.3 32. 7. C291900400014 42.7 0.3 36. 7. C291900400015 40.3 0.3 40. 7. C291900400016 39.1 0.3 50. 10. C291900400017 37.9 0.3 52. 8. C291900400018 34.9 0.4 63. 9. C291900400019 31.7 0.4 107. 16. C291900400020 29.8 0.4 128. 19. C291900400021 27.6 0.4 189. 25. C291900400022 26.7 0.4 202. 27. C291900400023 25.2 0.4 247. 33. C291900400024 24.5 0.4 259. 34. C291900400025 23.7 0.4 271. 38. C291900400026 23.0 0.4 277. 37. C291900400027 22.5 0.4 266. 35. C291900400028 20.5 0.4 230. 31. C291900400029 19.0 0.4 211. 40. C291900400030 18.4 0.5 158. 22. C291900400031 17.9 0.5 115. 22. C291900400032 17.0 0.5 88. 12. C291900400033 15.8 0.5 20. 3. C291900400034 15.7 0.5 16. 3. C291900400035 ENDDATA 24 0 C291900400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C291900499999 SUBENT C2919005 20230214 C230C291900500001 BIB 4 6 C291900500002 REACTION (38-SR-86(P,2N)39-Y-85-G,,SIG,,,DERIV) C291900500003 ANALYSIS Contribution of 87Sr and 88Sr in target (up to 9%) C291900500004 subtracted by theoretical prediction C291900500005 DECAY-DATA (39-Y-85-G,2.68HR,DG,504.44,0.60, C291900500006 DG,913.89,0.090) C291900500007 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) Table 4 C291900500008 ENDBIB 6 0 C291900500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291900500010 DATA 4 22 C291900500011 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C291900500012 MEV MEV MB MB C291900500013 44.1 0.3 30. 3. C291900500014 42.7 0.3 32. 3. C291900500015 40.3 0.3 35. 3. C291900500016 39.1 0.3 44. 4. C291900500017 37.9 0.3 42. 4. C291900500018 34.9 0.4 47. 5. C291900500019 31.7 0.4 77. 7. C291900500020 29.8 0.4 98. 9. C291900500021 27.6 0.4 146. 14. C291900500022 26.7 0.4 163. 16. C291900500023 25.2 0.4 213. 20. C291900500024 24.5 0.4 237. 23. C291900500025 23.7 0.4 245. 23. C291900500026 23.0 0.4 246. 24. C291900500027 22.5 0.4 247. 24. C291900500028 20.5 0.4 211. 20. C291900500029 19.0 0.4 195. 19. C291900500030 18.4 0.5 149. 14. C291900500031 17.9 0.5 126. 12. C291900500032 17.0 0.5 83. 8. C291900500033 16.2 0.2 24. 2. C291900500034 16.0 0.2 11. 1. C291900500035 ENDDATA 24 0 C291900500036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 C291900599999 SUBENT C2919006 20230214 C230C291900600001 BIB 5 9 C291900600002 REACTION (38-SR-86(P,X)37-RB-83,,SIG,,,DERIV) C291900600003 ANALYSIS Contribution of 87Sr and 88Sr in target (up to 37%) C291900600004 subtracted by theoretical prediction C291900600005 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-83,86.2D,DG,520.39,0.447, C291900600006 DG,529.59,0.293) C291900600007 CORRECTION Contribution via the 83Sr decay subtracted by C291900600008 measuring 83Sr production cross section separately C291900600009 above 32 MeV C291900600010 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) Table 4 C291900600011 ENDBIB 9 0 C291900600012 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291900600013 DATA 4 27 C291900600014 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C291900600015 MEV MEV MB MB C291900600016 42.7 0.3 8.4 1.1 C291900600017 40.3 0.3 5.7 0.8 C291900600018 37.9 0.3 3.9 0.5 C291900600019 34.9 0.4 3.2 0.4 C291900600020 31.7 0.4 4.7 0.6 C291900600021 27.6 0.4 6.7 0.8 C291900600022 26.7 0.4 6.8 0.8 C291900600023 25.2 0.4 9.7 1.1 C291900600024 24.5 0.4 10.6 1.2 C291900600025 23.0 0.4 13.4 1.6 C291900600026 22.5 0.4 15.7 1.8 C291900600027 20.5 0.4 18.0 2.1 C291900600028 18.4 0.5 14.9 1.7 C291900600029 17.0 0.5 10.1 1.2 C291900600030 16.2 0.2 7.7 0.9 C291900600031 16.0 0.2 5.5 0.6 C291900600032 15.7 0.5 8.9 1.0 C291900600033 14.7 0.2 4.3 0.5 C291900600034 14.3 0.5 5.3 0.6 C291900600035 14.3 0.2 3.8 0.4 C291900600036 13.4 0.3 2.8 0.3 C291900600037 13.0 0.3 2.4 0.3 C291900600038 12.0 0.3 1.6 0.2 C291900600039 11.0 0.3 1.20 0.14 C291900600040 10.5 0.3 0.60 0.07 C291900600041 9.6 0.4 0.23 0.03 C291900600042 8.8 0.4 0.05 0.01 C291900600043 ENDDATA 29 0 C291900600044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 C291900699999 SUBENT C2919007 20230214 C230C291900700001 BIB 4 5 C291900700002 REACTION (38-SR-86(P,X)37-RB-84,,SIG,,,DERIV) C291900700003 ANALYSIS Contribution of 87Sr and 88Sr in target (up to 98%) C291900700004 subtracted by theoretical prediction C291900700005 DECAY-DATA (37-RB-84-G,32.82D,DG,881.60,0.689) C291900700006 STATUS (TABLE,,M.S.Uddin+,J,EPJ/A,58,67,2022) Table 4 C291900700007 ENDBIB 5 0 C291900700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 C291900700009 DATA 4 7 C291900700010 EN EN-RSL DATA ERR-T C291900700011 MEV MEV MB MB C291900700012 42.7 0.3 21.20 2.00 C291900700013 40.3 0.3 18.70 1.70 C291900700014 37.9 0.3 14.00 1.30 C291900700015 34.9 0.4 7.70 0.70 C291900700016 31.7 0.4 2.70 0.30 C291900700017 27.6 0.4 0.11 0.02 C291900700018 26.7 0.4 0.05 0.01 C291900700019 ENDDATA 9 0 C291900700020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C291900799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 C291999999999