ENTRY C2940 20231113 C237C294000000001 SUBENT C2940001 20231113 C237C294000100001 BIB 9 14 C294000100002 TITLE Angular-momentum effects in pre-equilibrium processes C294000100003 AUTHOR (D.G.Sarantites,L.Westerberg,R.A.Dayras,M.L.Halbert, C294000100004 D.C.Hensley,J.H.Barker) C294000100005 INSTITUTE (1USAWAS,1USASLU,1USAORL) C294000100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,17,601,1978) C294000100007 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.17.601 C294000100008 FACILITY (ISOCY,1USAORL) C294000100009 METHOD (COINC) C294000100010 DETECTOR (GELI,NAICR) A Ge(Li)-NaI anti-Compton spectrometer C294000100011 was used in coincidence with nine 5.1-cm by 7.6-cm C294000100012 NaI(Tl) detectors. C294000100013 ADD-RES Gamma-ray multiplicities; deduced J distributions in C294000100014 evaporation residues. C294000100015 HISTORY (20230425C) OG C294000100016 ENDBIB 14 0 C294000100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 C294000199999 SUBENT C2940002 20231113 C237C294000200001 BIB 7 13 C294000200002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,2N)70-YB-168,PAR,SIG) C294000200003 2(68-ER-166(A,2N)70-YB-168,PAR,MLT) C294000200004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000200005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000200006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000200007 cascades in the reaction. C294000200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000200009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000200010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000200011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000200012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000200013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000200014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000200017 DATA 9 8 C294000200018 EN E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA-MAX 1DATA 2C294000200019 DATA-ERR 2MISC MISC-ERR C294000200020 MEV KEV MB MB MB PRT/REAC C294000200021 PRT/REAC NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000200022 67.6 198.8 83. C294000200023 C294000200024 67.6 298.8 20. 1. 12.5C294000200025 0.5 3.6 2.2 C294000200026 67.6 384.8 10.3 0.8 11.3C294000200027 1.0 7.8 1.7 C294000200028 67.6 455.4 10.2 1.2 15.3C294000200029 1.6 5.9 3.9 C294000200030 80.3 298.8 28. 2. 10.5C294000200031 0.6 6.7 1.1 C294000200032 80.3 384.8 15. 2. 11.0C294000200033 1.0 5.7 2.3 C294000200034 95.3 298.8 34. 4. 9.5C294000200035 1.3 6.7 3.1 C294000200036 95.3 384.8 24. 2. 14.1C294000200037 0.8 6.3 1.9 C294000200038 ENDDATA 20 0 C294000200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C294000299999 SUBENT C2940003 20231113 C237C294000300001 BIB 7 13 C294000300002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,3N)70-YB-167,PAR,SIG) C294000300003 2(68-ER-166(A,3N)70-YB-167,PAR,MLT,G) C294000300004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000300005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000300006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000300007 cascades in the reaction. C294000300008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000300009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000300010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000300011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000300012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000300013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000300014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000300017 DATA 9 19 C294000300018 EN E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA-MAX 1DATA 2C294000300019 DATA-ERR 2MISC MISC-ERR C294000300020 MEV KEV MB MB MB PRT/REAC C294000300021 PRT/REAC NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000300022 67.6 204.2 72. 15.5C294000300023 1.5 C294000300024 67.6 221.7 19. 2. C294000300025 C294000300026 67.6 236.7 42. 4. 14.4C294000300027 1.2 C294000300028 67.6 313.6 28. 2. 13.3C294000300029 0.8 3.8 2.2 C294000300030 67.6 314.2 25. 2. 10.7C294000300031 1.2 3.7 2.2 C294000300032 67.6 401.0 10. 1. 15.2C294000300033 1.5 C294000300034 67.6 416.8 21. 2. 13.0C294000300035 0.7 4.7 2.0 C294000300036 67.6 447.7 93. 17.3C294000300037 2.1 4.1 5.1 C294000300038 80.3 204.2 57. C294000300039 C294000300040 80.3 221.7 12. 2. 15.2C294000300041 2.1 8.1 5.8 C294000300042 80.3 236.7 34. 5. 17.3C294000300043 4.0 C294000300044 80.3 313.6 31. 4. C294000300045 2.4 9.7 C294000300046 80.3 314.2 47. 5. 12.4C294000300047 1.7 6.4 2.4 C294000300048 80.3 339.9 54. 4. 16.8C294000300049 1.7 C294000300050 80.3 416.8 17. 2. 14.9C294000300051 1.1 6.1 2.6 C294000300052 80.3 447.7 30. 10. 16.5C294000300053 1.6 4.2 5.2 C294000300054 95.3 204.2 45. 4. C294000300055 C294000300056 95.3 313.6 23. 6. C294000300057 C294000300058 95.3 314.2 38. 8. 11.9C294000300059 0.5 5.4 1.0 C294000300060 ENDDATA 42 0 C294000300061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 C294000399999 SUBENT C2940004 20231113 C237C294000400001 BIB 7 13 C294000400002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,4N)70-YB-166,PAR,SIG) C294000400003 2(68-ER-166(A,4N)70-YB-166,PAR,MLT,G) C294000400004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000400005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000400006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000400007 cascades in the reaction. C294000400008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000400009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000400010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000400011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000400012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000400013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000400014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000400015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000400017 DATA 8 21 C294000400018 EN E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C294000400019 MISC MISC-ERR C294000400020 MEV KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294000400021 NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000400022 67.6 228.1 203. 5. 14.2 0.2C294000400023 0.4 8.7 C294000400024 67.6 337.7 154. 4. 14.1 0.2C294000400025 3.0 0.9 C294000400026 67.6 430.2 115. 20. 14.2 0.3C294000400027 3.5 1.1 C294000400028 67.6 494.5 11.8 1.2 12.6 1.4C294000400029 8.2 2.3 C294000400030 67.6 507.7 88. 3. 14.1 0.5C294000400031 4.2 1.4 C294000400032 67.6 509.1 16. 3. 13.4 1.8C294000400033 C294000400034 67.6 569.7 65. 15. 14.2 0.6C294000400035 5.7 0.5 C294000400036 67.6 589.0 2.5 1.1 16.6 7.7C294000400037 6. 19. C294000400038 67.6 603.8 28. 2. 16.6 0.8C294000400039 1.7 6.8 C294000400040 80.3 228.1 116. 5. 13.5 0.3C294000400041 1.3 3.7 C294000400042 80.3 337.7 86. 3. 13.1 0.3C294000400043 3.1 1.3 C294000400044 80.3 430.2 64. 10. 13.9 1.0C294000400045 C294000400046 80.3 494.5 16.5 1.3 13.1 1.1C294000400047 5.4 2.9 C294000400048 80.3 507.7 40. 7. 14.7 1.6C294000400049 1.2 16.8 C294000400050 80.3 569.7 53. 10. 13.7 0.2C294000400051 C294000400052 80.3 603.8 15. 4. 16.3 2.5C294000400053 7.1 5.2 C294000400054 95.3 228.1 88. 4. 11.9 0.4C294000400055 3.6 1.5 C294000400056 95.3 337.7 49. 5. 13.3 0.4C294000400057 3.0 2.1 C294000400058 95.3 430.2 51. 6. 14.7 1.0C294000400059 4.1 2.0 C294000400060 95.3 507.7 40. 14. 17.7 1.1C294000400061 6.6 2.7 C294000400062 95.3 569.7 49. 10. 18.0 2.0C294000400063 C294000400064 ENDDATA 46 0 C294000400065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 C294000499999 SUBENT C2940005 20231113 C237C294000500001 BIB 7 13 C294000500002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,SIG) C294000500003 2(68-ER-166(A,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,MLT,G) C294000500004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000500005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000500006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000500007 cascades in the reaction. C294000500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000500009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000500010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000500011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000500012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000500013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000500014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000500016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000500017 DATA 8 52 C294000500018 EN E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C294000500019 MISC MISC-ERR C294000500020 MEV KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294000500021 NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000500022 67.6 197.5 46. 3. 13.6 0.6C294000500023 4.5 1.7 C294000500024 67.6 202.2 124. 14. 15.3 1.0C294000500025 C294000500026 67.6 206.1 297. 5. 15.7 0.2C294000500027 C294000500028 67.6 209.6 144. 6. 15.4 0.4C294000500029 0.7 7.8 C294000500030 67.6 287.0 51. 2. 15.1 0.4C294000500031 3.9 1.4 C294000500032 67.6 322.2 225. 4. 15.3 0.2C294000500033 2.0 1.0 C294000500034 67.6 334.9 155. 5. 14.7 0.4C294000500035 2.9 1.8 C294000500036 67.6 338.8 69. 2. 15.0 0.3C294000500037 2.9 1.3 C294000500038 67.6 364.7 47. 2. 14.7 0.4C294000500039 4.2 1.2 C294000500040 67.6 429.2 197. 4. 15.0 0.2C294000500041 3.5 0.7 C294000500042 67.6 430.3 32. 7. 14.5 0.3C294000500043 3.4 0.9 C294000500044 67.6 453.0 77. 2. 15.3 0.2C294000500045 2.3 1.4 C294000500046 67.6 465.7 92. 6. 16.0 0.8C294000500047 3.0 3.8 C294000500048 67.6 477.5 70. 3. 14.9 0.3C294000500049 2.8 1.4 C294000500050 67.6 477.5 70. 3. 14.8 0.3C294000500051 2.8 1.4 C294000500052 67.6 489.7 30. 10. 14.0 0.5C294000500053 C294000500054 67.6 516.7 18. 3. 17.7 1.5C294000500055 1.1 19.3 C294000500056 67.6 523.5 125. 3. 15.6 0.2C294000500057 3.0 0.9 C294000500058 67.6 549.1 66. 2. 15.5 1.0C294000500059 3.6 6.6 C294000500060 67.6 580.6 12. 2. 16.0 1.3C294000500061 3.3 6.1 C294000500062 67.6 585.6 31. 3. 18.5 1.4C294000500063 C294000500064 67.6 605.3 61. 2. 16.4 0.4C294000500065 3.1 1.6 C294000500066 67.6 629.4 40. 2. 16.8 0.6C294000500067 2.0 3.6 C294000500068 67.6 650.0 16. 1. 13.0 1.0C294000500069 6.5 2.3 C294000500070 67.6 674.7 31. 2. 16.2 0.8C294000500071 C294000500072 67.6 728.0 14.4 1.6 15.8 1.6C294000500073 2.2 8.3 C294000500074 80.3 197.5 37. 2. 10.8 0.9C294000500075 6.7 1.8 C294000500076 80.3 202.2 55. 7. 16.1 1.8C294000500077 2.9 8.6 C294000500078 80.3 206.1 110. 3. 16.4 0.4C294000500079 C294000500080 80.3 209.6 44. 4. 17.2 1.4C294000500081 C294000500082 80.3 287.0 23. 2. 18.5 1.0C294000500083 C294000500084 80.3 322.2 67. 2. 16.2 0.4C294000500085 3.3 1.6 C294000500086 80.3 334.9 50. 3. 12.8 1.1C294000500087 4.6 3.1 C294000500088 80.3 338.8 25. 1. 14.9 0.7C294000500089 2.5 3.7 C294000500090 80.3 364.7 19. 2. 12.7 1.7C294000500091 4.7 3.8 C294000500092 80.3 429.2 61. 2. 16.6 0.4C294000500093 3.7 1.7 C294000500094 80.3 430.3 20. 5. 13.0 1.5C294000500095 3.8 1.2 C294000500096 80.3 453.0 46. 2. 18.8 1.6C294000500097 2.3 17.8 C294000500098 80.3 477.5 28. 9. 13.0 0.6C294000500099 5.2 1.6 C294000500100 80.3 477.5 28. 9. 12.8 0.6C294000500101 5.2 1.6 C294000500102 80.3 489.7 20. 5. 18. 4.C294000500103 3.5 2.0 C294000500104 80.3 523.5 39. 7. 16.9 2.7C294000500105 2. 20. C294000500106 80.3 549.1 19. 2. 15.1 1.5C294000500107 5.1 4.0 C294000500108 80.3 605.3 21. 8. 16.7 3.0C294000500109 4.2 9.2 C294000500110 80.3 629.4 23. 2. 18.5 1.0C294000500111 C294000500112 80.3 674.7 10.7 1.3 18.2 2.0C294000500113 7.4 4.3 C294000500114 95.3 206.1 59. 3. 17.1 0.7C294000500115 C294000500116 95.3 322.2 23. 2. 17.1 1.1C294000500117 C294000500118 95.3 429.2 26. 3. 18.9 1.3C294000500119 C294000500120 95.3 430.3 10. 10. C294000500121 C294000500122 95.3 523.5 17. 3. 17.8 2.3C294000500123 C294000500124 95.3 605.3 10. 3. 20.0 3.8C294000500125 C294000500126 ENDDATA 108 0 C294000500127 ENDSUBENT 126 0 C294000599999 SUBENT C2940006 20231113 C237C294000600001 BIB 7 13 C294000600002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,6N)70-YB-164,PAR,SIG) C294000600003 2(68-ER-166(A,6N)70-YB-164,PAR,MLT,G) C294000600004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000600005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000600006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000600007 cascades in the reaction. C294000600008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000600009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000600010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000600011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000600012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000600013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000600014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000600017 DATA 8 27 C294000600018 EN E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C294000600019 MISC MISC-ERR C294000600020 MEV KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294000600021 NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000600022 67.6 123.2 174. 10. 11.2 0.5C294000600023 C294000600024 67.6 262.3 204. 3. 11.0 0.2C294000600025 2.1 0.8 C294000600026 67.6 374.7 185. 3. 10.4 0.2C294000600027 3.0 0.6 C294000600028 67.6 463.2 130. 2. 11.2 0.2C294000600029 2.6 0.8 C294000600030 67.6 490.0 50. 10. 13. 3.C294000600031 C294000600032 67.6 530.5 96. 2. 11.3 0.2C294000600033 2.5 0.9 C294000600034 67.6 569.6 61. 15. 11.0 1.0C294000600035 5.2 0.5 C294000600036 67.6 576.7 54. 2. 11.9 0.3C294000600037 1.5 2.6 C294000600038 80.3 123.2 598. 12. 12.0 0.8C294000600039 5.0 0.8 C294000600040 80.3 262.3 447. 7. 15.0 0.3C294000600041 0.9 4.2 C294000600042 80.3 374.7 414. 6. 14.3 0.3C294000600043 3.8 0.5 C294000600044 80.3 463.2 355. 50. 15.0 1.0C294000600045 3.4 0.5 C294000600046 80.3 490.0 60. 10. 16.0 2.0C294000600047 3.3 1.8 C294000600048 80.3 530.5 251. 3. 15.3 0.2C294000600049 3.0 1.0 C294000600050 80.3 543.2 34. 2. 18.3 0.6C294000600051 2.7 4.0 C294000600052 80.3 569.6 130. 30. 12.9 2.0C294000600053 C294000600054 80.3 576.7 155. 2. 15.3 0.2C294000600055 2.0 1.6 C294000600056 80.3 632.5 20. 1. 16.0 0.9C294000600057 C294000600058 95.3 123.2 160. 7. 14.2 0.7C294000600059 4.0 3.2 C294000600060 95.3 262.3 147. 3. 16.2 0.2C294000600061 2.5 1.8 C294000600062 95.3 374.7 127. 3. 14.5 0.4C294000600063 5.6 0.9 C294000600064 95.3 463.2 105. 15. 15.5 1.5C294000600065 3.1 0.9 C294000600066 95.3 490.0 38. 2. 16.2 0.8C294000600067 C294000600068 95.3 530.5 95. 3. 16.4 0.4C294000600069 2.8 2.3 C294000600070 95.3 543.2 11. 2. 16.0 3.3C294000600071 C294000600072 95.3 569.6 67. 10. 15.0 2.0C294000600073 C294000600074 95.3 576.7 49. 2. 17.8 0.8C294000600075 C294000600076 ENDDATA 58 0 C294000600077 ENDSUBENT 76 0 C294000699999 SUBENT C2940007 20231113 C237C294000700001 BIB 7 13 C294000700002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,7N)70-YB-163,PAR,SIG) C294000700003 2(68-ER-166(A,7N)70-YB-163,PAR,MLT,G) C294000700004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000700005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000700006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000700007 cascades in the reaction. C294000700008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000700009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000700010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000700011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000700012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000700013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000700014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000700015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294000700017 DATA 8 10 C294000700018 EN E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C294000700019 MISC MISC-ERR C294000700020 MEV KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294000700021 NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000700022 80.3 202.8 164. 5. 7.3 0.4C294000700023 3.0 1.0 C294000700024 80.3 345.1 81. 2. 8.7 0.3C294000700025 3.2 1.0 C294000700026 80.3 463.0 60. 10. 10. 2.C294000700027 3.3 0.5 C294000700028 80.3 557.3 39. 3. 9.8 1.0C294000700029 2.8 3.4 C294000700030 80.3 629.9 23. 2. 14.4 2.0C294000700031 C294000700032 95.3 202.8 319. 6. 11.5 0.2C294000700033 4.2 0.7 C294000700034 95.3 345.1 153. 3. 12.9 0.2C294000700035 3.8 0.9 C294000700036 95.3 463.0 110. 20. 14.2 1.2C294000700037 3.0 0.9 C294000700038 95.3 557.3 81. 3. 13.9 0.5C294000700039 2.7 2.4 C294000700040 95.3 680.3 29. 3. 15.0 0.9C294000700041 C294000700042 ENDDATA 24 0 C294000700043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C294000799999 SUBENT C2940008 20231113 C237C294000800001 BIB 7 13 C294000800002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,8N)70-YB-162,PAR,SIG) C294000800003 2(68-ER-166(A,8N)70-YB-162,PAR,MLT,G) C294000800004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000800005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000800006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294000800007 cascades in the reaction. C294000800008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000800009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000800010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294000800011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000800012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000800013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000800014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000800015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294000800016 COMMON 1 3 C294000800017 EN C294000800018 MEV C294000800019 95.3 C294000800020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294000800021 DATA 8 6 C294000800022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA-MAX 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C294000800023 MISC MISC-ERR C294000800024 KEV MB MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294000800025 NO-DIM NO-DIM C294000800026 320.3 68. 2. 8.8 0.3C294000800027 3.9 0.9 C294000800028 436.7 52. 2. 10.4 0.4C294000800029 3.2 1.4 C294000800030 521.4 50. 15. 11.8 0.5C294000800031 3.9 1.4 C294000800032 578.6 34. 10. 10.2 1.0C294000800033 5.1 2.0 C294000800034 610.5 50. C294000800035 C294000800036 622.7 7. 2. 11.8 3.3C294000800037 7.0 5.7 C294000800038 ENDDATA 16 0 C294000800039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C294000899999 SUBENT C2940009 20231113 C237C294000900001 BIB 6 8 C294000900002 REACTION (68-ER-166(A,X)68-ER-161,PAR,SIG) C294000900003 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294000900004 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294000900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294000900006 EN-SEC (E,G) C294000900007 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294000900008 the Ge(Li) detector. C294000900009 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294000900010 ENDBIB 8 0 C294000900011 COMMON 1 3 C294000900012 EN C294000900013 MEV C294000900014 80.3 C294000900015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294000900016 DATA 3 2 C294000900017 E DATA ERR-S C294000900018 KEV MB MB C294000900019 317.5 36. 3. C294000900020 518.8 9. 1. C294000900021 ENDDATA 4 0 C294000900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C294000999999 SUBENT C2940010 20231113 C237C294001000001 BIB 7 13 C294001000002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,X)68-ER-160,PAR,SIG) C294001000003 2(68-ER-166(A,X)68-ER-160,PAR,MLT,G) C294001000004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294001000005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294001000006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001000007 cascades in the reaction. C294001000008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001000009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001000010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001000011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001000012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001000013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001000014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.II C294001000015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001000016 COMMON 1 3 C294001000017 EN C294001000018 MEV C294001000019 95.3 C294001000020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001000021 DATA 7 8 C294001000022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001000023 MISC-ERR C294001000024 KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001000025 NO-DIM C294001000026 125.6 33. 6. 15.5 2.1 C294001000027 C294001000028 263.9 45. 2. 14.0 0.5 C294001000029 C294001000030 375.5 49. 3. 12.1 0.7 4.0C294001000031 2.0 C294001000032 463.9 35. 10. 14.2 1.2 3.0C294001000033 0.8 C294001000034 531.7 33. 2. 15.2 0.8 C294001000035 C294001000036 534.0 13. 2. 18.4 2.0 C294001000037 C294001000038 578.9 59. 15. 14.0 0.4 2.3C294001000039 2.2 C294001000040 591.9 11. 6. 13.7 6.6 C294001000041 C294001000042 ENDDATA 20 0 C294001000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C294001099999 SUBENT C2940011 20231113 C237C294001100001 BIB 7 13 C294001100002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,SIG,,REL) C294001100003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,MLT,G) C294001100004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001100005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001100006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001100007 cascades in the reaction. C294001100008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001100009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001100010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001100011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001100012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001100013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001100014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001100015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001100016 COMMON 1 3 C294001100017 EN C294001100018 MEV C294001100019 94.2 C294001100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001100021 DATA 7 8 C294001100022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001100023 MISC-ERR C294001100024 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001100025 NO-DIM C294001100026 206.1 14.6 0.3 4.5C294001100027 0.8 C294001100028 209.6 404. 19. 14.9 0.6 1.5C294001100029 5.8 C294001100030 322.2 524. 16. 15.7 0.5 3.5C294001100031 1.8 C294001100032 338.8 345. 11. 13.9 0.4 5.9C294001100033 0.9 C294001100034 429.2 304. 16. 15.7 0.8 C294001100035 C294001100036 523.5 252. 43. 16.1 2.4 6.6C294001100037 4.0 C294001100038 605.3 275. 16. 15.4 0.8 1.3C294001100039 7.9 C294001100040 674.7 213. 13. 15.9 1.1 6.8C294001100041 2.2 C294001100042 ENDDATA 20 0 C294001100043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C294001199999 SUBENT C2940012 20231113 C237C294001200001 BIB 7 13 C294001200002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,SIG) C294001200003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,MLT,G) C294001200004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001200005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001200006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001200007 cascades in the reaction. C294001200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001200009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001200010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001200011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001200012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001200013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001200014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001200016 COMMON 1 3 C294001200017 EN C294001200018 MEV C294001200019 110.7 C294001200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001200021 DATA 7 8 C294001200022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001200023 MISC-ERR C294001200024 KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001200025 NO-DIM C294001200026 206.1 20.0 0.4 9.4C294001200027 0.8 C294001200028 209.6 63. 6. 20.0 1.3 8.7C294001200029 3.0 C294001200030 322.2 94. 5. 22.3 0.5 7.9C294001200031 1.4 C294001200032 338.8 37. 2. 16.6 0.9 9.4C294001200033 1.8 C294001200034 429.2 61. 15. 23.8 0.6 7.1C294001200035 2.1 C294001200036 523.5 50. 3. 23.4 1.2 8.3C294001200037 3.1 C294001200038 605.3 45. 3. 22.5 1.5 8.4C294001200039 3.8 C294001200040 674.7 21. 2. 25.6 2.6 8.2C294001200041 7.0 C294001200042 ENDDATA 20 0 C294001200043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 C294001299999 SUBENT C2940013 20231113 C237C294001300001 BIB 7 13 C294001300002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,6N)70-YB-164,PAR,SIG,,REL) C294001300003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,6N)70-YB-164,PAR,MLT,G) C294001300004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001300005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001300006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001300007 cascades in the reaction. C294001300008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001300009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001300010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001300011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001300012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001300013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001300014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001300015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001300016 COMMON 1 3 C294001300017 EN C294001300018 MEV C294001300019 94.2 C294001300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001300021 DATA 7 6 C294001300022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001300023 MISC-ERR C294001300024 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001300025 NO-DIM C294001300026 262.3 9.9 1.1 0.7C294001300027 14.0 C294001300028 374.7 262. 12. 9.6 0.6 1.7C294001300029 3.4 C294001300030 463.2 221. 9. 10.8 0.5 2.1C294001300031 2.7 C294001300032 490.0 109. 7. 13.8 0.9 2.8C294001300033 3.9 C294001300034 530.5 149. 11. 9.6 1.0 1.2C294001300035 9.2 C294001300036 576.7 48. 9. 14.3 3.0 5.6C294001300037 7.6 C294001300038 ENDDATA 16 0 C294001300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C294001399999 SUBENT C2940014 20231113 C237C294001400001 BIB 7 13 C294001400002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,6N)70-YB-164,PAR,SIG) C294001400003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,6N)70-YB-164,PAR,MLT,G) C294001400004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001400005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001400006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001400007 cascades in the reaction. C294001400008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001400009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001400010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001400011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001400012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001400013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001400014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001400015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001400016 COMMON 1 3 C294001400017 EN C294001400018 MEV C294001400019 110.7 C294001400020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001400021 DATA 7 10 C294001400022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001400023 MISC-ERR C294001400024 KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001400025 NO-DIM C294001400026 262.3 15.8 0.6 7.7C294001400027 1.2 C294001400028 374.7 425. 13. 16.3 0.5 7.2C294001400029 1.1 C294001400030 463.2 330. 30. 16.6 0.2 7.9C294001400031 0.5 C294001400032 490.0 150. 3. 17.9 0.5 7.5C294001400033 1.2 C294001400034 530.5 282. 5. 17.1 0.3 7.2C294001400035 0.8 C294001400036 543.2 84. 3. 18.5 0.7 5.8C294001400037 2.2 C294001400038 569.6 174. 5. 17.1 0.5 7.9C294001400039 1.1 C294001400040 576.7 181. 4. 17.5 0.5 5.8C294001400041 1.4 C294001400042 632.5 60. 3. 17.8 0.9 6.4C294001400043 2.4 C294001400044 712.9 20. 2. 21.0 2.2 C294001400045 C294001400046 ENDDATA 24 0 C294001400047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C294001499999 SUBENT C2940015 20231113 C237C294001500001 BIB 7 13 C294001500002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,7N)70-YB-163,PAR,SIG) C294001500003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,7N)70-YB-163,PAR,MLT,G) C294001500004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001500005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001500006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001500007 cascades in the reaction. C294001500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001500009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001500010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001500011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001500012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001500013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001500014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001500015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001500016 COMMON 1 3 C294001500017 EN C294001500018 MEV C294001500019 110.7 C294001500020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001500021 DATA 8 6 C294001500022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA-MIN 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2C294001500023 MISC MISC-ERR C294001500024 KEV MB MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294001500025 NO-DIM NO-DIM C294001500026 202.8 8.0 1.3C294001500027 5.8 0.5 C294001500028 345.0 89. 3. 10.0 0.4C294001500029 4.1 1.5 C294001500030 463.0 55. 15. C294001500031 C294001500032 557.3 32. 3. 8.4 1.3C294001500033 C294001500034 629.9 47. 12.6 1.0C294001500035 7.6 2.0 C294001500036 680.3 9.6 2.1 7.6 4.4C294001500037 10.5 6.5 C294001500038 ENDDATA 16 0 C294001500039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 C294001599999 SUBENT C2940016 20231113 C237C294001600001 BIB 7 13 C294001600002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,8N)70-YB-162,PAR,SIG) C294001600003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,8N)70-YB-162,PAR,MLT,G) C294001600004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001600005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001600006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001600007 cascades in the reaction. C294001600008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001600009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001600010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001600011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001600012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001600013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001600014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001600016 COMMON 1 3 C294001600017 EN C294001600018 MEV C294001600019 110.7 C294001600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001600021 DATA 7 2 C294001600022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001600023 MISC-ERR C294001600024 KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001600025 NO-DIM C294001600026 320.3 16. 5. C294001600027 C294001600028 436.7 12.3 1.9 8.7 2.0 4.7C294001600029 5.4 C294001600030 ENDDATA 8 0 C294001600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C294001699999 SUBENT C2940017 20231113 C237C294001700001 BIB 7 13 C294001700002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,X)68-ER-162,PAR,SIG) C294001700003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,X)68-ER-162,PAR,MLT,G) C294001700004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001700005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001700006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001700007 cascades in the reaction. C294001700008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001700009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001700010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001700011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001700012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001700013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001700014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001700015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001700016 COMMON 1 3 C294001700017 EN C294001700018 MEV C294001700019 110.7 C294001700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001700021 DATA 7 7 C294001700022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001700023 MISC-ERR C294001700024 KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001700025 NO-DIM C294001700026 227.6 14.0 1.9 12.0C294001700027 3.0 C294001700028 337.1 49. 3. 20.2 1.0 8.4C294001700029 2.6 C294001700030 430.0 35. 10. 22.8 0.7 7.4C294001700031 2.2 C294001700032 506.1 31. 2. 18.0 1.7 8.3C294001700033 4.1 C294001700034 546.6 13. 6. 16.2 8.6 8.C294001700035 15. C294001700036 562.2 62. 4. 20.0 1.2 6.8C294001700037 3.6 C294001700038 580.6 18. 3. 24.3 4.0 C294001700039 C294001700040 ENDDATA 18 0 C294001700041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 C294001799999 SUBENT C2940018 20231113 C237C294001800001 BIB 7 13 C294001800002 REACTION 1(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,X)68-ER-161,PAR,SIG) C294001800003 2(60-ND-150(10-NE-20,X)68-ER-161,PAR,MLT,G) C294001800004 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001800005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001800006 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294001800007 cascades in the reaction. C294001800008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001800009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001800010 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294001800011 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001800012 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001800013 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001800014 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001800015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294001800016 COMMON 1 3 C294001800017 EN C294001800018 MEV C294001800019 110.7 C294001800020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001800021 DATA 7 2 C294001800022 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294001800023 MISC-ERR C294001800024 KEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294001800025 NO-DIM C294001800026 198.6 12.8 0.6 7.7C294001800027 1.3 C294001800028 318.5 26. 2. 15.3 1.4 2.7C294001800029 8.7 C294001800030 ENDDATA 8 0 C294001800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 C294001899999 SUBENT C2940019 20231113 C237C294001900001 BIB 6 8 C294001900002 REACTION (60-ND-150(10-NE-20,X)68-ER-160,PAR,SIG) C294001900003 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294001900004 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294001900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294001900006 EN-SEC (E,G) C294001900007 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294001900008 the Ge(Li) detector. C294001900009 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294001900010 ENDBIB 8 0 C294001900011 COMMON 1 3 C294001900012 EN C294001900013 MEV C294001900014 110.7 C294001900015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294001900016 DATA 3 1 C294001900017 E DATA ERR-S C294001900018 KEV MB MB C294001900019 578.9 26. 3. C294001900020 ENDDATA 3 0 C294001900021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 C294001999999 SUBENT C2940020 20231113 C237C294002000001 BIB 7 15 C294002000002 REACTION 1(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,3N)70-YB-167,PAR,SIG,,REL) C294002000003 2(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,3N)70-YB-167,PAR,MLT,G) C294002000004 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.9949) C294002000005 130Te was deposited on 450 mu-g/cm2 Ni with about of C294002000006 60-mu-g/cm2 Ni flashed on top. Initial thickness was C294002000007 1.0 mg/cm2. C294002000008 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294002000009 cascades in the reaction. C294002000010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002000011 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002000012 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002000013 EN-SEC (E,G) C294002000014 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294002000015 the Ge(Li) detector. C294002000016 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.IV C294002000017 ENDBIB 15 0 C294002000018 COMMON 1 3 C294002000019 EN C294002000020 MEV C294002000021 154.5 C294002000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294002000023 DATA 7 4 C294002000024 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294002000025 MISC-ERR C294002000026 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294002000027 NO-DIM C294002000028 221.7 7.8 1.2 25.6 2.3 C294002000029 C294002000030 313.6 14.5 1.0 15.0 3.0 11.2C294002000031 2.5 C294002000032 401.0 20.1 1.1 21.2 1.1 5.1C294002000033 4.2 C294002000034 479.7 8.2 0.8 19.8 1.8 8.0C294002000035 4.2 C294002000036 ENDDATA 12 0 C294002000037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 C294002099999 SUBENT C2940021 20231113 C237C294002100001 BIB 7 15 C294002100002 REACTION 1(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,4N)70-YB-166,PAR,SIG,,REL) C294002100003 2(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,4N)70-YB-166,PAR,MLT,G) C294002100004 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.9949) C294002100005 130Te was deposited on 450 mu-g/cm2 Ni with about of C294002100006 60-mu-g/cm2 Ni flashed on top. Initial thickness was C294002100007 1.0 mg/cm2. C294002100008 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294002100009 cascades in the reaction. C294002100010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002100011 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002100012 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002100013 EN-SEC (E,G) C294002100014 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294002100015 the Ge(Li) detector. C294002100016 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.IV C294002100017 ENDBIB 15 0 C294002100018 COMMON 1 3 C294002100019 EN C294002100020 MEV C294002100021 154.5 C294002100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294002100023 DATA 7 10 C294002100024 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294002100025 MISC-ERR C294002100026 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294002100027 NO-DIM C294002100028 102.2 27.7 3.8 14.8 1.8 3.7C294002100029 5.6 C294002100030 228.1 168. 2. 17.2 0.2 6.1C294002100031 0.5 C294002100032 337.7 142. 2. 17.5 0.2 5.3C294002100033 0.8 C294002100034 430.2 140. 7. 17.0 0.7 5.1C294002100035 2.1 C294002100036 494.5 38. 2. 18.4 0.7 3.8C294002100037 3.2 C294002100038 507.7 150. 7. 17.5 0.7 5.5C294002100039 2.0 C294002100040 509.1 150. 7. 17.4 0.7 5.7C294002100041 1.9 C294002100042 569.7 87. 6. 17.9 1.1 5.4C294002100043 2.9 C294002100044 589.0 29. 2. 21.4 2.1 C294002100045 C294002100046 603.8 101. 2. 17.7 0.4 5.7C294002100047 1.9 C294002100048 ENDDATA 24 0 C294002100049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 C294002199999 SUBENT C2940022 20231113 C237C294002200001 BIB 7 15 C294002200002 REACTION 1(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,SIG,,REL) C294002200003 2(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,5N)70-YB-165,PAR,MLT,G) C294002200004 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.9949) C294002200005 130Te was deposited on 450 mu-g/cm2 Ni with about of C294002200006 60-mu-g/cm2 Ni flashed on top. Initial thickness was C294002200007 1.0 mg/cm2. C294002200008 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294002200009 cascades in the reaction. C294002200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002200011 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002200012 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002200013 EN-SEC (E,G) C294002200014 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294002200015 the Ge(Li) detector. C294002200016 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.IV C294002200017 ENDBIB 15 0 C294002200018 COMMON 1 3 C294002200019 EN C294002200020 MEV C294002200021 154.5 C294002200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294002200023 DATA 7 9 C294002200024 E DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2MISC C294002200025 MISC-ERR C294002200026 KEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM C294002200027 NO-DIM C294002200028 206.1 60. 2. 14.0 0.4 5.0C294002200029 0.9 C294002200030 209.6 19.5 0.9 12.0 0.7 4.2C294002200031 2.5 C294002200032 322.2 29. 1. 12.6 0.4 2.7C294002200033 3.2 C294002200034 338.8 130. 2. 18.4 0.2 5.0C294002200035 0.7 C294002200036 429.2 35. 4. 16.1 1.8 5.0C294002200037 4.2 C294002200038 453.0 5.2 0.3 20.3 8.5 9.1C294002200039 15.7 C294002200040 523.5 19. 1. 14.0 0.1 5.7C294002200041 2.7 C294002200042 605.3 101. 2. 18.7 1.4 5.8C294002200043 2.1 C294002200044 674.7 10. 1. 14.8 2.4 C294002200045 C294002200046 ENDDATA 22 0 C294002200047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 C294002299999 SUBENT C2940023 20231113 C237C294002300001 BIB 5 20 C294002300002 REACTION 1(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,3N)70-YB-167,,SIG,,,DERIV) C294002300003 2(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,3N)70-YB-167,,MLT,G) C294002300004 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.9949) C294002300005 130Te was deposited on 450 mu-g/cm2 Ni with about of C294002300006 60-mu-g/cm2 Ni flashed on top. Initial thickness was C294002300007 1.0 mg/cm2. C294002300008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002300009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002300010 ANALYSIS The derived cross section is the relative cross C294002300011 section, normalized to the sum of the cross sections C294002300012 for 3n,4n and 5n emission channels (1000 mb). C294002300013 The total production cross sections for the products C294002300014 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002300015 determined from the level cross section values C294002300016 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002300017 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002300018 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002300019 (DEP,C2940020) The level cross sections C294002300020 (DEP,C2940024) Cross section for 4n emission channel C294002300021 (DEP,C2940025) Cross section for 5n emission channel C294002300022 ENDBIB 20 0 C294002300023 COMMON 1 3 C294002300024 EN C294002300025 MEV C294002300026 154.5 C294002300027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294002300028 DATA 4 1 C294002300029 DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294002300030 MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002300031 44. 11. 22. 1. C294002300032 ENDDATA 3 0 C294002300033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C294002399999 SUBENT C2940024 20231113 C237C294002400001 BIB 5 20 C294002400002 REACTION 1(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,4N)70-YB-166,,SIG,,,DERIV) C294002400003 2(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,4N)70-YB-166,,MLT,G) C294002400004 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.9949) C294002400005 130Te was deposited on 450 mu-g/cm2 Ni with about of C294002400006 60-mu-g/cm2 Ni flashed on top. Initial thickness was C294002400007 1.0 mg/cm2. C294002400008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002400009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002400010 ANALYSIS The derived cross section is the relative cross C294002400011 section, normalized to the sum of the cross sections C294002400012 for 3n,4n and 5n emission channels (1000 mb). C294002400013 The total production cross sections for the products C294002400014 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002400015 determined from the level cross section values C294002400016 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002400017 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002400018 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002400019 (DEP,C2940021) The level cross sections C294002400020 (DEP,C2940023) Cross section for 3n emission channel C294002400021 (DEP,C2940025) Cross section for 5n emission channel C294002400022 ENDBIB 20 0 C294002400023 COMMON 1 3 C294002400024 EN C294002400025 MEV C294002400026 154.5 C294002400027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294002400028 DATA 4 1 C294002400029 DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294002400030 MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002400031 662. 74. 17.2 0.3 C294002400032 ENDDATA 3 0 C294002400033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C294002499999 SUBENT C2940025 20231113 C237C294002500001 BIB 5 20 C294002500002 REACTION 1(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,5N)70-YB-165,,SIG,,,DERIV) C294002500003 2(52-TE-130(18-AR-40,5N)70-YB-165,,MLT,G) C294002500004 SAMPLE (52-TE-130,ENR=0.9949) C294002500005 130Te was deposited on 450 mu-g/cm2 Ni with about of C294002500006 60-mu-g/cm2 Ni flashed on top. Initial thickness was C294002500007 1.0 mg/cm2. C294002500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002500009 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002500010 ANALYSIS The derived cross section is the relative cross C294002500011 section, normalized to the sum of the cross sections C294002500012 for 3n,4n and 5n emission channels (1000 mb). C294002500013 The total production cross sections for the products C294002500014 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002500015 determined from the level cross section values C294002500016 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002500017 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002500018 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002500019 (DEP,C2940022) The level cross sections C294002500020 (DEP,C2940023) Cross section for 3n emission channel C294002500021 (DEP,C2940024) Cross section for 4n emission channel C294002500022 ENDBIB 20 0 C294002500023 COMMON 1 3 C294002500024 EN C294002500025 MEV C294002500026 154.5 C294002500027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 C294002500028 DATA 4 1 C294002500029 DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294002500030 MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002500031 294. 55. 14.0 0.2 C294002500032 ENDDATA 3 0 C294002500033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 C294002599999 SUBENT C2940026 20231113 C237C294002600001 BIB 5 13 C294002600002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,2N)70-YB-168,,SIG) C294002600003 2(68-ER-166(A,2N)70-YB-168,,MLT,G) C294002600004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294002600005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294002600006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002600007 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002600008 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294002600009 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002600010 determined from the level cross section values C294002600011 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002600012 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002600013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002600014 (DEP,C2940002) C294002600015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294002600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294002600017 DATA 6 3 C294002600018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2DATA-MIN 2C294002600019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002600020 67.6 52. 15. 9.2 2.0 C294002600021 80.3 43. 20. 7.2 2.0 C294002600022 95.3 37. 20. 4.C294002600023 ENDDATA 5 0 C294002600024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C294002699999 SUBENT C2940027 20231113 C237C294002700001 BIB 5 13 C294002700002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,3N)70-YB-167,,SIG) C294002700003 2(68-ER-166(A,3N)70-YB-167,,MLT,G) C294002700004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294002700005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294002700006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002700007 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002700008 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294002700009 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002700010 determined from the level cross section values C294002700011 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002700012 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002700013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002700014 (DEP,C2940003) C294002700015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294002700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294002700017 DATA 5 3 C294002700018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294002700019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002700020 67.6 90. 30. 12.4 2.0 C294002700021 80.3 75. 25. 10.5 2.0 C294002700022 95.3 65. 30. 7.3 3.0 C294002700023 ENDDATA 5 0 C294002700024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C294002799999 SUBENT C2940028 20231113 C237C294002800001 BIB 5 13 C294002800002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,4N)70-YB-166,,SIG) C294002800003 2(68-ER-166(A,4N)70-YB-166,,MLT,G) C294002800004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294002800005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294002800006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002800007 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002800008 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294002800009 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002800010 determined from the level cross section values C294002800011 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002800012 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002800013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002800014 (DEP,C2940004) C294002800015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294002800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294002800017 DATA 5 3 C294002800018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294002800019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002800020 67.6 280. 40. 14.2 0.3 C294002800021 80.3 160. 30. 13.2 0.3 C294002800022 95.3 100. 20. 10.0 1.2 C294002800023 ENDDATA 5 0 C294002800024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C294002899999 SUBENT C2940029 20231113 C237C294002900001 BIB 5 13 C294002900002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,5N)70-YB-165,,SIG) C294002900003 2(68-ER-166(A,5N)70-YB-165,,MLT,G) C294002900004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294002900005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294002900006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294002900007 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294002900008 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294002900009 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294002900010 determined from the level cross section values C294002900011 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294002900012 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294002900013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294002900014 (DEP,C2940005) C294002900015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294002900016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294002900017 DATA 5 3 C294002900018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294002900019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294002900020 67.6 550. 70. 14.9 0.3 C294002900021 80.3 250. 40. 14.0 0.8 C294002900022 95.3 145. 30. 14.6 1.5 C294002900023 ENDDATA 5 0 C294002900024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C294002999999 SUBENT C2940030 20231113 C237C294003000001 BIB 5 13 C294003000002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,6N)70-YB-164,,SIG) C294003000003 2(68-ER-166(A,6N)70-YB-164,,MLT,G) C294003000004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294003000005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294003000006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294003000007 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294003000008 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294003000009 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294003000010 determined from the level cross section values C294003000011 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294003000012 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294003000013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294003000014 (DEP,C2940006) C294003000015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294003000016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294003000017 DATA 5 3 C294003000018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294003000019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294003000020 67.6 240. 40. 10.8 0.3 C294003000021 80.3 570. 70. 13.5 0.7 C294003000022 95.3 195. 20. 14.0 1.0 C294003000023 ENDDATA 5 0 C294003000024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 C294003099999 SUBENT C2940031 20231113 C237C294003100001 BIB 5 13 C294003100002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,7N)70-YB-163,,SIG) C294003100003 2(68-ER-166(A,7N)70-YB-163,,MLT,G) C294003100004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294003100005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294003100006 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294003100007 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294003100008 determined from the level cross section values C294003100009 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294003100010 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294003100011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294003100012 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294003100013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294003100014 (DEP,C2940007) C294003100015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294003100016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294003100017 DATA 5 2 C294003100018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294003100019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294003100020 80.3 260. 30. 9.7 0.7 C294003100021 95.3 500. 70. 13.8 1.0 C294003100022 ENDDATA 4 0 C294003100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 C294003199999 SUBENT C2940032 20231113 C237C294003200001 BIB 5 13 C294003200002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,8N)70-YB-162,,SIG) C294003200003 2(68-ER-166(A,8N)70-YB-162,,MLT,G) C294003200004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294003200005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294003200006 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294003200007 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294003200008 determined from the level cross section values C294003200009 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294003200010 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294003200011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294003200012 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294003200013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294003200014 (DEP,C2940008) C294003200015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294003200016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294003200017 DATA 5 1 C294003200018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294003200019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294003200020 95.3 110. 20. 8.0 1.5 C294003200021 ENDDATA 3 0 C294003200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C294003299999 SUBENT C2940033 20231113 C237C294003300001 BIB 5 11 C294003300002 REACTION (68-ER-166(A,X)68-ER-161,,SIG) C294003300003 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294003300004 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294003300005 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294003300006 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294003300007 determined from the level cross section values C294003300008 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294003300009 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294003300010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294003300011 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294003300012 (DEP,C2940009) C294003300013 ENDBIB 11 0 C294003300014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294003300015 DATA 3 1 C294003300016 EN DATA ERR-S C294003300017 MEV MB MB C294003300018 80.3 50. 20. C294003300019 ENDDATA 3 0 C294003300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C294003399999 SUBENT C2940034 20231113 C237C294003400001 BIB 5 13 C294003400002 REACTION 1(68-ER-166(A,X)68-ER-160,,SIG) C294003400003 2(68-ER-166(A,X)68-ER-160,,MLT,G) C294003400004 SAMPLE (68-ER-166,ENR=0.9997) C294003400005 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 2.2 mg/cm2. C294003400006 ANALYSIS The total production cross sections for the products C294003400007 corresponding to the evaporation of x neutrons were C294003400008 determined from the level cross section values C294003400009 extrapolated to the 0+ ground states in the even C294003400010 products and to the bandheads in the odd products. C294003400011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error C294003400012 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294003400013 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.V C294003400014 (DEP,C2940010) C294003400015 ENDBIB 13 0 C294003400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294003400017 DATA 5 1 C294003400018 EN DATA 1ERR-S 1DATA 2DATA-ERR 2 C294003400019 MEV MB MB PRT/REAC PRT/REAC C294003400020 95.3 50. 15. 13.4 1.2 C294003400021 ENDDATA 3 0 C294003400022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 C294003499999 SUBENT C2940035 20231113 C237C294003500001 BIB 7 11 C294003500002 REACTION (60-ND-150(10-NE-20,4N)70-YB-166,PAR,MLT,G) C294003500003 SAMPLE (60-ND-150,ENR=0.9613) C294003500004 Self-supporting rolled foil with thickness 1.0 mg/cm2. C294003500005 MISC-COL (MISC) The multiplicity distribution of the gamma C294003500006 cascades in the reaction. C294003500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294003500008 (MISC-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties C294003500009 EN-SEC (E,G) C294003500010 CORRECTION Corrections for losses due to coincidence summing in C294003500011 the Ge(Li) detector. C294003500012 STATUS (TABLE,,D.G.Sarantites+,J,PR/C,17,601,1978) Tab.III C294003500013 ENDBIB 11 0 C294003500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 C294003500015 DATA 6 1 C294003500016 EN E DATA DATA-ERR MISC MISC-ERR C294003500017 MEV KEV PRT/REAC PRT/REAC NO-DIM NO-DIM C294003500018 110.7 228.1 17.7 1.0 9.0 2.2 C294003500019 ENDDATA 3 0 C294003500020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 C294003599999 ENDENTRY 35 0 C294099999999