ENTRY C2935 20231113 C237C293500000001 SUBENT C2935001 20231113 C237C293500100001 BIB 9 23 C293500100002 TITLE Sequential reactions induced by alpha particles on 3He C293500100003 AUTHOR (M.L.Halbert,A.van der Woude,N.M.O'Fallon) C293500100004 INSTITUTE (1USAORL,1USASLU) C293500100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,8,1621,1973) C293500100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.8.1621 C293500100007 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USAORL) C293500100008 DETECTOR (TELES,SI) The telescope consisted of two silicon C293500100009 counters, a 292-mu-m deltaE counter and a 3-mm E C293500100010 counter, and was used for detecting reaction products C293500100011 emitted at forward angles. The E+deltaE energy scale C293500100012 was calibrated by observation of the elastically C293500100013 scattered alpha particles and recoil 3He at several C293500100014 angles out to 38 degrees. The proton spectra at C293500100015 backward angles were obtained with a fully depleted C293500100016 500-mu-m silicon detector about 21.6 cm from the C293500100017 center of the chamber. The energy scale was C293500100018 calibrated by alpha particles from the decay of a C293500100019 244Cm source. C293500100020 SAMPLE The 3He gas, usually at a pressure of about 100 Torr, C293500100021 was contained by a 1.8-mg/cm2 foil of type-H Kapton C293500100022 glued to the outside of the cylinder. C293500100023 METHOD (EXTB,EDE) C293500100024 HISTORY (20230405C) OG C293500100025 ENDBIB 23 0 C293500100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 C293500100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 C293500199999 SUBENT C2935002 20231113 C237C293500200001 BIB 4 6 C293500200002 REACTION (2-HE-3(A,P)3-LI-6,PAR,DA) C293500200003 FLAG (1.) Proton observed C293500200004 (2.) Li-6 observed C293500200005 (3.) Alpha observed C293500200006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C293500200007 STATUS (CURVE,,M.L.Halbert+,J,PR/C,8,1621,1973) Fig.5 (p.1625)C293500200008 ENDBIB 6 0 C293500200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 C293500200010 DATA 6 53 C293500200011 EN E-LVL ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR FLAG C293500200012 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR NO-DIM C293500200013 71.7 0. 4.567 1.881E+00 2.184E-01 1.C293500200014 71.7 0. 5.969 1.901E+00 2.105E-01 1.C293500200015 71.7 0. 8.456 1.798E+00 1.986E-01 1.C293500200016 71.7 0. 12.326 1.292E+00 2.081E-01 1.C293500200017 71.7 0. 14.179 1.014E+00 4.358E-02 2.C293500200018 71.7 0. 14.504 1.263E+00 1.820E-01 1.C293500200019 71.7 0. 16.345 8.139E-01 2.C293500200020 71.7 0. 20.383 7.125E-01 2.C293500200021 71.7 0. 20.445 1.223E+00 1.937E-01 1.C293500200022 71.7 0. 24.427 5.009E-01 9.009E-02 1.C293500200023 71.7 0. 26.486 3.311E-01 8.168E-02 1.C293500200024 71.7 0. 28.592 3.719E-01 2.C293500200025 71.7 0. 37.447 2.819E-01 2.085E-02 2.C293500200026 71.7 0. 46.490 3.699E-01 2.736E-02 2.C293500200027 71.7 2.18 4.296 1.036E+01 1.208E+00 1.C293500200028 71.7 2.18 5.468 1.026E+01 1.091E+00 1.C293500200029 71.7 2.18 8.073 1.034E+01 1.312E+00 1.C293500200030 71.7 2.18 11.454 9.690E+00 1.091E+00 1.C293500200031 71.7 2.18 13.535 9.165E+00 9.571E-01 1.C293500200032 71.7 2.18 14.328 1.122E+01 1.540E+00 3.C293500200033 71.7 2.18 16.525 8.508E+00 8.178E-01 3.C293500200034 71.7 2.18 19.381 7.338E+00 8.259E-01 1.C293500200035 71.7 2.18 20.798 5.671E+00 6.031E-01 3.C293500200036 71.7 2.18 23.411 6.564E+00 7.392E-01 1.C293500200037 71.7 2.18 25.362 6.266E+00 8.069E-01 1.C293500200038 71.7 2.18 27.697 5.356E+00 7.917E-01 1.C293500200039 71.7 2.18 29.621 3.350E+00 4.249E-01 3.C293500200040 71.7 2.18 29.647 5.066E+00 8.022E-01 1.C293500200041 71.7 2.18 31.844 3.878E+00 4.680E-01 1.C293500200042 71.7 3.56 4.498 5.941E-01 2.501E-01 1.C293500200043 71.7 3.56 5.578 5.092E-01 1.683E-01 1.C293500200044 71.7 3.56 7.913 5.145E-01 1.625E-01 1.C293500200045 71.7 3.56 11.172 4.408E-01 1.521E-01 1.C293500200046 71.7 3.56 13.195 4.405E-01 2.580E-01 1.C293500200047 71.7 3.56 14.848 1.675E-01 1.944E-02 2.C293500200048 71.7 3.56 17.024 1.585E-01 2.233E-02 2.C293500200049 71.7 3.56 21.512 1.054E-01 1.224E-02 2.C293500200050 71.7 3.56 30.407 1.196E-02 3.267E-03 2.C293500200051 71.7 3.56 39.486 2.808E-02 5.759E-03 2.C293500200052 71.7 3.56 49.529 1.104E-01 1.555E-02 2.C293500200053 81.4 0. 16.172 5.728E-01 5.252E-02 2.C293500200054 81.4 0. 20.377 4.210E-01 4.370E-02 2.C293500200055 81.4 0. 28.472 2.154E-01 2.497E-02 2.C293500200056 81.4 0. 37.062 2.536E-01 2.940E-02 2.C293500200057 81.4 0. 45.958 2.560E-01 3.283E-02 2.C293500200058 81.4 2.18 16.708 5.249E+00 6.084E-01 3.C293500200059 81.4 2.18 21.073 4.401E+00 4.568E-01 3.C293500200060 81.4 2.18 47.887 1.563E+00 5.160E-01 3.C293500200061 81.4 3.56 16.808 1.606E-01 2.036E-02 2.C293500200062 81.4 3.56 21.098 8.444E-02 9.833E-03 2.C293500200063 81.4 3.56 29.527 1.194E-02 2.275E-03 2.C293500200064 81.4 3.56 38.829 3.183E-02 5.719E-03 2.C293500200065 81.4 3.56 48.652 7.958E-02 1.009E-02 2.C293500200066 ENDDATA 55 0 C293500200067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 C293500299999 SUBENT C2935003 20231113 C237C293500300001 BIB 3 4 C293500300002 REACTION (2-HE-3(A,P)3-LI-6,,DA) C293500300003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Uncertainty of systematic effects involving C293500300004 errors in geometry, beam integration, and the like. C293500300005 STATUS (TABLE,,M.L.Halbert+,J,PR/C,8,1621,1973) Tab.I (p.1624)C293500300006 ENDBIB 4 0 C293500300007 COMMON 1 3 C293500300008 ERR-SYS C293500300009 PER-CENT C293500300010 10. C293500300011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C293500300012 DATA 3 6 C293500300013 EN ANG DATA C293500300014 MEV ADEG MB/SR C293500300015 71.7 4. 146. C293500300016 71.7 5. 97. C293500300017 71.7 7. 59. C293500300018 81.4 4. 92. C293500300019 81.4 5. 78. C293500300020 81.4 11. 29. C293500300021 ENDDATA 8 0 C293500300022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C293500399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 C293599999999