ENTRY C2920 20230215 C230C292000000001 SUBENT C2920001 20230215 C230C292000100001 BIB 9 25 C292000100002 TITLE Resolution of a long-standing discrepancy in the C292000100003 17O+12C fusion excitation function C292000100004 AUTHOR (B.W.Asher,S.Almaraz-Calderon,K.W.Kemper,L.T.Baby, C292000100005 E.Lopez-Saavedra,A.B.Morelock,J.F.Perello,V.Tripathi, C292000100006 N.Keeley) C292000100007 INSTITUTE (1USAFLA,3POLIPJ) C292000100008 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,57,272,2021) C292000100009 FACILITY (VDGT,1USAFLA) Experiment performed at the John D. C292000100010 Fox accelerator laboratory at Florida State University.C292000100011 SAMPLE Multi-sampling ionization chamber used as active C292000100012 target detector filled with CH4 as counting gas with C292000100013 carbon of the methane acting as a target. Gas C292000100014 pressure was asdjusted for different runs. At 65 MeV C292000100015 beam energy, the CH4 gas pressure was 154 Torr, A C292000100016 beam energy of 55 MeV, the gas pressure was 126 Torr. C292000100017 DETECTOR Multi-sampling ionization chamber (MUSIC) . The beam C292000100018 passed through a 2.11 mg/cm2 HAVAR window and a 3 cm C292000100019 dead layer of CH4 gas before entering the active C292000100020 volume of the detector. Chamber measures energy C292000100021 losses of the beam and the reaction products in a C292000100022 segmented anode. The anode is segmented into 18 C292000100023 strips allowing for an energy loss measurement in 18 C292000100024 different regions within the detector. C292000100025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described C292000100026 HISTORY (20230215C) Compiled by S.H. C292000100027 ENDBIB 25 0 C292000100028 NOCOMMON 0 0 C292000100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 C292000199999 SUBENT C2920002 20230215 C230C292000200001 BIB 2 2 C292000200002 REACTION (6-C-12(8-O-17,FUS),,SIG) C292000200003 STATUS (TABLE,,B.W.Asher+,J,EPJ/A,57,272,2021) Table 1 C292000200004 ENDBIB 2 0 C292000200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 C292000200006 DATA 4 23 C292000200007 EN-CM EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR C292000200008 MEV MEV MB MB C292000200009 20.5 0.3 946. 57. C292000200010 19.7 0.4 914. 55. C292000200011 19.0 0.4 852. 51. C292000200012 18.2 0.4 771. 46. C292000200013 17.5 0.4 765. 46. C292000200014 16.7 0.4 779. 47. C292000200015 16.3 0.3 744. 45. C292000200016 15.8 0.4 698. 42. C292000200017 15.6 0.3 701. 42. C292000200018 15.0 0.4 706. 42. C292000200019 14.9 0.3 617. 37. C292000200020 14.3 0.4 488. 29. C292000200021 14.2 0.3 489. 29. C292000200022 14.0 0.4 519. 56. C292000200023 13.5 0.4 574. 34. C292000200024 13.1 0.4 635. 41. C292000200025 12.6 0.4 624. 37. C292000200026 12.2 0.5 554. 66. C292000200027 12.0 0.4 591. 39. C292000200028 11.2 0.4 551. 39. C292000200029 10.4 0.4 380. 34. C292000200030 9.5 0.4 349. 34. C292000200031 8.7 0.4 151. 24. C292000200032 ENDDATA 25 0 C292000200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C292000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 C292099999999